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One Step At a Time
One Step At a Time
One Step At a Time
Ebook73 pages36 minutes

One Step At a Time

Rating: 5 out of 5 stars



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About this ebook

In this book, Segun Adesesan offers a vivid and gradual approach to life achievement. He opines that the fact about our existence is that talent is not the same thing as maturity and that brilliance is not equal to applied experience.

He believes it is a big error to promote people above what they know, and that it is a mistake for so many to aspire for a certain position or opportunity when they have not made enough preparation. More so, he posits that most people who believe in competing all the time never rise above those they compete with.

Going by the above position, this book, therefore, deals with orderliness and systematic approach to life and achievement. It points to the danger of rat race, ambition and competition among people. You might have to discover in the end that what you are in a hurry for could be achieved gradually and effectively if we allow timing to dictate and take proper approach.
Release dateJan 25, 2016
One Step At a Time

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    One Step At a Time - Segun Adesesan

    One Step At a Time


    Segun Adesesan


    © 2013 Segun Adesesan

    No part of this book may be reproduced, scanned, or distributed in any printed or electronic form without permission. Please do not participate in or encourage piracy of copyrighted materials in violation of the author’s rights. Buy only authorised editions.


    To my brother, Soji Adesesan, and sister, Sike Adesesan (now Oyetunji).

    We have been through it all together; we never knew we could survive the effect of polygamous background. Step by step, I feel we are coming out. Thanks for your understanding, its great having you as siblings.


    I will like to appreciate God for inspiring me to put down these words. A big thank you to Dcns. Foluke Omotosho, Pst. Tunde Ogunrekun and Barrister Florence Opadokun  for all the corrections and ideas added to this book.

    Pst. Bayo Omosehin and Asst. Pst Bola Omosehin have been so wonderful. They are true father and mother.

    The following people are also appreciated; Bro Joseph Opadokun, Dr. Muyiwa Salu, Mrs Chinaza Onyeitu, Dr. Dayo Odeniyi, Mr. Gideon Omubo and Bro. Biodun Oladunjoye

    How can I forget my wife (Bose) and our two boys; Toluwani and Temiloluwa. We started gradually and I think we are moving together by His grace.


    We live in an instant world. The advent of computer, jet and the discovery of hybridization with chemicals to enhance the growth of plant and animals is an interesting finding. Its advantage is so much that it has fast forwarded the world processes and allowed us to achieve growth in short space of time. Microwave has replaced the use of Kerosene and gas for a long time while Noodles with spices has replaced rice for a long time.

    In the light of all these and others, we are trying to phase out the natural process of growth. Could this have been the reason for collapse in so many of our organisations in this part of the world? We may have considered rapid growth in plants and animals to be an interesting one but I have a strong conviction that it is not healthy for human beings.

    We have truly achieved progress in plants and animals but we still have to find out that some of these fast approaches carry along its serious harm to human health and our life span. A typical example is an increase in cancer all over the world which has been linked to our consumption of chemicals and canned food.

    Unconsciously, most of us who hear or read about what’s going on in our present world want to apply the same process to our growth. Good and lasting success does not happen like a flash, it takes years to build good success.

    This book deals with orderliness and systematic approach to life and achievement. It points to the danger of rat race, ambition and competition among people. You might have to discover in the end that what you are in a hurry for could be achieved gradually and effectively if

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