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Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible
Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible
Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible
Ebook2,972 pages38 hours

Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible

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About this ebook

For the pastor or serious layperson, the realm of biblical interpretation can be a confusing maze of personalities, communities, methods, and theories. This maze can often result in obscuring the main goal of interpreting Scripture: hearing and knowing God better.

The Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible is a groundbreaking reference tool that introduces readers to key names, theories, and concepts in the field of biblical interpretation. It discusses these approaches and evaluates their helpfulness in enabling Christians to hear what God is saying to the church through Scripture. The contributors come from a variety of backgrounds, and the dictionary covers a broad range of topics with both clarity and depth.
Release dateNov 1, 2005
Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible

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    Dictionary for Theological Interpretation of the Bible - Baker Publishing Group




    of the BIBLE

    © 2005 by Baker Book House Company

    Published by Baker Academic

    a division of Baker Publishing Group

    Grand Rapids, Michigan

    Ebook edition created 2020

    Ebook corrections 06.06.2024

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    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is on file at the Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

    ISBN 978-1-4412-1058-6

    Unless otherwise labeled, Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.

    Scripture quotations labeled ESV are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations labeled KJV are from the King James Version of the Bible.

    Scripture quotations labeled NKJV are from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations labeled NRSV are from the New Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright © 1989, Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations labeled RSV are from the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright 1952 [2nd edition, 1971] by the Division of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    Scripture quotations labeled TNIV are from the Holy Bible, Today’s New International Version®. TNIV®. Copyright © 2001, 2005 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.

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    Half Title Page

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Alphabetical List of Articles

    List of Contributors

    List of Abbreviations


    Dictionary Articles

    List of Articles by Category

    Topical Index

    Scripture Index

    Back Cover


    Acts, Book of


    . See Art, the Bible and; Formalism; Literary Criticism; Music, the Bible and; Western Literature, the Bible and

    African Biblical Interpretation

    Alexandrian Interpretation

    . See Allegory; Hermeneutics; Jesus Christ, Doctrine of; Literal Sense; Patristic Biblical Interpretation



    . See Intertextuality; Relationship between the Testaments

    Amos, Book of

    Anagogical Sense

    . See Medieval Biblical Interpretation


    Analogy of Faith

    . See Protestant Biblical Interpretation; Rule of Faith; Scripture, Unity of

    Analytic Philosophy

    . See Philosophy

    Ancient Near Eastern Background Studies

    Angel of the Lord

    . See Angels, Doctrine of

    Angels, Doctrine of



    . See Anti-Semitism

    Antiochene Interpretation

    . See Hermeneutics; Jesus Christ, Doctrine of; Literal Sense; Patristic Biblical Interpretation; Typology






    . See Apologetics


    Aquinas, St. Thomas

    . See Thomas Aquinas



    . See Utterance Meaning

    Art, the Bible and


    Asian Biblical Interpretation



    . See Ancient Near Eastern Background Studies


    . See Geography



    Authorial Discourse Interpretation

    Authorial Intention

    . See Authorial Discourse Interpretation; Intention/Intentional Fallacy


    . See Authorial Discourse Interpretation; Pseudepigrapha

    Bakhtin, Mikhail

    . See Dialogism


    Barr, James

    . See Biblical Theology; Concept; Etymology

    Barth, Karl


    . See Onto-Theology

    Biblical Criticism

    . See Historical Criticism

    Biblical Theology



    . See Human Being, Doctrine of

    Bonhoeffer, Dietrich

    Bultmann, Rudolf

    . See Hermeneutical Circle; Hermeneutics


    Calvin, John


    Canonical Approach

    Canon within a Canon

    . See Canon; Scripture, Unity of

    Catholic Biblical Interpretation

    Charismatic Biblical Interpretation

    Christian Interpretation of the OT

    . See Anti-Semitism; Relationship between the Testaments; Rule of Faith; Scripture, Unity of

    Christus Victor

    . See Atonement; Powers and Principalities

    Chronicles, Books of

    Chronology and the NT

    Chronology and the OT

    Church, Doctrine of the

    Colossians, Book of


    Community, Interpretative

    Composition Criticism

    . See Redaction Criticism



    Continental Philosophy

    . See Philosophy

    Continuity (between the Testaments)

    . See Relationship between the Testaments

    1 Corinthians, Book of

    2 Corinthians, Book of


    Covenant Theology

    . See Last Things, Doctrine of



    Critical Realism

    Cross-Cultural Interpretation

    . See Culture and Hermeneutics

    Cultural-Linguistic Theology

    . See Culture and Hermeneutics; Language-Game; Narrative Theology; Yale School

    Cultural Studies

    . See Culture and Hermeneutics

    Culture and Hermeneutics

    Custom. See Ancient Near Eastern Background Studies

    Daniel, Book of

    Dead Sea Scrolls


    . See Creation; Last Things, Doctrine of; Original Sin; Sin, Doctrine of


    . See Ethics; Law



    . See Angels, Doctrine of; Powers and Principalities


    . See Hermeneutics; Theological Hermeneutics, Contemporary; Western Literature, the Bible and

    Derrida, Jacques

    . See Deconstruction; Postmodernity and Biblical Interpretation

    Descartes, René

    . See Epistemology

    Determinate Meaning

    . See Meaning; Theological Hermeneutics, Contemporary

    Deuteronomistic History

    . See Deuteronomy, Book of; History of Israel

    Deuteronomy, Book of


    . See Dialogism


    Dictionaries and Encyclopedias


    . See Deconstruction; Postmodernity and Biblical Interpretation

    Discontinuity (between the Testaments)

    . See Relationship between the Testaments


    . See Daniel, Book of; Last Things, Doctrine of; Revelation, Book of; Salvation, History of


    . See Culture and Hermeneutics; Feminist Biblical Interpretation; Racism; Scripture, Unity of



    . See Creed; Doctrine; Rule of Faith; Systematic Theology; Tradition


    Ecclesiastes, Book of


    . See Intertextuality; Relationship between the Testaments


    . See Ancient Near Eastern Background Studies


    . See Exegesis


    . See Church, Doctrine of the; Covenant; Israel; Violence


    Ephesians, Book of



    . See Jewish Context of the NT

    Esther, Book of


    Etymological Fallacy

    . See Etymology


    Evangelical Biblical Interpretation

    . See Charismatic Biblical Interpretation; Princeton School; Protestant Biblical Interpretation


    . See Original Sin; Powers and Principalities; Sin, Doctrine of; Violence


    Exile and Restoration

    Exodus, Book of

    Exodus/New Exodus

    Explanation and Understanding

    . See Hermeneutical Circle; Hermeneutics

    Expository Preaching

    . See Preaching, Use of the Bible in

    Ezekiel, Book of

    Ezra, Book of



    . See Male and Female

    Feminist Biblical Interpretation

    Figural Reading

    . See Allegory; Literal Sense; Typology

    Figure of Speech

    . See Imagery; Metaphor; Poetry

    Fish, Stanley

    . See Community, Interpretative; Pragmatism


    . See Hero Story; Oral Tradition and the NT; Oral Tradition and the OT


    Form Criticism and the NT

    Form Criticism and the OT


    . See Epistemology

    Fourfold Sense

    . See Literal Sense; Medieval Biblical Interpretation; Spiritual Sense

    Fowl, Stephen

    . See Theological Hermeneutics, Contemporary; Virtue

    Frei, Hans

    . See Narrative Theology; Yale School


    . See Prophecy and Prophets in the NT; Prophecy and Prophets in the OT; Relationship between the Testaments; Salvation, History of


    . See Scripture, Authority of; Theological Hermeneutics, Contemporary; Yale School

    Gabler, J. P.

