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Dream, Visualize, Believe, and Learn to Receive. The Steps to the Realization of your Purpose
Dream, Visualize, Believe, and Learn to Receive. The Steps to the Realization of your Purpose
Dream, Visualize, Believe, and Learn to Receive. The Steps to the Realization of your Purpose
Ebook90 pages56 minutes

Dream, Visualize, Believe, and Learn to Receive. The Steps to the Realization of your Purpose

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Dream, Visualize, Believe and Learn to Receive is a treasure for every person who longs to discover and live their purpose. The author writes about something he lives and puts into practice every single day, as he has been able to confirm the gift he possesses in personal and organizational leadership. Through his counsel, he has not only added value to my Lifework, but I have also seen spectacular results in several people who have had the privilege of listening to him and follow his consultancy. In this book, Hugo shares, with an easy to understand approach, the tools to connect with oneself and stop making excuses for not achieving our dreams. Moreover, he clarifies how to make our unique purpose a reality. Today, in front of you lays the opportunity that only you have to find out everything that is needed for personal and business success. It will be the beginning of great revelation and experiences for your life and environment.
Jacqueline Denise Martinez de Valles
Release dateMar 23, 2020
Dream, Visualize, Believe, and Learn to Receive. The Steps to the Realization of your Purpose

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    Dream, Visualize, Believe, and Learn to Receive. The Steps to the Realization of your Purpose - Hugo E. Martinez Loustaunau

    Dream, Visualize, Believe, and Learn to Receive. The Steps to the Realization of your Purpose

    Dream, Visualize, Believe, and Learn to Receive

    The Steps to the Realization of your Purpose

    Hugo E. Martinez Loustaunau

    Lulu-Publishing and Zoe Christian Fellowship, Global Ministries

    All scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®, NIV®. Copyright©1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.™ Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.™

    Hugo Eduardo Martínez Loustaunau

    Telephone: 001 909 562 6844

    San Bernardino, California, USA



    Copyright© 2019

    Translated from the Spanish by a team effort of James Buschman, Ana P. Gutierrez, and Hugo E. Martínez Loustaunau

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical—including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system—without permission in writing from the publisher. Please, direct your inquiries to


    I dedicate this book to the person who has always encouraged me. Even when situations didn't look positive, she always encouraged me, and repeated that I had been created for great things and to keep going.

    — Always supporting me, always loving me.

    To my mom,

    M. Virginia Loustaunau Medina


    I have seen the lifework that the author clearly articulates in this book, as well as his tireless search, and now his endeavor to persistently persevere his Purpose. Thus, I believe this work to be of high quality for anyone who is looking to begin to understand the reason why God put them here on Earth. The author makes it clear that from Creation, God placed a purpose on every human being. The key is to discover it and learn to follow this purpose through a comprehensive life. From the introduction to the end, Hugo expresses in a very unique and didactic way the themes shared in an understandable way for a diverse audience.

    The author narrates how at a crossroad, he was able to capture learning through his lifework journey, where errors and successes become part of the nature and nurturing necessary to carry out the purpose for which one has been created. By sharing numerous events that had characters such as Martin Luther King, the Apostle Paul, and Queen Esther, among others, the author puts in perspective the possibility of discovering personal purpose, dreaming and learning to visualize clearly. In this way we will be enabled to begin to develop everything for which we have been created.

    I believe that the person who carefully reads this book will have the opportunity to assimilate a positive effect towards the necessary change to achieve their dreams, assume a useful and productive life, and consequently, happiness.

    Dream, Visualize, Create, and Learn to Receive

    Jorge Armando Martínez Martínez

    Founder and CEO

    DGO Auto Detailing

    Rancho Cucamonga, California, USA

    Leaders Speak

    The concepts in this book opened my eyes to my leadership style. All my life, I have been the leader of most things in which I have been involved. On Student Council in high school, in college, President of the Student Union; owner of businesses, and Administrator/Human Resources Director at a local church. I have taken courses on leadership over the years, but the information provided in this book took me to another level! Mr. Martinez’s style of writing is informative and an easy read. He supplies relevant quotes along with the educated yet practical information which assists the reader. I highly recommend this book to anyone who is serious about their dream, and wanting to see it become a reality!

    Josie Martin

    Founder and CEO

    DG 4 Life Inc.

    Los Angeles, California, USA

    Reading this book is of great value because it leads us to learn through the didactic method created by the author to achieve our dreams. It contains positive phrases and quotes that help us understand how to visualize our dreams, and how by executing actions, we can create an expectation of what we can achieve with them to improve our lifestyle. It makes it clear to us that to achieve the purpose that will define our future, faith must not be lacking, since it tells us about not being afraid and believing nothing else, I endorse what the author said, since faith is fundamental in the life of the being human.

    In short, a very enriching work for our life.

    María Dolores Martínez Rojas

    Professor at UJED, and at the Autonomous University of Durango,

    Durango, Durango, Mexico

    This new book is a guide for those who apply it, will surely be SUCCESSFUL. I am very grateful to him, because thanks to him I started my Spiritual journey, his advice and support have sustained me,

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