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Lord's Shelter
Lord's Shelter
Lord's Shelter
Ebook96 pages1 hour

Lord's Shelter

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One of the hardest things about letting go of our past is finding the courage to move towards our future. Yet, that same courage can be the key to revealing life's most important treasures. Fellowship can be a great asset to helping us find the courage that we need. Families, both biological & or non-biological families are often the first and among the most significant of these fellowships. Come be a part of this family's journey through a Christmas Day full of joy & pain, which they will never forget.
Release dateNov 21, 2020
Lord's Shelter

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    Lord's Shelter - Timothy Hill

    ©2020 All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Print ISBN 978-1-09833-791-9

    eBook ISBN 978-1-09833-792-6







    Dear Lord, Bonnie began with her voice cracking, I just miss him so much.

    As Bonnie stood in front of her mirror, she struggled to pray aloud. Yet, these were all the words that Bonnie could manage before she collapsed under a cascade of choking tears.

    I am sorry, Lord, Bonnie managed between heaves. I…I…I just need your help. Please help me!

    At this, Bonnie went completely limp. She extended both of her arms and tried to rest her body weight on the sink. She was able to do this for a few seconds until she ultimately gave way to the weight of her grief and fell to the floor…again.

    I can’t do this today! she sobbed. Lord, it’s jus-just too much!

    It was Christmas morning—a time that used to fill her with unrelenting joy. Yet this was a Christmas that she never saw coming.

    Over the past few years, Bonnie had already endured Christmas seasons without several family members. People like her favorite Aunt Sonya, both of her parents, Mary and Albert, her closest cousin, Sheila, and her baby sister, Terry, had all passed away in the past decade. Now, in the midst of this particular Christmas season, Bonnie also found herself without her husband. Nangwaya had been Bonnie’s first love. He was also her best friend and the shoulder that she had learned to cry on ever since high school. So now, there she sat, on the bathroom floor crying hysterically, alone and wondering where her help was going to come from. To top it all off, Bonnie had promised to accompany her friends soon to a Christmas morning worship service.

    I understand, but I believe that she will be okay, urged Bonnie’s son, Barry. We have to follow through with this. It is too late to turn back now.

    I agree, said Margot, one of the friends on the way to pick up Bonnie for church. This is a day that the Lord has made. We will rejoice and be glad in it.

    Momma does not even realize that the storm clouds are already breaking up, replied Barry with a sigh.

    I believe that you are right, agreed Margot. Just pray and thank God in advance for what you know He is doing. That is what I try to do.

    Yes, ma’am, agreed Barry. I mean if you think about it, literally of all days, Christmas is the most recognized day of the year because of what God gave to us. He gave us Jesus.

    Amen. It would be nice if most Christians actually acted like that fact was the source of our joy today, and not the gifts that we may receive.

    My father used to always say that wealth is meant to be spent wisely, but treasure is to be shared liberally.

    That is so true, Barry. That is so, so true.

    Well, Miss Margot, began Barry, a lot of us know this already, but we choose to hide our light under the bed. Every time I feel myself getting ready to hide what I know about God so that I don’t offend anyone, I remember my daddy’s words. I am going to share the truth, and it is up to others how they receive it. God knows my intentions, and I’m not going to bombard anyone else’s space. But I promise, my friends, neighbors, family, and enemies alike are going to know who walks with me.

    Barry, I am so proud of you! erupted Margot. You sounded just like your daddy when you said that. You have always talked like your daddy though. Do you hear that a lot?

    Yes, ma’am, I do. And I agree with you. I see that even more now.

    I’m sure.

    Well, Miss Margot, resumed Barry, you know that Momma is already up too, don’t you?

    Do you think so? asked Margot. It is barely 6:30 a.m.

    Trust me, insisted Barry. I know how my momma thinks sometimes. She is up right now, and she is doing one of three things.

    What do you think that she is doing?

    She is up either praying, thinking about Daddy, or else both.

    I imagine that I would be too, agreed Margot. I am going to wait a little while though before I call her.

    That sounds like a good plan, replied Barry. Thank you again for doing this.

    I am more than happy to stand with my family today, replied Margot. I know that what you guys have planned for today will really cheer her up. I am just glad to be a part of it.

    Alright then. I will talk to you later, okay?

    Talk to you later, sweetheart. Bye-bye.


    Uncle Lo, began Barry. This is going to be a big day for you too.

    You are right, Barry, agreed Lorenzo, Barry’s uncle by marriage. I am finally coming out after all of these years.

    Boy… Barry began with a chuckle. I wish that you could hear what those words sound like coming from you.

    What words? asked Lorenzo, peering over his arm as he drove his nephew.

    The words ‘I’m coming out after all these years,’ repeated Barry. When those words are strung together these days—

    Oh, yeah! interrupted Lorenzo. I get it now. I guess that was kind of funny, huh?

    I hope that it was just funny, Barry continued to tease. Or is there something else that you’re trying to tell me?

    Whatever, nephew, Lorenzo replied with a smirk. But really, what I have to tell my wife and children is going to rock their world every bit as much as if I meant it the other way.

    What? exclaimed Barry, as Lorenzo slowly tilted his head back. You mean that Aunt Niecy doesn’t know yet.

    No, she doesn’t, answered Lorenzo. To be honest with you, I don’t even know exactly what I am going to say to them. I trust that God will arm me with the right words to say though.


    Hey, don’t do that, Lorenzo snapped.

    Don’t do what? asked Barry.

    "Don’t say Je-sus like that, responded Lorenzo. I think that using His name like that is disrespectful."

    Hold on, what are you talking about? Barry asked with genuine confusion.

    "It seems like in every other movie I hear somebody say Je-sus, or Jes-sus Christ when they are in trouble or irritated. It is like taking the Lord’s name in vain."

    For real?

    "I mean it, nephew. It is like insinuating the name

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