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In the 28th century, the human race finds itself embroiled in a pitiless and ferocious life-or-death struggle with an alien race which is resolved to destroy them.
The Ramassidors are not only malevolent, they are also highly advanced. There’s also something else about them, however. Concealed and obscure, they have an agenda which is higher than mere conquest.
Michael Stratford is part of Deltacore, the military force assigned to Interstellar combat. He is a genuine decorated war hero and the captain of the Horizon, but he knows that humanity is losing this fight and he wants answers.
As Stratford begins to question the war and the designs of the Ramassidors, he makes enemies who not only lie to him, but who also want him dead. And as he closes in on the truth he reveals something truly shocking.
And with the answer comes the sickening realization that the future of not only mankind, but of every other peaceful alien race in the Galaxy is under the deadly threat of extinction.
Release dateApr 7, 2017

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    Origins - Christopher Laird




    Christopher J. Laird

    Copyright © 2017 Christopher Laird Origins

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form in any written, electronic, or mechanical means-except in the case of brief quotations embodied in articles or reviews-without written permission from its publisher. All characters are owned by the author and may not be used for reproduction without permission.

    The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, dead or alive, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

    Copyright © 2017 Origins

    ISBN 978-1-365-65553-1











    CHAPTER 10

    CHAPTER 11

    CHAPTER 12

    CHAPTER 13

    CHAPTER 14

    CHAPTER 15

    CHAPTER 16

    CHAPTER 17

    CHAPTER 18

    CHAPTER 19

    CHAPTER 20

    CHAPTER 21

    CHAPTER 22

    CHAPTER 23

    CHAPTER 24

    CHAPTER 25

    CHAPTER 26

    CHAPTER 27

    CHAPTER 28

    CHAPTER 29

    CHAPTER 30

    CHAPTER 31

    CHAPTER 32

    CHAPTER 33

    CHAPTER 34

    CHAPTER 35

    CHAPTER 36

    CHAPTER 37

    CHAPTER 38

    CHAPTER 39

    CHAPTER 40

    CHAPTER 41


    Three Ramassidor battle cruisers were totally devastating the massive warship Horizon. The battle cruisers had ambushed the Horizon just as it had completed a jump through hyperspace. Menacing plasma blasts painted the Horizon with explosions.

    What the hell is wrong with the shields? Captain Michael Stratford yelled at the weapons tacticians.

    The plasma blast damaged our shield capacity! the tactician shouted back, struggling to talk through the thick smoke smothering the main bridge.

    Crew members hacked and coughed, desperately gasping for air.

    A thunderous explosion erupted on the weapons control panel and catapulted two crew members across the bridge. Radiant sparks burst out and started a small fire on the console. The injured crew members moaned, trying to staunch the blood flooding from their wounds.

    The Horizon retaliated with two plasma blasts. They hit one of the Ramassidor battle cruisers and it exploded in a roaring plume of smoke.

    A feminine computerized voice emanated from the bridge’s speakers: Primary shields are disabled. Please compensate.Bright red light covered the control room in intervals while she k kept repeating the same message.

    Compensate our energy reserves to our shields now! Stratford yelled, then coughed due to the heavy smoke spouting out of the weapons control station.

    The shield tactician transferred the energy reserves to the shields. The red warning flashes and computerized voice ceased.

    U.O, set up the system for a tidal wave! Stratford commanded over the sparse campfire on the weapons panel.

    Captain, that may be unwise— A thunderous explosion interrupted Lieutenant Clegg and jarred the entire warship. As I was saying Captain, it may be unwise to execute a tidal wave—

    Stratford cut him off. It’s already done, Lieutenant. He stared at Clegg with his intimidating grey eyes.

    The process— Another devastating blast from one of the battle cruisers sent most of the crew crashing to the floor, including Stratford. Captain, the process of energizing the tidal wave will take too long, Clegg insisted from where he lay stomach-first on the floor and staring at Stratford across from him.

