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Unlocked: The Door Book Two
Unlocked: The Door Book Two
Unlocked: The Door Book Two
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Unlocked: The Door Book Two

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The story of Luci Comburet continues as she confronts the truth of who she really is: the most hated angel on Earth. With the realization that her memories were stolen, she sets out to discover why, delving deeper and deeper into her mysterious past. Luci’s journey to the truth leads her into a labyrinth of ancient betrayals where hidden enemies and jealous rivals come forward to destroy not only her, but everyone she holds dear. Is it the Circle’s revenge? Is it an angel’s jealousy? Or is it justice for something done in Luci’s past? ~~ The Door: Unhinged. Book three ends the series as Luci discovers the secret betrayal that led to her downfall, and what she does to avenge herself.
Release dateFeb 19, 2018
Unlocked: The Door Book Two

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    Unlocked - Craig Wickersham


    The Door Book two

    Craig Wickersham

    Copyright © 2018 Craig Wickersham.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted by any means—whether auditory, graphic, mechanical, or electronic—without written permission of the author, except in the case of brief excerpts used in critical articles and reviews. Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this work is illegal and is punishable by law.

    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

    Scripture taken from the King James Version of the Bible.

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-7985-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-7984-2 (e)

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Lulu Publishing Services rev. date: 02/07/2018

    To all the readers out there, enjoy!

    With gratitude and love.

    I always like to acknowledge that nothing ever happens without help.

    It’s true. So many people have helped me along the way; some with great support and enthusiasm, others with skeptical caution. Writing is a passion fraught with blind corners and dark, scary monsters. Gaining a sense of fearlessness—and keeping it—is probably the hardest things I’ve ever had to do.

    Let me honor and thank the many people in my life who have supported and inspired me over the years, especially my wife Teresa and my son Miles, my editors Jake Houle and Mary Rakow, and all the members and attendees of the San Francisco Writers Conference.

    Most of all, I want to thank you the reader for taking your time to read this work. Please enjoy.




    Hi. My name is Luci Comburet. I’m seventeen and I’ve just found out that I‘m Lucifer, although I’m still having doubts about this. I mean, it’s just that I’ve been gone so long, and my mind –my memories, they keep skipping around. It’s hard to know what’s real and what’s not. And I’d really like to know how this happened to me. How did my memories get into that little black door? And why is the Circle of the Cross killing humans?

    Lady Luci, Presten asked me to…to check on you.

    The young woman said this with some hesitation in her voice, and even though she was standing outside my bathroom door, I could clearly sense a lot of fear emanating from her. It was like a hot lightbulb shining on my face. Everyone in the house was afraid of me, as though I were going to steal their souls.

    Come in.

    The bathroom door opened a little, just enough for Yana to peek in at me.

    I won’t bite you.

    Yana gulped and stepped inside, keeping her eyes averted as she stood frozen on the marble floor. She was wearing black leggings and a long-sleeved, cream-colored knit top. Her blond hair was pulled back in neat little braids. You can look at me. I’m not a queen or a… I don’t know… a princess? I’m just an angel—a fallen angel—but… well… just get Presten. Yana nodded and backed out, closing the door as carefully as she could. I heard her tip-toeing through my bedroom and out the door and I shook my head. Why is she afraid of me?

    In less than a minute, Presten was knocking at the door.


    Your Majesty, Presten announced as he dropped to one knee. You summoned me?

    Is it going to be like this now? I’m a girl, a teenage girl. Stop everyone treating me like I’m a frickin’ queen! Presten took a deep breath and looked up, his golden eyes catching the light. What?!

    "Luci, you are our queen."

    STOP RIGHT THERE! My outburst made him cringe. Can we start over? Just call me Luci. For the love of God, you’ve known me for what… a million years? I’m just Luci Comburet now.

    His expression shifted from fear to doubt. You may be a seventeen-year-old girl, but you’re also my lord and master, my lady and my queen, and no one in this house will treat you otherwise.

    This is absurd! Presten turned away as I leapt out of the tub and grabbed my robe. I’m Luci Comburet! I’m just a girl!

    The coin has been tossed.

    I froze, my body dripping wet, my mind seething. Presten was right. I wasn’t just a girl. Raguel was gone, vaporized… I saw it myself. And the angels would know that by now. And I’m sure that Rippen and the Circle would know by now, too, and they would probably blame me.

    Sorry, Presten. It’s just… I can’t believe I’ve been gone for 2,000 years!

    He looked at me and let a tiny smile form on his lips. A lot has changed, my lord.

    I gazed out the bathroom window at the city.

    And you seem different, too, he added. Your manners, your behavior… Perhaps the Oscuro can help? Maybe they can jog your memory?

    Pravus? He’s here in New York?

    No. Not Pravus. Gustin Vile. Do you remember him?

    I repeated the name in my head, but nothing came—not even a face. Gustin? No. I don’t remember him. And how is that? What happened to me? Why can’t I remember everything?

    We’ll find out. And carefully, too. Our advantage is your identity. No one knows that you are you. No one knows but those in this household. For now, we need to keep it that way. Until you’re feeling more like your true self.

    My true self. Right. I sighed again and smiled at him, admiring his silky black hair and gorgeous eyes. Okay. Go on. I’ll meet you in the living room, and we can go visit this Gustin Vile. He’s the local leader I take it?

    The Oscuro’s regional king. I’ll go and get everything ready.

    Gustin Vile? I wondered if I’d recognize him. Or if he’d recognize me. Doubtful. Or if seeing him would jog my memory. That would be nice. I’d like to remember everything. There are so many gaps.

