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The Lost Prince of Ladron the Iren Age
The Lost Prince of Ladron the Iren Age
The Lost Prince of Ladron the Iren Age
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The Lost Prince of Ladron the Iren Age

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War has begun. Prince Charlie invades Iren to fight Zondras there. Maximus follows with his own army. Iren stands between Zondras and Iren as it hopes to crown a new king. As both countries determine to occupy Iren, the time of battle nears. The prophecy draws closer as both fight for their world.
Release dateJul 9, 2016
The Lost Prince of Ladron the Iren Age

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    The Lost Prince of Ladron the Iren Age - R. L. Brown

    The Lost Prince of Ladron the Iren Age

    The Lost Prince of Ladron

    The Iren Age


    Copyright 2016

    No part of this work may be reproduced or changed without the author’s written consent.

    This is a work of fiction. Any relation to persons living or dead or to real life events is completely coincidental.

    E-book ISBN: 978-1-365-24835-1

    To my family, who supported me all the way.

    Chapter 1

    Charlie gave the signal to move forward, and his men moved alongside him atop the rooftops of the city Farlen. The black sky cloaked them as desolate shadows as they jumped from house to house with the lightest sound. Charlie landed softly on a small house and hid behind the point of its slope. Brongsten sat beside him and watched as a dozen of their soldiers laid low on the houses around him. Looking ahead both saw their target, the city hall, where the legion of Zondras soldiers would be lodging. Few soldiers stayed out to patrol, and their keen eyes kept Charlie’s men back into the shadows.

    The building is lighted too well for all of us to come without being seen, Brongsten stated.

    Charlie looked down the paths below and spotted the city’s main plaza, where the city hall building was erected. Many lights were lit around it and they would be surely seen in a group. He turned to his soldiers on the roofs and covered his eyes with one hand: a sign to stay hidden. All of them disappeared behind chimneys and the slopes of the houses.

    Interesting plan, Brongsten said, smirking and looking down to the streets.

    Smiling at his idea, Charlie whistled lightly into his fingers. A few dozen of his soldiers disguised as peasants were quietly waiting in the streets. They promptly whistled back and Charlie was ready to move once again. He swung his feet over the other side of the house’s slope and slid down towards the edge, then Brongsten followed.

    Charlie reached the edge and leaped from the roof and across to another house. He put out his hands and caught onto the roof when he landed. After climbing up to his feet, he turned and beckoned for Brongsten to come.

    Brongsten bent down low and gave a strong jump to him. He extended his feet to land firmly onto the roof, and he almost did. His toes had reached the roof but then Brongsten began to fall backwards to the street when Charlie caught his shirt. Brongsten hung there upside down above a tight street corner.

    A Zondras guard turned onto that street and walked right under Brongsten. Charlie pulled onto Brongsten’s shirt, but it slipped from his grasp and Brongsten fell a bit more before Charlie grasped is ankles. The soldier halted there under Brongsten and looked around for the source of the noise; Brongsten’s head was only inches from the tip of that soldier’s helmet, but he did not look up to see them.

    Charlie pulled hard until Brongsten could pull himself onto the roof and they rested there when the soldier passed.

    This… is too much for me, Brongsten panted. I haven’t done a thing like that in years.

    You’re welcome, Charlie spoke, and then he stood and began to run across the roof.

    Both jumped from roof to roof until they reached the city hall. Charlie waited for Brongsten to daringly leap across the wide gap between the house and the city hall; and then he took out his sword, turned it into the moonlight, and pointed the reflection across to the other roofs. Other glints of light came from the houses and Charlie turned to Brongsten, who just made the jump.

    They’re coming, Charlie informed.

    Brongsten nodded and rested against the roof for a few moments. Charlie looked over to the front of the roof where a bell tower was placed. It had old ivy vines growing down its sides, which provided a perfect ladder for them.

    He grasped the vines and began climbing upwards. After hoisting himself up a ways, he came to the top of the tower. Charlie climbed into the wide arches and onto the stone floor underneath the large bell. Its rope hung loosely from the great bell and it would sound the bell when strung up and down.

    Looking across to the roofs, Charlie could see the shadows of his men jumping from house to house and nearing the building. Around the streets, his disguised soldiers slouched around the plaza like beggars and asked money of any soldiers who came by.

    We’re all ready, Charlie meant to speak to Brongsten; but he was not there.

    He looked down the tower to see Brongsten still resting. Charlie whistled to him and Brongsten stood and came toward the tower.

    Do you just want to rest while we do this? Charlie whispered.

    And let you have all the fun? Brongsten chuckled, and he began climbing the tower.

    Charlie looked around the bell for a trapdoor and found one at the back of the tower. He grasped its handle and quietly opened its door. Below it was a long ladder that led down to the second floor of the building. Brongsten appeared beside him, panting still and he glanced outside to their men.

    Ready? Charlie asked.

    Brongsten drew his sword and Charlie began climbing down the ladder to the second floor. No candles or lanterns were lit, but the halls had quite enough windows to let the moonlight in. Charlie set himself down on the second floor and looked about the hall.

    There were rooms meant for the city’s officials, but instead they had been used for the soldier’s quarters. Deep snoring could be heard inside these rooms, but none were awake to warn of the invasion.

    Charlie looked up the ladder to Brongsten and gave a thumbs up. Brongsten reflected the moonlight from his sword and to the other soldiers on the houses. After the signal was given, of the soldiers climbed down and began filing towards the city hall. The beggars were also up and walking to the front doors of the building. Charlie’s soldiers came around the sides of city hall and positioned themselves to break in at the signal.