    Our basic plasma blast are not hitting their battle cruisers, Stratford shot back. Those cruisers have improved their maneuvering capabilities. We were lucky to get one of them with one of our plasma blasts."

    Captain, phase one of the plasma wave is complete, the tactician reported to Stratford. Another blast knocked him out of his seat.

    Percentage! Stratford demanded from the tactician.

    The tactician regained his composure and sat back down. Forty percent.

    Captain, we don’t have enough time— Clegg was slung to the floor again with the rest of the crew. As I was saying, time is not on our side. We are at forty three percent. We have to continue to use our plasma cannons.

    The feminine voice returned to the control room. Shields at nine percent. Please compensate. The red warning flashes returned.

    Stratford jolted from the floor as a rush of adrenaline came upon his body. Switch all plasma power to the tidal wave!

    The tactician made a swift glance at the captain, his eyes slightly widened with worry. Switching over power!

    Captain, we’ll have no weapons; that's all the power we have! Clegg shouted.

    As another blast struck the Horizon, the crew stammered to maintain their balance as the room shook. Following the blast, a loud, constantly piercing siren surrounded the control room, accompanied by almost blinding red lights.

    Shields are disabled, the computerized voice said in a much harsher tone. Life support in danger. The voice kept alternating its warnings.

    Captain, the wave process is complete! the tactician yelled.

    Fire! Stratford yelled with a sense of relief.

    A massive royal blue bubble emerged from every corner of the Horizon. The bubble expanded until it encapsulated the Horizon, then suddenly blew up to a three-mile radius, destroying the remaining two battle cruisers. Only a fiery exhibit of flashing metal and flame remained. The attack was over.

    Stratford gazed out into the beautiful scenery that was deep space. Conglomerates of the Victoria galaxy’s milky white stars decorated the darkness beyond the window. The scene bustled with countless freighter ships crawling across the area, passing their slower counterparts. Dozens of smaller cruise ships glided through the scene as they weaved steadily through the vibrant star bases that stood erect with thousands of beautiful lights adorning them as if they were Christmas trees. Over in the distance stood Victoria 6, a mammoth planet with a population of about 1 billion. Its powerful purple color was decorated with strikingly blue oceans and smaller bodies of water—mostly seas. It had two suns, making the planet the breath-taking to view from afar. One of the suns was significantly larger than the other.

    The suns hung next to each other, bright and healthy. From this angle, it seemed as if the smaller sun eclipsed the larger one. Out of Stratford’s peripheral view, a large, grey-colored luxury tour cruiser made its way across the Horizon’s line of sight. Hundreds of people could be seen inside the tour cruiser’s circular windows, all with an opportunity to be mesmerized by the purple planet and its eclipsing suns. Truly a beautiful view from afar. Victoria was a part of a binary system that existed in this galaxy. Victoria was one of the most beautiful—but not the most alluring—planets that Deltacore had to protect.

    Stratford absorbed the view with his hands folded behind his back and chin erect, staring into the business beyond, relieved that he and his crew had just survived a near fatal attack from the Ramassidors. Currently, the Horizon was idle, docked into one of the star bases and receiving repairs.

    Captain, may I have a word with you? Lieutenant Clegg said over the intercom.

    Stratford startled and turned his head slightly toward his quarters’ sliding door. He did not want to be bothered, but let Clegg inside. Come in Lieutenant, Stratford said hesitantly, taking a deep sigh.

    Clegg entered and joined Stratford by the window. Busy out there.

    Victoria 6 sector is always busy, Stratford returned a little annoyed.

    Mike, how did the Ramassidors ambush us? Clegg asked, perplexed. We’ve have been using those hyperspace coordinates under strict security.

    Stratford walk away from the window. Clegg followed him. The lieutenant was tall, with a medium build. His towering presence could easily intimidate some of the younger U.O.'s aboard the ship. His bouncy brown hair complemented his slightly protruding chin and strong cheekbones. He was a handsome man, and a confident one. He looked like he could have been a male model when he was younger.

