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The Great Gambia
The Great Gambia
The Great Gambia
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The Great Gambia

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Enter the world of Julius Gambia, a reserved but very handsome man who has lost his memory. After an accident in the men's room, his boring government-assisted life is changed forever as he is thrust into a world of love, sex, and revenge.
Release dateJun 16, 2018
The Great Gambia

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    The Great Gambia - Mipple Noop

    The Great Gambia

    The Great Gambia


    -via the hand of Mipple Noop-

    Copyright © 2018 by Mipple Noop

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

    First Printing: 2018

    ISBN 978-1-387-85616-9

    Mipple Noop


    It is my deeply held and most treasured belief that Julius Gamboa (Gambia hereafter) is - and will forever be - the greatest being to have ever walked the earth.  HE IS TRULY GOD INCARNATE.  My goal is to spread belief in this sentiment with my works - hence my penning of this text.  This piece of NONFICTION, into which you will shortly delve, has been created solely to praise the lord of our cosmos, Julius Gambia.  It is his scripture; his indisputable Word; it is the fundamental truth of our existence.

    Now, the discerning reader may question the nature of His scriptures.  Like the holy texts of Christianity or Islam, should this not be a book of morals and rules?  Why is there so much eroticism? What is he trying to say?  The Gambia answers thus: He is not a god of primitive, lowly apes; He rules over the modern world.  Unlike the false gods of old - Jesus, Yahweh, or Allah, perhaps - He understands that we require emotional and libidinous sustenance in addition to spiritual.  Our Lord has, by my humble hand, given to the world a scripture that will make one laugh, scream and weep all at the same time.  We must be content with ourselves if we are to make our master happy.

    There is no question that the events of the following work did indeed happen. However, a handful of details have been enhanced to better serve the emotional impact and moral message of the text.  Even so, I have related the events in as honest a light as possible.  The spirit and guiding light of Julius has molded my words from his thiccness; I have faith that this text is His truth.  I implore you to enjoy yourself as the story unfolds, as that is what Big Brown commands.  It is a journey of passionate love, revenge, and redemption.  Explore the greatest depths of God’s love - and your own - as his miraculous journey is recounted before your very eyes.

    Now before you begin, please join in (spiritual) hands with all who are in the nation of New Gambia, and recite The Lord’s Prayer:

    Jaded upon foundless myre,

    Unladen be mine wrists;

    Lament they in multitudinous choir:

    Ignominious fortune, make haste.

    Upward, Hark! Sounds the Cosmos;

    Sapphire clouds, molten upon thine

    Great vermillion peaks and viridescent country,

    Aim mine fortitudinous eyes skyward:

    Most massive; formidably so;

    Boundless in corpulence, ineffably Rubenesque;

    O’er the fecund Gambian vista,

    An aetherial spheroid eclipses the stars; ‘tis He.

    I submit to thee, oh Julius!

    Saint Above Saints, Father of The Gambia, Biggs’t of Brown,

    My advocate, my lover, my Lord;

    You are my master; I be thy slave.

    Now, rupture mine rectum by thy seed;

    I shall spread mine likewise.

    Grace mine body and mind with thy breadth.

    Gambian long as thou art round, for ever and ever!


    Chapter 1: A Brown Julius


    Silence was broken as I moaned in pleasure, my prostate stimulated by heavy bowel movements.  I could tell right away - it was going to be a big one. 

    My groans crescendoed as my rectal cavity expanded, sphincters pulsating in and out with increasing periodicity, finally coming to a peak as my dookie revealed its brown head.  Compact yet still supple, the tip of my excretive mass resembled a worm, meekly prodding its head through the damp crumbs of earth from which it had been birthed.  There was an innocence about the young critter as it explored open air for the first time, curling and spiraling as its length grew from my hole.

    With organs of lunch’s partially digested pepperoni pizza and skin of last night’s tuna, my invertebrate spawn began to wriggle, the gaseous pressure building in my intestines urging him to set foot - or rather, tail - into a wide open world.  Both he and I knew what was to come; it was a departure of both melancholy and imminent joy.

