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Tales of Enticement (Volume I)
Tales of Enticement (Volume I)
Tales of Enticement (Volume I)
Ebook266 pages3 hours

Tales of Enticement (Volume I)

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The short stories in this book I wrote over the last twelve years. Although I feel in my comfort zone with thrillers and horror, I experimented with a variety of genres, including romance, children’s tales, and comedy. Some of these stories have been published in anthologies, but I feel I needed to include them. From tales of blackmail, murder, revenge, supernatural, mystery, fantasy, reincarnation, horror, comedy, and the holocaust, I believe I have most genres covered. Volume II will follow shortly. Thank you for sharing my dreams and I hope you enjoy.

Anthony Hulse.
Release dateDec 12, 2015
Tales of Enticement (Volume I)

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    Tales of Enticement (Volume I) - Anthony Hulse

    Tales of Enticement (Volume I)

    Tales of Enticement

    Anthony Hulse


    Copyright@Anthony Hulse2015

    ISBN: 978-1-326-50412-0

    Cover design: Frentusa@iStock

    The characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    All rights reserved. No parts of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronically or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information storage or retrieval system without permission from the author, except for the quotations in a review.


    The short stories in this book I wrote over the last twelve years. Although I feel in my comfort zone with thrillers and horror, I experimented with a variety of genres, including romance, children’s tales, and comedy. Some of these stories have been published in anthologies, but I feel I needed to include them. From tales of blackmail, murder, revenge, supernatural, mystery, fantasy, reincarnation, horror, comedy, and the holocaust, I believe I have most genres covered. Volume II will follow shortly. Thank you for sharing my dreams and I hope you enjoy.

    Anthony Hulse.

    Adam’s Secret

    Knossos, once the home to a race of people believed to be the first civilisation in Europe, lies on the north coast of Crete and 5 kilometres inland. Once the centre of an important Bronze Age culture, the Minoans occupied Knossos long before 3000BC. Englishman, Sir Arthur Evans excavated the site in 1900, and it has since been spectacularly restored, sometimes excessively.

    The palace of Minos occupies the summit of a small hill, overlooking a fertile valley, hidden from the sea. It attracts thousands of visitors a year, each flourishing in the aura of this once wondrous kingdom.

    One man, touched by the grandeur and mysteriousness of this place, made Knossos his mistress. To leave her would be a sacrilege. He stood tall and proud, meting out instructions. To the bare-chested archaeologist, Knossos was his life, his reason for living.

    Adam Tobias stood hands on hips, watching with eagerness as his workforce toiled in the baking sun to unearth the secrets that the dig must surely divulge. A series of trenches were sunk into the ground on the south side of the hill. It was here that Adam hoped to unravel another piece of the jigsaw to the enigmatic Minoan Empire.

    Adam Tobias, a handsome man with long, blonde, flowing locks and a well-groomed beard could easily have been mistaken for someone belonging to another ancient tribe…the Vikings. His penetrating blue eyes had enticed many a fair maiden, and he often used his sexual charm to his advantage.

    He took a deep breath, inhaling the aroma only Crete could produce; the sweet smelling cyclamen and the wild lupines, mingling with the numerous mountainous herbs. Adam looked out onto the ancient city, with its magnificent red pillars and white walls, and imagined what it must have been like to live in such an incredible era.

    The splendid spectacle took on a role of insignificance, as his eyes focused another creation of beauty. She approached, this black-eyed Goddess; her long raven hair fluttering in the breeze. Not a bead of perspiration blemished her perfect honey-toned features, although the temperature soared. Even in a tee shirt and cut-off jeans, this girl oozed feminism like he had never encountered before.

    She pushed her sunglasses to the top of her head and smiled, her pristine white teeth complimenting her full but luscious moist lips. Good afternoon, she said in a distinct Greek accent. I was wondering if you were looking for employees.

    Adam wiped the glistening sweat from his face. I wish I could offer you work, but I’ve a full workforce; besides, this specific work I believe will not suit you.   

    She licked her lips and shielded her eyes from the sun. Mr Tobias; I’m experienced at this type of work. I’ve worked on several such digs in Athens.  

    How do you know my name? "

    Everyone knows the great archaeologist, Adam Tobias.

