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Gérard Lécuyer AKA Gagnon was given the name Gagnon (Guard Dog) while serving in Hallsworth Forces Spéciales Second Dragons de Condé for his ability to recognize danger before it happened. He was required to enlist in the Hallsworth Army at the age of 15 by the courts. His records prior to his 15 birthday have been sealed and are not available without an order from the Hallsworth Emperor. By 18 he transferred to the Hallsworth Forces Spéciales Second Dragons de Condé. His service record after that is sketchy. He joined the Garde Impériale was promoted to the rank of Captain and placed in charge of the personal guard for the Empress of the Hallsworth Empire and her court. He was also given the assignment to investigate the mysterious deaths of the Emperor’s two brothers and three younger sisters. During this investigation he was implicated in the murder of one of the handmaidens to the Empress and in the plot to assonate the Emperor and Empress of the Hallsworth Empire.
Release dateNov 13, 2015

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    Gagnon - Cecil Cory




    Cecil Ian Cory


    Version 1.3

    Copyright © 2015 Cecil I Cory / Lulu Press

    All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 978-1-329-68906-0

    This work is licensed under the Creative

    Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported

    License. To view a copy of this license, visit

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    I wish to thank several people for their help and understanding.

    First, to Eugene Fitzgerald for his help in proof reading this story for me. It has been a great help in completing it.

    Next to my late Mom and Dad for their support and belief that I could do almost anything I wanted to do.

    Last, but not least to my wife Karen who has kept me going when I felt I could not go any longer.

    Other Stories by Cecil I Cory

    A Walk in the Sun

    Atlantis Conspiracy

    Einhejar Warriors

    Escape from Regales Two

    Transfer Station 261

    Assault on an Empress

    Darnel’s Revenge

    Pirates of the Aurora

    Stories in the Twin Suns series

    The Twin Suns

    In Search of the Twin suns

    One Last Battle for the Twin Suns

    To Walk in our Fathers Footsteps

    A Meeting with the Federation

    The New Worlds

    Creators of the Towers

    Professor La Forge’s Sabbatical

    Chapter One

    Federation Security Report

    Case number:                                       GL335892

    Investigator Assigned:                     SIA Cukierek Grzegorzewskaite

    Subject of investigation:                  Gérard Lécuyer

    AKA:                                                         Gagnon, Gagnon Lécuyer

    Age:                                                          29 years’ standard.

    Place of birth:                                       Laguiche Hallsworth Empire

    Current Occupation:                          Mercenary

    Other Occupations:

    At 15 years old standard, enlisted Hallsworth Empire Army rose to the rank of Corporal. 18 years old standard, transferred to Hallsworth Forces Spéciales Second Dragons de Condé rose to the rank of Sergeant. 21 years old standard, transferred to Hallsworth Imperial Guard rose to the rank of Captain. 27 years of age Mercenary.

    Reason for investigation:

    Suspicious Documentation and actives within Federation territory.


    Gérard Lécuyer AKA Gagnon was given the name Gagnon (Guard Dog) while serving in Hallsworth Forces Spéciales Second Dragons de Condé for his ability to recognize danger before it happened. He was required to enlist in the Hallsworth Army at the age of 15 by the courts. His records prior to his 15 birthday have been sealed and are not available without an order from the Hallsworth Emperor. By 18, he transferred to the Hallsworth Forces Spéciales Second Dragons de Condé. His service record after that is sketchy. Upon further investigation, I was able to verify that he was promoted to the rank of Captain and placed in charge of the personal guard for the Empress of the Hallsworth Empire and her court. He was also given the assignment to investigate the mysterious deaths of the Emperor’s two brothers and three younger sisters. During this investigation, he was implicated in the murder of one of the handmaidens to the Empress and in the plot to assonate the Emperor and Empress of the Hallsworth Empire.

    Gagnon walked up to the Empress’s quarters. The guards outside the large wooden doors came to attention as he approached. Gagnon checked his uniform and made sure it was proper before knocking on the door. One of the Empress’s ladies in waiting opened the door and motioned for him to enter. He bowed to her then entered the chamber. There he found the Empress, with her ladies in waiting, in a state. The Empress looked at Gagnon standing there, rose from her chair, and walked over to him. She took his two hands and held them as she looked into his eyes. He could see that she was quite shaken.

