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100% Confessions and Prophecies to Locate Helpers and Helpers to Locate You: Prayers that Bring Dominion Favour and Divine Acceleration
100% Confessions and Prophecies to Locate Helpers and Helpers to Locate You: Prayers that Bring Dominion Favour and Divine Acceleration
100% Confessions and Prophecies to Locate Helpers and Helpers to Locate You: Prayers that Bring Dominion Favour and Divine Acceleration
Ebook217 pages3 hours

100% Confessions and Prophecies to Locate Helpers and Helpers to Locate You: Prayers that Bring Dominion Favour and Divine Acceleration

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What we confess with our lips become means of transportation of God’s deliverance from heaven to man’s need on earth. By our confessions we sow words that will son manifest. This is why, our confession here, is based on the living WORD.

This book is called Hundred Percent Confessions and Prophecies as all the sixty six books in the Bible are represented by at least a quotation. It is loaded with confessions and prophecy that shall come to pass.
What you profess matters a lot as it will eventually affect you. Positive affirmations abort negative emotion before it can be born.

The only successful way to destroy a negative emotion is to verbalise a positive statement. Learn to be positive and speak positive before your helpers.

You shall excel beyond human imaginations when God shall arise for your sake. I pray, you shall excel in your career. God bless.

PublisherTella Olayeri
Release dateNov 28, 2020
100% Confessions and Prophecies to Locate Helpers and Helpers to Locate You: Prayers that Bring Dominion Favour and Divine Acceleration

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    100% Confessions and Prophecies to Locate Helpers and Helpers to Locate You - Tella Olayeri


    We must not fold arms in the midst of battle. The life is battle itself. We need to pray and cancel decisions of darkness against us. We are born to win not to lose. Many times we lose out because we don’t know how to pray or go about challenges we face.

    Also, you must know how to claim and retain what God gives you, called destiny. You must not be robbed!

    Brethren, your case is not close until you decide to close it. Don’t give up, fight on in faith, you are born to win. Be violent in prayer. The degree of your violence in prayer determines the victory that awaits you. It is time you count spoils not loss, triumph not defeat.

    I have some free books for you to put fire to your prayer zeal. Pick them and inform others. Try and share your experience with five to ten people. You may be the one God sent. Don’t leave them outside prayer war room.

    Be your brother/sister keeper. Good-luck

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    Generally, helpers are of two types: Helpers you know, and helpers you don’t know. In this chapter we shall treat the latter, helpers you don’t know, equivalent to our topic: Locating unknown helpers.

    It is possible to pray and locate helpers you don’t know, so that your story may change. Helpers are globally located, but it is left to you to make right move to locate them wherever they are. You should take bold step, at least the first move to address the situation.

    It is wisdom to free self from cloud of uncertainty. There are times you don’t know where your helper is, who your helper is, how to locate him, and when to locate him. On the other hand, there are times you know where a helper is, but you don’t know him or steps to reach him.

    Before one can locate unknown helper, he foresees uncertainties, like barriers, obstacles, fear, anxieties, obstinacy, and at times cruelty to overcome along the line. It is like warfare to search for the face of unknown helpers. There are clouds (problems) that need to be addressed, clear or settle down before one can see good face of a would-be-helper. Cloud has trouble shooting powers. It makes everything dull and uncertain. Cloud makes things impossible to be viewed at a distance. You need to clear the cloud or wait until it clears before tangible steps can be taken.

    Cloud has power of stagnancy and backwardness. This is the reason you need to clear it before you make moves. It can resist you from locating helpers and tie you down to a spot. This is paramount when you don’t know where your helper is located or who your helper is. It takes grace of God to know and do it.

    One best way to clear cloud of uncertainty is to have ideas of situation at hand and ideas on ground, by approaching people with similar experience in the past. By this, you can drink from their cup of enlightenment.

    To be in the cloud is terrible. Many are in cloud for several years without hope. They struggle and struggle but with no result. Yet they need to clear cloud of uncertainty before they can move forward in life. Many pass through this on daily basis.

    To buttress our point, let’s take the story of this young man as a good example. Brother Lucky (not real name) needed a job. He is a young graduate not quite long. After the mandatory one-year service to his fatherland, he was at home for three years now, searching for job in the labour market.

    As he flashes through one of the daily newspapers, he saw a caption, YOUNG GRADUATES WANTED for immediate employment. The name of the advertiser wasn’t mentioned, but P.O Box. He applied as usual hoping to receive letter of interview.

    To him doing this is fulfilling one of those employment rituals. His hope hangs in the air as he doesn’t know who to meet for assistance. Yet he searches for helpers most of whom he doesn’t know.

    Most people are in the shoe of this young man. They don’t know where their helpers are, yet they need one desperately. By and large, you need to release yourself from the cloud. Your helpers are somewhere unknown to you. Your helpers may come from where you least expect or someone you never have flash of idea. The fact is, most times we fail to get helps from people we know. Help is a broad thing; it is like air we breathe. Help flows, it is like dipping hands into the ocean, it can’t dry. Help goes on, even after death. What you sow, the good name you left behind may open doors of helps to those you left behind.

    By this, whoever expects favour and helps only from his tribal men and women shall end up being a local champion. Whoever expects favour and helps from his country men and women may end up as a non-global champion. To be a global champion, helps must cut across nations and people. What you produce needs global attention, and you need helps of others to do this. Helps abound, helpers run into millions or billions of people for your sake.

