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Amber Oak and the Master of Illusions
Amber Oak and the Master of Illusions
Amber Oak and the Master of Illusions
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Amber Oak and the Master of Illusions

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A vengeful plot, bizarre secrets, strange people; these are but a few elements in Amber's next case. She must solve this mystery before her nightmares become reality.
Release dateMay 29, 2014
Amber Oak and the Master of Illusions

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    Amber Oak and the Master of Illusions - Ceara Comeau

    Amber Oak and the Master of Illusions

    Amber Oak and the Master of Illusions

    By Ceara Comeau

    Copyright © 2014 Ceara Comeau

    Published by

    ISBN 978-1-304-98591-0

    eBook ISBN 978-1-312-23214-3


    The cool evening air chilled the foreigner's bones as he traveled along the lonely streets of the small town. He knew it was dangerous to be there, but he had to find her. But where was she? This was the town she lived in, but the location of her whereabouts was kept hidden from him by an unseen force. What could be hiding her, and why? he wondered to himself, as he shuffled down the dark city street. He knew of every person who wished to find the young woman, but of her mysterious protector he had no knowledge. This disturbed the stranger greatly. Nothing was going to stop him from finding her!

    As he turned the corner he was caught by surprise as he saw a large group of people forming around an open manhole. Discreetly, he stepped closer and saw a figure coming up from the hole. Upon a closer look, he realized the figure was a policeman. After he had emerged, the foreigner’s eyes shot back to the manhole. One right after the other two young men and a woman came into his view. That is not her! He thought, angry that this disturbance had hindered him from his search.  Just as he was about to turn, he saw from the corner of his eye another young woman lift herself up from the hole. She had dark brown hair with red highlights and as she turned, the stranger saw her dark green eyes. That is her! He thought as a smirk formed at the corners of his thin lined mouth.

    The man came closer and merged in with the crowd. He could not get her with the amount of witnesses surrounding him. He would surely get caught and killed. His cold eyes followed the young woman as she jumped into a car. As the car began to drive off, the dark stranger walked into the road in plain view of the car.

    The young woman glanced in the rear view mirror and for a split second saw a hooded man standing in the middle of the road. It seemed odd to her that he wasn't waving the car down; she leaned in closer to the mirror and was startled by his glowing silver eyes.

    What is it? asked the young woman's brother.

    Nothing, it's...nothing, she replied as she looked back to the mirror. The man had disappeared. But she was left hearing a voice in her head, a voice unlike anything she had ever heard before. It had said, you are mine, Amber Oak.

    Chapter 1 - Strange Occurrences

    Two years had passed since the day Amber lost one of her abilities. Everything around her moved on from that fateful day, but she never could. Her brother, Ben, after being crowned Emperor, immediately began plans of bringing the country out of the old way and into a new light. New technology slowly began to rise and the people adjusted well. However, many chose to remain living the way they always had with as little technology as possible.

    All the royals, as well as their servants, were pleased with the changes that Ben had made. On the other hand, Amber could have cared less. She was always too busy in her lab trying to find a way to get her ability back. However, of all the inventions that she created, not one of them proved to be of any use.  Her family did everything in their power to help her, but she refused their kind actions. After Kaleya’s terror ended, Jayde had immediately left for America. She wanted to have a fresh start and leave all of her memories of the Phantom Daggers behind. This, inadvertently, did nothing to encourage the young sleuth. Amber used to come to Jayde with every problem. She was the number one person Amber could rely on, aside from her brother, Chris. Unfortunately, Jayde's departure and Amber's condition made the atmosphere in the palace tense.

    Chris, do you know where your sister is? I have been looking for her everywhere! asked Roger, worry seeping into his tone.

    Where she always is, her 'lair', he replied with a hint of bitterness.

    Oh, but I thought she already fixed her laptop, he said with a look of puzzlement spread across his face.

    Chris stopped texting, looked up at his father and said in a tone of disbelief, That's her latest excuse?

    What do you mean, excuse? asked his father.

    Slamming his cell phone on the side table, Chris sat up in the chair and said, She will find any excuse to stay in her lair. She's obsessed!

