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Kimberley Kiss
Kimberley Kiss
Kimberley Kiss
Ebook90 pages1 hour

Kimberley Kiss

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A Novella

Carla Giancomo hates the outdoors, with good reason. Her IT job in the city makes it easy to avoid. Until the CEO sends her group to the remote West Australian outback for a team-building program. Her only hope is to get through it with her dignity intact. But a perilous journey re-awakens old trauma, while the sexy program leader is a hazard for her heart.

Steve Langdon loves running outdoor leadership programs. He knows from painful experience that relationships with city girls don't work. Which makes the witty and distracting Carla a problem.  He resolves to keep his distance, until shared danger reveals Carla's secret and brings their simmering attraction to boiling point.

PublisherRose Celeste
Release dateNov 8, 2020
Kimberley Kiss

Rose Celeste

Rose devoured books at an alarming rate since she first learned to read.  As a teen, she discovered the joy of a great romance, well told.  Eons (well, a lot of years) as a psychologist forged a deep understanding of people and the messes they get into, especially when it comes to love.  Writing and adventure are her passions. She wrote her first romance while sailing around Australia.  She has belly-danced with Berbers in the Sahara, unintentionally abseiled upside-down, narrowly escaped an unpleasant fate in the middle-east, and stayed sane through an imminent ultralight plane crash in Zimbabwe. Romance is perhaps her greatest adventure.

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    Kimberley Kiss - Rose Celeste



    Her Outback Christmas


    What others are saying about Her Outback Christmas:

    This was a riveting read and a tender love story. I enjoyed the book immensely"

    Perfect feel good holiday read. An insight into the human mind and how we unconsciously sabotage ourselves when it comes to love. A blend of humour, unbridled joy tinged with some sadness, heavy on wit and of course romance

    This made me smile. I love the Crocodile Dundee vibe.


    Preview and links at the end of this book

    To my writing buddies, the Triple Treaters.

    And all women who dare.


    Forget it. I'm not going to waste my time on some stupid team-building leadership program. Carla folded her arms and glared at her boss across his over-sized desk.

    Jarrad shook his head. You don't get a say in it. And nor do I. Our esteemed CEO has decreed that each team will go on the program, and yours is the first.

    Why? There's nothing wrong with my team. We're building great software and our clients are happy. Carla's jaw jutted as she clamped her teeth together. This was not happening.

    Jarrad leaned forward. Dex won't accept no for an answer. It's not a performance problem, it's about continuous improvement. He's been on some big-wig version of the program and now he's a convert. If it's any comfort, I have to do a program with the other senior managers and I'm not happy about it either.

    She couldn't do this. It was her worst nightmare. He can't make us traipse through the wilderness for five days. Plus however long it takes to fly to and from whatever godforsaken place he's sending us to. Last time I looked at a map, the Kimberley in Western Australia is about as remote as it gets. He doesn't have the right.

    Her boss sighed. You know this isn't a unionized workplace. And once Dex sets his mind to something, resistance is futile. He smiled at his own Star Trek reference.

    Carla wanted to smack that smile from his face. She wasn't a violent person by nature, quite the opposite, but she had to fight this. Her heartbeat ramped up at the mere thought of camping in the outback. She could handle the snakes and spiders, it was the memories that scared her. Well, I'm going to resist anyway. What's the worst he can do?

    Give you the boring projects, promote your team members over your head, shift you into software maintenance, even fire you if he wants to.

    Her teeth ground, shooting pain up through her temples. She couldn't afford to lose her job, she had a mortgage to pay. And working in maintenance, fixing issues in someone else's program, would be a living death. That’s beyond unfair. It's bullying.

    Jarrad's tone softened. I get it. But it's his company, he can do what he likes as long as it's legal. And if you make a complaint, I wouldn't like your employment prospects elsewhere. Dex knows everyone in the industry.

    I can't do it. Make an excuse for me. Tell him I've got a dying relative or a terrible disease. Carla fought back the tears that threatened to ruin her show of defiance.

    He shook his head. We both know he won't fall for that. You're over-reacting. What have you done with the calm and sensible Carla I usually work with? Is something going on you need to tell me about?

    She shook her head. She could never explain what this meant to her.

    It's only five days and you'll have your team with you. It's not exactly a catastrophe.

    He had no idea. It's time I looked for another job.

    Jarrad's eyes hardened. Don't be stupid about this, Carla. Nobody's hiring at the moment and you'll never get the money, creative freedom and opportunities you have here.

    He was right, she was trapped. And there were only four weeks until they had to fly out. With a bit of luck, a snake will bite me on the first day and I'll be able to come home. Or better still, I'll catch the flu or get run over by a bus so I can't go at all.

    Careful what you wish for, Jarrad smirked. Now, go tell your team the good news.


    Carla had assumed staying in Broome overnight meant being treated to a resort on the beach, with its captivating milky-turquoise water. But no. After interminable hours spent in planes and airports yesterday, she and her team had been delivered to a mediocre hotel, east of town and a long walk from the beach. Faded eighties' decor and charmless furnishings did nothing to lift her mood. The only positive aspect of the place was the large, sparkling pool surrounded by palm trees. The best way to cool down from the searing heat and oppressive humidity. Something they never mentioned in holiday brochures.

    When Carla had announced the program four weeks ago, Sanjit said he'd love to see the outback, Robyn and Cam thought it would be good physical training, and Ben was so easy-going he wouldn't care where they were, except he'd prefer a surf beach if possible.

    Even after their enormous cooked breakfast, the last decent meal they would have for almost a week,her colleagues seemed unconcerned about their fate. Sanjit and Cam were absorbed in a shared game on their phones, Sanjit exclaiming over each move like an excited child, while Cam was his usual silent, focused self. Ben nodded politely as Robyn droned on about the details of her next triathlon.

    Carla pushed her empty plate away. She had eaten far more than usual because she had to grab real food while she could. They'd be living off military ration packs for the rest of the week. Great. Carla shivered. The condemned prisoner's last meal. She stood and headed for her room. Time to clean her teeth and use a proper bathroom one last time.

    Half an hour later, she was sitting in the meeting room, backpack by her feet. Ready for the journey into hell.

    Please don't let the program guide be a super-fit, annoyingly chirpy, you-can-do-it type.

    Carla chewed her fingernails as they waited. A habit she'd given up years ago. Until she arrived last night, and the old feelings returned. What would their guide think of the team? Robyn, the super-fit triathlete, would have to be a favorite. Cam, the strong, silent type, was into hiking, so he'd do well. Sanjit played tennis and Ben surfed. All of them were taller, fitter and far more athletic than her. And younger, except for Cam. The familiar sensation of impending humiliation and failure sat like a rock in her

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