    . See Biblical Theology

    Gadamer, Hans-Georg

    . See Hermeneutical Circle; Hermeneutics; Ricoeur, Paul

    Galatians, Book of


    General Revelation

    . See Creation; Ethics; Philosophy; Revelation; Science, the Bible and

    Genesis, Book of




    God, Attributes of

    . See God, Doctrine of

    God, Doctrine of

    God, Providence of

    . See Providence




    . See Political Theology



    . See Language, Grammar and Syntax


    . See Deconstruction

    Gregory of Nyssa

    . See Human Being, Doctrine of

    Habakkuk, Book of

    Haggai, Book of


    . See Last Things, Doctrine of

    Hebrews, Book of

    Heidegger, Martin

    . See Hermeneutical Circle; Hermeneutics; Onto-Theology


    . See Last Things, Doctrine of


    . See Jewish Context of the NT; Roman Empire

    Hermeneutical Circle


    Hero Story


    . See Jewish Context of the NT

    Hirsch, E. D., Jr.

    . See Intention/Intentional Fallacy

    Historical Criticism

    Historical Theology


    . See History; Historical Criticism


    . See History


    History of Effects

    . See Historical Theology; Interpretation, History of; Tradition

    History of Israel

    History of Religions School

    . See Religion


    . See Ancient Near Eastern Background Studies


    . See Anti-Semitism; Jewish-Christian Dialogue; Violence

    Holy Spirit, Doctrine of the


    . See Preaching, Use of the Bible in


    . See Sexuality


    Hosea, Book of

    Human Being, Doctrine of


    . See Music, the Bible and; Poetry; Psalms, Book of

    Ideological Criticism


    . See Ideological Criticism

    Illocutionary Act

    . See Speech-Act Theory


    Image of God





    . See Meaning

    Infancy Narratives

    Inner-Biblical Interpretation

    . See Intertextuality

    Intention/Intentional Fallacy

    Interlocutionary Act

    . See Speech-Act Theory

    Interpretation, History of

    Interpretation in the Church.

    See Catholic Biblical Interpretation; Church, Doctrine of the; Liturgy; Mysticism, Christian; Orthodox Biblical Interpretation; Protestant Biblical Interpretation; Spirituality/Spiritual Formation; Theological Hermeneutics, Contemporary; Virtue

    Intertestamental Period

    . See Jewish Context of the NT



    . See Narrative Theology; Yale School


    . See Patristic Biblical Interpretation; Rule of Faith; Scripture, Unity of


    Isaiah, Book of


    James, Book of


    . See History of Israel; Source Criticism

    Jeremiah, Book of

    Jesus, Quest for the Historical

    Jesus and Scripture

    Jesus Christ, Doctrine of

    Jesus Christ, Return of

    . See Hope; Kingdom of God; Last Things, Doctrine of

    Jesus Christ, Titles of

    . See Jesus Christ, Doctrine of

    Jewish-Christian Dialogue

    Jewish Context of the NT

    Jewish Exegesis

    Job, Book of

    Joel, Book of

    Johannine Epistles

    John, Book of

    Jonah, Book of


    . See Jewish Context of the NT

    Joshua, Book of

    Jude, Book of

    Judges, Book of


    . See Last Things, Doctrine of; Prophetic Writings; Sin, Doctrine of; Violence



    . See Epistemology; Warrant

    Justification by Faith

    Kant, Immanuel

    . See Enlightenment; Epistemology


    . See Gospel; Jesus, Quest for the Historical; Oral Tradition and the NT; Preaching, Use of the Bible in

    Kingdom of God

    Kings, Books of


    . See Epistemology; Warrant; Wisdom

    Lamentations, Book of

    Language, Grammar and Syntax

    Language, Linguistics


    Last Things, Doctrine of

    Latin American Biblical Interpretation

    . See Liberation Theologies and Hermeneutics


    Lectio Divina

    . See Liturgy; Medieval Biblical Interpretation


    . See Liturgy

    Leviticus, Book of

    Lexicons, NT

    Lexicons, OT

    Liberal Biblical Interpretation

    Liberation Theologies and Hermeneutics


    . See Holy Spirit, Doctrine of the; Human Being, Doctrine of

    Lindbeck, George

    . See Language-Game; Narrative Theology; Yale School


    . See Reading

    Literal Sense

    Literary Criticism


    Locke, John

    . See Enlightenment

    Locutionary Act

    . See Speech-Act Theory



    . See Gospels; Jesus, Quest for the Historical


    . See Deconstruction; Postmodernity and Biblical Interpretation

    Lord’s Supper


    Lubac, Henri de

    . See Medieval Biblical Interpretation

    Luke, Book of

    Luther, Martin


    . See Relationship between the Testaments; Translation


    . See Catholic Biblical Interpretation

    Malachi, Book of


    . See Male and Female

    Male and Female


    . See Textual Criticism

    Maps of the Biblical World

    . See Geography


    . See Gnosticism; Patristic Biblical Interpretation; Relationship between the Testaments; Scripture, Unity of

    Mark, Book of


    . See Male and Female; Sexuality


    Masoretic Text

    . See Translation

    Matthew, Book of


    Medieval Biblical Interpretation





    . See Onto-Theology; Philosophy


    Micah, Book of


    . See Jewish Exegesis


    . See Kingdom of God; Last Things, Doctrine of



    . See Church, Doctrine of the; Culture and Hermeneutics; Trinity


    Moltmann, Jürgen

    . See Hope; Last Things, Doctrine of


    Moral Sense

    . See Ethics; Ideological Criticism; Liberation Theologies and Hermeneutics; Medieval Biblical Interpretation