    I would not go that far to say she is obsessed, said Roger contemplatively.

    I would! The only thing she's really doing down there is trying to find a way to get her ability back. Now, I don't know how she's feeling, but honestly, it’s not healthy for her to dwell on something she more than likely will never get back, he said.

    Just give her some space, said Hunter entering the room.

    Chris looked at him, a bit annoyed by the intrusion and said, Hunter, we've been giving her space. We've given her two years of space. How much more does she need? The girl needs to move on with her life. We all have!

    True, but none of us have lost our abilities like she did, said Blessing coming in behind Hunter.

    Blessing is correct. We do not know what kind of an effect it could have on us mentally, agreed Roger.

    Dad, you don't need to go making excuses for her, she does it well on her own, said Chris quickly rising from his chair.

    A small noise came from the farthest corner of the room. Every head turned and saw Amber emerge from the shadows examining a small gadget, You know, it's not considered polite to talk behind one's back, especially if they're family.

    Blood flowed to Chris' cheeks; he was quite embarrassed that his sister called him out. Amber, I'm not trying to gossip, you know that's not me. I'm just worried about you, we all are.

    Amber gently placed her device next to Chris’ phone and walked closer to him, You don't need to; I'm fine. Chris looked down into her dark green eyes. He had seen that gleam in her eyes before and knew that Amber had won this round, but he had to say one last thing, Who are you trying to fool? I know you better than anyone here."

    If that's true, then you'd know that I won't stop until I have what is rightfully mine, she replied in a low, cool tone.

    Trying to avoid any unnecessary tension, Blessing said, Can we at least help?

    I'm not sure yet, all of my inventions don’t seem be of any use and I don't know why, she replied looking down at her latest invention.

    You are trying to create something? What is it? asked Jeff, coming into the room.

    I'm just trying to find a way to get my ability back, that's all I want, she replied picking up her gadget.

    I am not meaning to be rude in any way, but that dart was meant to destroy your abilities and slowly kill you. My mother did not create an antidote to the poison. You should be lucky that you are even alive, said Jeff.

    I don't think that's the answer she was looking for, whispered Hunter.

    Amber glanced around the room at the faces of her family. She then looked to Chris and said with tear filled eyes, What’s wrong with wanting something back that was rightfully mine?

    Amber, that sounds a bit prideful. We love you, Darling, but maybe this is for a reason? Perhaps there is a lesson to learn in all this mess, suggested Roger sympathetically.

    That was the last thing she wanted to hear from anyone. Deep down, she knew that it was a pride problem and that she should be content with what she had, but she couldn’t let go of the injustice that was done.

    Amber, there has to be something I can do to help, if you’ll let me that is, said Chris.

    The young woman reached for her gadget and replied, There is something.

    What's that? he asked as hope filled his voice. Amber slowly turned her watery eyes and said, Believe in me.

    As Amber left the room, she returned to her lab to work on more inventions. Frustration soon set in as she entered the room and looked upon the mess on the tables which lined the walls. Various pieces of metal were piled high, nearly touching the ceiling. Amber’s work table was a completely different mess. Test tubes filled with different colored liquids stood neatly in racks on one side of the table. The other side had tipped over beakers with liquids dripping off the edge of the table, forming a strangely colored pool on the dirty stone floor.

    The young sleuth rolled her eyes at the sight. Great, that’ll take forever to clean up!

    As Amber walked around the growing pool, she took a closer look at her table and noticed that an invention that she had been working on had disappeared. No, it has to be here! Frantically, she shoved aside the fallen bottles only to find that the gadget was not there. Suddenly, a bright reflection caught Amber’s attention. She glanced to the farthest corner of the table and saw a piece of metal shining in the light of the hanging lamp.

    Amber picked up the small piece and wiped it clean of the liquid it had fallen into. Her heart sank as she realized that her gadget fell apart from the chemical reactions of the mixture.

    Darn it! exclaimed Amber, throwing the metal towards the entrance.

    Whoa! Watch your aim! came a voice from the entry.