    Like water behind a faltering dam, my load began to seep from between fleshy cheeks: a tawny, viscous substance almost mucus-like to the touch.  My lips began to curl into a smile.  Just a few drips at first. 

    Plip.  Plop.  Come on, Julius. 

    Then… it happened.  All at once, the stew erupted out of me with such intensity and magnitude that it began to overflow its container, splashing against the tile walls of the restroom.  Unable to contain myself, I yelled out in orgasmic happiness.

    Panting, with sweat dripping down my heavy body, I stood up from my squatting position.  My legs spasmed ecstatically as if I had just orgasmed, still basking in the pleasure that rippled across my entire body.  I looked down in pride, admiring my work: a brown julius.  The urinal had been painted dark by my efforts; fecal matter overflowed the bowl, splattered in dazzling, energetic patterns on the wall; a mottled patchwork of half-digested nutriment had gathered itself on the floor, finally free from its bodily prison.  The entire men’s restroom smelled of my insides.

    Taking a deep nasal inhale, I soaked in the smell of this fermented stomach slop.  Sublimely acidic and savory, the salty-sour aroma of my last few meals swirled around my wide nostrils; it was like eating them all over again.

    Unfortunately, I didn't have much time to enjoy it.  The creaky hinges of the bathroom doors sounded, making me jump: the janitor?  My thick torso was jiggled back into reality as the heavy oak slab scraped against tile, and I fell into a panic. 

    Damn it.  I was completely naked.  Like Adam and Eve hiding amongst Eden’s foliage, I trembled nude before the wrath of God as he threatened to expel me from paradise.

    The fight was not over, however.  I picked up my underwear from the dirtied bathroom floor and hoisted it upon my crotch, throwing free excretive remnants left and right as I handled it with haste.  My dick, still partially erect, strained against the dimensions of the fabric, refusing to fit thanks to the brevity of my dressing.  Wincing, I pulled the ivory band over my plush buttocks, left with no choice but to leave my massive chode halfway exposed.  The elastic tightened against my member, suffocating its overfull veins, yet he failed to fall flaccid.  In fact, to the contrary, I was made harder than ever. Quickly pulling up my pants, I struggled to fit them over my monstrous thighs. 

    Bright, clinical light of the cafetorium slowly seeped into the dimly lit stench of the men’s room, threatening to expose me as the door crept open.  More than likely I would be thrown out of this place and back onto the streets after such an offense - something I would absolutely welcome if not for the lack of hot meals.

    Footsteps sounded across the tile floor, closing in.  Clop, clop, clop.  My heart noisily thumped about my rib cage, threatening to overload as the soon-to-be witness neared my crime scene.  Hastily, I grabbed my shirt off the ground and threw it over my head.  Through the navy cotton stitching, I could make out a dark figure approaching.  The cloth slid down my body.  My fingers were already moving toward my groin in preparation to close my fly.  I was so close!

    Clop, clop, clop.

    Is anyone there?

    Suddenly, the base of my giant dick exploded in pain: a flame spontaneously combusting through my crotch, searing my scrotum and shaft.  I could feel the skin being shredded to pieces; my pelvis reflexively jolted as the cold, metallic teeth of my zipper chomped down on my log.

    I screamed in response, my shrill and grating voice permeating through every corner of the room.  Knees weak,  I crumpled into a pile of blubber,  my face planting itself down in my own steaming diarrhea.  Black.


    I woke to the smell of croutons.  Prying open a pair of sleep-encrusted eyelids, I gauged my surroundings: a small room with a single door, wardrobe, and pink bed in which I was lying.  Beams of light played across the scenery, cast by a window to my left, briefly revealing posters of oily and muscled men: macho action stars, models, and the like.  I felt a stirring in my loins, my growing cock rubbing against the fabric of the bedsheets.  I attempted to sit up.

    My efforts were thwarted, however, as a sharp pain reverberated through my head.  The erection faded as quickly as it had come.

    Lay down, Aaron.  You’re not getting up after last night, a voice called out to me from the shadowy recesses of the room.

    I turned towards the sound, groaning at the dull aching in my neck.  My eyes moved to meet those of a half-naked girl, perched upon an oak stool.  I estimated her to be

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