    Roland, Stratford said, we made a grave mistake in using those coordinates. We’ve been using them too long. The Ramassidors are smart. They have good intel. We have simply over-used our hyperspace coordinates. We have to find new areas to make our jumps. Deltacore can’t afford any more mistakes like this.

    We are losing this war! Clegg returned with anger trembling in his voice. "The Ramassidors will eventually enslave all of the planets in the star systems under our treaty. Victoria 6 is in a lot of trouble. The Ramassidors have destroyed the Sinclair, one of our best star ships, and one of our best captains in Trudeau. What a sad day it was."

    Stratford was silent for a moment. Victoria 6 will be safe for now, He sighed with concern. Our intel revealed that the Ramassidors are attempting to take over the Victoria System. We have warships patrolling our jump locations.

    The Ramassidors have taken over Syra and Talora, Clegg said with irritation and anger in his voice. They killed the entire race of Talorians after their term of enslavement was done. How can you kill an entire race of people? For nothing…

    Stratford interrupted him. It’s not for nothing, Roland. The Ramassidors have a purpose for doing this. They are looking for something. Once they have the slaves, they search the planet high and low. If they don’t find whatever it is, they kill the race. It tore me to pieces to see the Ramassidors kill 300 million Talorians. Now Syra has been under enslavement for months. If the Ramassidors don’t find what they are looking for, they will destroy that population too. 100 million Syrians’ lives are at stake. Yet we are powerless, we can’t help those people. We have failed them.

    Mike, if they destroy Syra, then the Malangerin system will be done, Clegg said. We can’t allow this to happen.

    The Ramassidors have been planning for this for years, Stratford returned. They have advanced weaponry and faster battle cruisers. We were lucky to have destroyed three of them in battle.

    Clegg put his hand on Stratford’s shoulder. Using the tidal wave was a good idea. Well, making the energy transfer was risky, but it worked, Clegg amended with a slight laugh.

    But they were waiting for us! Stratford snapped back. We were lucky to get out of here with our lives. They almost had us. The shields held up long enough for us to set up a tidal wave.

    But you saved us, Mike, Clegg said, offering confidence to Stratford. The energy transfer saved us!

    Stratford bypassed his validation, not becoming too comfortable with a small victory. We have a lot of work to do, Roland; Deltacore is doing all it can to save Victoria and the rest of the Galaxy. Well, Lieutenant, I have to complete my report to the Arrowhead Council.

    Clegg recognized his cue to leave. Alright Mike, great job in the battle. I knew we were going to make it with you at the helm. I was not worried for a second.

    Stratford did not say anything, but bid Clegg a good night. Good night Lieutenant, see you at 800 hours for the Arrowhead war briefing.

    Good night, Captain.

    Stratford's entire body felt drained, as if he was losing blood. He felt an annoying pressure initiated on his body. He gazed blankly out the ceiling-high windows in his quarters. The allure of the binary suns overlapping each other with their striking yellow colors hypnotized the uncompromising captain, but he was depressed. But he had to hide his depression, mask it from his crew. He had to keep that confidence and the leadership to retain the morale of his crew. Stratford’s muscles tensed as he thought about his wife, Lisa. As Stratford looked out into the bustling space in front of him, he could not help but to look at the scintillating stars that caged the mighty warship. It was a reflection of his life—trapped and desperate. Losing a war that the Deltacore has no plans of trying to win. Stratford strode to his small nightstand and his holo comm. He pressed some buttons on the holocomm keyboard. A female computerized voice emanated from the holocomm. Hello, Captain Stratford. I am currently reaching your recipient. Please wait for the answering tone.

    An ivy green beam shot out of the holocomm’s circular window and molded a holographic green ball that hung suspended in the air. The female voice returned. Contact initiated. The green ball transformed into a green silhouette of a human figure. The figure soon morphed into a distinguishable image of Lisa.

    You have not called in a while, Lisa said, rolling her eyes in an annoyed, yet feminine gesture that was very beguiling.