    Have you any credentials you can show me? 

    She sighed. I’m afraid not.

    He stood and pondered, her seductive stare working its charm. My pay I’m afraid is meagre. Funds for this project are not what we hoped.

    The pay will be fine whatever it is, she smiled. The excavation of this wondrous city will be payment enough.

    Adam offered his hand. Welcome to the team, Miss...

    Calandria… Calandria Yankas.

    Where are you from, Calandria?

    I live in Athens, and as soon as I heard about your excavation here, I left for Crete immediately.

    Where are you staying?

    A hotel in Heraklion.

    Calandria, I’ll have someone pick up your things and move them to the Alexander Hotel. That is one of the only luxuries of this project we can afford. In fact, the hotel is being paid for by the Greek Archaeological Service; one of our chief investors in the project.

    So. where do I start? she asked.

    You can help George and Alexi over there. What we hope to unearth here is evidence that the city expanded to the south. Other so-called experts have insisted this is not so, but I'm convinced Knossos was a city on a much greater scale than first thought.

    His eyes followed the graceful movement of the girl as she joined the others, who scraped the earth, hoping to unearth treasures. He lit a cigar and smiled, a contented smile. He knew in his heart that he would have employed this girl no matter what.


    Adam climbed aboard the chariot and lifted the veil to kiss his new bride. Calandria looked radiant in her white wedding dress, her head donning a crown, not unlike her husband’s. They held hands and the chariot moved slowly towards their new home. They took in the spectacle of Athens at night, countless lights like fireflies illuminating the dark sky.

    They turned towards Calandria’s family and friends, following on foot and bearing gifts, which is a tradition at an Athenian wedding. Calandria blew kisses at her weeping mother, who carried torches, apparently to emphasise her protective role. The flames of the torches and the Greek music functioned against the evil spirits that intended to harm the bride, or so the custom goes.

    They clenched hands and looked towards the Acropolis, feeling infinity with each other. After reaching the house, they indulged in a splendid feast, and the joyous revellers danced and dined late into the early hours of the morning.

    Adam noticed Calandria’s father scrutinise him more than once. The architect acknowledged the father’s wishes were for his only daughter to marry an Athenian, and not a foreigner. Adam would be thirty-eight on his next birthday, and Calandria only twenty-three. However, the age difference did not concern her father, Stepan. The obscurity of the man who had married his baby preyed on his mind.

    Stepan knew little about Adam, apart from him being an archaeologist; and the absence of any forthcoming kin at the wedding further ignited Stepan’s suspicion.

    My parents are dead and I have no brothers or sisters, insisted Adam.

    His best man at the wedding was George, his right hand man and Greek interpreter.

    Only two months had passed since that glorious day in June when Calandria appeared to him, but their mutual attraction for each other soon turned into love. They had the same interests, and she appeared apparently besotted by this imposing figure of a man.

    Adam shared with Calandria something he had never ever divulged to another being…his wealth. Adam, not as poor as he often made out, could comfortably afford to finance the Knossos project himself, but his greed ordained that he pleaded to backers, cap in hand.

    He made his new wife swear an oath that she would never reveal his secret. She agreed after much haggling, and attempted to convince her husband to pay his workers a reasonable wage, but her pleas were unheard. The house he purchased in Athens did not come cheaply, and the price seemingly inflated, considering the time they would spend there, but Adam attempted to impress his new father in law.

    That morning they made love enthusiastically, looking forward to the honeymoon the following evening aboard a world cruise. Calandria embraced her husband and kissed him before asking, Adam, do you truly love me?

    What a strange thing to say on our wedding night, my Athenian pearl. Of course, I love you… Why do you ask?

    No reason. She kissed him again and closed her eyes.

    Adam, transfixed by her beauty, watched her as she slept, as he did often. His gluttonous nature would not desert him, and he often wondered if this beautiful young girl would be sharing his bed if it were not for his money and his notoriety. He, as usual put it to the back of his mind, after all, Calandria knew nothing of his opulence until after their engagement. He kissed her on her forehead and pushed her dark hair away from her eyes, before slumbering peacefully in the knowledge that his affluence meant nothing to her.


