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Chasing Waterfalls: An Erotic Novel
Chasing Waterfalls: An Erotic Novel
Chasing Waterfalls: An Erotic Novel
Ebook248 pages3 hours

Chasing Waterfalls: An Erotic Novel

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About this ebook

Jonah Reynolds is a New York City police officer with an ambitious wife. But his marriage begins to fall apart when Shayla is promoted to sergeant. Feeling resentful and neglected, Jonah seeks fulfillment elsewhere, mostly in his career as he walks the gritty streets of his big city and does his best to stay focused on fighting crime. His cousin, Dylan, has just met the woman of his dreams, but things go south fast when she leaves Dylan for Jonah. Suddenly in the midst of an extramarital affair, Jonah lands in hot water not only with his cousin but also with his conscience. He has sworn to be a good man for his beloved city, but what about the vow he made to his wife? Jonah’s affair becomes a steamy, erotic obsession that leads him down a path of corruption and forbidden lust. Overwhelming desire has consequences, and hearts are bound to be broken as Jonah loses sight of what he’s always thought important and tumbles hopelessly into a dire situation that could cost him his life and his soul.
Release dateMar 2, 2018
Chasing Waterfalls: An Erotic Novel

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    Chasing Waterfalls - Takoma Washington


    Chapter 1

    Speak of the devil, said Jonah as he looked at the screen of his cell phone. Hold on Desi. It’s the wife, Jonah said as he took the call. Hey babe, what’s up? I was just gonna call you. After work I’m stopping by Dylan’s house for a few beers.

    Jonah sat there patiently listening to her talk. Blah blah blah, he thought to himself as he rolled his eyes. Desi laughed. Richard Hernandez, Desi or Dez for short, was Jonah’s patrol partner for the past six years. They worked Charlie sector in the two-three precinct.

    Like you were saying, Jonah said as he tossed his phone on the dashboard of their patrol car. Go head and finish.

    "Well, all I was saying bro is that me and Marisol have been dating almost a year now. Other than my ex-wife, that’s the longest I’ve been in a relationship, and that’s by choice bro. My choice."

    And I hear exactly what you’re saying Dez, Jonah said as he wiped his bald head in frustration. It’s just I can’t put my finger on the main reason, other than my in-laws, on what’s driving Shayla and me apart.

    Is it still that bad?

    "Is it still that bad?" asked Jonah with a look of disbelief. You were at the wedding. You remember that shit her mother pulled? Now fast forward six years. We’re the same two people. Only thing is, her mother, aunt and two sisters should’ve had their names on our marriage certificate as well.

    Desi fell out laughing.

    And…and, and that’s the reason why I’d never remarry bro, said Dez as he finally caught his breath.

    I just don’t feel appreciated. I feel undervalued, like I don’t have any input or a say-so with my own fuckin’ wife. It’s a ‘get in where you fit in’ mentality with these people.

    Desi sat there quietly knowing Jonah was hurting inside.

    You remember when Shayla got promoted and we were throwing her a surprise promotion dinner? Remember how I got stuck with that arrest at the last minute? I tried everything to give that collar away. They still had the dinner party, and I wasn’t able to go. They could’ve postponed that shit, but they didn’t.

    Yeah, I remember. That was fucked up. All you wanted was…

    Desi was cut off mid-sentence by the crackle of the walkie-talkie.

    Central to Three-Charlie. Charlie, be advised Barnes and Noble is holding one for larceny. Respond to 3387 Broadway. Check and advise.

    Ten-four, Central, replied Desi as Jonah entered into the flow of traffic.

    Most people might say when you marry the woman, you marry the whole family. And I’m not saying had I known this shit beforehand we wouldn’t have gotten married, but at least if I knew how they do, the shit wouldn’t bother me as much. I don’t know. I’m just saying.

    Have you tried talking to them? asked Desi.

