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How to Sell Your Home Fast: 3 Magic Words to Sell Your Home
How to Sell Your Home Fast: 3 Magic Words to Sell Your Home
How to Sell Your Home Fast: 3 Magic Words to Sell Your Home
Ebook168 pages2 hours

How to Sell Your Home Fast: 3 Magic Words to Sell Your Home

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About this ebook

This book identifies a revolutionary easy sell-it-yourself method, and attracts eager home buyers like a steel magnet using only three magic words! In good markets AND bad markets!

You will learn the step-by-step strategy on how to sell your home - or anything else for that matter - to get the best price in the fastest way possible - legally! To put more money in your pocket too!
Release dateJul 26, 2016
How to Sell Your Home Fast: 3 Magic Words to Sell Your Home

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    How to Sell Your Home Fast - Thomas O. Kysar

    How to Sell Your Home Fast



    Copyright © 2016 Thomas O. Kysar.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted by any means—whether auditory, graphic, mechanical, or electronic—without written permission of both publisher and author, except in the case of brief excerpts used in critical articles and reviews. Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this work is illegal and is punishable by law.

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-5412-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-5413-9 (e)

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    Section 1 Defining Notes, Contracts & Other Cash Flows

    Section 2 The BEST Method Of Selling YOUR Home Fast

    Section 3 When, Why & How To Involve A Note Broker

    Section 4 Creating Real Estate & Business Notes

    Section 5 Examples of Real Estate Notes or Contracts

    Section 6 Who Benefits From Notes & Contracts

    Section 7 Proven Owner-Financing Success Tips That Work

    Section 8 Getting YOUR Home Ready For Market

    Section 9 Setting The Price For YOUR Home

    Section 10 Getting YOUR Home On The Market

    Section 11 How To Be A Successful Negotiator

    Section 12 How To Write A Successful Agreement

    Section 13 In Case Of Default… Then What?

    Section 14 Disclose The Disclosures

    Section 15 The Basics Of A Mortgage

    Section 16 Closing The Sale Of YOUR Home

    Section 17 Settlement & Closing Costs

    Section 18 Want To Keep YOUR Note or Contract?

    Section 19 Understanding Owner-Held Notes & Contracts

    Section 20 Tax Planning – Another Mother Of Necessity

    Section 21 The Appraisal Process

    Section 22 Research Links Resources & Information

    Section 23 Contact Me

    About the Author


    Congratulation on your decision to sell your home yourself… and to participate in this revolutionary program. I’m going to show you a proven… innovative… safe… legal… AND profitable way to sell your home YOURSELF with the most powerful strategy available on selling your home fast.

    You are now the owner of what I would honestly say is the most comprehensive, complete, publication on selling your own home – and employing seller-financing to not only sell your home in record time regardless of the real estate market… but to make more money on the sale of your home than you thought possible.

    I believe the information contained in this publication is valuable to you, timely, truthful, and a compilation of real events experienced by many professionals including my own experiences over the last thirty-five years.

    My research on the information contained in this manual has been extensive… and on-going over the past thirty three years I have been in the business valuation – and real property appraisal business performing more than 200 valuations annually in four states.

    Not only will you be able to sell your home fast, you can sell it without using an agent. You’ll save a ton of money in commission fees.

    The strategies outlined herein will give you the necessary tools needed to produce an ALL CASH sale. You can use one of the strategies to get a lump sum of cash at closing. Or you can make more money than you realize with another part of the strategy I’ll discuss just a little later on.

    If you happen to be a real estate agent, you can apply this same strategy to sell your current listings quickly… and even become the expert in selling new listings.

    Several agents I know have become the one to come to, because the home owner doesn’t have the time… inclination or lives too far away from the property.

    I hope you are as excited and passionate about selling your own home just as I am about bringing you this proven technique… and a phenomenal way of saving yourself a lot of money – and selling your home in record time.

    You’re about to be introduced to a real estate sales technique over-looked far too often by home sellers. This sales technique will dramatically increase the number of potential home buyers eager to purchase YOUR home.

    Even in a soft economy like we are experiencing at the present time… when home sales have dropped dramatically nationwide… the strategy you are going to learn has been… and will continue to be… responsible for getting more homes sold faster than any other method employed today!

    Your telephone will be ringing with many, many interested potential buyers. The process of selling your home yourself is very simple.

    YOU pick the best buyer – based on the criteria I’ll explain to you in this program - from all those calls you receive, close the sale… and collect your cash. All you need to do is apply the proven methods you’re going to learn from this program.