    Adam and Calandria stood on the upper deck and looked out towards the coast of North Africa, feeling the warm sea breeze in their faces. They clasped hands tightly and talked, but Adam’s thoughts were elsewhere…in another continent. Like a child brooding for a lost toy, Adam, she suspected ached to return to his beloved Knossos. This morning, he received news that a fragment of pottery had been found. With this exciting news, she realised her husband wished the time away, and what should have been a celebratory and memorable voyage, offered no such joy.

    They entered the elegant dining room, opting not to dine at the Captain’s table tonight, as Adam wanted them to celebrate their good news alone. They were ushered to a table and Calandria marvelled at the grand surroundings, taking in the crystal chandeliers and marble pillars.

    Isn’t this so wonderful, Adam?

    You’d better make the most of it, Calandria; there'll not be so many such voyages in the future. I intend to fully concentrate on the dig when we’re back in Crete.

    As they devoured their superb dinner, Adam spoke only of the project and the renown it would bring him. He ordered champagne and drank to their success, and of course to Knossos.

    Calandria watched the blood drain from her husband's face as he almost choked on his champagne. He looked past her, and Calandria turned to see what had caused such a distressing change in her husband.

    What is it, Adam?

    Nothing, darling, just a bit of food gone down the wrong way.

    Calandria excused herself. I'll be only a few minutes. I need the ladies room.

    Adam watched Calandria head towards the powder room, as immaculate as ever in her sky blue dress. His other eye firmly focused on the attractive woman, escorted to a table by the waiter.

    With her mass of red locks and her unmistakable walk, she excelled in wiggling her so trim bottom. She had not changed. She dressed elegantly in a white trouser suit, her perfectly applied make-up and fine arched eyebrows enhancing those so blue eyes; her rouge highlighting her fine cheekbones. The petite upturned nose confirmed her identity. She had not aged a day. She could still pass as someone ten years her junior, instead of thirty-four, her true age.

    Adam picked up the menu and peered over the top of it to see she had opted for a table facing his. He swallowed his champagne, still hiding behind his menu, and afforded another glance. The redhead wiggled her fingers at him.

    He approached her table, looking around to ensure his wife’s absence. He towered over her and she smiled at him, raising her right eyebrow, as she always did when in control.

    Well, Adam, isn’t this a surprise? She sniffed the air. I see you’re still wearing that awful after shave.

    Melissa, what are you doing here?

    I haven’t come here for the skiing, have I? Incidentally, did you get your newspaper?

    Adam blushed. Listen, Melissa, he stuttered, looking around nervously. Our marriage was going nowhere. It was stale and we weren’t even sleeping together.

    Melissa grinned. Hmm, I was about the only female in Kensington who wasn’t sleeping with you.

    Why are you here? Revenge, is that it?

    Sit down, Adam and stop being so melodramatic.

    I have company... Er, a business acquaintance, he lied.


    Yes, really… Tell me what you want? Our marriage is well and truly dead, Melissa; in fact it's been cremated and the ashes deposited down the lavatory.

    Melissa fluttered her long eyelashes. Charming as always, eh my pumpkin? Don't flatter yourself; I’ve no wish to rekindle our marriage… You bastard! Did you honestly think I would let you just walk away? she said, raising her voice and attracting stares from other diners.

    Adam lowered his voice. We hated each other; besides, I left you with an ample bank account. Enough to keep you in comfort for the rest of your life.

    Shit! You’re bloody serious... You are bloody serious aren’t you? Do you think fifty thousand pounds is going to last me a lifetime? You skinflint. You haven’t changed a bit; in fact, I’m surprised you splashed out for this cruise.

    I've told you, I’m here on business.

    Champagne and a whore on your arm… No, you definitely have not changed. Who is she?

    I’ve told you; she’s a business acquaintance.

    Yeah, yeah.

    Adam again glanced over his shoulder. Listen, Melissa; this is a very important business deal. I’m trying to persuade her to part with some of her riches and partly finance my newest venture. If she agrees, then the sky is the limit.

    Melissa yawned and looked at her fingernails.

    Please, don't spoil this for me, he begged. He saw Melissa smiling and looking past his shoulder. He turned to see Calandria, looking in his direction, shrugging her shoulders, and mouthing, What?

    What’s it worth for me? asked Melissa.