    "Yeah. I think it was the first year we were married and something popped off. I don’t remember exactly what it was, but I called her mother for a little advice and to tell her what her daughter did. Man, she stopped me dead in my tracks and shut me down. She didn’t want to hear shit about her daughter and I made myself a promise from that day to never, you hear me, never ask her mother for shit or about shit. And since Shayla got promoted, she has less and less time for me. I applaud her ambition, but I don’t like being just set aside. If it ain’t my in-laws at my house all the time, or in the way, it’s the job that takes up a lot of time."

    I know how you feel bro. It ain’t easy.

    Easy? How easy is it to be somewhere with your wife and she’s recognized from being on YouTube? Last time I checked, it was half a million views. This was around the time you just got assigned to the precinct, and before she was promoted, someone caught her on video saving a perp from a burning car. The dumb ass robbed a liquor store and fled in a stolen car, crashed into a utility pole, and it caught on fire. She made the arrest single handedly.

    "I remember. I saw it on World’s Dumbest Criminals," said Dez.

    As they reached the store-front, Jonah double-parked the patrol car. As he was about to reach into the back seat to get his uniform hat, he noticed the headlights of a vehicle slowly inching up to his rear bumper. He motioned for the car to go around him. As his eyes focused beyond the beam of the headlights, he noticed it was another sector car. He approached the passenger’s door and crouched down to the window.

    What up guys? Jonah asked.

    If you ain’t looking to collar, we’ll take it off your hands, the officer replied.

    Jonah laughed as he stood up leaning against the patrol car.

    Nah guys. This is an easy one. We got it, thanks.

    No problem, Jonah. Call us if you guys change your mind.

    Jonah caught up to Desi just as he was entering the premises.

    What’s up with them? They were looking to collar? Desi asked with a smirk.

    Yep. And this’ll work out better for us. We’ll take this collar and take ourselves off the clock for the next few hours. I can take my time with the paper work and you can search online for those airline tickets you were talking about.

    That’ll work, Desi said with a sly smile as they approached the manager’s office.

    Excuse me, said Desi as he peered inside. We got a call. You guys are holding one? he asked.

    Yes, said the voice from inside the office. Right this way officer.

    As Desi followed the young manager to the holding area, Jonah leaned back against one of the display counters and took a slow look around surveying the entire first floor. He noticed two women in the children’s section looking in his direction as they whispered something to each other. Jonah paid them little mind as he checked his cell phone to see if he missed any calls or text messages. There weren’t any.

    No go bro, said Dez, They’re writing it up as a trespass and having him sign a no return affidavit. They said he didn’t shoplift but his actions were suspicious.

    Jonah laughed, but realized this killed their plans on hanging out in the station house for the next few hours.

    Shit! Jonah uttered through clenched teeth. Okay, let’s go.

    Three-Charlie to Central K, said Desi into the walkie-talkie.

    Three-Charlie, go.

    Central, be advised we’re marking this job ninety-union, unnecessary, said Desi.

    Ten-four, Charlie.

    Let’s hope the rest of the day is quiet, Jonah said as they began heading towards the front door.

    As Jonah led the way, a lady pushing a baby carriage crossed his path.

    Excuse me officer. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to cut you off, but my friend over there would love to meet you. She pointed over her shoulder.

    What friend? Jonah asked, Where?

    The young lady turned around and pointed directly to her friend.

    She said she wants to sit on your bald head, the lady said with a giggle.

    Jonah looked at Desi to see if he heard the same thing. Desi was wide eyed with a big cheese-eating grin on his face.

    Is that so? Well, tell her to come here, Jonah said confidently.

    The lady waved her friend over who was also pushing a baby carriage. She was an attractive cocoa complexioned young woman with long brown hair, a nice frame and firm tits. Jonah found her very sexy.

    Hi. I am so embarrassed to say this to you, but I find bald men in uniform so sexy, said the other woman.

    Really? Well, we’re gonna have to do something about that, don’t you think? My name is Jonah.

    I’m Janice, she said softly as she looked up at him.

    Well Janice, it’s nice to meet you. This is my partner, Desi.

