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Hotwife Dares
Hotwife Dares
Hotwife Dares
Ebook58 pages47 minutes

Hotwife Dares

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About this ebook

Valery is a traditional girl, in a traditional marriage. Her husband Brad, however, has some rather non traditional tastes when it comes to their sex life. Brad fantasizes about seeing her with other men. Valery was shocked at first, but she has grown accustomed to playing along with her husband's unusual desires in the bedroom. But now he has taken things one step further, daring Valery to perform certain things outside of the bedroom. Will Valery resist, or will she discover just how hot her husband's fantasy can be?
Release dateJun 19, 2019
Hotwife Dares

Carter Saint

Carter Saint is a true connoisseur of human sexuality and desire. He loves all things that have to do with sex, but there is a special place in his heart for swinging, cuckolding, wife sharing and the hotwife lifestyle. Many of his stories are just fantasies, but some are based on real life experiences and true events!Carter is always working on new stories and new themes, so if there is something specific you would like to see please pass it along.Carter Saint can be reached at

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    Hotwife Dares - Carter Saint

    Hotwife Dares

    Hotwife Dares

    Carter Saint

    Published by Carter Saint at

    Copyright 2019 Carter Saint

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    Valery sat in her car in the parking lot facing the storefront. It had been almost five minutes since she parked her car and turned off the ignition. No one had come or gone from the store since she had been there, but she still needed to work up the courage to open her car door and go inside.

    Come on Val, she said to herself, You can do this.

    Valery's heart was pounding in her chest and in her ears. Her skin was covered in nervous goose bumps.

    You promised Brad that you would do this, she said to herself aloud. Now get off your ass and get in there!

    Valery huffed her breath in and out quickly, psyching her self up. She let out a muted yell, reached for the car's door handle, and finally opened the door. She slowly stepped out of the car, carefully closed the door and looked around.

    The evening air was cool but nice, with a soft breeze that caught Valery's mid shoulder length brown hair. The cool temperature gave her legs goose bumps on the exposed skin from her short skirt, and she could feel her braless nipples tighten against the thin fabric of her low-cut blouse. Valery scanned the parking lot to see if she had caught anyone's attention, but there was no one around. Just a few parked cars scattered around the mostly empty parking lot. Valery tried to adjust her clothes some, and started walking quickly toward the store's front door, keeping her head down to avoid eye contact with anyone who may appear.

    The glass door was plastered in signs with bright, contrasting colours and big block letters. Valery marched right up to the door and stopped immediately in front of it. At eye level on the door was a big read stop sign that read Stop! Must be 18 years or older to enter!. Valery took another deep breath, grabbed the door by the handle, and stepped inside.

    The inside of the Love Shack was dimly lit, mostly due to all the blocked windows and cheap fluorescent lighting. To the left was a wide variety of vibrators, dildos and sex toys adorned on the wall and displayed on a series of small shelving units and displays. To the right were identical shelving units full of various adult themed games and books. The wall along the right side of the unit displayed seemingly hundreds of naughty costumes and outfits. Down the middle of the store was an aisle that led up to the cashier's counter. On the back to the right of the cashier was a doorway to another area, above the door was a sign labeled Videos. The store was empty, with the exception of Valery and the clerk. All in all the store was almost exactly how her husband Brad had described it.

    The door closed hard behind Valery, causing her to jump and getting the attention of the young man behind the cashier's counter.

    Hey there, he said politely, barely looking up.

    Valery was still to nervous to say anything. She just smiled nervously and started browsing around the sex toy area. Valery examined the toys that were on display on the shelves. There was a wide variety of toys on display, ranging from the very simple to the very complex, and in just about every colour imaginable. Some were quite small, almost pocket sized, while others seemed monstrously big. Valery started to feel a bit intimidated by the assortment of hardware in this section.

    Valery made her way across the aisle to the games section. Most of the games displayed were either cards games or board games, or some combination of both, and all with raunchy and often ridiculous themes and names like 'Sexy Party Games', 'Dirty

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