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First Words to New Christians: How to Run with Endurance the Race Set before You
First Words to New Christians: How to Run with Endurance the Race Set before You
First Words to New Christians: How to Run with Endurance the Race Set before You
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First Words to New Christians: How to Run with Endurance the Race Set before You

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About this ebook

Now what?
Now that you are a Christian, it becomes a most important question: What kind of a Christian are you going to be? Are you going to be one modeled after people’s opinions, or will you follow after the Bible standard? Will you be a Christian, as defined by scripture?

This helpful book provides practical, biblical guidance and encouragement for new Christians.

PublisherAneko Press
Release dateJan 1, 2021
First Words to New Christians: How to Run with Endurance the Race Set before You

Robert Boyd

Robert Boyd was born on August 24, 1816, in Girvan, South Ayrshire, Scotland. When Robert was about fifteen years old, he went to hear a preacher who was plain and direct in his preaching, and it was then that Robert gave his heart and life to Jesus Christ. On April 6, 1840, Robert Boyd married Christina Forbes. Robert and Christina had nine daughters, one of whom died in infancy in Scotland. Upon moving to Montreal, Canada in 1843, Boyd began preaching, and later moved with his family to the U.S.A. Robert Boyd died at the end of August 1879, but his words live on.

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    First Words to New Christians - Robert Boyd


    First Words to New Christians

    How to Run with Endurance the Race Set before You

    Robert Boyd

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    Ch. 1: Starting Right

    Ch. 2: A Public Profession of Faith

    Ch. 3: Spiritual Growth

    Ch. 4: Duties in the Church

    Ch. 5: Duties to the Pastor

    Ch. 6: Duties in Sunday School

    Ch. 7: Duties in the World

    Ch. 8: Enemies of Grace

    Ch. 9: Helps and Hindrances in Daily Life

    Ch. 10: The Spiritual Mind

    Ch. 11: Hindrances and Helps to Spiritual-Mindedness

    Ch. 12: Consecration

    Ch. 13: How to Make a Success of the Christian Life

    Appx. A: How to Use the Bible

    Appx. B: Tips for True Christian Living

    Robert Boyd – A Brief Biography


    I have recently often been asked by young converts where to get a book in which they might find advice that would be helpful to them. I felt the need of some good advice when I first became a Christian, and I know the value of words fitly spoken. Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a word spoken in right circumstances (Proverbs 25:11).

    Some weeks ago a copy of this book was sent to me, and it seemed to be just the thing needed at this time. I have known the author, Dr. Boyd, for many years. I have read his work carefully, and I recommend it to all young Christians for prayerful meditation.

    Dwight L. Moody

    Chapter 1

    Starting Right

    I take it for granted that you have really been converted, that you depend upon nothing and no one else for salvation, but you now rest peacefully upon the atoning work of Christ. I do not ask how this great change has been brought about, nor what has been the specific means that the Holy Spirit has blessed to bring you to Jesus. Whether you have passed through a long process of convictions and of alternate fears and hopes, or whether, like most of the conversions mentioned in the New Testament, you were suddenly brought to submit yourself to Christ’s method of salvation, is not the main issue now. You are now in Christ, and that is the really vital point. The great matter upon which two eternities turn and upon which life and death, heaven and hell depend – your personal faith in Christ – is now settled, and well settled; and I thank God on your behalf.

    Dear reader, I congratulate you on the high honor and the lofty distinction to which the mighty grace of God has lifted you. The greatest gift that God can bestow upon anyone is Himself. You are now an heir of God (Romans 8:17). You are able to say with holy boldness, My beloved is mine, and I am his (Song of Solomon 2:16). The apostle John said to the converts of his day, Beloved, now we are children of God (1 John 3:2), and we can rest assured that the unchanging Savior has not diminished the honors and privileges of His people since that time.

    Once you are in Christ by a living faith, the whole fullness of God is yours. Your feelings and frame of mind mean nothing without Christ. Your ceremonies, beliefs, creeds, ordinances, and religious activities are all nothing without Christ, but with trust in Him, there is not any height of glory and honor in the whole universe that can be attained to which you may not ascend. If you have faith in Jesus, then you are a new creation – a new person. If you are a new creation, then you are a child of God. If you are a child of God, then you are an heir of God, and a joint-heir with Christ. The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God, and if children, heirs also, heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ (Romans 8:16-17). Thus united to Jesus, your inheritance is sure, for He is now in full possession of it.