    Mujerista Interpretation

    . See Feminist Biblical Interpretation

    Music, the Bible and

    Mysticism, Christian

    Nag Hammadi

    Nahum, Book of

    Narrative Criticism

    Narrative Theology


    . See Earth/Land; Grace; Worldview

    Nehemiah, Book of

    New Creation

    New Criticism

    . See Formalism; Literary Criticism

    New Hermeneutic

    . See Hermeneutics; Literary Criticism; Theological Hermeneutics, Contemporary

    New Perspective on Paul

    . See Justification by Faith; Pauline Epistles

    Noncanonical Writings

    . See Apocrypha; Canon; Pseudepigrapha

    Numbers, Book of

    Obadiah, Book of




    . See Prophecy and Prophets in the OT

    Oral Tradition and the NT

    Oral Tradition and the OT


    . See Allegory; Hermeneutics; Mysticism, Christian; Patristic Biblical Interpretation; Spiritual Sense

    Original Sin

    Orthodox Biblical Interpretation

    Palestinian Judaism

    . See Jewish Context of the NT

    Pannenberg, Wolfhart

    . See Last Things, Doctrine of


    Passion Narratives

    Patriarchal Narratives

    Patristic Biblical Interpretation

    Pauline Epistles


    . See Violence

    Pentecostal Biblical Interpretation

    . See Charismatic Biblical Interpretation

    People of God

    . See Church, Doctrine of the; Israel


    . See Dialogism; Music, the Bible and; Theological Hermeneutics, Contemporary

    Perlocutionary Act

    . See Speech-Act Theory

    Perseverance of the Saints

    . See Apostasy; Assurance; Sanctification


    . See Jewish Exegesis

    1 Peter, Book of

    2 Peter, Book of


    . See Jewish Context of the NT

    Philemon, Book of

    Philippians, Book of


    . See Jewish Context of the NT


    . See Etymology; Language, Linguistics; Lexicons, NT; Lexicons, OT

    Philosophical Theology

    . See Philosophy



    . See Imagination; Practical Theology; Theological Hermeneutics, Contemporary; Wisdom


    . See Deconstruction


    . See Narrative Criticism


    Political Theology


    . See Dialogism


    . See Asian Biblical Interpretation; Culture and Hermeneutics; Ideological Criticism; Liberation Theologies and Hermeneutics; Political Theology


    . See Narrative Theology; Yale School

    Postmodernity and Biblical Interpretation



    . See Ideological Criticism; Powers and Principalities; Racism; Violence

    Powers and Principalities

    Practical Theology


    . See Practical Theology



    . See Liberation Theologies and Hermeneutics; Practical Theology


    Preaching, Use of the Bible in


    . See Deconstruction


    . See Hermeneutical Circle; Hermeneutics; Objectivity


    . See Jewish Context of the NT

    Princeton School


    . See Hope; Last Things, Doctrine of; Relationship between the Testaments; Speech-Act Theory

    Proof Text

    Prophecy and Prophets in the NT

    Prophecy and Prophets in the OT

    Prophetic Writings


    Protestant Biblical Interpretation

    Proverbs, Book of


    Psalms, Book of



    . See Pseudepigrapha

    Psychological Interpretation

    Public Theology

    . See Political Theology


    . See Gospels; Redaction Criticism; Source Criticism


    . See Dead Sea Scrolls; Jewish Context of the NT


    . See Intertextuality; Relationship between the Testaments


    Radical Orthodoxy

    . See Political Theology; Violence

    Reader-Response Criticism



    . See Critical Realism; Semiotics

    Redaction Criticism


    . See Critical Realism; Meaning

    Relationship between the Testaments

    Relevance Theory

    . See Language, Linguistics; Translation


    Resurrection Narratives

    Resurrection of the Dead


    Revelation, Book of


    Rhetorical Criticism

    Ricoeur, Paul

    Roman Empire

    Romans, Book of

    Rorty, Richard

    . See Epistemology; Hermeneutics; Postmodernity and Biblical Interpretation; Pragmatism

    Rule of Faith

    Ruth, Book of



    . See Jewish Context of the NT

    Salvation, Doctrine of

    Salvation, History of

    Samuel, Books of



    . See Angels, Doctrine of; Powers and Principalities

    Schleiermacher, Friedrich

    . See Hermeneutical Circle; Hermeneutics; Practical Theology

    Science, the Bible and


    . See Jewish Context of the NT

    Scripture, Authority of

    Scripture, Clarity of

    Scripture, Inerrancy of

    . See Scripture, Authority of; Truth

    Scripture, Infallibility of

    . See Scripture, Authority of; Truth

    Scripture, Inspiration of

    . See Scripture, Authority of

    Scripture, Sufficiency of

    Scripture, Unity of

    Scripture Principle

    . See Scripture, Authority of; Word of God


    . See Meaning; Semiotics



    . See Literal Sense; Meaning; Ricoeur, Paul; Spiritual Sense

    Sensus Plenior

    . See Allegory; Meaning; Medieval Biblical Interpretation; Spiritual Sense; Typology


    . See Language, Grammar and Syntax; Language, Linguistics; Proposition; Utterance Meaning

    Sermon on the Mount


    . See Ancient Near Eastern Background Studies; Archaeology; Context; Culture and Hermeneutics



    . See Meaning

    Sin, Doctrine of


    Social-Scientific Criticism

    Societies, Scholarly

    Song of Songs


    . See Human Being, Doctrine of

    Source Criticism

    Special Revelation

    . See Revelation

    Speech-Act Theory

    Spirituality/Spiritual Formation

    Spiritual Sense


    . See Political Theology



    . See Objectivity


    . See Imagery; Metaphor; Semiotics

    Synoptic Problem

    . See Gospels; Source Criticism


    . See Language, Grammar and Syntax; Semiotics

    Systematic Theology




    . See Patristic Biblical Interpretation; Rule of Faith; Scripture, Unity of


    . See Intertextuality

    Text Linguistics

    . See Language, Linguistics; Text/Textuality; Utterance Meaning


    Textual Criticism


    . See Language, Linguistics

    Theological Hermeneutics, Contemporary


    . See Doctrine; Systematic Theology

    Theology, NT

    . See Biblical Theology

    Theology, OT

    . See Biblical Theology


    . See Revelation


    . See Practical Theology; Wisdom

    1 Thessalonians, Book of

    2 Thessalonians, Book of

    Thiselton, Anthony

    . See Hermeneutical Circle; Hermeneutics; Speech-Act Theory; Theological Hermeneutics, Contemporary

    Thomas Aquinas

    1 Timothy, Book of

    2 Timothy, Book of

    Titus, Book of

    Topical Preaching

    . See Preaching, Use of the Bible in

    Totality Transfer, Illegitimate

    . See Etymology



    . See Culture and Hermeneutics; Ideological Criticism; Slavery




    . See Imagery; Metaphor

    Tropological Sense

    . See Medieval Biblical Interpretation; Typology


    Tübingen School

    Two Horizons

    . See Hermeneutical Circle; Hermeneutics


    Ugarit and the Bible

    . See Ancient Near Eastern Background Studies

    Underdetermined Meaning

    . See Meaning; Theological Hermeneutics, Contemporary


    . See Hermeneutical Circle; Hermeneutics; Theological Hermeneutics, Contemporary


    . See Church, Doctrine of the; Culture and Hermeneutics; Dialogism; Scripture, Unity of

