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The Book of Jewels
The Book of Jewels
The Book of Jewels
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The Book of Jewels

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Welcome back to find out what happens to the wizard of Alleon in the second book of the series called "The Book of Jewels." Will Andrew the newly anointed wizard be able to fulfill the prophecy foretold in the Book of Jewels along with the help of Zandar, Jakob, Kyle, and Boris. Read on to find out what happens during their journey...
Release dateJun 17, 2016
The Book of Jewels

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    The Book of Jewels - Monika Schmitt

    The Book of Jewels

    The Book of Jewels (Book 2 Alleon Series)

    by Monika Schmitt

    Copyright©2016 by Monika Schmitt

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

    First Printing: 2016

    ISBN: 978-1-365-20099-1

    LuLu Press, Inc.

    3101 Hillsborough St.

    Raleigh, NC 27607



    Welcome back to the continuing saga of The Wizard of Alleon. Will Andrew the newly anointed Wizard of Alleon be able to fulfill the prophecy foretold in the Book of Jewels along with the help of Zandar, Jakob, Kyle, and Boris. Read on to find out what happens during their journey…

    Chapter 1

    The next morning Zandar, Jakob, Andrew, Celina, Shiloh, and Ally arose from a good night’s sleep. Together they sat down at the big wooden table and began eating the first meal of the day. They had fruits, bread, meats, and juice. They all ate well and were talking about the Book of Jewels and the journey that they were preparing to embark on the night of the harvest moon.

    Celina and Ally were packing up after the meal and were going to head back to Willowton. So Ally could start her training as a witch. They said their goodbyes and left Andrew’s den. Jakob, Andrew, and Zandar all wished them well and Godspeed on their journey back to Willowton.

    Celina told Ally, I will be your trainer, since Hidena is very busy and I can devote more time for your training then she can. The plan was she was going to train you but she has her other duties.

    Ally said, That is fine with me. Ally asked, Celina how do you keep your long brown hair so shiny and beautiful?

    Celina said, I use oils from some plants and spread them in my hair and rinse them out. I will show you sometime. Celina said, You also have very pretty long blond hair along with your sky blue eyes you are a very pretty girl. Celina asked, Do you have any sisters?

    Ally said, No, I just two brothers Kyle and Jack. Jack is my younger brother and he is visiting relatives in Avondale which is on the other side of the Ice Mountain.

    Celina went on to say, I noticed your brother Kyle has darker blond hair and brown greenish eyes.

    Ally said, I take after our mother and my brother looks a lot like our father. Andrew our cousin has blond hair down to his shoulders with piercing blue eyes. He takes after his father." As they went down the steep trail that led down the mountainside from Andrew’s den. They continued to talk along their journey when suddenly Ally stopped and grabbed her knapsack and started to look through it.

    Celina asked, What are you looking for Ally?

    Ally said, I am looking for my notes. They are very important to me, I write down notes in my pad like a diary and I will use it for my training. I can’t find my notes so I must have left them back at Andrew’s den."

    Celina said, Then we must turn around and go back and get them. The two headed back to Andrew’s den. Along the way Celina asked, So do you have any other boys in your life that you care about?

    Ally, said, "No that really, there was once an elf that I would like to get to know better and be friends with but I only saw him once, by the Great Forked River when Kyle and I were fishing once many seasons ago.

    Celina said, Well you never know you may see him again.

    After cleaning up the dishes Andrew sat down next to Zandar and Jakob at the wooden table to find out more about the Book of Jewels and the prophecy. Then suddenly there was a knock at the door.

    Andrew looked at Jakob and Zandar and asked Are you expecting anyone? They both answered and the same time. No! Andrew looked into the peep hole of his door.

    There stood Boris one of the elves. Andrew suddenly swung open the door and said Hello Boris, come on in. Andrew hugged Boris so hard that Boris thought that he would have some broken bones after that hug. They both started laughing. Andrew asked Boris, What happened we thought that you went down in the quicksand.

    Boris said, That when he was going down into the quicksand he held his breath suddenly he found himself in a cavern and eventually climbed out of it by a small stream. Zandar and Jakob came up to Boris and also hugged him tightly. They were so happy to see him alive. Boris said,   My father wanted me come here and see if you could use some company and help on your journey in finding the jewels.

    Zandar said, Sure you are welcome to join us in our journey. We will be leaving after the first harvest moon. First we will go through the book to learn more about the jewels and then prepare ourselves for the long journey ahead of us.

    Boris said, It would be my honor to help you out on your journey. They all hugged each other again, and then sat down.

