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The Neverland Beast
The Neverland Beast
The Neverland Beast
Ebook36 pages17 minutes

The Neverland Beast

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Samuel Dickerson, The Neverland Beast lives in a cave and seeks a quest to get one special potion that is over taken by pixies especially the pixie herself Skylar Henderson and this potion is important to Samuel Dickerson, whom like us all wants love and happiness.

But is this all of his journey or does he seek more throughout his life as the Neverland Beast, and does he find love and happiness.
Release dateJun 12, 2016
The Neverland Beast

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    Book preview

    The Neverland Beast - Karen Yarborough

    The Neverland Beast

    The Neverland Beast

    By: Karen Yarborough

    Table of Contents


    Chapter One: Land of the Beast

    Chapter Two: Oh, Samuel

    Chapter Three:  The Enchanted forest

    Chapter Four: Returning to Samuel’s Cave

    Chapter Five: To River Edge

    Chapter Six: Wedding of Samuel and Skyler.


    Samuel Dickerson, The Neverland Beast lives in a cave and seeks a quest to get one special potion that is over taken by pixies especially the pixie herself Skylar Henderson and this potion is important to Samuel Dickerson, whom like us all wants love and happiness.

    But is this all of his journey or does he seek more throughout his life as the Neverland Beast, and does he find love and happiness.

    Chapter 1: Land of The Beast

    In a cave there lived a ruddy, cold Neverland beast named Samuel Dickerson. Not a solid moist, grand cave, filled with stones and a vast smell, nor yet a crumpled, killer, pointy cave with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a Neverland beast-cave, and that means warmth.

    One day, after a troubling visit from the pixie Skylar Henderson, Samuel leaves his cave and sets out in search of one fragile potion but never was able to receive the potion he was looking for. A quest undertaken in the company of tattered witches, and gnomes.

    In the search of the pixie-guarded potions but there is only one potion that Samuel is after, Samuel Dickerson surprises even himself

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