    Lisa, it’s the war, Stratford said sullenly. We’ve just been attacked by three Ramassidor battle cruisers. We barely survived.

    Any casualties? Lisa asked.

    Regrettably, two officers.

    How did the Ramassidors get into Deltacore space?" Lisa returned perplexed.

    We were ambushed, Stratford replied, a bit ashamed. The Ramassidors were waiting for us. We just charted that jump location a few months ago. Their intel must be good. They are able to be five steps ahead of us.

    Lisa was only half concerned with his response, but just blew off his answer and abruptly asked, Michael, how come you haven’t called? It’s been almost five months.

    Stratford felt embarrassed. I have been busy with the war, Deltacore, constant battles, the Arrowheads. He looked straight into her lime green eyes. Lisa was half human, half Mykian. Marrying a half-breed was frowned upon by society. It was almost as if you were abandoning your own race. But Lisa was a beautiful woman, a lovely half-breed who was sweet and resilient at the same time. Stratford admired that. He loved her. The stress just has been draining for me, Stratford continued. The entire Deltacore system could be taken over by these monsters. They have already enslaved two planets, destroyed our warships and killed an entire civilization after they were done with Talora. We could all be next if we don’t knock these bastards off.

    I just miss you Michael, Lisa said. I never know when I’m going to see you.

    Stratford took a deep breath. "I know, but now, your life is at stake. Millions of lives, alien and human, are at stake. We could all be enslaved and eventually be executed. I’m trying to find a way to keep you alive, to keep the whole Deltacore system safe.

    What about our marriage Michael? Lisa demanded. We need to keep that safe and save it. I don’t know how much longer I can go without seeing you. And I worry about you constantly. Lisa’s eyes began to well up. As her green eyes began to blur, a tear rolled down her left cheek. Suddenly, her skin began to transform into a hueish dark green. Mykians’ skins changed colors when they felt a strong shift in emotions. Therefore, it was always difficult for them to lie, as because their skin composition would change based on their current emotions. Lisa’s green hue indicated that she was sad.

    I don’t know when this is going to end, Stratford said with a frustrated tone in his voice. The pressure is just…immense. So many lives at stake. We are doing all we can up here. But civilization may come to an end if we can’t stop the Ramassidors. They’re killing millions of people, wiping out our military. We don’t have much time. All my attention is on the war. We will resume our marriage Lisa. But now I’m needed here.

    The tears began to intensify in Lisa’s eyes. As a steam of tears tottered upon her spinach-green face, she managed some words as she heaved up her breaths through her nostrils. We are failing Michael, you and me.

    As Lisa bowed her head in totally uncontrolled sobbing, Stratford touched the holocomm panel to end the transmission. He could not take any more. A failing marriage and a take over from an evil alien race were imminent, and both were terrifyingly close to becoming reality.


    Lisa was a beautiful woman. The wife and first lady of Captain Michael Stratford, she lived on the planet Mykia in the Victoria System. Mykia was regarded as one of the most beautiful and alluring planets in the universe. All aliens and humans wanted to live there. Due to the overwhelming demand to live on the planet, potential citizens were put on waiting list, some up to three years. Whoever lived on Mykia was very privileged and envied among all outsiders who desired to live here. Even making it to the waiting list was difficult. So many restrictions, rules, and regulations have made it difficult to be accepted as a waiting-list participant.

    With so many alien races having biological complications with other races, including human, a lot of aliens could not make the waiting list. Humans that have married an alien race, present or past, were not allowed to live on Mykia. This was due to the fact that the chemical biology of the alien mixing with a human or another alien race could become toxic to other races on Mykia. There have been so many immigrants trying to make it onto Mykia that the military had a difficult time with catching all the immigrants trying to sneak on the planet. Especially with a massive war going on. Military orbital patrols had been reduced significantly. If someone did sneak on the planet, they were caught quickly and deported back to where they came from. Or they died or got sick due to them not having the biological system to handle the planet’s atmosphere or biological make-up.