    Use of the OT in the NT

    . See Intertextuality; Jewish Exegesis; Relationship between the Testaments; Scripture, Unity of; Typology

    Utterance Meaning


    . See Exegesis; Hermeneutics; Logic; Meaning; Proof Text

    Vanhoozer, Kevin

    . See Speech-Act Theory; Theological Hermeneutics, Contemporary


    Virgin Birth

    . See Infancy Narratives


    Virtue Epistemology

    . See Epistemology; Theological Hermeneutics, Contemporary; Virtue; Wisdom


    . See Medieval Biblical Interpretation; Translation


    . See Violence


    Watson, Francis

    . See Theological Hermeneutics, Contemporary

    Western Literature, the Bible and


    Wisdom Literature

    Wittgenstein, Ludwig

    . See Language-Game

    Wolterstorff, Nicholas

    . See Authorial Discourse Interpretation; Speech-Act Theory; Theological Hermeneutics, Contemporary

    Womanist Interpretation

    . See Feminist Biblical Interpretation; Ideological Criticism

    Word of God

    Word Study

    . See Concept; Etymology; Language, Linguistics; Utterance Meaning




    . See Deconstruction; Postmodernity and Biblical Interpretation

    Yale School


    . See Jewish Context of the NT

    Zechariah, Book of

    Zephaniah, Book of


    Anderson, Ray S. Ph.D., University of Edinburgh. Professor of Theology and Ministry, Fuller Theological Seminary. Practical Theology

    Bacote, Vincent E. Ph.D., Drew University. Assistant Professor of Theology, Wheaton College. Justice

    Badcock, Gary D. Ph.D., University of Edinburgh. Associate Professor of Theology, Huron University College. Calling/Vocation; Holy Spirit, Doctrine of the

    Baker, William R. Ph.D., University of Aberdeen. Professor of New Testament, Cincinnati Bible Seminary. James, Book of

    Bartholomew, Craig G. Ph.D., University of Bristol. Director of the Kirby Laing Centre for Public Theology. Biblical Theology; Deconstruction; Ecclesiastes, Book of; Postmodernity and Biblical Interpretation

    Barton, Stephen C. Ph.D., King’s College London. Reader in New Testament, University of Durham. Social-Scientific Criticism

    Beck, John A. Ph.D., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Associate Professor of Hebrew, Concordia University Wisconsin. Geography

    Begbie, Jeremy. Ph.D., University of Aberdeen. Vice Principal, Ridley Hall, University of Cambridge. Music, the Bible and; Worship

    Benson, Bruce Ellis. Ph.D., Katholieke Universiteit Leuven. Associate Professor of Philosophy, Wheaton College. Poststructuralism; Structuralism

    Bimson, John J. Ph.D., University of Sheffield. Tutor in Old Testament, Trinity College, Bristol. Chronology and the OT; Ezra, Book of; Nehemiah, Book of

    Blocher, Henri A. G. Diplôme d’Etudes Supérieures de Théologie, Faculté Libre de Théologie Protestante of Paris. Professor of Systematic Theology, Faculté Libre de Théologie Evangélique. Atonement; Original Sin

    Block, Daniel I. D.Phil., University of Liverpool. Professor of Old Testament, Wheaton College. Deuteronomy, Book of

    Bock, Darrell L. Ph.D., University of Aberdeen. Research Professor of New Testament Studies, Dallas Theological Seminary. Messiah/Messianism; Miracle

    Boersma, Hans. Th.D., State University of Utrecht. James I. Packer Professor of Theology, Regent College. Violence

    Bowald, Mark A. Ph.D., University of Toronto. Assistant Professor of Religion and Theology, Redeemer University College. Grace; Objectivity

    Brady, Christian M. M. D.Phil., University of Oxford. Assistant Professor and Director of Jewish Studies, Tulane University. Lamentations, Book of; Targum

    Bray, Gerald. D.Litt., University of Paris-Sorbonne. Anglican Professor of Divinity, Beeson Divinity School. Allegory; Medieval Biblical Interpretation

    Briggs, Richard S. Ph.D., University of Nottingham. Tutor in New Testament and Hermeneutics, University of Durham. Speech-Act Theory

    Brown, Jeannine K. Ph.D., Luther Seminary. Assistant Professor of New Testament, Bethel Seminary. Chronology and the NT

    Bryan, Christopher. Ph.D., University of Exeter. C. K. Benedict Professor of New Testament, University of the South School of Theology. Passion Narratives; Romans, Book of; Sermon on the Mount

    Burnett, Richard E. Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary. Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Erskine Theological Seminary. Historical Criticism

    Burridge, Richard A. Ph.D., University of Nottingham. Dean of King’s College and Honorary Lecturer in New Testament Studies, King’s College London. Biography

    Buth, Randall. Ph.D., University of California Los Angeles. Director, Biblical Language Center, Hebrew University and Biblical Language Center. Language, Linguistics

    Chaplin, Jonathan. Ph.D., University of London. Associate Professor of Political Theory, Institute for Christian Studies. Political Theology

    Charry, Ellen T. Ph.D., Temple University. Margaret W. Harmon Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary. Earth/Land; Human Being, Doctrine of; Incarnation

    Chilton, Bruce. Ph.D., University of Cambridge. Bernard Iddings Bell Professor of Religion, Bard College. Temple

    Cole, Graham A. Th.D., Australian School of Theology. Professor of Biblical and Systematic Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. God, Doctrine of; Lord’s Supper; Sanctification

    Cook, John A. Ph.D., University of Wisconsin. Lecturer, University of Wisconsin. Lexicons, OT

    Cummins, S. A. D.Phil., University of Oxford. Associate Professor of Religious Studies, Trinity Western University. John, Book of; Oral Tradition and the NT

    Davids, Peter H. Ph.D., University of Manchester. Scholar-in-Residence, Vineyard Church, Stafford, TX. Jude, Book of; 2 Peter, Book of

    Dawn, Marva J. Ph.D., University of Notre Dame. Theologian, Christians Equipped for Ministry. Powers and Principalities

    de Gruchy, John W. Ph.D., University of South Africa. Robert Selby Taylor Professor of Christian Studies, University of Cape Town. Bonhoeffer, Dietrich

    deSilva, David A. Ph.D., Emory University. Professor of New Testament and Greek, Ashland Theological Seminary. Apocrypha

