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The Purest of Love: A Pair of Historical Romances
The Purest of Love: A Pair of Historical Romances
The Purest of Love: A Pair of Historical Romances
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The Purest of Love: A Pair of Historical Romances

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Beautiful Clara & Her Short Cowboy - A woman decides that a husband in the Old West would be a match for her quirky personality, but finds that the short yet muscular cowboy she accepts for her husband does not appreciate her sense of humor. A major event later lets her have her personality back, but things are still far from easy even several years down the road.

Three Brothers & The Fighting Brides - A group of women head out west on the train to meet their mail ordered husbands but when a fight erupts that spills out onto the train platform, all that the three waiting brothers can see is a mass of swirling skirts and bonnets and differently colored hair, and a group of apparently very angry women.
Release dateSep 25, 2016
The Purest of Love: A Pair of Historical Romances

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    The Purest of Love - Vanessa Carvo

    The Purest of Love: A Pair of Historical Romances

    The Purest of Love: A Pair of Historical Romances


    Vanessa Carvo

    Copyright 2016 Quietly Blessed & Loved Press

    Beautiful Clara & Her Short Cowboy

    Synopsis:  Beautiful Clara & Her Short Cowboy - A woman decides that a husband in the Old West would be a match for her quirky personality, but finds that the short yet muscular cowboy she accepts for her husband does not appreciate her sense of humor. A major event later lets her have her personality back, but things are still far from easy even several years down the road. 

    I’ll show them, Clara thought to herself as she stormed to the bedroom she shared with her two sisters. It was her sisters that were causing her anger. Arabella and Victoria had been teasing her yet again after Clara’s suitor had broken off their courtship. It was a joke between them, because despite Clara’s beauty she could not find a desirable man for marriage. Her sister’s often called her weird and improper and other names, because they knew it was her personality that drove men away.

    Clara was a stunning young woman. She stood 5’5" tall and had a petite frame and very pale skin. Her skin radiated beautifully against her straight, dark brown hair, big, brown eyes, and full, dark pink lips. It was Clara’s looks that had won over so many suitors before, but it was her quirky personality that quickly ended every courtship.

    Clara’s new plan was to seek a relationship with a man out west in America. She had heard about mail-order brides from her best friend, Anna. Anna was severely lacking in the looks department, which is why she sought a man out west. When Clara told Anna of her troubles, she had given Clara a newspaper full of ads for men looking for mail-order brides. It was called Bachelors of the West. Anna had told her to think it over, and if she found a man interesting enough, to seek correspondence.

    This was exactly what Clara planned to do. Surely she could keep her humorous attitude and boisterous personality hidden until the wedding. Clara knew that most women were married within a week of arriving in their new home, because it was improper to sleep in the same house as a man you were not married to. She also knew that it would be too late for divorce once her husband signed the marriage certificate. Divorces were costly, and he would probably put up with her personality until one of them died.

    As Clara perused Bachelor’s of the West, one ad in particular caught her eye.

    Short, 26 year old cowboy seeks younger woman to make his wife. Must be able to handle cooking, cleaning, and ranching tasks, and bear children.

    The ad did not catch Clara’s eye because it was charming or anything spectacular. The ad caught Clara’s eye because it included the word short. How short? Clara snickered to herself. I can’t imagine dating a midget cowboy. By the end of the listings, Clara was not satisfied with any man listed. She decided to leave her decision up to fate.

    Clara cut each advertisement out and tossed them all together in a box. She decided the one she drew would be the man she would write. After all, Clara could always stop writing the man if she was no longer interested and nobody would know.

    Clara shook the names around and drew a slip of paper. She nearly dropped it in disgust when she realized it was the ad for the midget cowboy. Still, she thought to herself, a deal is a deal. The midget cowboy it was. Clara just prayed she could keep her sisters from ever finding out if it went well. She could only imagine what they would say about their improper sister dating a midget.

    Watch what you’re doing! Jasper angrily yelled at the postman. The man had rode up to the herd very quickly and his cloud of dust had spooked some of the cattle. Jasper did not want to have a stampede on their hands. His ranch could not afford it.

    I’m sorry to come up so quickly, sir, the postman gasped. I wanted to catch you before you left town. A letter has come for you.

    No harm done, Jasper said. You just spooked some of the cattle. I would have hated for them to stampede. Now, on your way, he said sharply. Many people said Jasper’s temper was as short as his height.

    Good day, the postman said.

    Jasper tucked the letter in his saddlebag and continued on his way with his men. They still had a few hours of the morning to ride before they would break so they could eat and the cattle could graze.

    Jasper was a shorter man, standing around 4’8" and being rather stocky for his height. Fortunately, his body was the perfect build for a cowboy. Men of lighter weights were less tiring for the horses to carry. Jasper’s looks also matched his personality. He had quite a temper. This could often be seen in his steel gray eyes that turned darker when he was angry. He had dark, curly hair that he kept very short.

    It wasn’t until a little later that day that Jasper finally remembered the letter. He was digging around in his satchel bag for a knife to cut a piece of wood when his hand touched the thick paper. Jasper took the letter out and placed it in his pocket. He would read it after dinner, as he relaxed underneath one of the few trees. The men would rest here until it was cool enough for the cattle to continue walking. After eating, Jasper laid his head back against the tree and opened the letter.


    I am writing in response to your advertisement in Bachelors of the West. I am seeking a man who is interested in marriage to a beautiful young woman with a bright personality. I do have skill in cooking and cleaning, though frontier tasks are beyond me. I do not know of raising cattle or rising horses, but I sure would be excited to learn!

    I must ask a question. In your advertisement, you stated that you were short. How short are you? I only ask so that I do not receive a shock. Your height does not matter to me, as long as you are a kind man willing to make my acquaintance.

    I do not have money to pay for my passage for North America. I live in the Northwest Territories of Canada and know that passage must be expensive. If you are still interested, please respond.

    Thank you,


    With a name like Clara, she must be a beauty, Jasper thought. He just imagined the sound of her name, like a bell in his head over and over. The name had a ring to it that Jasper adored. Jasper knew that he must act fast if she were truly as beautiful as she said. He responded to her letter after dinner

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