    You see, then, what a great thing it is to be a Christian. Indeed, it will take all eternity to unfold to us the greatness of the privilege. For now, we can only wander around the edge of the boundless subject and exclaim, It has not appeared as yet what we will be (1 John 3:2). As Rowland Hill once said when trying to illustrate God’s love to His people, I am unable to reach the lofty theme! Yet I do not think that the smallest fish that swims in the boundless ocean ever complains of the immeasurable vastness of the deep. So it is with me: I can plunge, with my puny capacity, into a subject, the immensity of which I shall never be able fully to comprehend.¹

    For a child of wrath, a slave of Satan, a condemned criminal, and an heir of hell to be raised to a height of privilege and glory which even angels do not attain is most wonderful to the thoughtful mind! It is a miracle of grace that you who, but a little while ago, were full of enmity against God with your heart set on evil and your footsteps hastening down the broad road to destruction, should now be what you are and where you are.

    No wonder the angels rejoiced over you in that happy hour when you turned to Christ! There is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents (Luke 15:10). No wonder that the friends who had so long prayed and longed for your conversion rejoiced over you with such a sincere gladness! No wonder that you yourself rejoiced with joy inexpressible and full of glory (1 Peter 1:8).

    Now what?

    Now that you are a Christian, it becomes a most important question: What kind of a Christian are you going to be? Are you going to be one modeled after people’s opinions, or will you follow after the Bible standard? Are you a Christian, as defined by scripture?

    People have a way of trying to avoid the point of divine truth on this subject from their consciences by saying, "Christians ought to do so and so"; but the Word of God does not speak in this way. It does not say that Christians ought to be the light of the world, but that they are so (Matthew 5:14). It does not say that they ought to be holy, but that they are possessed of that character (1 Peter 2:9). It is not merely that they ought to be bold and faithful witnesses for Christ in this dark and sinful world, but that they really are so testifying (2 Corinthians 3:2-3).

    This is a solemn passage: For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, their work will be shown for what it is, because the Day will bring it to light. It will be revealed with fire, and the fire will test the quality of each person’s work (1 Corinthians 3:11-13).

    This is a good foundation, a most precious foundation, the best that only God could lay, firm and secure as His eternal throne – but what are you going to build upon it? Will it be the wood, hay, and stubble of worldly-mindedness, carnal affections, sinful tempers, and low, narrow, and selfish views? Or will it be the gold, silver, and precious stones of holiness, self-denial, heavenly affections, and earnest love to God and others, showing itself in works of faith and in labors of love? Depend upon it that day by day and little by little you are building up some kind of character, and you need to see to it that it is such as will honor the glorious foundation, and such as the fires of judgment will not have to burn up.

    The temple of a holy life, built upon the foundation laid in Zion, greatly honors God and commands the admiration of even worldly and wicked people. The following true story, told to me by someone familiar with all the circumstances, will illustrate this:

    In one of the older states lived a heathen, the owner of a sawmill that was situated by the side of the highway over which a large portion of a Christian congregation passed every Sunday to and from the church. This unsaved man, having no regard for the Lord’s Day, was just as busy, and his mill was just as noisy, on that holy day as on any other.

    Before long it was observed, however, that at a certain time before the church service, the mill would stop, remain silent, and appear to be deserted for a few moments. Then its noise and clatter would start up again and continue until about the close of the service, when for a short time it again ceased.

    It was soon noticed that one specific deacon of the church passed the mill to the place of worship during the silent interval, and so punctual was he to the hour that the infidel knew when to stop the mill so that it would be silent when the deacon was passing, although he paid no regard when others passed by. On being asked why he paid this mark of respect to the deacon, he replied, "The deacon professes just what the rest of you do, but he also lives such a life that it makes me feel bad here (putting his hand upon his heart) to run my mill while he is passing by."

    There are large numbers of individuals who, after their professed conversion, drop out of sight, and you would never know that they were Christians unless they told you so, or you learned that they were members of a church. It is true that every Christian cannot occupy a prominent and leading position in the work of Christ’s kingdom, but everyone can be a worker for Jesus. Everyone can boldly unfurl his colors and let it be known whose side he is on.

    Resolve in your heart that you will be a laborer, not a loiterer, in the Lord’s vineyard. Resolve that whether your life is a long one, or very short, as people use the term, it will be filled with Christian activity.

    A life is not to be numbered by years, but by what a person has done for God. McCheyne, Summerfield, Nott, and Dudley Tyng all died young, and yet they were old in fruits unto holiness – their life’s work done and well done!² Let yours, like theirs, be a life in earnest, a life that shows not Christianity as one thing among other things in your life, but as absolutely everything! Let yours be a consecrated life in spirit, soul, and body. Let your time, talents, and property be all wholly dedicated to God.


    Let me warn you of one thing: as you have begun by finding peace in Christ, continue to seek it in Him. Many young converts make great mistakes here. At first their feelings and affections have been warm and exuberant. In the fire and fervency of their first love they feel as if they could sing about Jesus all day long. However, when these glowing feelings, from whatever cause, begin to decline, they sink into despondency and feel as if they have lost Christ. Attitudes and feelings change with the state of our health, the state of the weather,

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