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Elysium - Shamballa's Sacred Symphony
Elysium - Shamballa's Sacred Symphony
Elysium - Shamballa's Sacred Symphony
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Elysium - Shamballa's Sacred Symphony

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The third book in the Enchanted Kingdom series, ELYSIUM continues the story of Rani and Tan as they discover the pathways to Shamballa and develop the Heartland Game. Tracked by both the Dark Ones as well as other Alchemists that are also focused on the merging of the worlds, in this book we cover the movement of the rapture, Shamballa's Shadowlands, parallel worlds plus Earth’s rise into more civilized realms beyond 2012. Guided by the futuristic Commander of the Starship Elysium we also track the story of the immortal monk Tao Lao who moves back in time to work with Isabella and influence a young bomber who is hell bent on revenge.

A cross between Harry Potter, Star Wars, C.S. Lewis & the Matrix movies, this new trilogy of fiction also weaves in some of the aboriginal dreamtime legends while offering powerful metaphysical tools and futuristic insights that will entertain all ages.
Release dateOct 1, 2011
Elysium - Shamballa's Sacred Symphony

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    Elysium - Shamballa's Sacred Symphony - Jasmuheen

    Elysium - Shamballa's Sacred Symphony

    Elysium – Shamballa’s Sacred Symphony



    Copyright by Self Empowerment Academy Pty Ltd

    Please respect the work of the author

    & help S.E.A. promote planetary peace.

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

    Elysium - Shamballa’s Sacred Symphony

    ISBN: 978-1-326-75272-9

    P.O. Box 1754

    Buderim 4556

    Queensland Australia

    Fax: +61 7 5445 6075

    First Edition 2008

    For copies as an e-Book go to:

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    The Enchanted Kingdom Series:-

    Queen of the Matrix – Fiddlers of the Fields

    King of Hearts – The Field of Love

    Elysium – Shamballa’s Sacred Symphony

    Copyright 2008



    Elysium - Shamballa’s Sacred Symphony

    When the Queen of the Matrix

    returns the King to her heart,

    peace will come to all on Earth

    regardless of their part.

    And when compassion sets the pace,

    Earth’s people will find new rhythm,

    a peace within, and a peace without,

    to last beyond millenniums.

    Elysium Prophecy


    Once upon a time

    there was the dreaming,

    where dreamers created worlds

    that they longed for.

    And in the dreaming and the longing,

    new worlds were born,

    for the dreamers knew the magic

    to reweave the webs of life.



    Special thanks to Eltrayan for all our insightful conversations.

    Special thanks to Anjie for your tireless

    typing and editing skills and

    to Jesse for your feedback and the way

    you make me grow.



    To the Indigo children,

    the Crystal children

    and to the children of the Lotus.

    Special dedication to my grandchildren.

    May you know love and enchantment in this world,

    may you also reclaim your heritage and experience the magic of the dreamtime

    as we enjoy the rise of the Rainbow Serpent.

    Book 3 Begins

    The Sea of Elysium

    A broken-hearted boy, a bomb and its detonation, a young black woman thrown across a room, her body lying twisted, bones shattered, blood pumping from her wounds. A young blonde woman lying crumpled, whimpering beside her, then silence as death comes to claim them for its own.

    Scenes of chaos flashed across her mind, disjointed, none of it making sense. 8tlan opened her eyes then let it all go as she came out of her trance-like meditation to focus on her work. There were better things to dwell on.

    Tao Lao had returned to the starship. His presence back on board the Elysium added a rhythm to her, a tango-type beat that she felt around the ones who were in command of their being. Tao Lao was tight and she knew he loved the games that always came with the merging for those were the times he came out of the silence to mingle with them all. He’d been celibate, she’d heard. She wondered for how long.

    Commander. It was Hosho breaking into her mental distractions; the wizard looked well.


    The duo stood together at the console and silently began going through their permutations.

    Logistics? he asked.

    I think that based on all of this, they’ll soon begin retreating.

    Hosho looked up questioningly.

    I believe it’s getting too hot in the proverbial kitchen, my wizard friend. So, yes, I think the Volcan Lords will now begin to explore another path and maybe even seek other Earth-like planets in parallel grid points in the Matrix.

