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Lord Chanchellor's Daughter: The School Detective Gang, #1
Lord Chanchellor's Daughter: The School Detective Gang, #1
Lord Chanchellor's Daughter: The School Detective Gang, #1
Ebook153 pages2 hours

Lord Chanchellor's Daughter: The School Detective Gang, #1

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About this ebook

A long borne grudge, mysterious kidnappings, a trick rose, a mystery to keep you turning pages until the end

John and his twin sister win a scholarship to a luxurious boarding school in New Zealand and they tell their class master that they want to be detectives. Pretty harmless right?


Well luckily for the school this is exactly what they need when a girl is kidnapped under everyone's noses! John, Tiara and their friends must solve the case before it is too late for everyone.


With trick roses, mysterious poems and a whole jigsaw of clues are they up to the task? Why is the kidnapper kidnapping only girls? Does he have an accomplice? What does a long borne family grudge have to do with any of this?

Time is running out and the story has come to the final pages. Join John and Tiara as they embark on an adventure of a lifetime and try to unravel the mystery!

Do you like books like The Famous Five and The Secret Seven? Then what are you waiting for?

PublisherAbdul Azeez
Release dateNov 19, 2020
Lord Chanchellor's Daughter: The School Detective Gang, #1

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    Book preview

    Lord Chanchellor's Daughter - Abdul Adhl Azeez

    Abdul Adhl Azeez



    First Edition: 2018

    EBook Edition: 2020



    © Abdul Adhl Azeez

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted by any person or entity, including internet search engines or retailers, in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, scanning or by any information storage and retrieval system without the prior written permission of Abdul Adhl Azeez

    For information please contact -

    ISBN: 978-955-35972-0-5

    Layout & Book Cover: Saman Widuneth Jayakody

    Cover & Illustrations: Prasad Perera

    Publisher: Watermark

    Printer: Graphicare – Rajagiriya


    Introduction to the Twins

    In the island known as Sri Lanka (please refer the map) once upon a time (not long ago) there lived a pair of twins called John and Tiara (you know them if you are lucky to have met them) Both of them were thirteen years old and they studied at St.Peter’s College Colombo and Museus College Colombo respectively (all leading schools mind you!)

    As they were very bright they managed to become the first in the class continuously (not an easy job)

    In this particular year the Education Department of Sri Lanka decided to give a Scholarship to study in New Zealand. So pretty obviously they had to have a selection test. This test was hard and John along with his sister Tiara decided to sit for the selection test. Obviously they passed and guess what? They topped the batch!

    Here at this very point, I consider it my duty to tell my reader that these twins had a great flaw. That was that they loved to read books. I think that you will agree with me on the fact that this hobby is very unusual for children living in the modern times. Now the book that they just loved to read was the three thousand page book named The Complete Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (and by the way if you want to read it my advice is to keep a pocket dictionary with you. Otherwise you will not understand a single word in it!)

    So then their relations praised them a lot and their friends also praised them a lot. The twins prepared earnestly for the great day of departure. This was scheduled to be on the Twenty Eighth of August. The great day came very much faster than they had expected. So, the twins stepped out of the house with the good byes of their families and friends ringing in their ears. They went to the airport in a cab. The airport that they went to is the only internationally recognized airport in Colombo and it is named after a past Prime minister! In case you wanted to know the name of the airport it is Bandaranaike International airport; Oh and the full name of SriLanka is like six words long The Democratic Socialist Republic of SriLanka.

    So now back to the story. The twins went to the airport and found their way out quite easily. Another thing that is important to tell you is that John and Tiara cannot be classified as ‘nerds’ because they did have some common sense and they had a lot of friends. Now when they were just waiting in the lounge, John said,

    Well I really want to be a detective

    Seriously, why even so do I, John said Tiara.

    Now at this time in the lounge (They went on Emirates) a thirteen year old girl was sitting and waiting by herself and appeared to be lonely. She was very pretty and wore spectacles. Then she overheard the twins’ conversation and judged that they too were going to New Zealand, just like herself. Summoning all the courage that she had, she walked right over to the twins and said,


    Hi! Tiara was the first one to respond as John was dumbstruck. Then Tara replied,

    Hello. What is your name? The other girl answered by saying,

    My name is Liana. I am going to New Zealand as I was placed third in the island by sitting that exam. Are you two going there too?