    What do YOU believe is the best way to sell your home?

    Maybe you think it’s to have an open house? Improve the looks of your home inside and out? Advertise the special features of your home?

    Perhaps when you advertise your home in the classified ads you can identify the number of bedrooms, bathrooms… whether it has a big back yard, is fenced, has a deck, a pool, double car garage – and so forth.

    Maybe the best way to sell your home is quoting the sales price. How it compares to other homes sold in your neighborhood… or your price might be a little less than the other homes listed or sold.

    How about cinnamon rolls baking in the oven when you show the home? That aroma really adds a nice touch doesn’t it? I could go on forever with more suggestions… I’m sure you’ve heard them all… and certainly these aren’t bad ones… I think you get the idea.

    These sales techniques and methods certainly have their good points. But, most home sellers over-look THE most powerful method there is for selling a home quickly… and I’m going to give you that powerful method right now!

    I call it the SECRET SALES WEAPON, because it produces buyers instantly! This strategy consists of three magic words:


    The big promise is that these three magic words will not only produce a record number of inquiries from which to choose a buyer from, but will produce an immediate sale of your home to the buyer well qualified AND that you want to sell your home to without feeling desperate or in any way pressured by the realtor’s bias.

    Just imagine going through the classified section of the newspaper when you are in the market to buy a home. You see numerous ads on homes for sale.

    The majority of these ads stress all the unique features of the homes identified for sale. Then, all of a sudden, you come across an ad that reads as follows:

    Owner will finance – four bedroom, two bath colonial – Camelot Park.

    I can promise that will be the first ad you call. The fact IS that ad will be called by more potential buyers than any other ad.

    The reason is very simple. The words, will finance sends a motivating message to every person looking to buy a home.

    The people reading this ad will think this house can be bought fairly easily. There won’t be a lot of red tape… and both I and the seller will save money… we won’t need to pay a real estate commission…

    Think about this for a second… home sellers most often want all cash when they sell their home. This eliminates a huge percentage of the potential buyers.

    It means that buyers must qualify for a loan from their friendly bank or lender. Cash buyers are hard to come by.

    Bank or mortgage loans are not only very time consuming to process… but in today’s market, qualifications for a loan are more rigid than most any time in our history.

    It’s bad news when the government bails out the money changers on Wall Street, your local bank, insurance companies, and the quasi-government agencies like Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.

    It is not a new concept when you stop and realize that an all cash sale will eliminate a huge percentage of the potential buyers. Buyers that can pay all cash are difficult to find as I’ve said earlier.

    Those ever-increasing qualification barriers for buyers are now… and will in the future… become tighter and tighter… thanks to an unfortunate period when you could easily buy a home with nothing down – and interest only payments – with a five-year balloon payment.

    There’s good news for you!

    Most potential buyers have reasonable credit, and decent incomes. The lender’s stiff requirements stop a lot of them in their tracks. These folks get punished… all too often a few bad apples in the barrel spoil the rest of the apples.

    Therefore, when some of the more stringent requirements are eliminated, the financial obligation of paying for a home is really not a problem for a large number of potential home buyers.

    You and I should be selling to these people. Yet the banks and other lenders are standing in their way. OWNER FINANCING blasts these barriers away!

    Consultation & Support:

    The purchase of this manual entitles you to FREE consultation and on-going support from the author – Thomas O. Kysar. That’s me. I have written this manual with you in mind… because I want to provide you with some useful information about how your home… or anybody’s home… can be sold quickly and easily with seller-financing.

    Throughout my career as a real property appraiser, business valuation specialist, and entrepreneur, I believe I now have enough knowledge… a certain expertise… and some skills that will be beneficial to you in selling your own home, and even in the purchase of a home in todays’ economic environment.

    Contact Me

    You may contact me between the hours of 8:00 A.M. and 6:00 P.M. (PST), Monday through Friday. We can discuss any subject matter related to this manual. The telephone number and website address are located on the Contact page of this manual.

    However, I cannot provide you with legal or financial advice, but I can provide some guidance on procedures and what to expect using the methods and techniques I’m covering in this manual.

    Depending on your situation, I may be able to provide you with some ball park figure you can expect to receive in cash on a specific contract or note when your home does sell. There’s no charge for my consultation… only for long distance calls you make.

    My responsibility is to find out what your needs are – and to determine your best interest – always! Some of the areas we can discuss include – but are not limited to:

    • Getting the best cash value for you

    • The best financial terms to place in a contract

    • Some solutions for getting the highest down payment

    • Where to start – and how to organize the sale

    • Finding

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