    Smart move.

    It’s their usual move. Keeps their game alive in the dual-natured worlds.

    ’Tis a good sign, he sighed with a touch of triumph.

    Yes, my friend, it’s all a very good sign, she laughed, embracing him.

    8tlan felt him morph within her arms, bringing in his youthful nature, the warrior-king, tall and strong. His being felt vital, passionate, and pure. Still she thought only of Tao Lao. Hosho caught her yearning, felt what was passing through her, and then re-morphed himself back to being the ageless one, the one who dwelled with detachment. As they drew apart he realized that her heart was set on another, just as his had always been. There was a sparkle to her that he hadn’t seen in ages although she’d always intrigued him. Smart and sassy, she saw the infinite weaves of the Matrix and knew the heart of its Queen. It was a good combination to have in one so young and yet he knew that the one who stood before him was also already ageless, for on the starship immortality was a given. With her pale green eyes and flame-red hair, she was also incredibly alluring.

    8tlan laughed politely and broke the spell of their contact. She’d never felt this side of Hosho before, never felt him as a man; she’d only seen his androgynous nature. He was suddenly appealing.

    Hmm, she thought to herself, shielding her reaction. The field of love has infinite possibilities, it seems. She let her mind wander to images of intimacy – first with Hosho, then with Tao Lao, then with another she’d recently been seeing. Her mind returned to Tao Lao and her heart followed willingly. She knew he would become her focus, as was her way when her heart and mind were one. It was a good technique to use, to see which potential scenario would suit her better, to imagine the choice being lived in her mind as if it were real and then to watch and feel how her inner being responded. She imagined them making love, Tao Lao’s smiling face beside her in bed, and her whole body began to tingle in joyous anticipation. She brushed it all aside to focus back on the task before her, just in time to hear Hosho ask:

    You have seen clear exit signs? His voice brought her back to their field assessment and the signs of the Volcan Lords retreating.

    She pointed to the fading lights within the grids. See here? Hosho did. And here.

    Less activity, other doorways in time being opened, he noted. All good signs.

    Perhaps, was 8tlan’s only comment.

    You’re right, of course, the wizard sighed. One should never underestimate the games of the Volcan Lords for they have always been creative. He chuckled, patted her on the back, and then disappeared in an instant, morphing himself back to the Sacred Chamber just moments before Tao Lao beamed in, materializing right before her. She looked up from the console in time to catch his welcoming smile.


    Tao Lao.

    8tlan stood erect, feeling herself as someone strong, and noticed how enhanced she felt just by being in his presence. Tao Lao’s eyes twinkled, shining like stars lodged in a pure black sky. Windows into him, his eyes had caught her from the very beginning. They seemed to change color from green to turquoise blue then to black as his pupils expanded with excitement.

    She remembered the day they’d first met, how she’d been drawn to him in an instant, how she was compelled to be with him again and how she knew him as one she’d once loved well before. He was easy to be with, making her feel relaxed in a way she rarely felt.

    I’ve seen you in my dreams, she had said that day as she drank of the pool of light in his eyes.

    You feel like someone I should know, he’d lazily replied with just a touch of interest.

    She was bait, he had the line.

    Would be an interesting journey, she charmingly retorted.

    We can start anytime, he’d teased back.

    She liked him, this version that stood before her, the one she knew who would always make her smile.

    News, Commander? Tao Lao now questioned, ready for the latest update. His voice broke 8tlan’s spell and the flashback of memories receded.

    Earth status … let’s see ….

    She deftly leaned across him and lightly touched a button on her console at the bridge. He stood back a little and glanced around them, noting the splendor of the craft. It truly was magnificent.

    Hmm …? he dreamily sighed in response to words he didn’t quite hear her say.

    I said it’s a work of art. She gestured upward and around, with the slightest touch of pride. I never thought she’d be at my command.

    Oh, I doubt that, was his only response. Then he cocked his head to the side, winked, and added: Elysium has always been at our command.

    Our? she couldn’t help but ask.

    Aren’t we all creating our own versions of Elysium?

    And learning to merge them all harmoniously, she teased.

    Exactly. So what is the current state of play?