    Desi smiled at her from a few feet away. Jonah took a few steps further away for her benefit affording them a little privacy.

    Cute kid. How old is she? Jonah asked.

    She’s three and a half. I’m her nanny.

    Oh, okay. And how long have you been a nanny?

    For seven years, but I was recently hired with this family. My sister and I just moved here from New Jersey.

    That’s your sister? Jonah asked, trying to get another sneak peek at Janice’s body.

    No, she’s a nanny too.

    Cool. So you like men in uniform, huh?

    Yes, and you are so dark, so tall and I love your bald head, she said as she gently rubbed her hand across the top of his head.

    Jonah didn’t attempt to stop her. He leaned forward, giving her the opportunity to caress his head. Jonah didn’t mind that he’d let a strange woman rub his head in public in full uniform. He looked back at Desi who was still smiling.

    Oh my God. I just want to sit on top of your head, she said gushing with embarrassment.

    Jonah looked her up and down slowly and seductively as if he could undress her with his eyes.

    Well I’ll tell you what, said Jonah as he extended his hand. Give me your cell phone.

    Janice quickly reached into her handbag and surrendered her cellphone. Jonah entered his cellphone number into her phone and handed it back. As she took her phone, Jonah cupped her hand with both of his and looked into her eyes.

    Call me, said Jonah as he winked at her and motioned to Desi that he was leaving.

    That was nice! Great ass, said Desi as he entered the patrol car. Bro, she wants to sit on your head. Damn! I should shave my head too.

    Don’t do that, man. You’d look like a serial killer.

    They both laughed.

    The next few hours passed quickly as Jonah found himself staring into the bathroom mirror. Desi walked in on him.

    You ok, Papi?

    Yeah, Jonah said as he broke his stare, Yeah, I’m okay man.

    You gonna link up with shorty? asked Desi.

    Yeah, but not tonight. I’ll give her a few days. I’m headed to the titty bar though. Wanna roll?

    Can’t bro. Marisol’s cousin has her bridal shower tomorrow. We’ve got errands to run. But let me know the next time you go. I’m there.

    Aaight man. Next time, Jonah said.

    Be safe out there Jonah. See you Monday?

    I may call out sick Monday. I don’t know yet.

    Desi nodded as he headed out of the men’s room.

    Chapter 2

    I said, ‘would you like a lap dance’? the young lady asked again as she waited for a response.

    Uh…nah. I’m good baby, thanks, Jonah replied as he took the last sip of his drink.

    He looked up from the bar motioning to the bartender for another drink. He spun around on his stool and gazed up at an empty stage. They were between dancers. Jonah preferred going to the strip bar in the early evenings rather than late nights to avoid crowds. It was his belief that the ratio of females to men was greater in the early evening. He gazed over the rim of his glass as a long legged, thick Amazon strutted by.

    Excuse me, baby. Where you rushing off to? Jonah asked as he extended his hand, Can I get a lap dance?

    She smiled as she stopped dead in her tracks. She took Jonah by the hand and led him to a secluded corner of the club. Jonah placed his drink on the table, sat down and patted his thighs indicating to her that he was ready.

    She sat down and straddled his thighs as she leaned in close to him.

    What’s your name, daddy? she asked.

    Jonah inhaled deep taking in the sweet fragrance of her body oil.

    Jonah, he replied with his eyes closed, What’s yours?


    Essence, huh? Well, Essence…you doing the damn thing. You have got a gorgeous ass body. Just my type. There was no way I was gonna let you get by.

    Really? she asked leaning in closer purposely rubbing her tits against his shirt, You’ve been watching me, daddy?

    Fuck yeah. From the minute I walked through the door I waited patiently until you got off stage.

    You like the way I dance? she asked in her baby girl voice.

    Fuck yes! So I’m gonna keep my mouth shut and let you handle your business.