    Enns, Peter. Ph.D., Harvard University. Associate Professor of Old Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary. Exodus/New Exodus; Pseudepigrapha

    Escobar, Samuel. Ph.D., Universidad Complutense de Madrid. Thornley B. Wood Professor of Missiology, Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary. Liberation Theologies and Hermeneutics

    Evans, Craig A. Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University. Payzant Distinguished Professor of New Testament, Acadia Divinity College. Jewish Exegesis

    Evans, Mary J. M.Phil., CNAA. Vice Principal, London School of Theology. Hosea, Book of

    Farrow, Douglas. Ph.D., King’s College London. Associate Professor of Christian Thought, McGill University. Ascension; Church, Doctrine of the

    Felch, Susan M. Ph.D., Catholic University of America. Professor of English, Calvin College. Dialogism

    Fowl, Stephen E. Ph.D., University of Sheffield. Professor of Theology, Loyola College in Maryland. Virtue

    Frame, John M. D.D., Belhaven College. Professor of Systematic Theology and Philosophy, Reformed Theological Seminary. Apologetics; Logic

    France, R. T. Ph.D., University of Bristol. Principal of Wycliffe Hall (Retired), University of Oxford. Kingdom of God; Relationship between the Testaments

    Gagnon, Robert A. J. Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary. Associate Professor of New Testament, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. Sexuality

    Garland, David E. Ph.D., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Associate Dean of Academic Affairs and Professor of New Testament, Truett Theological Seminary. 1 Corinthians, Book of

    Gow, Murray D. Th.D., Australian College of Theology. Minister, St. Paul’s Cooperating Parish, Kamo, New Zealand. Ruth, Book of

    Gracia, Jorge J. E. Ph.D., University of Toronto. Samuel P. Capen Chair of Philosophy and State University of New York Distinguished Professor, State University of New York at Buffalo. Meaning

    Green, Joel B. Ph.D., University of Aberdeen. Dean of Academic Affairs and Professor of New Testament Interpretation, Asbury Theological Seminary. Commentary; Context; Dictionaries and Encyclopedias; Narrative Theology

    Greene-McCreight, Kathryn. Ph.D., Yale University. St. John’s Episcopal Church, New Haven, CT. Interpretation, History of; Literal Sense; Mary; Rule of Faith

    Grenz, Stanley J. D.Theol., University of Munich. Late Pioneer McDonald Professor of Theology, Carey Theological College. Community, Interpretative

    Griffiths, Paul J. Ph.D., University of Wisconsin. Arthur J. Schmitt Professor of Catholic Studies, University of Illinois at Chicago. Reading; Religion

    Groves, J. Alan. Ph.D. candidate, Free University of Amsterdam. Professor of Old Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary. Judges, Book of

    Gundry, Robert H. Ph.D., Manchester University. Scholar-in-Residence and Professor Emeritus, Westmont College. Jesus, Quest for the Historical; Matthew, Book of

    Gundry-Volf, Judith. Th.D., University of Tübingen. Adjunct Associate Professor of New Testament and Research Scholar, Yale University. Pauline Epistles

    Harlow, Daniel C. Ph.D., University of Notre Dame. Associate Professor of New Testament, Early Judaism, and Early Christianity, Calvin College. Dead Sea Scrolls; Jewish Context of the NT

    Harrison, Carol. Ph.D., University of Oxford. Professor of Historical Theology, University of Durham. Augustine

    Hart, Trevor A. Ph.D., University of Aberdeen. Professor of Divinity and Dean of the Faculty of Divinity, University of St. Andrews. Imagination

    Hess, Richard S. Ph.D., Hebrew Union College. Professor of Old Testament, Denver Seminary. History of Israel; Kings, Books of; Oral Tradition and the OT

    Hill, Andrew E. Ph.D., University of Michigan. Professor of Old Testament Studies, Wheaton College. Genealogy

    Hill, Daniel. Ph.D., Kings College London. Lecturer in Philosophy, University of Liverpool. Philosophy; Proposition; Warrant

    Holmes, Stephen R. Ph.D., University of London. Lecturer in Theology, University of St. Andrews. Creed; Image of God; Salvation, Doctrine of

    Horton, Michael S. Ph.D., University of Coventry; University of Oxford. Professor of Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Theological Seminary in California. Historical Theology; Sacrament

    House, Paul R. Ph.D., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Associate Dean and Professor of Divinity, Beeson Divinity School. Haggai, Book of; Obadiah, Book of

    Humphrey, Edith M. Ph.D., McGill University. Associate Professor of New Testament Studies, Pittsburgh Theological Seminary. 2 Corinthians, Book of; Infancy Narratives; Jesus and Scripture; New Creation

    Hurtado, Larry W. Ph.D., Case Western Reserve University. Professor of New Testament Language, Literature, and Theology, University of Edinburgh. Monotheism

    Jacobs, Alan. Ph.D., University of Virginia. Professor of English, Wheaton College. Love

    Jacobs, Mignon R. Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University. Associate Professor of Old Testament, Fuller Theological Seminary. Malachi, Book of; Micah, Book of

    Jeanrond, Werner. Ph.D., University of Chicago. Professor of Systematic Theology, Lund University. Text/Textuality

    Jeffrey, David Lyle. Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary. Distinguished Professor of Literature and Humanities, Baylor University. Western Literature, the Bible and

    Keesmaat, Sylvia C. D.Phil., University of Oxford. Associate Professor of Biblical Studies and Hermeneutics, Institute for Christian Studies. Colossians, Book of

    Kelly, Brian E. Ph.D., University of Bristol. Dean of Chapel, Canterbury Christ Church University College. Samuel, Books of

    Kille, D. Andrew. Ph.D., Graduate Theological Union. Consultant. Psychological Interpretation

    Knapp, Henry M. Ph.D., Calvin Theological Seminary. Associate Pastor, First Presbyterian Church, Beaver, PA. Protestant Biblical Interpretation

    Koptak, Paul E. Ph.D., Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary; Northwestern University. Paul and Bernice Brandel Professor of Communication and Biblical Interpretation, North Park Theological Seminary. Intertextuality

    Laansma, Jon C. Ph.D., University of Aberdeen. Associate Professor of Ancient Languages and New Testament, Wheaton College. Hebrews, Book of

    Lane, Anthony N. S. B.D., University of Oxford. Professor of Historical Theology and Director of Research, London School of Theology. Justification by Faith; Tradition

    Lauber, David. Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary. Assistant Professor of Theology, Wheaton College. Yale School

    Lee, Moonjang. Ph.D., University of Edinburgh. Professor of Theology and Missions, Trinity Theological College, Singapore. Asian Biblical Interpretation

    LeMarquand, Grant. Th.D., University of Toronto. Associate Professor of Biblical Studies and Mission, Trinity Episcopal School for Ministry. African Biblical Interpretation

