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Desire for Life. Short Stories. Alenka’s Cat Tales
Desire for Life. Short Stories. Alenka’s Cat Tales
Desire for Life. Short Stories. Alenka’s Cat Tales
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Desire for Life. Short Stories. Alenka’s Cat Tales

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The book contains wonderful wise life stories, designed in the form of funny fairy tales. It tells about a curious girl Alenushka, who grew up in Gelendzhik, in the poor house of her kind grandmother and her strict grandfather. The girl asked many questions and loved adventure. The loving grandmother Anna was a Good Fairy and taught her granddaughter some simple wisdom. And the affectionate cat Murka always protected Alenushka, who often walked around the garden at night.
The book has several fascinating legends and tales about various kinds of amazing flowers, about two stubborn lambs, about a captive elephant, about an overly proud Rooster, about meeting wolves in the vastness of the Russian land, New Year stories, and many others.
This book is a compilation of several wonderful tales that have previously been published in five separate books. Also, the book has unique pieces of design art, where each picture has a special meaning and surprisingly complements the book.

PublisherElena Pankey
Release dateNov 23, 2020
Desire for Life. Short Stories. Alenka’s Cat Tales

Elena Pankey

The Author has more than 40 years of job experience in different areas of art education, literature, music, dance, theater. She traveled the world, worked as an assistant producer, sound assistant on some of movie productions, radio journalist, newspaper correspondent, museum guide, owned her businesses.Elena wrote many wonderful books on different subjects, including fun children's books. Her books about the art of dancing, philosophy and psychology of Argentine Tango is very useful for all dancers. After fifteen years of teaching Argentine Tango in her own ballroom school in California, Elena designed original tango courses which help people to improve the quality of lives and marriages.

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    Desire for Life. Short Stories. Alenka’s Cat Tales - Elena Pankey


    Alenka’s Cat Tales

    Elena Pankey






    Alenka’s Tales

    Magical Town

    Emma and Demon

    Gorenych and Fairy

    Black Sea of Gelendzhik


    Garden Soul

    Honey Bees

    Cat Murka

    Sleep Worker



    Flowers Nursery

    Pansies Tales



    Jacket Potato

    Mountain’s Dolmen

    Inflated Bubbles

    Christmas Tree


    Friend Stove




    Two Lamb



    Grandpa Fedor


    Scarlet Flower

    Youth Theater

    Binding Threads

    Road To Overcome

    House on the Hill

    Music of the Nights

    Beyond the Far Lands


    Learning to Fly


    Little Mouse


    Ranch Birds

    Feed Yourself


    Defeat Fears


    Copy Rights


    Why?- Because

    To everything, there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven: A time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted. A time to kill, and a time to heal; a time to break down and a time to build up. A time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn and a time to dance. A time to cast away stones and a time to gather stones together, a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing. A time to get, and a time to lose; a time to keep, and a time to cast away. A time to rend and a time to sew. A time to keep silence and a time to speak. A time to love, and a time to hate; a time of war and a time of peace (Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8).


    God created the Garden of Eden with many beautiful trees and good fruits. There was the tree of life that can last eternal life, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil that brings death in the middle of the garden.(Genesis 2:15-16).


    Alenka’s Tales

    This book has wonderful life stories full of wisdom and fun. The collections of those stories were previously published in five separate books. This book tells about a very curious little girl, who was growing up in the house of her grandparents and loved adventures. There are several fascinating legends about different kind flowers, stubborn lambs, an over proud Rooster, and many other unusual stories collected in this book. The book has uniquely done art pieces and photos.

    The previously published book 1 "Blackberries of Dolmen" tells about the discovery of the ancient dolmen, the world of the great masters of the past. The frightening Dolmen allowed the hungry girl to have the blackberries and saved her life.

    The previously published book 2 Fairy Soul of the Garden has many wonderful stories about the magical garden. Alenushka Grandmother was a Kind Fairy. But Grandfather was very tough to all who lived in his house. Since he was very strict to everybody, Alenushka called him Gorenych, like in a fairy tale. She often ran away into the magical garden, hiding from her grandfather. Many unusual creatures peacefully lived there. Alenushka learned from them how to defeat all thorns on her life path and how to fulfill her dreams. The wise cat Murka guarded the girl during her nightly walks. And in the yard, the selfish King Rooster lived and felt that he was the most important bird in the world. Grandma was teaching little girl that the soul of a person should be like a beautiful flower. Only a kind and pure soul can bewitch somebody. But over the time, without love, water, and care of Kind Fairy, the garden merged with the dry landscape and died. This is what happens to everything without care and love.

    The previously published book 3 "Meeting Wolves" has many interesting stories about Alenushka’s adventures during the wintertime and some fun events around the Christmas tree. There is a story about the magical Stove, about meeting with wolves in the Old Russian village, about a trip to the Moscow zoo, where Alenushka tried to feed and help an elephant-prisoner to escape.

