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Straight Out the Hood : S.O.T.H Brooklyn Bridge Version
Straight Out the Hood : S.O.T.H Brooklyn Bridge Version
Straight Out the Hood : S.O.T.H Brooklyn Bridge Version
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Straight Out the Hood : S.O.T.H Brooklyn Bridge Version

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Straight out the Hood is a Hood Novel filled with action pack drama and excitement from start to finish. The book is based on life in Flatbush Brooklyn during the late 80’s and early 90’s. This is this Author’s first book and initially started off as a script written over night. Mr. James has a true talent for writing and displays it by coming up with unique and new ideas sometime written and completed within hours. By reading this book you will be sure to walk away with a few new Jamaican words and a few new slang words to add to your vocabulary. Woven in sex, drugs, guns and violence is a message of hope and a reason not to give up on peace love and humanity. Follow the Character Kenn as he takes you on a prophetic journey about life and crime. Experience his struggle and his passion to succeed in life’s oceans of sharks and piranhas. Laugh at his stupid decisions and marvel at his dumb luck. Enjoy the action and dangers of life in Flatbush Brooklyn during the 80’s and 90’s safely!
Release dateJul 23, 2015
Straight Out the Hood : S.O.T.H Brooklyn Bridge Version

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    Book preview

    Straight Out the Hood - Jah Lightah


    S.O.T.H Brooklyn Bridge Version


    Copyright © 2015 Wayne J. James.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted by any means—whether auditory, graphic, mechanical, or electronic—without written permission of both publisher and author, except in the case of brief excerpts used in critical articles and reviews. Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this work is illegal and is punishable by law.

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-3354-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-3353-0 (e)

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    Lulu Publishing Services rev. date: 7/14/2015


    Chapter 1   Brooklyn Ny

    Chapter 2   Job Hunt Woes

    Chapter 3   Introducing Juggy!

    Chapter 4   Moving On Up!

    Chapter 5   In The Money

    Chapter 6   Bouncer Brawl

    Chapter 7   Kisha’s Intro

    Chapter 8   Sexual Assault

    Chapter 9   Hot Boy Kenn

    Chapter 10   Shane And Juggy’s Lady

    Chapter 11   Kenn Got Towed

    Chapter 12   Sucker Punched!

    Chapter 13   Robbery In Progress

    Chapter 14   Locked Up! Sheeka On Deck

    Chapter 15   Dna Drama

    Chapter 16   Double Dragons!

    Chapter 17   Dna Result

    Chapter 18   Nelson’s Funneral

    Chapter 19   She Devil Dinner Date

    Chapter 20   Guns And Violence

    Chapter 21   Mistaken Identity = Death

    Chapter 22   Revelation Reveal

    Chapter 23   The Set Up

    Chapter 24   Who Do Voodoo?

    Chapter 25   Unexpected Betrayal!

    Chapter 26   The Setup Unravels

    Chapter 27   Most Dumbest Criminals!

    Chapter 28   Catch A Preditor

    Chapter 29   The Kidnapping

    Chapter 30   The Hunt Is On!

    Chapter 31   It’s A Rap Folks!


    I dedicate this book to my loving grandmother Iris James, my uncle Louis Salmon, my step-dad Earl Camron and my brother Dillon Dale Telfer R.I.P.

    To my friend Lekisha Burke and her loving family. To my motivation, my inspiration, and my reason for going hard: My daughter Parveen Anaisa Hutcherson.


    First and foremost I give thanks to my God. He is my light and my Shepherd. I also give thanks to my dear friend Lorraine C. Burke. My Aunty Annetta James and my uncle Louis Lewy Sala Salmon. To my mother and my father special respect due. To my childhood friends; Jullian Juggy Chulo Lawrence and Francis Skill-C Berquin. I’ve learned throughout the years that a little emotional support goes a long way. Thank you all for loving me, when I needed it most.

    Big-up to all Jamaicans a Yard, in the USA and worldwide. Respect to man like Toppa. Big- up to all my Van Drivers in Brooklyn. Respect to all Livery Cab drivers. Love to all my folks hustling for a check. Big-up to all my straight hustlers! Respect to every artist and entertainer in the game for love, not money. Peace to all my fellow Vets. Marines: Larry Puchie Thomas Lance Cameron and Ivrol Hines. The Navy: Mark Subliminal Moman, Jason Smikle, Jason Smiley, Face, Damion Odom, Sidney Fraizer, Lyron Graves and all my ex girls.

    Special thanks to singers and musicians whose songs carried me, through some of my darkest moments. Singers like; Bob Marley, Michael Jackson, Fitzie Niceness, Buju Bonton, Bounty Killer, Screetchy Don, Shine Head, Heavy-D, Barbee, Sizzla Kulungi, Vybze Kartel, Busta Rhymes, Shaggy, Shabba Ranks, 50 Cent, Snoop Dog, Chris Brown, Marvin Gay, Bobby Brown and James Brown. Special thanks to Producers Devon Roach, Ken Kushner, Keith Souden and comedian Sherwin XL Selector Sly Fox from Strika 1 sound. Can’t forget the haters! Thank you for the fuel to continue finding ways to better my life.


