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Lord of the Mountains: A Pair of Historical Romances
Lord of the Mountains: A Pair of Historical Romances
Lord of the Mountains: A Pair of Historical Romances
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Lord of the Mountains: A Pair of Historical Romances

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Challenged To Turn The Other Cheek To Her Cowboy’s Sister - A woman corresponds with a cowboy rancher and decides to become his fiancé and live in the Wyoming territory. However, as soon as she arrives his sister who treats her like a servant, makes her life miserable. Almost at her wits end, she summons up her courage and decides to face the challenge head on.

From England to Virginia - A strong-minded black woman moves to Richmond, Virginia, to be with her new mail order husband, but she faces many lingering aftereffects and racism from the recently ended Civil War.
Release dateAug 4, 2016
Lord of the Mountains: A Pair of Historical Romances

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    Lord of the Mountains - Vanessa Carvo

    Lord of the Mountains: A Pair of Historical Romances

    Lord of the Mountains: A Pair of Historical Romances


    Vanessa Carvo

    Copyright 2016 Quietly Blessed & Loved Press

    Challenged To Turn The Other Cheek To Her Cowboy’s Sister

    Synopsis: Challenged To Turn The Other Cheek To Her Cowboy’s Sister - A woman corresponds with a cowboy rancher and decides to become his fiancé and live in the Wyoming territory. However, as soon as she arrives his sister who treats her like a servant, makes her life miserable. Almost at her wits end, she summons up her courage and decides to face the challenge head on.

    So what do you think? Is this the man for you? Edna cast Clara a sideways glance as she poured some water into a bowl and began stirring.

    Clara felt herself blushing as she held the letter that she had just picked up from the town’s post office. As soon as she had read it, she mounted her mare and rushed to her best friend’s house to share the news.

    I certainly hope so.

    Clara clutched the letter to her chest. After all the letters we have shared back and forth, I feel like I already know him. And now he wants me to come. This is as good as a marriage proposal.

    It is a marriage proposal, Edna said, laughing. She sifted more flour into the bowl and continued working the dough with a wooden spoon. I mean, that is the reason you began writing him, is it not? He had asked for a bride. As if you can advertise love in a newspaper.

    Now, do not be like that, Edna. Clara appreciated her friend’s honesty, but did not always like the overly frank way she said some things. It is something I have always dreamed. Imagine, Jake is a real cowboy. And so honorable too, working with his sister so she will not lose her property.

    I guess it is better than wasting his days searching for gold in the Californian mountains. Edna scattered flour onto the countertop and dropped the lump of dough on it.

    He was young when he left home to find gold, Clara explained. I daresay many of the men in this town would have done the same if they had a chance. Anyway, Jake has settled down now. He is not a wandering miner anymore, although the sound of that is terribly romantic.

    Romantic maybe, but not very practical. Edna stopped kneading for a moment, cocking her head to the side. Clara, I think that’s the baby. Can you quickly get her? She just learned to crawl last week and has already crawled off the side of the bed three times.

    Clara stepped from her friend’s kitchen and pushed aside a large bearskin covering the entrance to the bedroom. Edna’s little girl, Cora, had wriggled her way near the edge of the large bed. Oh no you don’t. Clara scooped her up and held her tightly. Let’s go see your mama.

    Edna had already placed the dough into two pans and was covering them when Clara walked back in. Let me wash up and I’ll feed her.

    Clara sat at the bench lining the south wall of the kitchen and looked around her. It was small, tidy, homey. A twinge of nostalgia washed through her. If she did travel to the Plains to be with Jake Harrison, she would have to say goodbye to everything she had ever known. She could not decide whether she was excited or frightened at the thought.

    Edna took the baby into her arms. At least you are too young to go gallivanting off westward, she whispered to Cora.

    Clara sighed. Now that’s not fair, Edna. You are only making this decision more difficult for me.

    Edna sat down and looked over at her friend. Clara saw tears in Edna’s eyes. Clara, you are the best friend I have. The only friend who ever comes over just because. Please understand, I am only saying that I will miss you. She smiled through her tears. Because I know you are going to go, even if you have not decided yet.

    Clara felt her own eyes misting. Remember that winter that it was only the three of us in the schoolhouse, along with your brothers?

    Edna laughed. Yes. It was you, Alfred, and me. You said that if another boy did not come to the school by next year, you would run away to the Oregon Trail and marry a cowboy.

    Clara laughed along at her friend’s memory.

    When I married Alfred, you must have felt alone, Edna said, reaching her hand toward Clara.

    Not alone. Just lonelier. Clara grasped her friend’s hand tightly. But you do understand, don’t you? Why I feel like I need to go, meet Jake and see what happens?

    Of course I understand, dear. Not every woman meets the man of her dreams when she is eight years old. I do hope and pray that Jake is the one for you and that he is a wonderful, caring, hardworking man.

    Thank you, Edna. Clara stood up. Now I only need to go home and tell the rest of my family.

    Clara’s two younger brothers, Mitch and Clyde, said that they were happy for her. Clyde mentioned that he wanted to hide in her luggage so he could see what it was like way out west. Her two older brothers, Charley and Hugh, reacted just as Clara assumed they would.

    You are only twenty-one, Clara, Charley told her around the supper table that evening. You have never been even a hundred miles from Harrodsburg.

    Hugh reached over and smacked his brother lightly on the head. You know that you will only convince her even more. Our little Clara has always wanted to see the world. He turned to his sister. But sister, really, a cowboy? Maybe Charley and I should go on ahead and check out this Wyoming territory for you. You did say that Jake Harrison had a sister, right?

    Laughter erupted around the table and Clara knew it was no use to get angry with her brothers. They would only be more amused. She served herself a second helping of peas and looked over at her mother. Ma, she whispered.

    You boys, that is enough. Charley. Hugh. You are old enough to know better. Finish up and go take care of the animals.

    Yes, ma, they answered together. Hugh grabbed a last bite as Charley picked up the milk pail sitting in the corner.

    Clara’s mother stood and looked at her. You know they only worry about you, just as I do. It is far to be traveling and you are young and my only daughter.

    Ma, please, Clara said. "Jake is a

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