    With a shrug, I toweled off and started getting dressed. Thankfully, Yana had loaned me some clothes. I made a cigarette appear between my fingers and thought about fire. A tiny flame danced above my fingertip. It was so odd, then I was studying my fingers, looking at the black snake-ring. Its two heads and its eyes… they seemed so alive.

    My Lady, Yana said as she peeked into the dressing room. Her eyes fixed on the flame and she stalled a moment. Uh… I b-brought some coffee and pastries. Do you need help with your hair?

    No. But I want to go shopping today. I’ll need my own clothes.

    Yes, my lady! Absolutely!


    Yana followed me from my bedroom to the living room where Presten and four solid-looking men in perfectly fitted suits were waiting. Lady Luci, Presten said with a gesture to the men. Please meet your new bodyguards. The four Demige bowed and remained bent over with their heads down and their gaze on the floor.

    Right, and why do I need them?

    This is a large city. There’re many risks, even among the humans. But the Circle, the Sethians… We don’t have any way to tell them apart yet. Not the troops anyway.

    Okay. You can stand up now. All Demige?

    "Yes, My Lord—er—Lady. And by my own blood. Everyone listen, Luci has an announcement." Presten gestured to me and I looked around. All thirteen were gathered around me, still, quiet and nervous.

    Yes. First of all, I want to thank you all for your service to Presten. And now that I am found, such as it is, I’d like to make a request to all of you. Before my next word, everyone, including Yana and Presten, dropped to one knee and bowed their heads. I gulped. As I was saying, from now on, please refer to me as Luci. Just Luci. And not ‘Your Majesty’. Not ‘My Lord’ or ‘My Lady’. Nothing of any rank or title. I am simply Luci. Understood? In unison, they agreed.

    When they were all standing again, Presten came over and gestured to the foyer with a secret grin. I walked beside him, followed by Yana and the four guards. Another man, tall and well-dressed, opened the front door of the apartment with a slight bow, keeping his head down as we passed. Outside were another two guards and at their sides were two large black dogs -Rottweilers. I smiled at them as we crossed the hall to the elevator. I could tell Presten was holding back the urge to chuckle. I could have kicked him for it, but I didn’t. I was already too embarrassed by my little speech.

    At the ground floor, we came out into a lavish lobby of fine furniture, costly artwork and fixtures, and all set by a magnificent marble mosaic of rich golds and reds cut in a great floral pattern. I nearly tripped over myself gawking at it.

    We left the building and stopped under a canopy that stretched out to a waiting Rolls Royce limousine. Is this necessary?

    This is New York City.

    Right. I glanced around at the crowded sidewalk. No one seemed to care that we were blocking most of it. I felt a little guilty about it, though. Then the driver asked me where I wanted to go. Not knowing what to say, I looked at Presten and he took over.

    Bergdorf Goodman’s. North entrance. The driver nodded and we were off, rolling through a bustling stream of cars and busses until we slowed and made a right turn past a large, ornate fountain. I was mesmerized by the scale and beauty of it, and didn’t realize that we had come to a stop. We’re here.

    Before me was an arched entrance to a large stone building. That’s it? We could have walked here.

    Come on, Luci. I have a feeling this could take a while. Presten got out and I was right behind him, gaping at the tall buildings like a teenage tourist, which I was, in a way.

    This is amazing! I’ve never seen anything like it.

    Let’s go in. And please try to stay calm. I don’t want to attract too much attention.

    Okay, I’ll try. Of course, I’d never seen anything like it in all my life, human or angel. There were endless aisles of luxurious glass cases bejeweled with colorful bottles and a myriad of pretty little boxes. Everything, everywhere, was shiny and polished and bright and new… and there were a dozen floors of this, too! Yana did her best to keep me on the ground as I gaped my way from boutique to salon, and through lavishly decorated and expertly lit displays, all filled with stunning clothes, shoes, bags, hats and coats… And they have jewelry, too?!

    Let’s stick with the basics first, Presten urged.


    After two-and-a-half hours of leggings and jeans, skirts and boots, and all manner of accessories, Yana and Presten finally dragged me out with a dozen bags in each of our arms. I’m so hungry! Does shopping make you hungry? I can’t remember.

    Presten looked at me and shook his head. Yes. By all means, let’s eat. Once our bags were loaded, we drove off, returning to our park-front building by a much longer route.

    That was so much fun. I could’ve spent all day in that place. The fact that I was acting more like a teenage girl than expected hadn’t escaped Presten or Yana’s attention, which was probably why the shopping trip was cut short.

    You look shaky. Presten said this with a cautious eye. Are you feeling all right?

    Yes. Fine. Exhilarated. Alive! By the way… Uh… never mind. It can wait.

    What can wait?

    I sat down at the dining table in our top floor apartment and a man came out of the kitchen. Wine, my lady… Sorry, Miss Luci?

    There was a look of concern on Presten’s face again. What? I’m old enough.

    Are you? That’s a human body, and we don’t know what’s wrong with your memory. And your behavior… something isn’t right.

    I sank down a little, glancing at the waiter. Go on Roger. Pinot, and bring the bottle.

    Luci! You don’t know how it will affect you. It could be a trigger. We need you alert. The Circle is everywhere.

    Stop! I’m fully aware of the Circle. I took a long, deep breath. I’m awake. I’m alert. Let me be. Oh, and I heard some girls at the store talking about a club. A dance club named Stash. I want to do that. Don’t say it, Presten. I’m going out to a club. Like you said, no one even knows I’m back, so relax. Let me see the humans as they are. Let me see what they’ve become.


    We arrived at Stash around midnight and there was a long line of cars in front with a massive crowd clamoring to get in. Presten got out, scanning the huge crowd.

    What’s wrong?


    Why are they waiting to go in? My blood was tingling now… I could hear the loud music. I think I even giggled as

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