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Torn Butterflies
Torn Butterflies
Torn Butterflies
Ebook80 pages46 minutes

Torn Butterflies

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

Lana and Marilou meet whilst on holidays at a hotel. The two strangers have a conversation analyzing their most basic emotions in life. They find a companion in each other and become confidantes— they become to each other kind of friend that one can trust with deepest thoughts and worries. Within their heart to heart, the conversation takes another turn, and in the space of minutes the course of their lives to change.

"Torn Butterflies" is a riveting journey of suspense and intrigue. It serves as an examination of the psychology of two women who learn to trust each other with the things they don't entrust to anyone else.
Release dateNov 22, 2020
Torn Butterflies

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  • Rating: 5 out of 5 stars
    Beautiful! Not what I expected at all... (in a good way) worth it !

Book preview

Torn Butterflies - Luvinska Golam Oogarah

Chapter One - 18:45

The moment Marilou set her eyes on Lana she knew she had to sit next to her. Lana spelled elegance from head to toe and was utterly ravishing. Her age was hard to calculate; she appeared to be in her early or mid thirties, but the way she composed herself with her drink in hand suggested she could be more experienced. There was an exceptional something about Lana that made her stand out of the crowd, but Marilou didn’t know what it was exactly. Lana had thick auburn hair that cascaded over her shoulders in a glamorous flair. Her light saffron complexion gave rise to doubts as to where she came from. Her almond shaped eyes were of a hazel colour and they shone bright with what looked like passion. Lana had on a simple black dress that disclosed a voluptuous body and black Chanel stilettos that spilled her probably affluent background. In short, Lana proved there was candour in the little black dress that night. Marilou covertly wished that she had worn hers as well. Why? She did not really know, maybe just to prove she could be as elegant or maybe just to provoke a little competition. It was a long time since Marilou felt she had competition, and that triggered a soupçon of excitement in her.

Marilou had been searching for a seat in the hotel’s lounge for five long minutes, but most of them were already occupied with couples and families. The only free chairs available were at the bar, but that meant that she would have to sit next to some odd-looking men already eyeing her from afar, and she clearly did not want that. Marilou sighed. She had been warned by the hotel receptionist earlier that afternoon that the resort was full and that if she intended to secure a good seat to watch the evening’s show, she would have to come before six thirty. And true to her usual habits, Marilou did not listen. Marilou never behaved by rules and did not believe in them. It was just the way she was but this was not an excuse for a hotel to lack seating accommodation.

The Aikya resort was a five-star hotel known for its excellence in service and prepossessing landscapes and most of the time, always full. The hotel was situated on a small island off the coast of Capri, Italy. The place had a seashore concept. The whole staff was dressed in white tunics with fresh frangipani garlands around their necks as if they were on holidays too. The creamed pastel lobby was full of 3D seashells paintings hung its walls. The floor was made of fine light blue marble, which perfectly complimented the view of the sweeping white shore and its sparkling green waters. There were off-white embroidered silk sofas all around and a bar made of light Barnwood in the left end of the lobby. A lovely band of four people were playing some sweet-toned tunes right where the lobby met with the sand, and a nice salty fragrance reigned in the place, relaxing its people.

Despite being mad about not having a seat all to herself, Marilou could not resist succumbing to the hotel’s charm and breathed the salty air deep into her lungs. A waiter approached her.

"Can I help you Ma’am?’’

"I was just looking for a place to sit but it’s okay, as…’’

The waiter, rather rude, interrupted what she was saying and asked her to follow him. We have a place here if you want,’’ he said pointing to the bar, yet as if reading her mind, quickly added, I don’t think you will be very much at ease though. Why don’t you go sit next to this woman? She seems to be the only one having a seat over there?’’

It was Lana. Exactly what she wanted.

"Perfect, this is what I’ll do, thank you,’’ Marilou mouthed to him.


"Hello, I am sorry to disturb you, but is the seat next to you free? I’ve looked everywhere, but it seems that the lobby is full tonight. Would you mind if I join you?’’ asked a sultry voice. Lana felt her head tilting up instantly toward a woman to her right. Despite wanting to be alone, Lana felt like she did not have the choice and she hated being rude to people.

"Sure. Go ahead,’’ Lana mumbled as she gestured to the seat next to her.

"Thank you so much. My name is Marilou.’’

"Lana.’’ She responded to her handshake with a heavy feeling that her peace and quiet would be invaded.

Lana swiftly scrutinised every detail of Marilou’s look as the latter sat down next to her. This, she believed was a competence given to women only. Only women could really make a decision as to whether another woman was beautiful or not in the blink of an eye. Beauty has always been subjective, but Lana considered that it took one to know one when it came to real grace. Men, she liked to think, were easily fooled by the conception of beauty.

Marilou on the other hand, was incontestably fascinating. Tall and thin, she had a figure that was sculpted to perfection. She had on a white lace dress that was tailored made to highlight her enticing curves. Her exquisite face demanded nothing but attention with its high cheekbones crying refinement. Her pearly white skin was accentuated by straight ebony hair which flowed over her shoulders. She had long lashes that framed her midnight black eyes and the most dazzling pair of ruby lips. She smelled of a French perfume that Lana recognized.

Marilou crossed her long legs in such an alluring way that Lana felt the urge to appreciate them. At that moment, a young waiter arrayed in white trousers emerged from the bar and leaned over to Marilou

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