    Adam reluctantly conceded. Quarter of a million. How I’m going to explain you though is something else.

    A quarter of a million, she moaned… Make it half a million and you have a deal?

    Adam's troubled mind worked overtime. Okay, but you say nothing of who you are. You're a business acquaintance, have you got that?

    Adam, your champagne is going flat. Are you going to introduce us? asked Calandria.

    Calandria, this is Melissa, a business associate. Melissa, this is Calandria.

    A business associate? Why is she on this cruise? asked the Greek beauty.

    Come on back to our table and I’ll explain.

    Won’t you join us, Melissa? prompted Calandria.

    No she’s...

    I’d love to... I’ll just powder my nose first. I love champagne.

    The couple returned to their table. So, what’s going on, Adam? quizzed Calandria.

    I was going to tell you… The meeting isn’t planned until later on in the week, but what the hell… Calandria, I want you to listen carefully. The entire Knossos project could depend on that woman. I want you to pretend you’re a prospective sponsor. You see, if you can convince her you’re about to donate a large sum of money to the project, then there’s a good chance she will follow. We need to convince her that the dig has much potential.

    Are you serious? Who is she?

    She’s a rich widower with money to burn, and she’s a lover of archaeology.

    I don‘t know, Adam; you know how I feel about dishonesty.

    Please, Calandria, he pleaded, as he eyed the returning fiery redhead.

    The content redhead sat opposite the couple. Ah, that‘s better. Now for that champers... Pour please, Adam, Melissa demanded, holding out her glass.

    Adam spoke. Yes Calandria, as I was telling you, Melissa is also considering donating a sum towards the dig at Knossos.   

    Melissa raised her eyebrow and sneered at her deceitful husband.

    Calandria spoke. I’ve seen your work and am impressed; therefore I’m willing to make a donation of say, one hundred thousand pounds.

    Adam appeared pleased. That’s very generous of you. I’m sure your involvement will be well rewarded.

    How? asked Melissa.

    Adam looked towards her and wished he could pull that irritating eyebrow from her face. Pardon?

    How will her involvement be rewarded? If I’m to donate such a sum, what will I get for my money? She removed a silver cigarette box from her handbag and offered one to her associates, which they both declined. Adam watched in horror as she lit the cigarette with the silver engraved lighter he had given her on her birthday. The words stood out as he gazed upon it. To Melissa, love Adam. She rubbed her fingers along the lighter teasingly and blew out a plume of smoke towards the ceiling, before placing the lighter on the table next to Calandria.

    Adam loosened his tie and felt the perspiration run down his face; inwardly harbouring dreams of reaching across the table and throttling the cow.

    What do I get? asked Melissa.

    Em, of course you get to be named as a founder of the dig, and you'll no doubt be featured in many magazines, portrayed as a generous woman, if that is your wish.

    Melissa rolled her eyes. Is that it? If I put in the big bucks, then I expect to get something more rewarding out of it, if you get my meaning?

    Adam scowled at her, as she apparently enjoyed seeing him squirm. This is not a money making venture, but I’m sure a little trinket would not go amiss, seeing as we’re sitting on a potential goldmine, he smiled.

    Calandria slammed down her glass on the table. Mr Tobias! That is an outrage. I was under the impression that everything unearthed at Knossos would be handed over to the Greek Archaeology Service to exhibit in the museum?  

    He narrowed his eyes at her, realising she had overplayed her role. He dabbed his glistening forehead with his initialled handkerchief, the complicated scenario obviously affecting him.

    Officially it does, but a little trinket would be just reward for our enterprise.

    He felt a foot rub against his, and he blushed, attempting to conceal his apparent embarrassment. The foot climbed higher towards his groin, and he swallowed his champagne greedily. Calandria obviously enjoyed her role more than he thought.

    He looked into the eyes of Melissa and she blew smoke into his face, one of his pet hates. He coughed and felt another foot massage his leg, this time belonging to the redhead.

    Adam, in an attempt to terminate the meeting spoke up. Our business is concluded. If you’d hand me your cheques before the end of the voyage, I’ll be most grateful.

    How grateful, Mr Tobias, asked Melissa, emphasising the word Tobias.

    He accepted she would never forgive him for changing his surname. He looked towards

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