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Traveling Sideways
Traveling Sideways
Traveling Sideways
Ebook124 pages29 minutes

Traveling Sideways

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Going off-track is not necessarily a bad thing. In fact, it can be the best thing that ever happens to you. If you can't get to where you want to go straight ahead, why not take a detour: go up, go around, splash through, leap over, travel sideways.
Release dateMay 22, 2019
Traveling Sideways

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    Traveling Sideways - Barbara Blanks

    Traveling Sideways


    More Prize Poems

    by Barbara Blanks

    Copyright 2019 by Barbara Blanks

    All Rights Reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any way without written permission from the author, except for reviewers who may quote brief passages in a review.

    ISBN 978-0-359-67847-1

    The author may be contacted at:


    My thanks to all the judges

    of so many different contests

    in so many different states

    who chose my poems as winners.


    The elevator

    was empty—

    and I danced

    up to the 4th floor.


    their eyes reveal a knowledge


    A caterpillar

      the child wonders

      how it controls its legs

    ~~John Tiong Chunghoo

    dandelion puff with multiple feet

    grooves to the thrum of the butterfly beat

    on ripple-y, tickly, tippy-tap toes

    it follows itself wherever it goes

    sinuous segments of supple design

    dancing a singular conga line

    Monarch Cycle

    eggs release larva

    smorgasbord of leaves nourish

    voracious babies

    butterflies spring from

    silken caterpillar caves

    flutterize the air

    migrating monarchs

    feast on sap oozing from trunk

    dying ash tree blooms

    hibernation sites

    orange fires banked until earth turns

    wings fan north again

    haiku series

    Here Be Dragonflies

    Perhaps I may not often speak

    of my obsession for unique

    creative modes of dragonflies

    in any art that glorifies

    their shapes, for they epitomize

    the athlete’s trim and fit physique.

    A dynamo in air, as sleek

    as cat and just as agile, flies

    with acrobatic skill—defies

    the laws of gravity, relies

    on long and narrow winged-technique

    to hover, flit, fly backwards, streak

    across a pond to catch a prize—

    mosquitoes, wasps, and other flies—

    voracious feeders for their size.

    As earrings, paintings, and batik,

    art captures dragonfly mystique.



    bees embroider air

    exploring ants weave through grass

    flies needle humans

    having picnic on patchwork

    quilt under appliquéd sky

    Moonlit Sonatas

    On summer nights I hear them croon

    a spectral, whirring melody

    of romance on the patio. June

    moths flirt and dally

    with a yellow porch-light moon.

    Fireflies flashing Morse code

    sonnets serenade their ladies—

    who don’t need manuals to decode

    the signals of  Come hither, please,

    each time their macho fannies glowed.

    Close Encounters of the Best Kind

    I want to swim with dolphins off the coast

    of Florida—Key Largo is my goal.

    I need to get away from here—a host

    of tragedies has taken heavy toll.

    I’ll be renewed in underwater scenes

    of dreamy movement, close encounters found

    in freedom with a mask and fins—routines

    mean nothing when the dolphins are around.

    Delightful dancers of the sea—they speak

    to me on levels that I understand.

    Their eyes reveal a knowledge—a mystique

    that lifts me from despair to wonderland.

    No matter how depleted, sad, and worn,

    these laughing mammals make me feel reborn.

    Shakespearean sonnet


    beaks turned upside down

    flamingos feed on brine shrimp

    tall cool

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