    As Jakob opened the book to finger through the pages to the part where it told the story of the jewels. Jakob started reading the book where it was written about prophecy of the jewels and he began reading The stone that they found in the crypt was the sapphire. Sapphire will bring virtue and wisdom to the holder of the sword. It also has healing powers which the Wizard of Alleon may require after a long battle with the bad wizard. This stone is deep blue in color like the midnight sky. This stone the sapphire should be placed in the hilt of the sword, it is the center stone. Then the second stone can be found in the waters of the Great Forked River this stone is placed on the right side of the hilt of the sword. To the right of the sapphire.  It is the fluorite stone, it is green like the color of the leaves that drape the trees in the season of new birth following the season of death. Fluorite will bring better concentration to the holder of the sword. The third stone can be found in the deep caves of Raven Mountain which is north of Ice Mountain. This stone is the zircon stone and should be placed on the left side of the hilt of the sword which is also on left side of the sapphire. The Zircon stone is reddish brown like the color of the earth. Zircon will bring spiritual growth and promote wisdom to the holder of the sword. Zandar sat down to look at the Book of Jewels while Jakob continued reading about the prophecy. The fourth stone can be found in Louche Swamp." It is the topaz this stone is the color of the sunset a deep blazing orange when the sun is about to go away for the night. Topaz will bring confidence to the holder of the sword and shield. This stone goes into the center of the shield which is the companion of the sword. The book also stated after the stones are found that they must be kept in a safe place inside a granite box until all the stones are together, and then they can be placed in the sword and the shield. For the stones do not become enchanted and powerful by themselves. Zandar reached for his knapsack and took out a small granite box just big enough to hold four stones inside of it. Inside the box the stones could be separately placed on a soft velvet material which had a small indentation for each stone.

    Zandar said, This box was given to me by King Nikolas when we were there last. Zandar already had the sapphire stone in the box. Together it makes both the sword and the shield work in unison and become enchanted so the bad wizard can be defeated. After Jakob was done reading about the prophecy he laid the book down on the table. Zandar said, Now it is time to put these things away. Zandar took the small box and the "Book of Jewels book back to Andrew’s room and found the slightly loose floor board and opened it and placed the book along with the special box under the floor board. While taking out something that was wrapped up in a brown cloth out from under that floorboard.  Then he took his wand and sealed the floor board after swirling the wand in the air and just slightly touching the floor board.

    Then Zandar walked out of the room and told Andrew, Now that you are the Wizard of Alleon, I have something to pass along to you.

    Andrew looked at him and said, What is it? Zandar walked over to the table and laid the cloth on the table. Zandar unwrapped a beautifully wooden wand as he held it, it was made of a dark wood with an aroma to it.

    Zandar said, Don’t let the scent fool you this is a very strong and powerful wand I am holding.

    Andrew looked at it and said, Where did you find it?

    Zandar said, My brother Zolton was holding on to the wand for years, and kept it safe from the Wicked One. This wand belonged to the Great Wizard Xandor. His close friends called him Xane. Andrew slowly reached for the wand and held it when it sparked as he touched it. Zandar said, That is a good sign that the wand belongs to you and will be yours until your death.

    Andrew and Zandar walked out to that room and to the other room where the others were talking and Andrew showed the wand to Jakob. Jakob looked at Zandar and said, You have given him to wand from the Great Wizard. Yes, Jakob I have given Andrew the wand because it was time to do so, now that he is the Wizard of Alleon. Andrew sat down as the wand kept sparkling until he put it in his pocket of his robe.

    Andrew sat down next to Jakob and asked him, What happened to the Great Wizard? How did he die?

    Jakob said, Xandor was poisoned many moons ago after he had a counsel with the other wizards in Alleon. Afterwards they all ate a great feast but they say that someone was in disguise that night and slipped some poison in Xandor’s drink before he called it a night. This person got away because no one realized that Xandor was in trouble until first light when he never awoke again, and by then the person was gone.

    Andrew said, That is horrible. Poor Xandor.

    Chapter 2

    There was a knock at the door.

    Andrew said, Who could that be? Andrew walked to the door peeked through the hole in the door and opened it. Andrew said, Hi Celina and Ally! What brings you back so soon?

    Ally said, Hi to everyone! I forgot my notebook, it should be over there on that little table. Ally walked across the room and picked up her notebook and put it into her knapsack. Everyone sat down at the table and Jakob tells Celina about what the Book of Jewels reveals about finding the stones. Celina puts her hand suddenly up to her forehead.


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