    People on Mykia did not have to work or do any physical labor. Over 450 years ago, there had been a war between theMykians and the U’hara. With the Mykians winning the war, they were able to seize half of U’hara's economy and natural resources. These now served the planet of Mykia for as long as the two planets existed. The planet of Mykia got infinite amounts of food, resources, and money. And who ever lived on the planet inherited all of these commodities and wealth. With a population of only 30 million people, half of the U’hara's economy and natural resources was more than enough to satisfy the need of the Mykian population. Lisa was so fortunate to live here.

    Lisa had long, straight brown hair. As her long hair cascaded down her back in a peek able fashion, it augmented her ivy green eyes and pure, ageless snow white skin. Her presence radiated through the holocomm's hologram beam every time Stratford called her. Michael yearned deeply to be with her, but his obligation to the war was first, as they were losing this war at an alarming rate.

    Captain Stratford would not call her often, due to the fact that a deep pain brewed inside him that he might not ever see her again. Michael knew he could be killed in this war. Six Deltacore warships have already been destroyed by the Ramassidors. Only seven remained. In over 1500 years, only one had ever been destroyed before the Ramassidor war.

    Stratford was regarded as one of the most decorated captains in the fleet. Sometimes having him be compared to the first president of the United States, George Washington, or George Marshall-Stafford was the best! Lisa knew this, but the cruelty and barbaric ways of the Ramassidors could be too much for the Deltacore military to handle. Lisa loved Michael. And although it was frowned upon for aliens to marry humans, the two ventured through the prejudices and bigotry, and had committed a life of love for each other.

    Lisa had met Stratford on Mykia, which was the headquarters of the Deltacore Military. She had met him during military conferences many years ago, as Lisa was a former council member on Mykia, she and Stratford had crossed paths quite often. From there, a friendship started, which soon bloomed into a relationship. Back then, there were no wars. Just small battles and keeping foreign aliens out of the Deltacore space and exploring. She used to see Michael often, until the Ramassidors started to attack neighboring solar systems and enslave planets.

    Michael had been gone for four and a half years. They would occasionally see each other when Stratford had to visit the planet for war conferences, but this was extremely rare. The only communication they had was by holocomm. Their relationship was suffering, but there was nothing that could be done. Michael was on deployment indefinitely. The warships were made to be homes for the soldiers as well. They could live on the ships forever if they needed to. Being a military wife was unbearable for Lisa. Maybe she could have endured it for a few years, but it had been almost five years, now. She was at a breaking point, unsure about how long it would be until Michael returned—or whether he ever would.

    Man, you have to try this sexual reality application, commander Chris Ross exclaimed, looking through a pair of goggles portraying touchable images of a beautiful exotic woman. The image of the woman was making love to Commander Ross in this virtual reality that he created through an app.

    That’s okay Chris, I’m fine. U.O. Darrett returned with an edge of pity in his voice.

    Come on Will, loosen up a bit. This is great, man. I won’t get you in trouble! Ross said, seeming unable to contain his excitement. He went quiet for a moment, relishing an intense moment with the virtual lady before having an orgasm.

    Feeling awkward and uncomfortable, Darrett looked away in disgust. He wanted to leave, but the intense moment Ross had was only a few seconds long.

    Are you so desperate that you would make love to an artificial being made from computer graphics? Darrett said.

    Ross was tired, his energy drained from the orgasm. It took him a moment to respond as he gasped for breath. You simpleton, Ross ranted, spreading the offensive odor of alcohol from his mouth. This machine cost me a lot of credits. Besides, these women don’t talk back, nag, or take your credits. All they want to do is have sex. You sure are missing out!

    Darrett was quiet for a moment, nauseated with Ross’ behavior, not to mention the foul odor of alcohol coming from his breath. You are so shallow. You’re so immature. How did you get to be in the Deltacore? How did you even become an officer—a commander at that?