    The previously published book 4 is called "Learning to fly. Life at the Ranch. The plot of the book is not developing on the Black Sea, as the first three books, but all events are on the California Ranch. Alenushka talks about her German shepherd dogs, who were protecting songbirds. It has an impressive story about a terrible meeting with the poisonous rattlesnakes, and how her dog barely survived after a fatal bite. Alenushka thought: Well, this time we were lucky and saw the rattlesnake in advance!"

    The book has an entertaining story about the rabbits who were sitting under the window, requesting a free supply of carrots. It has stories about small songbirds courageously fighting with the crows while protecting their nests. It has an interesting story about the young Owl parents who taught their babies how to fly, and about their battle with the hawk.

    The previously published book 5 "Where Fears Hide" contains chapters about people and beasts who experience different fears, and how they deal with fears. On one hand, it is a fairy tale about how Fear was born, where he lived, and how he traveled from one living creature to another. Fear increased his power because some living creatures did not fight him. On the other hand, the book has psychological observations that are useful for adults and children. These stories are a great tool to overcome fears on the path to success.

    These books have unusual photos and entertaining educational stories. The covers of all five books are art pieces. They have many characters from the stories and look like the puzzles. They are roughly similar to each other and easy to recognize and collect them.


    Magical Town

    There are not many good things are getting done fast. And the fairy tales don't add up quickly. Once upon a time, in the faraway kingdom under the name Russia, there was a small health resort named Gelendzik. The gorgeous town Gelendzik was located on the coast of the Black Sea. It was lying down at the foot of the high Caucasus mountain ridges and settling on the coast of the Black Sea. This beautiful town was drowning in gardens and hid in the bright greenery and flowers.

    There were the vineyards surrounding it, and it was looking like a green border of lace. Blue waves were splashing on the coastal sand. The seagulls were circling above the waves, looking for some fish. The people were rightly proud that the town was so beautiful. However, it was so small that nobody could even find it on the map. But people heard about some magnificent fairy tales that lived in each corner of that enchanted town. This book tells about many of them.


    Emma and Demon

    Once upon a time a very strict Minai and his kind wife Anna lived in the beautiful Gelendzik. And they were raising their little granddaughter Alenushka. Also, they had a very wise cat Murka, who was a Fairy.

    Alenushka had a beautiful, golden-haired mother with a German name – Emma—given by her father Minai. Young Emma was very trustful and dreamed of happiness. One day a seductive demon, Konstantin, bewitched her. He became Alenushkas' father, but rarely visited the young mother and the baby. After that, the joy of life flew away from Emma, and her gray-blue eyes most all the time were sad.

    All mothers’ troubles and concerns are reflected in a child. So, one day mother Emma brought Alenushka to a doctor. A little girl saw that her mother was afraid of the injection. The mother's Fear immediately flew over to the child and settled inside the girl.

    One stormy day of autumn 1956, a big flood began in Gelendzik. Konstantin could not come fast enough to help Emma and the baby to escape the distress. The young Emma was afraid of the flood quickly rising on the floor of her poor, small hut. Also, she could not cope alone with this huge Fear. Fear always brings frustration and anger to people. Seeing her miseries, Fear started to grow bigger and bigger, ruling in Emma, making her threaten and curse at everyone around.

    When Alenushka' father finally came to them, he could not stand hearing Emma's anger and blames. Konstantin also felt Fear and did not want to fight it. This merciless Fear made him leave the hut and his helpless family, and he went far away. His biggest Fear was the Fear of Failure, as in many other people. He did not know that any person who surrenders under the pressure of Fear does not live a long or happy life. Fear eats the person's Soul.

    When this flood covered the floor of Emma's little house, she took Alenushka in her arms and ran to her parent's house. However, Emma did not find any comfort in the house of her stern father Minai. When Alenushka was only one year old, Emma went far away to work in the distant land in the thirtieth kingdom. This kingdom was in the East, on the island of Sakhalin in the Pacific Ocean, where Emma was making some money for the future dream house. For seven years little Alenushka has been raised by the love and care of her grandmother Anna, kind Fairy.


    Gorenych and Fairy

    Alenushka’s' grandparents lived in a small, dark, and poor cabin with three rooms. One summer room was always very cold and served as a repository for vegetables, fruits, pickles, and jams, which grandmother made and collected during summer. The main room with a huge stove was a kitchen. The stove was tall under the ceiling and it always smoked when grandmother cooked something, like porridge or potato. Later, there will be a special story about that magical stove, where Alenushka spent many hours escaping the freezing winter. Little Alenushka slept with her grandmother in the kitchen on the old metal bed. That room had also a small table where grandmother served some modest food. The laundry grandmother did by hands and outside of the house using a special wooden board with metal ribs on it. Then she ironed clean clothes by an old cast iron, which was heated on the stove. The third and warmest room belonged to grandfather and served him as an office and bedroom. Alenushka was not allowed to go there. But sometimes Alenushka was looking into the crack of his door. She saw him sitting there at a huge table reading numerous newspapers. He subscribed to the newspapers by mail, and bound them into the huge bundles, collecting by the date.

    In his room grandfather Minai had a huge desk with a green fabric top. That special table had a lot of secret lockers on the sides of it, and grandfather kept them all locked. But sometimes he would forget to lock his desk when he would go to his secret room behind the house. He

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