    To this John replied,

    Well, my name is John and this is my sister Tiara. She is my twin and we both are thirteen years old.

    How old are you Liana? asked Tiara.

    Thirteen, the same as you. And this is my small brother, Julian. He is also entitled to that scholarship and he is ten years old replied Liana showing a little boy who was getting quite excited by looking at the aircrafts and at all costs, much different from his sister.

    Then, a voice boomed


    Then John, Tiara, Liana and Julian rose up from where they sat and proceeded while dragging their bags, to gate number twelve that was far and really deserted. Then they boarded the waiting aircraft. Once they were on the aircraft they had to sit in different places. The twins as well as Liana and her brother had all got Business Class seats.

    The flight was uneventful unless you count the excellent food and the efficient service!

    Then at last after about twelve hours of travelling, the aircraft came to a stop in Christchurch International Airport. The children slept for a great part of the flight as it was in the night. At last, they got out of the airbus A340 aircraft very tired.

    In the airport near the baggage collection area John saw Liana staggering under the weight of her suitcase. John who had read books such as ‘The Dangerous Book for Boys", had a kind of ‘warm’ feeling in his heart. This feeling of course was a new kind of feeling for John. So anyway, John went to Liana and quite politely carried her bag. Then Liana gave John a smile that I think he never forgot in his life!

    The children went outside to get into a cab to go to the school. The school had, by the way provided a cab or a van for the children to go to their new school. This of course John knew by a text message. Finally, after about ten minutes of waiting, a white coloured van bearing the name ‘CHRISTCHURCH INTERNATIONAL SCHOOL NEW ZEALAND TRANSPORT SERVICE’

    The others were announced this by Tiara shouting

    Guys, the cab has come

    The others obviously stunned at this unusual procedure, got into the van (or can I say a minibus) to go to their school (Christchurch International School New Zealand)


    Christchurch International School

    The minibus that was sent to pick up the children was a very comfy minibus indeed. The interior was made up of leather seats. Their driver was not in a very chatty mood as the road traffic from the airport was high as New Zealand had a really huge amount of tourists coming and going. So, to pass the time in the minibus, John was talking to Julian and Tiara was talking to Liana.

    John said Liana very shyly (as this was the first time that she was talking to a boy other than her own relations) Is it true that you guys are really detectives? Now this was said her two eyes shining like blue diamonds (Liana had really rare eyes and this added to her being pretty)

    John replied

    Well yes .Is New Zealand famous for crimes?

    Oh no! New Zealand is one of the safest cities on Earth said Liana in a very shocked manner

    Why did you ask such a weird question? asked Tiara.

    I want to do some detecting here said John.

    Tiara rolled her eyes at Liana by saying,

    Ignore him please

    Then they were rudely interrupted by Julian, who said,

    There is our school Now this was said while pointing to a large whitewashed building that was hardly visible to the road as it was surrounded by large trees

    Then the driver of the minibus woke up his voice by saying,

    "Yes that is your school. Your headmaster Mr. Metland will be awaiting you. And I don’t mind telling you that you are very lucky to go to a school like that. I honestly wished that I went to a school like this."

    Saying this, the driver turned the minivan into a large drive that led to the whitewashed building. Now this was set in the middle of what seemed to be a forest.

    There, right at the entrance a huge man who was tall and also fat .He had a slight moustache. Then John, Tiara, Liana and Julian got down from the minivan. They looked at the headmaster with a kind of reverence. The Headmaster then said,

    Well Good Morning to you

    John then took the initiative and introduced the others to Mr. Metland. Then they all received a very good handshake from Mr. Metland.

    Wait in the reception lounge my dears said Mr. Metland opening the doors that lead inside the white building. John and the others went inside the building and went to the room that was labelled ‘Reception Lounge’

    The reception lounge was a room that had a few chairs and a desk. The children sat on the chairs. John shivered.

    John what is wrong? Do you have fever? asked Tiara. (She was too protective of John)


    No, maybe fear replied John. To this, Liana replied,

    Excuse me!  Boys are usually not scared of stuff

    Ah! Let me show them thought John over and over in his mind as he shrugged his shoulders.

    But before they had any time to argue about this any further, Mr. Metland came in through the door carrying a bunch of papers. He kept these on the desk and sat down heavily. After writing something he pressed a button

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