    As you know, contact has long been made with Earth’s visionaries and integration is multi-species and inter-dimensional. Grids are positioned and pulsing, and their shamans have opened enough doors to speed up the game.

    And the Queen? Tell me, Commander, how does the Queen of the Matrix feel?

    Heavenly is the general consensus.

    They locked eyes and smiled wholeheartedly at each other. He bowed slightly to her, in the manner of the royal adviser he’d once been in another life, and softly faded from the room, vanishing without a trace. Recently, when he had beamed out like that, he would leave an invisible energy pool of love for her to wander into, in which she could feel the essence of his heart and sit within it.

    She sighed a little like an enchanted lovesick schoolgirl, then breathed deeply to compose herself enough to focus back on her work. Two visits in one day from the men she loved. First Hosho, then Tao Lao; it was unusual. She closed her eyes for a moment only to get the flashes back – not of memories or wishful imaginings, but instead of things that were possibly yet to come. Her left ear was filled with a ringing sound which was a sign to pay attention. She saw it fully then. A bomb exploding, body parts flying through the air, screams of disbelief as the building caved in, and the ensuing chaos of confusion. Then two faces loomed before her: a pretty, young woman with big violet eyes and another young woman with ebony skin and a big, wise smile. Both drifted now into the light, passing over into the realm of the dead. Then a shifting in the fields as the Matrix absorbed the repercussions.

    She shook her head and opened her eyes, refocusing on the task before her. She punched a few numbers into the computer and let the permutations run, as she factored in unexpected influences from various time-fields and locations. While she’d reconfigured the Matrix in a million ways, the current formula was winning. Everything was on, running as expected, but so far she couldn’t yet track the sources of the flashes in her mind in real time; the Matrix was unaffected. All she saw was merging, mating, dreaming, then dancing, loving, teasing, yet she knew enough to trust that something was about to go wrong, if it hadn’t already.

    Why couldn’t it stay on track? she silently wondered, suspecting her flashes were some sort of warning or premonition.

    Winning for all and all for all had become Earth’s shamans’ latest game. In time Rani and Tan would call the game the Heartland, but that was yet to come. All 8tlan knew was that not all players were awake enough to be fully positioned to complete the longed-for merging. Time is needed plus the heat of their desire, she thought wistfully.

    Desire, heat, the words drew 8tlan’s mind back to Tao Lao. She could feel it rising between them every moment he was in her field, from the second he entered it to the moment he withdrew. And then she found him in her dreams, always he came to her in dreams. She felt him come eagerly, pulled to her for the sheer fun of exploring that which pulsed between them.

    Pheromones, I think it’s called. No, she said to herself, more like the whole magnificent package. Bring it on!

    She smiled and realized once again that it had all begun with the dreaming, that field of love where new worlds were born, then made, and now they had been drawn together again. He’d be fun, of that much she was sure, but 8tlan knew that he would offer her so much more now that contact had been made. How many lifetimes had they waited? He’d been a trusted adviser to Mary and Jacob when they had ruled their kingdom before the coming of the Christ. He had appeared again to mentor Tan and Rani once they’d been returned from the Enchanted Realm. Mary had loved him then, she knew, just as 8tlan did now. She’d always loved him, yet so far they’d never been lovers – only friends. His appearance rarely changed. Olive skin, pale blue-green eyes, brown hair, strong jaw line, a soft, full mouth, but now he had a small goatee on his chin. He was tall and lean, and she fit perfectly under his arm as if she were built in this life just for him. She couldn’t believe how much her mind was wandering nor the nature of her thoughts; no one had captivated her quite like this before.

    Suddenly Tao Lao was back, standing right beside her.

    How many?

    What? she looked up, broken out of her daydream, and nearly became lost again in his eyes, feeling expanded as she did so. He’d returned, curious and energized.

    How many fields were aligned this time? Tao Lao noticed that the recipe had changed. It seemed to be changing now between them, before his very eyes. She was less a commander and more a woman, one his instinct told him was delicious.

    Fields of attraction were growing and the formula was changing yet again. He shook his head to free himself from distraction, then asked a slightly different question: I need specifics. Exactly what was requested by Earth’s people?

