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Faith, Hope & Love
Faith, Hope & Love
Faith, Hope & Love
Ebook275 pages3 hours

Faith, Hope & Love

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Faith, Hope and Love. These are the three indispensable foundational anchors in the Christian pilgrimage. It takes faith to know and please the God of hope and love (Rom 15:13; 1 John 4:16). Faith and hope help us to endure the monotony and vicissitudes of life until the Parousia. On one hand, faith breeds hope and love. On the other, love is the root, regulator, and stabilizer of faith and hope. Faith and hope work best through love. Love is the greatest, giving unlimited worth to humans (1 Cor 13:13). The supremacy of love is indubitable. Without love, nothing else matters! Pastor Ayodeji Adesina captured the essence of these must-have predominant principles in this treatise. The content is well-researched and doctrinally sound. Pastor Ayo writes with the flavour of his powerful preaching passion and winsome personality. His illustrations are down-to-earth and captivating. The prayer focus and declarations at the end of each chapter make the content very practical and transforming.

Release dateNov 18, 2020
Faith, Hope & Love

Ayodeji Adesina

Ayodeji Adesina currently serves as the Lay-Pastor at Blessed Hope Seventh Day Adventist Church in Dartford UK since January 2008. He is a man of great faith, a dynamic preacher and worship leader, much loved by his members for his down to earth messages and humour. Pastor Ayo, as he is fondly called, is passionate about the gospel and loves sharing his faith. He is also a visionary leader and a man of big dreams.

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    Faith, Hope & Love - Ayodeji Adesina

    Faith, Hope & Love

    (Overcoming Faith; Enduring Hope; Extravagant Love)

    written by AYODEJI ADESINA

    Smashwords Edition

    Copyright 2020 Ayodeji Adesina

    Discover other eBook titles by Ayodeji Adesina

    The iDeclare Series of Books comprising: iDeclare; iDeclare 2; iDeclare 3; and iDeclare Joy

    This book is available in print by emailing the Author:


    Smashwords Edition, License Notes

    This eBook is licensed for your personal use only. This eBook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you're reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to your favourite eBook retailer and purchase your copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

    Design & Concepts by Dayo Afe for Stillwaters Studio

    The Scripture versions cited in this book are identified in Appendix 2, which hereby becomes a part of this copyright page.


    Table of Contents




    In Pursuit of Revival

    Commitment to Personal Revival

    Overcoming Faith

    Chapter 1 - The Gift of Faith

    Chapter 2 - Faith is Real

    Chapter 3 - Faith Killers

    Chapter 4 - Releasing Your Faith

    Chapter 5 - Overcoming Faith

    Enduring Hope

    Chapter 6 - Where's Your Hope?

    Chapter 7 - No Jesus, No Hope

    Chapter 8 - Enemies of Hope

    Chapter 9 - A Living Hope

    Chapter 10 - Hope Triumphs

    Extravagant Love

    Chapter 11 - What's Love Got To Do With It?

    Chapter 12 - A Picture of God's Love

    Chapter 13 - What Love is not

    Chapter 14 - The Most Excellent Way

    Chapter 15 - Extravagant Love


    Appendix 1 - Bibliography

    Appendix 2 - Bible Translations

    Appendix 3 - Notes

    Author's Publications

    About the Author



    This book is dedicated to my parents: my father, Late Dr Hezekiah Olanrewaju Adesina, and my mother, Esther Omotayo Adesina. These two, acting as one, were my first example of 'faith, hope, and love'.

    I am also grateful to the several preachers, teachers, writers and mentors who have shaped my life and taught me how to live a life of 'faith, hope and love'.

    Lastly, this book is dedicated to you, the reader. It is by no accident that you hold this book in your hands. Thank you for cooperating with the Holy Spirit, for He sparked in you the desire to which you have yielded, to thirst after spiritual things. I am persuaded that your yearning shall be richly rewarded, for faith comes by hearing... hope makes not ashamed... love never fails

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    I acknowledge, first and foremost, my Lord Jesus Christ, the One who could love a wretched sinner like myself. The One who called me out of darkness into His marvellous light. The One who never treats me like I deserve but keeps loving and forgiving me over and over! What a God! He alone is the Source of all my inspiration, and I thank Him for finding use for such a worm as I.