    Straight Out the Hood is a Hood fiction novel that has a mixture of exaggerated events and real stories from the late 80’s, early 90’s intertwined with the modern day struggles of a young man of West Indian decent living in Brooklyn. Just about any inner city youth or young adult seeking social acceptance and financial stability in his/her community can identify with this book. Kenn Gordon, the main character in this book, is an inner city male who decides to trade in his geek life, for the street life. His life is filled with hard knock choices. Follow Kenn As he finds out the hard way, how true is the old cliché Crime doesn’t pay! Straight Out the Hood, is a book that introduces, new ways to express words unfit for commercial, or everyday use. Feel free to add words you find interesting to your vocabulary. STOP THE VIOLENCE!


    Brooklyn NY

    June 2000-Kenn Gordon’s College Graduation

    An outdoor college graduation is taking place. Kenn’s name is called. He stands up. Everyone is clapping and cheering over the sound of Whitney Houston’s Greatest Love of All soundtrack; as it plays in the background. The graduates walk on and off the stage. Pictures are being taken of Kenn and the others, as they approach the podium and receive their degrees. The cameras are now focused on Kenn, as he steps towards the podium. With every step and every flicker of light; an emotional Kenn Gordon gets flash backs, of his childhood and his prior street life. Kenn stares blankly as he approaches the podium.

    His mind randomly retrieves memories of the days he raced, at sports day in Jamaica as a little boy. Parents, teacher and everyone seemed happy as they cheered the children on. Six year old Kenn, races across the finish line in 1st place. Those memories, then led to memories of his first trip to New York, and being at Kennedy Airport with his older sister. An eight year old boy dazzled by the lights of the city. It was at that point Kenn was driven and excited by dreams of playing a major part of this great city; in a rich way someday.

    He then reflected on the first time he saw death. At the age of fifteen; Kenn was chilling with a few of his childhood friends: Juggy, Shane and Shawn. Shane was showing off his new gun; when he accidently shoots Shawn in the head, while they were in an alleyway. They left him there! No one called the cops; till neighbors found Shawn dead the next morning. Kenn’s childhood years were great. However his teenage memories are riddled with: Adrenaline fueled crime sprees, violent mischief and not so innocent fun.

    Young Kenn age 17, young Tyrone age 17 and young Areo age 16 robbed a drug spot. They run out of the spot with money and drugs. Three men came running out shooting at them. Tyrone jumps in the car and closes the door screaming; "Go, go, go!" Before Aero could make it to the car! Luckily Kenn had ignored Tyrone’s orders to abandon Aero and he waited for him. Aero was able to jump through an open window in the rear passenger side of the car. Once Aero was half way in the car he yelled: "Go son! Go!" Kenn then floors the gas pedal. The three dudes still blazing shots; shoots up the car and shoots Aero with one shot. The shot entered the left butt cheek then traveled through it and lodged in his right butt cheek; as they made their getaway. Aero was grateful Kenn did not drive off and leave him. They rolled over to Juggy’s house ASAP and removed the shot. Talk about a lot on someone’s mind.

    Kenn’s walk to the podium was a blur. He receives his degree, turns to the crowd, smiled with pride and thought to himself:

    ‘This degree is my ticket straight out the hood. Zeet(see it)! Kenn and his mother are having lunch at an elegant Jamaican restaurant; in Brooklyn, New York, after his graduation. The relationship between Kenn and his mother has always been a strained one. No matter how hard he tries, Kenn could never seem to win over her love and approval. His mother and father’s relationship was rocky also. Eversince his parents divorced; Kenn felt scorned by his mother growing up. He felt as if she took out her resentment and bitterness towards his dad, on him. Nevertheless; He always shows her he loves and respect her.

    Kenn’s mom: "Now that you graduate college and you have this degree, ‘mi’ hope you put it to good use." Kenn: Well mom, I have lots of big plans and with this degree nothing can stop me! Kenn’s mom: "Well ‘a’ hope so; look how you ‘meck you madda proud! Eeh!’" (You made your mother proud yes) "Imagine after all these years, ‘yo’ finally done school!" She replies

    Kenn: "I could have been finished a long time ago but I had to work two jobs. Then at one point I dropped out of school; to join the military! You know! Things like that." She looks at Kenn in a stunned and side-eyed way. Still I did it ma. I graduated. Now I’m happy and I have something to show for all my hard work. Kenn’s mom: as she slices through her pepper stake she utters: "Well, like me say, only hope you put it to good use." They continue to talk as music plays. Kenn is looking forward to a busy week.

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