    She giggled and gyrated her hips slowly and deliberately against him. She stood up and turned away from him as she continued her dirty dance. She sat on his lap as she slowly ran her hands over her body. She looked over her shoulder making eye contact, but was no match for Jonah. He adored eye contact when making love. She broke eye contact first. She stood up and stepped a few inches away as she danced slowly to the rhythm of the music so he could enjoy the view of her entire body. Jonah imagined fucking her as he gazed over her gorgeous body. When the song ended she kissed him gently on his neck.

    Thank you, baby, said Jonah as he handed her a ten dollar bill. Thank you very much.

    Anytime, daddy. See me again if you want another dance.

    She smiled, touched his cheek and walked away. Jonah made his way back to the bar to order another drink.

    Chapter 3

    Frank Polite was slowly pulling up in the driveway of a house to which he was commissioned for a makeover consultation event. He double-checked the house number against his invoice to ensure he had the right house. Frank was a very talented makeup artist and hair stylist. He was extremely good at his craft. He was also the biggest whore east of the Hudson River; and the ladies just adored him. He had an unquenchable thirst for women and turned nothing down but his collar. His swag was something to be reckoned with. He took full advantage of his charisma, modesty, and award-winning smile. His personal appearance was flawless. It was a major part of his brand. He was a handsome man. Polished, yet rugged with an athletic build and whatever he donned draped him perfectly. He took one last glance at himself in the rear view mirror.

    Perfect, he said aloud.

    As he exited his car, he popped the trunk and removed his carrying case. Before setting it on the ground, he took a white cotton rag wiping away a little dust he noticed on the rear quarter panel. He applied sanitizer to hands, then a little lotion. He closed the trunk then proceeded to the front door. The door was opening before he reached the doorbell.

    Hey Frank! an excited voice proclaimed, You’re right on time.

    This is true, Frank replied as he wiped his feet on the welcome mat before he entered, Good evening, Angela. How are you?

    I’m doing fantastic. We’re all doing fantastic. Everyone’s here except one guest. She called to say she’s running late, but we can start without her, said Angela as she tugged at his arm so she could whisper in his ear, I don’t care much for the bitch anyway. But the rest of the gang is all here. Come…come inside. We’re so excited and ready to spend some money. Come on, let me introduce you.

    "Everyone! This is Frank. Frank, this is everyone."

    The ladies looked up from their wine glasses as they entered the den Angela had set up like a make shift salon. She placed three chairs side by side with a couple of floor lamps to provide extra lighting.

    Frank, this is Annette, Veronica, Lyn, Dee-Dee, Michelle, Justine, Crystal, and Gwen.

    Frank smiled at the entire group. He took his time soaking in the physical attributes of each woman. From head to toe, skin tone to hair style, he quickly assessed each of their unique qualities. One by one, he kissed the hand of each lady as he made deliberate eye contact. He was smooth, and had already made up his mind which woman, given the chance, he would fuck.

    "Ladies, good evening to you all. I really appreciate the time you’ve set aside for tonight’s presentation. This is a clear indication that each of you, respectively, desires a better understanding behind the science of cosmetology. Now, I know a few of you may be asking yourselves ‘Science?’ and believe you me, when I am done, each of you will have a better understanding of how to choose cosmetics that fit your unique skin tone. And I will show you proper application."

    He paused as he looked around the room ensuring they were all paying close attention.

    What I’d like to do is… Frank began as he was interrupted by the ring of the doorbell.

    Angela got up from her seat to answer it. It was Madonna. She walked in with an air of arrogance.

    Hello Angela. Forgive me for being tardy, darling. I’ve had a day you would never believe, she said as she walked in. Hello everyone. It is so marvelous to see everyone again. I do apologize to you all.

    She stopped dead in her tracks as she looked Frank over from head to toe.

    And whom do we have here? she asked inquisitively.

    Madonna, this is Frank Polite-tonight’s guest stylist, said Angela.

    Frank smiled as he extended his hand.

    Good evening, Madonna. It is a pleasure to meet you, said Frank as he kissed her

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