    Amber turned toward the voice and saw Hunter in the doorway, just recovering from his near collision. Her attitude quickly changed and she said, Oh! I am so sorry, Hunter! I didn't know anyone was there!

    So you normally throw random sharp objects at the door? he asked jokingly.

    Only when I'm frustrated, she replied turning back to her table.

    Hunter slowly came over to his girlfriend's side and put his arm around her, Amber, I’m not trying to take sides here, but I think Chris may be right.

    Shrugging off Hunter’s warm gesture, Amber accused, Chris sent you down here, didn’t he?

    What does that matter?

    I’m not looking for sympathy, Hunter. I’m looking for people to believe in me! she replied staring down at the messy table.

    We do believe in you, Amber, he replied, trying to hide his frustration.

    No, you don’t. All everyone wants me to do is get over what happened. Well, you know what? I can’t! It’s not that simple, she replied giving him a sideways glare.

    Hunter threw his hands up in the air in exasperation. There was no way to get through Amber’s stubbornness. The young man slowly calmed down and replied, "How can you expect anyone to not get irritated with you when all you do is walk around the palace looking all depressed? Do you even know how that makes us feel?"

    Oh, I’m so sorry I never considered your feelings about this. How inconsiderate of me! exclaimed Amber sarcastically.

    That’s not fair, Amber, replied Hunter, wounded by Amber’s sharp response.

    Is it? That’s how you all have been treating me! exclaimed the young sleuth, tears now trickling down her cheek.

    An uncomfortable silence filled the cold lab as the couple looked away from one another. Hunter, in his mind, knew he was right in confronting Amber. Why can’t she get over it? It’s not like she had that ability for long anyway. What makes that ability so special compared to her other ones? Why can’t she be grateful? wondered Hunter. On the other hand, Amber felt as if she was right and her entire family was treating her poorly. How can they be so heartless? Just because I only had that ability for a short amount of time, doesn’t mean I don’t miss it!

    Hunter approached his girlfriend and gave her an apologetic peck on the cheek, Amber, maybe if you could tell us what’s going on with you and explain things better, we can try to meet you on some sort of middle ground?

    I never had to tell you anything before I lost my ability! You all believed in what I was doing! she replied stepping back from him.

    Hunter was taken aback by her response. Everything he said seemed to make Amber even more frustrated. A sorrowful expression flashed across his face.

    She sighed as she noticed his look, Hunter, I'm not the only one changing. You believed me when I had all my abilities in check and now that everything is off with me, you all decided to not believe me. That's not fair to judge me when you're all just as messed up.

    Hunter stepped back from his girlfriend and said, I’m done.

    Done with what? asked Amber, her heart racing.

    Us, I don’t think it’s working, Amber. You’re not the girl I fell for. Let me know when she comes back, he replied turning to leave.

    Tears flooded Amber’s eyes as she slammed her fist on the table, causing more beakers to topple over.  Her world was falling apart slowly but ever so surely and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

    It is your fault, came a sudden whisper.

    The young princess quickly turned toward the door thinking her now ex-boyfriend was still in the room,


    No one was there.

    Hmmm, odd, she thought suspiciously as she turned back to the table.

    It was very late when Amber had emerged from her lab. She locked the secret door and headed out into the long hallway. She strained her eyes in the dim light and peered down at her watch, Oh great! I'm late for dinner!

    She broke into a run; nearly colliding with every corner that she came to. As she approached the doors to the dining room, the guard didn't have time to react. She hit the hard mahogany doors with a loud thud.

    Princess! Are you all right? asked Louis, a tall guard with a very deep voice.

    Amber blinked away the dark spots that were forming around Louis' face as she replied, Yeah, just late for dinner as usual.

    Louis held out a hand for the Princess to take and he replied, Your Highness, this is the tenth time in the past week that you have missed a meal you were required to attend.  I am afraid your brother will be upset with you.

    Amber brushed herself off and straightened her outfit, Everything upsets him nowadays.

    Perhaps if you were not so busy in your lab, you may be able to keep track of time better, he replied hesitantly.

