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The Points of Life
The Points of Life
The Points of Life
Ebook63 pages56 minutes

The Points of Life

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Whats the point of Life? The question everyone asks and many spend their life searching for. In this book the author will explore this question and give you the secret to unlocking the answer that best suits you and your life. Join Deacon as he uses real life scenarios and explains not only how they impact you but how you can impact them..
Release dateMay 29, 2019
The Points of Life

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    The Points of Life - Deacon Xavier




    Copyright © 2019 Deacon Xavier.

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    ISBN: 978-1-6847-0239-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-6847-0243-5 (e)

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    Scripture taken from The Holy Bible, King James Version. Public Domain

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    John 15:13

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    Lulu Publishing Services rev. date: 05/22/2019

    The Point of this book is simple in life we are who we hang out with or at the very least influenced by those we consider our family, friends and acquaintances. Now I know we can’t choose our family and if we could how many of you would actually choose the family you have? If your being honest I’m sure that there is at least one relative you would rather not admit your related to and probably spend much of your time trying to avoid them. So as a child we may not be able to control this but as an adult at what Point do you say enough is enough and move past that relationship or take the necessary actions to remove that person from your life.

    Relationships are the foundation of life as we know it. If someone had the chance to ask God what is the meaning of life?…He would probably smile and laugh and then say. You really haven’t figured it out yet? The purpose of life is to develop and foster relationships. I sent my one and only Son to die for you so we could have a chance at a relationship, if I am willing to do that what on earth could be more important?

    Relationships much like our health can be good, bad or in between depending on how we care for them. Are you giving it the proper nourishment, are you letting it get enough rest, are you working it out, are you taking care of it mentally, physically and spiritually. Life is about balance to much of anything is bad for you and too little of those things we need will also effect it.

    They talk a lot these days about work life balance and now as of late you hear people trying to dismiss this notion and talk about an overall balance of career and life and creating a circle that all those things fit within. I believe personally that work life balance is going to be a better fit for most individuals as we want to keep these aspects of our life separate. For those individuals preaching the circle well congrats you did it…What is it they did you ask? They turned their passion into a career or a business. They are doing something they love and believe in and found a way to make money doing it. If you have a chance to chase a dream, catch a star and ultimately make money doing what you love then your life is the circle but if you’re not so fortunate and your grinding it out so you can provide for yourself and your loved one’s then you are a work life balancer.

    Healthy Relationships vs. Unhealthy Relationships:

    What makes a relationship healthy, what causes healthy relationships to become unhealthy and why do we continue to foster unhealthy relationships and not take the steps necessary to one improve this relationship or two remove this relationship.

    Healthy relationships:

    What makes the difference, what do these relationships have that unhealthy ones do not? Many things, First healthy relationships are based on mutual respect. You hear people say things like I might not like the decision but I can respect it, or I might not like him but I respect him. These statements show how important respect is in a healthy relationship; it is truly the foundation of a healthy relationship. Equality: I love this word; I love this state of being. Being in

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