    Complex as usual. Some politicians prayed for peace, others for power, others still for status and wealth. Many among the people prayed for more ….

    For matters of the heart to be fulfilled? Tao Lao put forth, as she responded with a nod. He added brightly, They have requested well.

    She smiled and continued. The dominant interest is that the merging occur with ease and joy.

    Smart move, he nodded. Most request peace at any price which is a paradigm fraught with problems.

    Peace at any price means they stay open to violence to get it.

    A dichotomy to be sure, Tao Lao confirmed, aware of the fact that the Matrix delivered what was expected. Worlds that wanted peace to come without war would get it once they knew the workings of the fields.

    And …, she looked up at him again, her own excitement rising.

    And? he stared intently at her, matching her steadiness with his own.

    They asked to stay risen!

    The fields lit up between them as they heard Elysium sing in acknowledgement of what had been requested:

    "They have asked, prayers been heard, focused foresight rules the day.

    Futures looked at, fates determined, freedom’s call now leads the way.

    Love’s field beckons, Christ’s arising, in the field for all to play.

    Second Comings, second chances, deeper wisdom has its say."

    The readings before them in the Matrix were clear; the people had requested matters of the heart to be fulfilled and they’d been smart enough to request the shifts to come with joy and ease.

    So the formula that is being downloaded now in response to their requests is? Tao Lao’s curiosity was entrancing.

    Hearts all want the same thing, so the downloading is what I call the field of Freedom’s Five.

    Refresh my mind, Commander.

    You want my interpretation? The mix – how it will work, and why?

    All of it. I’ll stop you when, and if, I get bored, I promise.

    She noted his charm and smile. Okay, you asked for it – I’ll keep it simple.

    He grinned again, open and eager just to hear her voice. Her words would add a layer to the field, a layer they would strengthen by their focused presence. This was field fiddling as an art and they were experts.

    8tlan continued, As you well know, the five pathways of Elysium are the fields of love, compassion, harmony and health, Grace, and finally the field of freedom. Each has its gifts to bestow to an evolving world, beginning of course with love.

    Hmm, the field of love, this alone bares great discussion and has done for millennia.

    Well, love is always the best place to start for any transformation ….

    And Grace is the lubricant that oils many wheels in life while compassion cleans up the discord. With enough love, Grace, and clean fields, all will have their freedom, he spoke softly, then brightened. Okay next. What else do I need to know?

    They’ve set a timeline of achievement ….

    Fantastic, he acknowledged as he saw the light in her eyes. When?

    I’d guess within a few years of the time where we first responded to their call.

    By 2012?

    Around then, but probably earlier, as time has sped up due to their constant focus. They are also aware that the merging can happen quickly with mass compliance and focus.


    Earth’s alchemists, the metaphysicians and the visionaries that now freely move among them, the ones who are aware of energy field complexity and multidimensional existence.

    So, he reiterated, enough have given a clear command that the merging occur with joy, ease, and Grace within the next few years of their time?


    What else did they request?

    The Divine Marriage Game has been downloaded as a component of the field of love.

    Their people appear to have sound foresight. The statistical breakdown of this request?

    Approximately 60 percent women, 40 percent men. It seems to fluctuate but this is nothing unusual; women always seem to want it all ... the best of both worlds, 8tlan lamented.

    As is their right.

    They smiled at each other in recognition, their words loaded with what they knew lay in the air between them. 8tlan had met her match and so had he. They would suit each other well, she had imagined, and hoped he saw this too. It had been a long time since she’d had such an interesting playmate and she was definitely ready to play.


    We still need to find the right contact to advise Earth officially of the Elysium’s presence, she stated. As you know, in the past when contact was made within various government factions, their focus was always only on receiving blueprints for advanced technology rather than receiving data on how to create a peace-filled world.

    Yes, but don’t forget that most of the E.T. streams making contact in the past didn’t have Elysium’s blueprint and were often enmeshed in the trials of their own survival, Tao Lao spoke gently, offering another insight. Extraterrestrial intelligence has been around Earth for eons. Most of the indigenous tribes have had some sort of interaction that was more than uplifting, regardless of mainstream responses.