    Amber looked up into the guard's eyes and replied, It wouldn't matter if I was on time. He'll find a reason to be mad at me.

    The guard gave his princess a concerned look as he reached for the large brass handle. When Amber walked into the room, the talking ceased. She looked up and down the long table and saw a mixture of expressions, some were relieved to see her, and others looked a bit cross. Of all the faces, the young princess dared not even glance at Hunter knowing the sight of him would simply make her stomach uneasy. However, she hesitantly glimpsed at the head of the table and saw her brother, Ben, the Emperor of Galacia, wearing an expression that would make even an angry bear run away.

    I'm sorry, I'm late. I didn't realize what time it was, she said in an apologetic tone.

    Yes, you have said that the last nine times you were late to a meal, said Ben, his expression turning into that of extreme annoyance.

    Actually it was ten, she mumbled.

    Excuse me? he exclaimed.

    It wasn't like I was trying to do it on purpose, Ben, she replied a bit louder as she neared her chair. Silence befell the room once more, until Brandon made the awkwardness dissipate, Well, we waited patiently for you, Amber. Let us eat.

    Although the talking continued after the Grace was said, Amber still felt the negative emotions emanating from Ben, Hunter and even Chris. Amber didn't mind so much that Ben was annoyed, she was used to that by now. However, the two people who used to believe and trust her entirely began to not only distrust her, but were becoming hateful towards her.

    Dinner lasted longer than Amber wanted, but the moment the servants took their dessert plates, she quickly leapt up from her chair and bolted out the doors before anyone could make any comments; negative or positive.

    Ugh! They are such hypocrites! she exclaimed to herself reaching for her bedroom door.

    A spark of electricity surged through Amber's hand as she wrapped her fingers around the handle.  What the... she started.

    You killed us, came a familiar voice.

    Massaging her hand, Amber slowly turned toward the voice and focused her eyes into the darkness. Everything appeared normal, until a small rounded mass peered around the corner. Amber's eyes locked onto the mysterious object as she placed one foot forward. The black mass lunged at Amber forcing her against the door.

    YOU KILLED US!  The mass said, its head forming an eyeless, sallow skinned face.

    The creature turned and quickly fled down the hall, disappearing around the corner. Although she was free to move around, Amber felt paralyzed until she saw a bright light coming around the corner.

    Who's there? she asked in a quiet tone.

    Just me, Amber, said Clay appearing with his hands illuminated.

    What are you doing here? she asked blocking the light so she could see Clay's face.

    Uh, I live here, he replied jokingly as he stopped in front of her. No, I mean...why are you in this area? she asked, slowly detaching herself from the wall.

    Oh! Your dad said that a fuse was broken here and he thought I could help find out where the problem is. David's on his way up to help me, Clay explained, allowing the light shoot from his hand to his spiky blond hair.

    Amber watched as the light danced in between the individual spikes, a thought then occurred to her, I know this is going to sound weird, but did you just see something run past you as you were walking down that corridor?

    Clay turned his head to where he had once been and then said to Amber, No, it was just me...Are you okay? You don't look well.

    Amber was so afraid by her encounter with the strange phenomenon that her concern for her physical appearance escaped her mind, Yeah, just a rough night. I bet, he said, unsure of how to word his next sentence. Look, I'm not justifying the way your brother treated you at dinner, but he has a lot to deal with right now.

    And to think you were on my side. Thanks for nothing, Clay, she replied turning toward her room.

    No, you didn't let me finish, he said putting a hand on the door. Amber turned around and waited for him to continue.

    I'm on your side, Amber. You have been right all along, why shouldn't I believe you now? he replied.

    You believe me? she replied in disbelief.

    Yes, I believe you, he reiterated, I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one either.

    Amber saw a flash of light at the corner of her eye and replied, I think David's coming.

    Clay turned as the flashes of light grew and he whispered to Amber, Many believe in you, but the real question is, do you believe in yourself?

    Guess I haven't thought about that, she replied with a smile.

    Hey! What's going on? asked David turning the corner.

    "Oh nothing, we were just talking about tonight’s

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