    Longman, Tremper, III. Ph.D., Yale University. Robert H. Gundry Professor of Biblical Studies, Westmont College. Song of Songs

    Lucas, Ernest C. Ph.D., University of Kent; Ph.D., University of Liverpool. Vice Principal and Tutor in Biblical Studies, Bristol Baptist College. Daniel, Book of

    MacDonald, Neil B. Ph.D., University of Edinburgh. Senior Lecturer in Theology, University of Surrey Roehampton. Language-Game

    Magallanes, Hugo. Ph.D., Drew University. Associate Dean and Associate Professor of Church in Society, Asbury Theological Seminary. Racism

    Marshall, I. Howard. Ph.D., University of Aberdeen. Honorary Research Professor of New Testament, University of Aberdeen. Johannine Epistles; 1 Timothy, Book of; 2 Timothy, Book of; Titus, Book of

    Martin, Francis. S.S.D., Pontifical Biblical Institute. Chair for Catholic-Jewish Theological Studies, Pope John Paul II Cultural Center. Spiritual Sense

    Mattox, Mickey L. Ph.D., Duke University. Assistant Professor of Theology, Marquette University. Luther, Martin

    McCann, J. Clinton, Jr. Ph.D., Duke University. Evangelical Professor of Biblical Interpretation, Eden Theological Seminary. Psalms, Book of

    McConville, J. G. Ph.D., Queen’s University, Belfast. Professor of Old Testament Studies, University of Gloucestershire. Jeremiah, Book of; Joshua, Book of; Prophetic Writings

    McGrath, Alister E. D.Phil., University of Oxford. Professor of Historical Theology, University of Oxford. Doctrine

    McIntosh, Mark A. Ph.D., University of Chicago. Associate Professor of Theology, Loyola University Chicago. Mysticism, Christian

    McKnight, Scot. Ph.D., University of Nottingham. Karl A. Olsson Professor in Religious Studies, North Park University. Apostasy; Covenant; Israel

    Millard, Alan R. M.Phil., University of London. Emeritus Professor of Hebrew and Ancient Semitic Languages, University of Liverpool. Archaeology

    Moberly, R. W. L. Ph.D., University of Cambridge. Reader in Old Testament, Department of Theology, University of Durham. Exodus, Book of; Jewish-Christian Dialogue; Patriarchal Narratives

    Möller, Karl. Ph.D., University of Gloucestershire. Lecturer in Theology and Religious Studies, St. Martin’s College. Amos, Book of; Prophecy and Prophets in the OT; Rhetoric; Rhetorical Criticism

    Moritz, Thorsten. Ph.D., London University. Professor of New Testament, Bethel Seminary. Critical Realism; Mark, Book of

    Motyer, Stephen. Ph.D., King’s College London. Lecturer in New Testament and Hermeneutics, London School of Theology. Anti-Semitism

    Murphy, Francesca Aran. Ph.D., King’s College London. Reader in Systematic Theology, University of Aberdeen. Revelation, Book of

    Murphy, Nancey. Ph.D., University of California Berkeley; Th.D., Graduate Theological Union. Professor of Christian Philosophy, Fuller Theological Seminary. Epistemology

    Noll, Mark A. Ph.D., Vanderbilt University. McManis Professor of Christian Thought, Wheaton College. History

    Noll, Stephen F. Ph.D., University of Manchester. Vice Chancellor, Uganda Christian University. Angels, Doctrine of

    Nolland, John. Ph.D., University of Cambridge. Academic Dean and Director of Postgraduate Studies, Trinity College Bristol. Form Criticism and the NT

    Nordling, Cherith Fee. Ph.D., University of St. Andrews. Director of Spiritual Leadership Development, Calvin College. Feminist Biblical Interpretation

    O’Connor, Robert. Ph.D., University of Notre Dame. Associate Professor of Philosophy, Wheaton College. Pragmatism; Science, the Bible and

    Osborne, Grant R. Ph.D., University of Aberdeen. Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Genre; Redaction Criticism

    Pao, David W. Ph.D., Harvard University. Assistant Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Prophecy and Prophets in the NT

    Parry, Robin. Ph.D., University of Gloucestershire. Commissioning Editor, Paternoster Press. Ideological Criticism; Narrative Criticism; Reader-Response Criticism

    Paul, Ian. Ph.D., Nottingham Trent University; St. John’s College. Director of Partnership Development, St. John’s College Nottingham. Metaphor

    Perrin, Nicholas. Ph.D., Marquette University. Assistant Professor of New Testament, Wheaton College. Gnosticism; Gospels; Nag Hammadi

    Peterson, Eugene H. M.A., Johns Hopkins University. Professor Emeritus of Spiritual Theology, Regent College. Prayer; Spirituality/Spiritual Formation

    Rae, Murray A. Ph.D., King’s College London. Senior Lecturer, University of Otago. Anthropomorphism

    Redditt, Paul L. Ph.D., Vanderbilt University. Professor of Old Testament, Georgetown College. Esther, Book of; Leviticus, Book of; Source Criticism

    Reese, Ruth Anne. Ph.D., University of Sheffield. Assistant Professor of New Testament, Asbury Theological Seminary. Male and Female

    Reno, R. R. Ph.D., Yale University. Associate Professor of Theology, Creighton University. Sin, Doctrine of

    Renz, Thomas. Ph.D., University of Bristol. Lecturer in Old Testament, Oak Hill College. Ezekiel, Book of; Habakkuk, Book of; Nahum, Book of; Zephaniah, Book of

    Richards, Kent Harold. Ph.D., Claremont Graduate University. Executive Director and Professor of Old Testament, Society of Biblical Literature. Societies, Scholarly

    Riches, John K. M.A., University of Cambridge. Hon. Research Professor, Department of Theology and Religious Studies, University of Glasgow. Galatians, Book of

    Riddell, Peter G. Ph.D., Australian National University. Professor of Islamic Studies and Director of the Centre for Islamic Studies and Muslim-Christian Relations, London School of Theology. Language, Grammar and Syntax; Semiotics

    Rodgers, Peter R. B.Litt., University of Oxford. Adjunct Professor, Fuller Theological Seminary. Lexicons, NT; 1 Peter, Book of; Textual Criticism

    Rogerson, John W. D.D. Emeritus Professor of Biblical Studies, University of Sheffield. Liberal Biblical Interpretation

    Rosner, Brian S. Ph.D., University of Cambridge. Senior Lecturer in Biblical Studies and Ethics, Moore Theological College; Macquarie University. Salvation, History of

    Rota, Michael W. Ph.D. candidate, Saint Louis University. Thomas Aquinas

    Rowland, Christopher. Ph.D., University of Cambridge. Dean Ireland Professor of the Exegesis of Holy Scripture, University of Oxford. Apocalyptic