    Ross removed the goggles and peered at Will with aura of arrogance. They need me Will. They need me. My expertise in alien and planet biology is imperative for the success of this crew. Besides, I know when to turn it on and off. Since I’m a commander, I can get away with a lot more.

    Darrett stared at an intoxicated and half euphoric commander Ross. And you wonder why Jennifer left you. Look how you act. Quite frankly, I don’t know why I hang out with you.

    Feeling the effects of the alcohol, Ross looked at him and suddenly burst out in a deep-bellied sadistic laugh. Because I’m your commanding officer and I’ll tell you what to do. You hear me? Jennifer was not right for me. What a loser she was. But we grew apart over time and—

    Will interrupted him. You treated her like she was nothing. You cheated on her multiple times. You had no regard for her as a woman and a human being. You even beat her. She had every right—

    Shut up, Will! Ross sneered dangerously as his words became slurred.

    You’re a loser if you asked me, commander, Will said with great sorrow and pity in his voice toward an inebriated Ross. Getting drunk on duty and engaging in virtual apps. You’re a disgrace to Deltacore.

    Ross looked away from Will, knowing Will was right.

    Suddenly, Ross rose from the bed and bull charged an unsuspecting Will into a wall. Ross pressed Will’s body against it, choking him. You be quiet. You be quiet! Ross growled as his cheeks vibrated with rage. You’ll lose if you’re against me, and so will everybody else. Ross calmed down a bit and gathered his self while choking Will, holding him against the wall. We have war room with the Arrowheads at 16:00 hours, you better be ready! Ross let go of Darrett and slowly back up off him, keeping his eyes locked on Will like an angry pit bull backing off.

    Will stood against the wall speechless. Will was afraid of Ross, not because he was Will’s commanding officer, or because Ross was a brutish stout Irishman of 6’2 and 223 lbs., although both of those were contributing factors. Will was afraid because he always lacked the courage to stand up for himself.

    The war room of the mighty Horizon warship was one of the most beautiful and elegant rooms in the ship. The walls were decorated with floor-to-ceiling windows which allowed on lookers to fall in a hypnotic state as they watched the illuminating planet Victoria 6 commanding its presence among the two suns adorning it. The ceiling above was a screen displaying a live action simulation of the Victoria solar system. Stars crowded the ceiling as they twinkled vigorously in rich white. The masses of stars on the ceiling were so beautiful, one could fall into ecstasy of the dramatic display. A vibrant Victoria 6 dominated the ceiling with its commanding deep purple color. What made the simulation more alluring was its constant activity of comets shooting across the ceiling from time to time. Other planets were displayed as well, all smaller than Victoria 6. Planets Victoria 1, Victoria 48 and Socar 377 added elegance to the display with their bright red and yellow colors. Although these planets were uninhabited and unsuitable for life, they were indeed beautiful. Mykia was the only other planet in this solar system that was suitable for life. All the planets’ moons were displayed as well, adorned in fascinating colors of royal blue, bloodshot red, and a vibrant green. The wall also had freighter ships and tour cruisers slowly floating by, augmenting the realism of the display.

    All top personnel were attending the war room conference. This conference included Captain Michael Stratford, Top Lieutenant Roland Clegg, personnel director Terry Waddle, Commander Chris Ross, and three of his science officers, including William Darrett. Other officers attended the meeting as well, bringing the total to seventeen people. As everyone began to get settled in and be seated, Stratford stood at the head of the glass table serving as a touch screen containing complicated and colorful maps and lit control panels in front of every seat. Stratford summoned everyone’s attention with his loud and commanding voice.

    Thank you for attending in timely fashion, everyone, Stratford said. Please turn your attention the halo bays, as the Arrowhead Council will appear shortly. He gestured to the one side of the room where there were eight circular platforms arrayed about a yard from each other. The halo bays would transmit images of from other locations. Soon an image of a human started to form on each platform, starting as swirling and grainy white tornadoes of pixels before forming into the council members one by one. Finally, the Arrowhead Council’s holograms were complete.