    Next, I thank my wife, Funmilayo, and children, Ayobami and Molayosi, for bearing the burden of pastoral ministry with me and for all the sacrifices they have had to make. I am grateful to God for giving me a family who have ministered along with me through these last 12 years.

    I thank my siblings, Femi, Yetunde, Taiwo and Kehinde, for the roles they have played in my life and for always believing in me. I also acknowledge the love and support of my two brothers: Dr Wale Oladipo and Elder Bolaji Aborisade.

    I also thank Pastor Tunde Ojewole for editing the manuscript; and Elder Dayo Afe for the design and concept, not only for this book but all my earlier iDeclare series of books.

    The encouragement of my church leaders is also acknowledged, especially Pastor Sam Davis and Pastor Emmanuel Osei for recognising the gifts of God in my life. Lastly, to all the members of Blessed Hope SDA Church (Dartford UK), I am truly grateful for allowing me to serve as your minister. I consider myself unworthy of such an honour.

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    Faith, hope and love remain (1 Cor 13:13).

    Faith, Hope and Love! These are the three indispensable foundational anchors in the Christian pilgrimage. It takes faith to know and please the God of hope and love (Rom 15:13; 1 John 4:16). Faith and hope help us to endure the monotony and vicissitudes of life until the Parousia. On one hand, faith breeds hope and love. On the other, love is the root, regulator, and stabilizer of faith and hope. Faith and hope work best through love. Love is the greatest, giving unlimited worth to humans (1 Cor 13:13). The supremacy of love is indubitable. Without love, nothing else matters!

    Don Samdahl described faith, hope and love as a magnificent trinity. John W. Ritenbaugh styled them the eternal trinity of virtues. MacLaren Expositions of Holy Scripture describes them as a trinity in unity. Grammatically, 1 Corinthians 13:13 mentions these three nouns (faith, hope, and love) but surprisingly describes them with a singular verb abide or remain. Paul is intentional in bundling them together in depth and essence, as one triple star that abides and shines. They remain united together.

    Paul reiterated them as follows: Constantly bearing in mind your work of faith and labour of love and steadfastness of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the presence of our God and Father. (1 Thess 1:3). But since we are of the day, let us be sober, having put on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet, the hope of salvation (1 Thess 5.8). Therefore, growing believers must exhibit the work of faith, labour of love, and steadfastness of hope while putting on the breastplate of faith and love to protect their hearts and helmet of hope to protect their heads! For more emphasis, Paul provides several dual combinations of these golden virtues: Faith and Hope (Rom 5:1-2; Gal 5:5; Col 1:23); Faith and Love (Gal 5:6; Eph 1:15; 6:23; 1 Tim 1:14; 6:11); and Hope and Love (Rom 5:5).

    These three certainties are building blocks, essential keys, and premier virtues of a successful, abundant, victorious, and holy Christian life. They are inextricably bound, tied to our relationship with God, as qualities that make us work properly. We run on the spiritual wheels of faith, hope, and love. These assets nourish us, instil godly characters and give us strength to function as God intends. They prevent you from shame and sham! You must seek to excel in faith and demonstrate increased love for God and one another as you hope for the Second Advent. Unceasingly, hold on to the potency of effectual faith, continual love, and patient hope. Reject their deadly opposites: unbelief, despair, and hatred, which are stubbornly lurking around in attempt to creep into your life and ruin your joy in the Lord.

    Paul observed that prophecies, tongues, and knowledge fail, cease, and vanish away (1 Cor 13:8). As enviable as they are, they are also transitory. So are the other attention-getting gifts and ephemeral abilities that people pride themselves in, within and outside the Church (1 Cor 12). As good as they are, by themselves, they would not ensure the thriving of the believers and their communities. In fact, without the necessary accompaniment of faith, hope, and especially love, these evanescent gifts from God will corrupt absolutely.