    In the financial world, where trust is like scarce commodity in the market, it becomes absolutely impossible or difficult to secure financial help from individuals or from financial institutions. One may be on the struggle lane for a long time without success, unless luck is on his side, to gain trust and confidence to pay back. One may see potentials and success in an industry, with know-how, but for lack of trust, he may hang in the balance till eternity.

    At times, when you meet conditions set down in a bank to secure loan, it is not automatic. You need to pray to see favour of the person in charge. Your approach, your background, purpose for the loan, the way you are assessed, your collateral and ability to pay back matters. The officer in charge doesn’t know you from Adam, so he needs to take good steps before he says, Yes, our bank is willing to help

    Let’s go practical in a little way to understand this scenario. Someone needs help in the maritime industry that needs lot of money to start. In maritime industry financial assistance is quite complicated. Banks that want to finance you would wait for you to go and get a contract before they could finance it. Their condition is, you get the contract before we buy equipment for you. On the other end, the oil company that wants to use the vessel wants to see equipment’s before they give you the contract. Here you are in the middle confused.

    At this point, you are in between the bank and your client which takes you time to know. Really, at this point you know the bank officials and your clients, but they still treat you as a stranger. They claim you are not known to them. They can best be classified as unknown helpers.

    The question that may go through mind is, how can I raise money for this project? When all doors are closed, you are likely to be left with only one option. Yet it is knocking at the doors of unknown helpers worldwide by going to capital market. If you do it with all sincerity, the unknowns that buy the shares will float the business. At capital market you may give dividend and bonus, to attract and prove to people, there is much to gain. In subsequent offer for subscription, from mostly unknown people who are now your helper, business may boom and people turn out for good

    If you are fortunate to sail through, it means your prayer is answered. This is done by scouting for finance from unknown people or source. Your helpers are unknown to you in the beginning. Your business magnet drew helpers to you in streams.

    The question is why do you reduce your hope within the circle you can see? Make move today; release yourself from shell of stagnancy. Cultivate habit of extension. Pray for coast enlargement. Cry out for helpers located where you don’t know to appear in your situation. You are destined to excel and fly high, but you can’t do it all alone. Helpers must appear for your sake. Amen.

    There is this critical question we need to ask, how can one locate un-known helpers? This is a question that needs answer. Answer to this can be discussed briefly below.

    1. Your situation may be mentioned by someone who knows you before someone you don’t know at all. God being on your side, this person who doesn’t know you, picks interest in you and decides to help.

    This is more reason you must have good inter-personal skill backed with good character. Your character sells you to others in your absence. On the other hand, your character can nail you as well. When parents, guardian or friends tell you to keep good character, they are telling you to build treasures that will keep you alive in the nearest future.

    2. You may be seen on television or your case heard on radio. Most times, people that fall into this category are people seeking for financial and moral help from good Samaritans to carry out surgery abroad or victims that laid critically ill in the hospital. Also, missing children and adults are telecasted or aired over the radio so that public can help report to nearest police station if need be. The public you seek help from are unknown to you. They are unknown helpers.

    3. Another way is through internet chats. Many made it through internet chats while images of many countries are dented in the internet as well. Whenever you apply this channel, sincerity matters most. If you sell products, let it be. If you sell service, let it be. Let sincerity and genuine be your watch ward.

    4. There are times when your service is needed but because the other party doesn’t know your worth, you are not patronized. This is where interest and ability to discuss comes in.

    When you discuss your worth with people, you will be known better. When you are contracted with and you perform, you will be advertised to people you don’t know. From this point, unknown helpers come in. In the case of someone searching for job mere discussion with one person can lead to multiple doors of job opportunities.

    5. Unknown helpers can come to play through people that render general services. To rent house, you need to contact an estate agent, you don’t know. This is the beginning of the journey. In the house you rent, you will meet new faces that may eventually be of help to you. If you don’t rent the house, you may not see such help. For example, in the house you rent a co-tenant or neighbor may approach you and convince you to buy land. From there, before you know it, you become a Landlord. This has happened to several people I know.


    1.      My father and my God, direct my steps to where my helpers are located in the name of Jesus.

    2.      Every cloud of uncertainty hanging around me, clear away in the name of Jesus.

    3.      Satanic cloud, I speak against you, expire now in the name of Jesus.

    4.      Every evil cloud separating me from my helpers, clear away in the name of Jesus.

    5.      Every barrier and obstacles standing between me and my helpers I bulldoze you to nothing by the power of the living God, in the name of Jesus.

    6.      Spirit of stagnancy, you shall not hold me down, therefore expire in my life in the name of Jesus.

    7.      Spirit of backwardness, leave me alone and die in the name of Jesus.

    8.      My helpers far and near locate me by fire in the name of Jesus.

    9.      Any power assigned to announce my failure; it is your time to fail, therefore, meet double failure in the name of Jesus.

    10.      Thou strong man of my father’s house pulling me from reaching my helpers, die in the name of Jesus.

    11.      Any power saying, I will not see helpers, you are a liar; die in the name of Jesus.

    12.      Helpers from north locate me by fire in the name of Jesus.

    13.      Helpers from South locate my by fire in the name of Jesus.

    14.      Helpers from East locate me by fire in the name of Jesus.

    15.      Helpers from West locate me by fire in the name of Jesus.

    16.      Blessings of this

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