    Council, thank you for joining us this afternoon, Stratford said has he sat down at the head of the table.

    One of the images walked off the platform and stood at the table’s other end. Thank you, Michael, for your introduction, President Mark Haar said in his distinguished voice. "Crew of the Horizon, we thank you for attending this meeting. As you all know, the Ramassidors have their sights set on the Victoria star system. They are working feverishly to get to our hyperspace coordinates in the Nzar star system, which is 5 light-years away. We have those areas being patrolled by the warship Renaissance. So, all of our attention will be focused on guarding that area at this time."

    Another man stepped off the platform and made his way to the front of the table. The Ramassidors want to use our coordinates to make easy access to the Victoria System, General Marques Washington declared with his deep resounding voice, but as you know, linking the right coordinates to do this can be difficult. They’d rather not engage us in a battle near the Nzar jump location, but they have upgraded their battle cruisers, which makes it difficult for us to defeat them.

    Mr. President, my ship was almost destroyed in a fierce battle a few days ago, Stratford said. We had two casualties that day. The Ramassidors ambushed us as we were coming out of hyperspace. It’s almost as if they were waiting for us. My ship sustained immense damage. We are still under repairs—

    The elderly yet vibrant President Haar interrupted him. Michael, we are working on how the Ramassidors took the leap before you did. We found out they had taken a jump coordinate that has not been charted by us. How they knew you were going to shoot through… We are still trying to figure that out.

    But all our charted jump locations are currently under guard, Washington added as he began to slowly pace the room. "But we cannot allow what happened to the Horizon; happen again to you or any of our warships. We have lost too many of our ships in battle. We cannot afford to lose any more."

    As everyone in here knows, Syra is currently in enslavement and the planet Talora is destroyed, General Mykala Hall volunteered as she stepped off of the platform and made her way to her way to the front with Haar and Washington. The Ramassidors have the wherewithal to beat us in battles, enslave the planets, and then destroy them after a short time. The Ramassidors are ruthless, heartless, soulless aliens. Combine that with superior weaponry, great intel, and strategy, they have been difficult to defeat.

    Their battle cruisers are faster, their plasma cannons more potent, General Washington added. They have been able to get access to our jump coordinates and now have been able to create their own. If they continue at the pace that they are going…we may be forced to surrender."

    The room gasped in disbelief and fear. A small commotion erupted among the group. Now, confusion and terror had seeped into the minds of the top officers.

    Surrender? Stratford frowned, perplexed. That can’t be an option. If we surrender to the Ramassidors, all of humanity and other alien races will be condemned to an eternity of slavery and death.

    That’s why we will let the Victoria System be at ease and in calm, declared Julia Hackney, the planetary affairs coordinator. We must not let the public know that the Ramassidors have the upper hand. Also, they must not know the Ramassidors are targeting the Victoria System and Victoria 6.

    Why are the Ramassidors putting millions of aliens and humans in slavery and then killing them all? Chris Ross asked anyone of the Arrowhead Council. It does not make any sense. They are killing millions of humans and aliens—

    Then they just destroy the whole planet when they are done slaughtering millions of people. Lieutenant Clegg added with disdain and anger in his voice. Why are they doing this?

    That we still do not know, Haar said. We are working on that as well.

    Are they searching for natural resources, minerals—what? Engineering Commander Luke Albers asked the council.

    Unfortunately, we have no answers right now, Haar said.

    The Ramassidors are rich in gold, diamonds, water, food, and metals. VP James Moorhow proclaimed. As far as natural resources, they have everything that they could ever need. We believe that the Ramassidors are looking for a new home. The nearest star to their planet is dying. In a few years it will explode. The gamma ray blast from the star will scorch their planet, killing them.

    And once the star Roara 449v explodes, a massive black hole will form that will eventually vacuum their planet, totally destroying it, Makayla Hall added.

    Forget about why they are doing it, Stratford said defiantly. We have to put a stop to them!

    "We have all of our warships on separate missions to curb the momentum

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