    On the contrary, the three graces of Faith, Hope and Love remain: exalted and purified! They are far superior. They are endless, imperishable, and immortal. They are always needed in this present age, and shall not fail, cease and vanish away in the eternal age. Love never fails (1 Cor 13:8). Love is an indispensable part of God’s eternal nature. The redeemed shall never stop believing and trusting God in perpetuity. The blessed hope realized, ushers in eternal hope, new joys, and ever-increasing blessedness for the saints! Eternity gradually opens the infinite sequence of adventure in God’s ever-expanding universe. The glorified shall endlessly grow in hope for a continual exploration of God’s inexhaustible qualities and the unseen glories to be revealed.

    Pastor Ayodeji Adesina has captured the essence of these must-have predominant principles in this treatise. This book is well-researched and doctrinally sound. Pastor Ayo writes with the flavour of his powerful preaching passion and winsome personality. His illustrations are down-to-earth and captivating. The prayer focus and declarations at the end of each chapter make the content very practical and transforming. I enjoyed every page of it. I wholeheartedly recommend this book as you pursue God. For now and eternity: Faith, Hope, and Love!

    Pastor Professor Afolarin Olutunde Ojewole

    Professor of Old Testament Exegesis and Church Ministry

    Lake Region Conference of Seventh-day Adventists, USA


    ² show/RTD/cgg/ID/4454/Faith-Hope-Love.htm.

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    In Pursuit of Revival

    Maximising the blessing from this Book

    It is not my intention that this book will be a theological treatise. Rather, the teachings in the chapters to follow are gleaned from my Revival meetings held in my church to remind the brethren of the fundamentals of our Christian experience: faith, hope, and love.

    To maximise the benefits of these teachings, embrace them as a necessary tool in the pursuit of revival. I urge you, dear friend, to build yourself up in your most holy faith.

    This book has been divided into fifteen (15) chapters. I urge you to make this a 15-day spiritual journey by reading one chapter a day. This will give you time to reflect on these teachings. Like the Bereans (Acts 17:11), you can take time to examine the Scriptures to see if what you read is true.

    At the end of each chapter, there are three features to help you maximise the blessing from this book:

    Verse to Remember: This is a Bible verse that reinforces an aspect of the teaching you just read in the chapter. Memorise it if possible. (Note that at the end of the book, in Appendix 3, I have also compiled all the Bible verses used in each chapter, which you may find helpful in having Bible Studies on the various themes covered in the book.)

    Prayer Focus: These prayer points will give you opportunities to ask God for help to be a doer of what you have just read. I am a firm believer that prayer transforms the 'pray-er' from being just a reader.

    I Declare: I have added these declarations so that with your own mouth, you can declare victory over everything that can hinder you from being transformed by what you have just read. The Bible says: Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit (Proverbs 18:21, ESV). So, with your own mouth, declare your victory!

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    Commitment to Personal Revival

    Having accepted to pursue revival over the next 15 days, formalise your decision by signing a Commitment to Personal Revival.

    My Commitment to Personal Revival

    With the help of God, I make a commitment this day (make a note of the date somewhere) to commit the next 15 days to pursue personal revival by reading, reflecting on, and praying about the teachings in this book.

    (Your name & signature)

    O Lord, send a revival, and let it begin in me! (James M. Gray)

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    Overcoming Faith

    Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1 KJV)


    Chapter One


    There is a lot to be said about faith. Volumes upon volumes have been written by many qualified writers about faith. Very early in my ministry, it occurred to me that as Christians, we talk a lot about faith yet when we are asked to define what faith means to us, we struggle to explain this basic Christian terminology. I found that it is easy to assume that we know what faith is but then when we are confronted by certain situations, it becomes clear that though we speak about faith, we lack faith!