    8tlan breathed out in a loud sigh as if she were not looking forward to officially announcing the Elysium’s presence. Well, I just hope that this time contact will be different, less hidden, more accepted …. I need to remember that Earth’s people called us. We are not some E.T. force approaching Earth for resources.

    The monk rose and stood closer beside her, placed a hand on her shoulder and she began to relax, his touch draining her worries away. Images of short gray men with large, dark eyes filled their minds as Tao Lao asked: How are those of the Zeta Reticuli these days? Is the rebuilding of their world still being overseen?

    They continue their experiments on Earth, with governments turning a blind eye, silenced by technology data deals which the Zeta have been happy to provide. The events at Roswell marked the start of their contact although I doubt the Zeta ever fully explained their situation. The biggest problem is the Zeta bred out their emotions through cloning, said it was what created their nuclear warfare in the first place. They won’t survive unless they introduce new genetic lines but I haven’t tuned to them for ages. It’s not my forte, thankfully.


    I’m told it is hard to make them see the fear they generate by their actions. They just have no idea of cosmic etiquette and think nothing of abductions and the pain of physical body invasion and testing. Extremists say the relationship between the abductors and abductees is karmically bonded, which it is to some degree as everything happens via magnetic attraction. Some of the more aware abductees then enter into less fear-filled exchanges, but lack of education breeds ignorance which keeps fear strong.

    8tlan led him to the middle of the room and touched the large crystal spire that sat at its center. A beam of light slowly wound its way out from the top, weaving a snake-like pattern to create a cocoon that began to fill with a holographic movie. The duo watched as the history of the Zeta unfolded before them, a history so like many worlds that had gone before, worlds learning the lesson of nuclear power. Greed, power, corruption, then a mass explosion that cleared the surface of their world, groups huddled in underground stations, built in anticipation. The laboratories, the continual experiments in cloning, the dying out of their kind due to the lack of new genetic material, gray skin forming due to the absence of sunlight, big, black eyes that grew to adjust to the scene. A cry for help from their Wise Ones, asking permission for a contingency to leave, to search for matching genes to add to their own pool. Earth sighted, deals made, experiments began. The Roswell disaster, conspiracy theories, ignorance, and fear ….

    "Now you see what they are up to and why and, yes, I’m glad it’s not my assignment to oversee them …. I’ve met many interesting streams of intelligence throughout the multi-verses, but these ones I just can’t connect to. Like the Terradacs, they seem to have no heart

    Tao Lao turned her around to face him, lifted her chin up a little, then bent down and tenderly kissed her on the forehead. She began to melt a little into him, longing for his touch, when they felt another presence tuning in and the fields began to shift to accommodate Hosho’s arrival.

    They’ve set a timeline, specific requests. We’ve been able to begin the freedom field download, she said as Hosho beamed in first as a wavering movie, a holograph on the inner line, and then slowly solidified.

    That is splendid news, Commander!

    8tlan, please.

    8tlan, it is. What say you to this, Venerable Lao?

    She could see Hosho was joking, aware already of what had been sparking between them. It was obvious for all to see.

    Tao Lao was silent, as he usually was in Hosho’s presence. In fact he rarely spoke at all, except with the woman who now stood before him, her face radiant and aglow.

    We were just discussing the logistics of the first download of freedom’s five.

    The wondrous field of love .... The wizard winked at them both, pleased at what was unfolding. Tao Lao’s celibacy was coming to an end and 8tlan looked skilled, for she had that sensuous air about her. Tutored by Isis, the people of Elysium were all Tantrically trained to understand pure pleasure – pleasure free from agendas, pleasure free from strings, pleasure for pleasure’s sake – no more, no less. It was a strange life on the starship as she sat suspended in space, moving through various grid points in the Matrix to oversee the rising of the worlds.

    Hosho noticed the pleasure 8tlan and Tao Lao were taking in each other and in his mind’s eye, he saw the Lady of Light, the one whose heart had captured him so many centuries ago. He loved her still, always would, always made time to be in her presence, to feel the heart of the Queen. She fed him in some way he knew, just as 8tlan fed Tao Lao now, for Hosho could see that the monk was brightening by the moment.

    "The field of love

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