    The beggars gathered around the doors and knocked heartily. Charlie hid himself behind a large plant positioned at the corner of the hall. Lights flickered on in the rooms and many soldiers came stumbling out, cursing whoever was knocking at the doors. Down the stairs they went to the main floor and the captain of the group was opening the door when they approached.

    Who can be knocking at this time of night? groaned a Zondras soldier.

    Troublemakers disrupting our sleep; I have half a mind to run them through! reasoned another.

    The captain pulled open the doors and before them stood dozens of beggars. Bewildered, the captain tried counting all of them before greeting them.

    We have come for work, sir, explained one beggar.

    It’s a little late in the night for this, the captain yawned.

    We agree, but people today are not well pleased at any growing of the Zondras army. If we came to you at night; then the people would not have to know we’ve joined.

    I’m going to have to wait till’ morning in order to fully consider this.

    May we come inside to warm ourselves?

    Sorry, but we’re all filled in here; and I wouldn’t think that your stench would be appeasing to us, the captain groaned.

    Well, in that case-, sighed a fellow beggar, and every disguised soldier drew their swords. -CHARGE!

    The captain and the soldiers were too shocked and tired to believe that beggars had attacked, that they hardly had time to run or draw their weapons before the beggars were upon them. Charlie’s men outside the building had broken through the windows and were pooling into the halls.

    Charlie quickly climbed back up the ladder to Brongsten and they both took the rope that hung from the bell and pulled down on it. The bell swayed back and forth several times; and then it shook and sounded a loud ringing for the entire city to hear.

    Lights came on in every house in the city and the people came out looking toward the city hall. After thoroughly ringing the bell, Charlie and Brongsten climbed down the ladder and joined their men in fighting the last of the Zondras men who came in from patrolling the streets.

    Every one of the Zondras soldiers lay dead about the place and Charlie’s men gathered them up to be brought away from the city and buried. Charlie and Brongsten came out to the plaza, where many frightened people had gathered when the bell rung.

    Good people, Charlie called. We have freed you from the Zondras. I am Prince Charlie, and we have come to liberate the lands and bring back Ladron.

    How can we know for sure? asked a skeptical man in the crowd.

    Anyone can step forward and see if they can claim my father’s sword, Charlie announced, and he held his sword out for the people.

    Few came forward and once they grasped the handle, they reared back and yelled in pain. All believed upon Charlie and shouted for joy throughout the city.

    The people started dancing and feasting through the night. A joyous song started by a band of musicians and the lanterns lit up to cast much light onto the plaza. Charlie joined the people in their ridiculous dancing and hopped about on his toes and jumped about.

    The doctors and nurses from their group now came into the plaza to assist the wounded and Charlie spotted Gwen among them. He waved to her giddily and beckoned her to join him. Of course, she was among the other nurses so they all came thinking Charlie called to them.

    I’ll dance with you.

    No, don’t dance with her. I’m the better dancer

    You’ve never danced in your life, Beth.


    Charlie became the epicenter of the group of nurses fighting to dance with him. He laughed at their bickering and continued to dance about them. The girls would not let him go until he had told them he did not want to dance with them. Gwen came into the center of the plaza where many of the citizens were dancing and she looked around the nurses for Charlie.

    Charlie, Gwen called.

    He heard her immediately, and excused himself from the nurses, who still argued over who he really liked. Charlie rushed across the plaza to Gwen and he met her there.

    Nice dancing, Gwen laughed. I see the girls really enjoy your company.

    They are persistent, Charlie agreed and Gwen took his hands and began dancing.

    They danced to the quick and cheery music played in the plaza, and Charlie twirled Gwen around a few times before Gwen tried twirling Charlie. They laughed when Charlie lost balance and nearly fell to the ground.

    The nurses stood at a distance, gaping hopelessly at Charlie and Gwen dancing. Brongsten had also offered a woman to dance and he was dancing about the plaza; which caused the soldiers to begin dancing as well.

    You seem to have two left feet, Gwen teased.

    At least I can twirl faster, Charlie said as Gwen twirled him around.

    Is that a challenge? Gwen laughed; and Charlie twirled her about quickly.

    With you, not really.

    Charlie stumbled down onto his knees and held his chest, laughing. Gwen sat down beside him and they both caught their breaths as the people danced around them gleefully. Brongsten came by and seen them sitting there just resting and he led his dance partner about to them.

    Having fun? he asked.

    He and Gwen both turned pink and they nodded earnestly before laughing some more. Brongsten twirled his partner around and skipped back into the heart of the dancing.

    I’ve never danced before, Charlie laughed. And I never imagined my first dance to be like this.

    Well, if it makes you feel better I was the best ballroom dancer in Ladron, Gwen smirked.

    Really? Charlie asked, surprised.

    No, Gwen laughed. But I knew the best ballroom dancer in Ladron. He has these ridiculous outfits; could have been mistaken for the jester.

    Charlie stood up and offered his hand to Gwen; and taking it, he pulled her up. The music became faster and the people whizzed by laughing and twirling each other about. He led Gwen out of the dancing and to the crowds of people watching and clapping to the music.

    Many booths were opened with food stretched down the long tables for many to feast. Maids offered them food every few feet down the table and they both had a magnificent fill as they watched the people dance.

    As the plaza became even more crowded and filled with music, a man dressed in costly clothes and many rings came behind Charlie and tapped on his shoulder. Jumping slightly, Charlie turned to see the grinning statesman, who bowed before him.

    Many glad tidings your majesty, exclaimed the statesman. I must thank you personally, for those wicked soldiers drove me from my office. But I must bear to you a horrible letter sent out to every city and province of Iren.

    All right, bring it out, Charlie agreed, but the statesmen glanced around them and shrunk lower.

    It must be told in secret; for this must be withheld as long as it can be from the citizens, the

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