    When I started my pastoral ministry at Blessed Hope Church, I determined that one of my primary assignment would be to teach the brethren what faith truly is. This was because I realised that without faith, it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists... (Hebrews 11:6 NIV). It occurred to me that not only is it impossible to please God without faith, it is impossible to know God without faith.

    As I reflected on this truth, I realised that without faith, I cannot expect the miraculous when I pray. Without faith, I cannot believe God for the power to overcome sin in its various forms with which I battle daily. Without faith, I cannot believe that God will open the windows of heaven when I return my tithes and give sacrificially for the work of the Kingdom or to be a blessing to those in need. Without faith, I cannot hope for the Second Coming of Christ in bodily form, which defies science! Simply put, it occurred to me that if I want to be a Christian, I need to understand what faith it. Then as a Pastor, it occurred to me that if I want to minister in a church where the brethren believe in the miraculous and expect the miraculous, I need to teach 'faith'.

    So, my very first Revival Series was themed, Overcoming Faith. In the next five chapters, I share with you, teachings that transformed my life and the life of my brethren at Blessed Hope SDA Church.

    In teaching faith, it is beneficial to enumerate what faith is not. I reasoned that if I know what faith is not, it will be easier to figure out what faith is.

    What faith is not

    Faith is not optimism

    Faith is not based on feelings or emotions

    Faith is not presumption

    Faith is not belief

    Faith is not a product of reasoning

    Faith is not optimism

    Optimism is defined as an inclination to put the most favourable construction upon actions and events or to anticipate the best possible outcome¹

    Whilst an optimistic person may appear to be exercising faith, faith is much more than an optimistic feeling that all is going to turn out well. Optimism is definitely NOT faith. For instance, I can say all day long that I believe a chair will hold me up if I stand on it, but that’s NOT faith - that’s optimism. Faith would be for me to go over and stand up on the chair. Optimism may be based on previous experience(s) or historical knowledge but if I already know, or have a rational explanation for, why something may happen, then I do not need faith to believe in such a thing.

    Faith is not based on feelings or emotion

    Our feelings change, based on our mood or many other factors. However, faith is anchored in a God who does not change. In Malachi 3:6, God says, For I am the Lord, I change not... (KJV) Our feelings often change because of what we see in the physical realm. We often feel sad, happy, hopeful, dejected, etc. based on what we see around us but faith transcends what we feel or see! For we walk by faith, not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7 NKJV). As a child of God, you must not be moved by what you see or feel. You may ask God for something and get up from praying and not feel like anything will change. As a matter of fact, every indicator may be pointing to the opposite of what you prayed for. Your faith must not be based on your feeling. Rather, your faith must be based on what the Word of God says about you. Always remember that feelings may change, but the Word of God remains the same.

    Faith is not presumption

    Presumption is when one takes something for granted or proceeds with unwarranted boldness. In Matthew 20:20-22 and Mark 10:36-38, James and John and their mother were presumptuous to think they have the right to ask Jesus for the highest placement in the Kingdom of heaven. As children of God, we are free to ask Him anything we please, and once we ask, we can hope He will give us exactly what we’ve asked for.  However, to believe He will do something He has not promised to do is not faith; it is presumption!  Keep back thy servant also from presumptuous sins; let them not have dominion over me. (Psalm 19:13)

    Faith is not belief

    Belief is a component of faith, but not necessarily faith. For instance, one can believe a lie. In James 2:19, the Bible says, You believe that there is one God; you do well: the demons also believe, and tremble (KJ2B). This verse shows us that faith is more than simply believing in a set of facts. Faith is more than head-knowledge, faith is heart-knowledge.

    Someone gave a very good illustration years back that has really helped me in differentiating between simply believing and having faith. So, imagine for a moment that you are sight-seeing at Niagara Falls and a man walks up to you and say, do you believe that if I tie a rope across the Falls, I can walk on the rope across the Falls pushing a wheelbarrow? My guess is that you probably will not believe him and if you have my kind of mind, you probably will think he must have had too much to drink. However,

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