    Ryken, Leland. Ph.D., University of Oregon. Professor of English, Wheaton College. Literary Criticism

    Schreiner, Thomas R. Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary. Professor of New Testament, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Assurance

    Schultz, Richard L. Ph.D., Yale University. Armerding Chair of Biblical Studies, Wheaton College. Form Criticism and the OT; Isaiah, Book of

    Scott, James M. Th.D., University of Tübingen. Professor of Religious Studies, Trinity Western University. Exile and Restoration

    Seerveld, Calvin. Ph.D., Free University of Amsterdam. Professor Emeritus of Aesthetics, Institute for Christian Studies. Art, the Bible and

    Seitz, Christopher. Ph.D., Yale University. Professor of Old Testament and Theological Studies and Dean of the Faculty of Divinity, University of St. Andrews. Canonical Approach

    Snodgrass, Klyne. Ph.D., University of St. Andrews. Paul W. Brandel Professor of New Testament Studies, North Park Theological Seminary. Exegesis

    Sparks, Kent L. Ph.D., University of North Carolina. Associate Professor of Biblical Studies, Eastern University. Numbers, Book of

    Spencer, Stephen R. Ph.D., Michigan State University. Blanchard Professor of Theology, Wheaton College. Hope; Last Things, Doctrine of

    Spinks, Bryan D. D.D., University of Durham. Professor of Liturgical Studies, Yale University. Liturgy

    Stiver, Dan R. Ph.D., Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Professor of Theology, Hardin-Simmons University. Method

    Streett, Daniel R. Ph.D. candidate, Yale University. Adjunct Professor of New Testament, Criswell College. Philemon, Book of

    Stylianopoulos, Theodore G. Th.D., Harvard University. Professor of New Testament, Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology. Orthodox Biblical Interpretation

    Sundberg, Walter. Ph.D., Princeton Theological Seminary. Professor of Church History, Luther Seminary. Enlightenment; Princeton School

    Sung, Elizabeth Yao-Hwa. Ph.D. candidate, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Culture and Hermeneutics

    Tennison, D. Allen. Ph.D. candidate, Fuller Theological Seminary. Adjunct Professor, Azusa Pacific University. Charismatic Biblical Interpretation

    Thiselton, Anthony C. Ph.D., University of Sheffield. Professor Emeritus of Christian Theology, University of Nottingham. Hermeneutical Circle; Hermeneutics

    Thompson, John L. Ph.D., Duke University. Professor of Historical Theology, Fuller Theological Seminary. Calvin, John

    Throntveit, Mark A. Ph.D., Union Theological Seminary Virginia. Professor of Old Testament, Luther Seminary. Chronicles, Books of

    Torrance, Alan J. Dr. Theol., University of Erlangen-Nuremberg. Chair of Systematic Theology, University of St. Andrews. Analogy

    Travers, Michael E. Ph.D., Michigan State University. Professor of English, Southeastern College at Wake Forest. Formalism; Poetry

    Treier, Daniel J. Ph.D., Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Knoedler Professor of Theology at Wheaton College Graduate School. Concept; Creation; Faith; Jesus Christ, Doctrine of; Model; Philosophy; Proof Text; Scripture, Unity of; Theological Hermeneutics, Contemporary; Typology; Wisdom

    Trueman, Carl R. Ph.D., University of Aberdeen. Associate Professor of Church History and Historical Theology, Westminster Theological Seminary. Illumination

    Turner, Max. Ph.D., University of Cambridge. Professor of New Testament Studies, London School of Theology. Ephesians, Book of; Utterance Meaning

    Urban, David V. Ph.D., University of Illinois at Chicago. Assistant Professor of English, Calvin College. Hero Story; Imagery; Irony

    VanGemeren, Willem. Ph.D., University of Wisconsin. Professor of Old Testament and Semitic Studies, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Joel, Book of

    Vanhoozer, Kevin J. Ph.D., University of Cambridge. Research Professor of Systematic Theology, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Intention/Intentional Fallacy; Providence; Ricoeur, Paul; Systematic Theology; Truth; Word of God

    Van Leeuwen, Raymond C. Ph.D., University of Toronto. Professor of Biblical Studies, Eastern University. Proverbs, Book of; Translation; Wisdom Literature

    Verhey, Allen. Ph.D., Yale University. Professor of Christian Ethics, Duke University. Ethics

    Wainwright, Geoffrey. D.D., University of Cambridge. Cushman Professor of Christian Theology, Duke University. Trinity

    Walton, John H. Ph.D., Hebrew Union College; Jewish Institute of Religion. Professor of Old Testament, Wheaton College. Ancient Near Eastern Background Studies; Etymology; Jonah, Book of

    Walton, Steve. Ph.D., University of Sheffield. Senior Lecturer in Greek and New Testament, London School of Theology. Acts, Book of

    Wanamaker, Charles A. Ph.D., University of Durham. Associate Professor, University of Cape Town. 1 Thessalonians, Book of; 2 Thessalonians, Book of

    Ward, Timothy. Ph.D., University of Edinburgh. Vicar, Holy Trinity Church, Hinckley, Leicester, UK. Scripture, Sufficiency of

    Webb, William J. Ph.D., Dallas Theological Seminary. Professor of New Testament, Heritage Seminary. Slavery

    Webster, John. Ph.D., University of Cambridge. Professor of Systematic Theology, University of Aberdeen. Barth, Karl; Canon; Gospel; Scripture, Authority of

    Wenham, Gordon J. Ph.D., King’s College London. Professor of Old Testament, University of Gloucestershire. Genesis, Book of; Law

    Westphal, Merold. Ph.D., Yale University. Distinguished Professor of Philosophy, Fordham University. Onto-Theology

    Williams, Stephen N. Ph.D., Yale University. Professor of Systematic Theology, Union Theological College. Revelation

    Williamson, Peter S. S.T.D., Pontifical Gregorian University. Assistant Dean, Sacred Heart Major Seminary. Catholic Biblical Interpretation

    Wilson, Lindsay. Ph.D., Ridley College, Melbourne. Vice Principal and Lecturer in Old Testament, Ridley College, Melbourne. Job, Book of

    Wolters, Albert. Ph.D., Free University of Amsterdam. Professor of Religion, Theology, and Classical Languages, Redeemer University College. Metanarrative; Worldview; Zechariah, Book of

    Wolterstorff, Nicholas P. Ph.D., Harvard University. Noah Porter Professor Emeritus of Philosophical Theology, Yale University. Authorial Discourse Interpretation

    Wood, Susan K. Ph.D., Marquette University. Professor of Theology and Associate Dean, St. John’s University. Baptism

    Wright, N. T. D.Phil., D.D., University of Oxford. Research Professor of New Testament and Early Christianity at St. Andrews, Senior Research Fellow at Wycliffe Hall, Oxford, and former Bishop of Durham. Philippians, Book of; Resurrection Narratives; Resurrection of the Dead; Roman Empire

    Wright, Stephen I. Ph.D., University of Durham. Director, College of Preachers, Spurgeon’s College. Luke, Book of; Parables; Preaching, Use of the Bible in

    Yarbrough, Robert W. Ph.D., University of Aberdeen. Associate Professor of New Testament, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School. Tübingen School

    Yocum, John. D.Phil., University of Oxford. Fellow in Christian Doctrine, University of Oxford. Scripture, Clarity of

    Young, Frances M. Ph.D., University of Cambridge. Edward Cadbury Professor of Theology, University of Birmingham. Patristic Biblical Interpretation



    What Is Theological Interpretation of the Bible?

    Kevin J. Vanhoozer, General Editor

    Of the making of dictionaries there would seem to be no end. What, then, could possibly justify adding one more item to an already well-stocked inventory? Neither the editors nor the contributors are under the illusion that a new reference work will change the world. Nevertheless, we believe that the time is ripe for a resource that combines an interest in the academic study of the Bible with a passionate commitment to making this scholarship of use to the church. DTIB aims to provide clarification, analysis, and evaluation of the various approaches to biblical interpretation currently in the marketplace, with a view to assessing their theological significance—in particular, their value for reading Scripture in and for the community of the faithful.

    What Theological Interpretation Is Not

    Initially, it is easier to say what theological interpretation of the Bible is not rather than what it is.

    Theological interpretation of the Bible is not an imposition of a theological system or confessional grid onto the biblical text. By theological interpretation, we do not intend to urge readers to return to a time when one’s interpretation was largely dominated by one’s particular confessional theology (e.g., Lutheran, Reformed, Roman Catholic, et al.). While it may be true that exegesis without theological presuppositions is not possible, it is not part of the dictionary’s remit to take sides with a specific confessional or denominational tradition. (On the other hand, we do affirm the ecumenical consensus of the church down through the ages and across confessional lines that the Bible should be read as a unity and as narrative testimony to the identities and actions of God and of Jesus Christ.)

    Theological interpretation is not simply what dogmatic theologians do when they use the Bible to support their respective doctrinal positions. Although so-called precritical interpretations took biblical authority seriously and sought to read for the church’s edification, they may be vulnerable at three points: They may fail to take the text seriously in its historical context. They may fail to integrate the text into the theology of the OT or NT as a whole. They may be insufficiently critical or aware of their own presuppositions and standpoints (Wright).

    Theological interpretation of the Bible is not an imposition of a general hermeneutic or theory of interpretation onto the biblical text. Theological interpretation is also not simply a matter of imposing a general hermeneutic on the Bible as if the Bible could be read like any other book. There are properly theological questions, such as the relationship of the OT and NT, that require more than what is typically offered in a general hermeneutic (Watson). Stated more strongly, there are some interpretative questions that require theological, not hermeneutical, answers: The turn to hermeneutics as a general discipline . . . has not so much offered a resolution of older theological questions, historically considered, as it has changed the subject (Seitz 42). There is something left for interpreters to do after reading the Bible like any other book. At the same time, we believe that certain biblical and theological themes have implications not only for biblical interpretation, but for general hermeneutics as well.

    Theological interpretation of the Bible is not a form of merely historical, literary, or sociological criticism preoccupied with (respectively) the world behind, of, or in front of the biblical text. Those who seek to renew biblical interpretation will incorporate whatever is true, noble, right, admirable, and useful in the various historical, literary, and sociological approaches used to describe the world behind the text (e.g., in the past), the world of the text (e.g., its plot and literary form), or the world in front of the text (e.g., the way in which readers receive and react to it). Theological interpretation may not be reduced to historical or to literary or to sociopolitical criticism, but it is not less than these either. For God has been active in history, in the composition of the biblical text, and in the formation of a people to reveal and redeem. Yet each of these disciplines, though ancillary to the project of interpreting the church’s Scripture, stops short of a properly theological criticism to the extent that it brackets out a consideration of divine action.

    Why Theological Interpretation of the Bible?

    DTIB responds to two crises precipitated by Enlightenment and post-Enlightenment developments in biblical interpretation respectively: to the modern schism between biblical studies and theology, and to the postmodern proliferation of advocacy approaches to reading Scripture where each interpretative community does what is right in its own eyes. The primary purpose of this dictionary is to provide biblical interpreters with a tool that would help make sense of the diverse interpretative approaches and evaluate these approaches as to their contribution toward a theological interpretation of the Bible. Our hope is that this work will provide an important new resource for recovering biblical studies as a properly theological discipline.

    The ugly ditch in modern biblical interpretation: between exegesis and theology. The critical approach to biblical interpretation that has come to dominate the modern study of the Bible, especially in the university but also in seminaries, was developed in order to protect the Bible from what was thought to be its dogmatic captivity to confessional and theological traditions. For some two hundred years now, Christian faith has not been thought to be either necessary or relevant in the attempt to discover what it meant. Theology thus came to be of only marginal importance for biblical studies as practiced in university and divinity school settings. Indeed, modern biblical studies has become a virtual theology-free zone. Even scholars who identify themselves as Christians have to check their theological convictions at the door when they enter the academy (Fowl xii–xxx).

    The divide separating biblical studies and theology was nothing less than Lessing’s famous ugly ditch: the gap between reason and faith, between publicly ascertainable history on the one hand and privately valued belief on the other. The goal of biblical studies for the typical modern scholar was to understand the texts by restoring them to their original historical contexts and by reading them on their own terms, namely, as (human) products of particular times and places, cultures and societies. In this interpretative framework, the Bible tended to be studied as evidence of a historically developing religion, as evidence of how ancient Israelites—and later, Jesus and his followers—tended to think about God, the world, and themselves. To study religion, however, is to study human beings and human history—in contrast to theology as the study of God and the mighty acts of God.

    The problem was not so much with modern biblical scholarship’s interest in reconstructing historical contexts and the history of the text’s composition. The bigger problem was its tendency to treat the biblical texts as sources for reconstructing human history and religion rather than as texts that testify to God’s presence and action in history. To treat the Bible as a source—as evidence for some natural phenomenon behind it—is to deflect attention away from what the texts are saying (as testimony) in favor of a hypothetical reconstruction of what actually happened. History here trumps exegesis.

    Interpreted theologically, the ugly ditch may be nothing less than the perceived gap between nature and grace. Reason, together with its many critical children—source, form, tradition, redaction criticism, and so on—is qualified to interpret the Bible as a historical and human text. But to read the Bible as the word of God is to make a leap into the realm of grace that either opposes, crowns, or outflanks reason (Wolters).

    The muddy ditch in postmodern biblical interpretation: between exegesis

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