    Gérard, I am so sorry.

    For what your Highness? What is the matter?

    They found Francesca dead in her room this morning.

    How what happened? Why? Gagnon replied half in shock.

    Francesca was a handmaid to the Empress that he knew well. They had been the talk of the court for some time and the Emperor along with the Empress had looked the other way as long as they kept it discreet.

    I do not know. She did not show up on time this morning. I sent one of the servants to locate her and she found her body in her room then she reported it to me. I felt it was my duty to inform you of this tragedy.

    Gagnon stood there stunned not knowing what to say. He had been with Francesca that night and was called away by the commander of the guard around midnight. A man had been apprehended who was believed to be involved in a plot to assonate the Emperor along with the Emperor’s family. Gagnon spent the remainder of the night involved with the questioning of a prisoner with little to no results. Early that morning he received a summons from the Empress, turned the prisoner over to the sergeant of the guard, and hurried to the Empress’s chamber.

    Why? Gagnon asked again.

    The Emperor walked into the room and stopped. Lieutenant Carbonneau stood slightly behind him with two guards. Gagnon saw them and came to attention.

    We do not know yet. Lieutenant Carbonneau will be handling the investigation. The Emperor replied. "Captain Lécuyer you are relieved of command until this matter is resolved.

    Yes your excellency. Gagnon replied bowed to the Emperor then walked out of the room.

    Follow him and do not let him out of your sight. Lieutenant Carbonneau said to the guards. The two men quickly walked out of the room and caught up with Gagnon. Gagnon continued to his quarters and entered the two guards stopped and stood outside of the door.

    Two days later Gagnon was called before the Emperor and the Commander of the Imperial Guard along with Bédoier Lévêque. Bédoier Lévêque is the bastard son of a low status governess. He was raised in the Emperor’s court with the rest of Emperor’s children. He felt that he should be included in the line of succession based on his mother’s claim that his father had been the Emperor. After the Emperor mysteriously died and his true heir became the Emperor, Bédoier Lévêque wormed his way up until he became the advisor to the new Emperor.

    Gagnon stood in front of the Emperor at attention.

    When was the last time you saw her alive? The Emperor asked.

    Gagnon looked at the Emperor and did not flinch.

    I left her quarters a little after midnight. I was called away to question a prisoner and was in the interrogation center until I was summoned by the Empress.

    Bédoier Lévêque says that he saw you earlier that morning in the corridor entering her chamber.

    I did not your excellency. I was in the interrogation center questioning the prisoner until I received the summons from the Empress. You can check with the data recorders.

    I have already done that, your Excellency. Bédoier Lévêque said. He nodded to Lieutenant Carbonneau and the surveillance data of the corridor outside of Francesca chamber appeared. It showed him walking up to the door then looking up and down the corridor before entering. The time and date stamp on the image showed it to be 5 that morning.

    That has to be a fake. I have proof that I was in the interrogation center at that time. You can ask the guards who were on duty that night.

    We have and we will. Bédoier Lévêque replied.

    He motioned to one of the guards and he opened a side door. Two of the guards that were on duty that night walked into the chamber, they stopped in front of the Emperor and came to attention.

    Tell us what you told Lieutenant Carbonneau. Bédoier Lévêque said.

    Around midnight a prisoner was brought in for questioning. He demanded to speak to Captain Lécuyer. We contacted Captain Lécuyer and when he walked into the integration center, he seemed to recognize the prisoner. He took the prisoner to one of the integration rooms alone and talked with the man until almost four thirty. When he left he told the sergeant of the watch to release the prisoner, that it was nothing but case of mistaken identity. After that he left the center.

    The other guard said the same thing almost word for word. Bédoier Lévêque then produced images of Francesca’s brutally murdered body, in her chamber, with signs that she had been sexually assaulted.

    Your Excellency I admit that we had sex that night. I will not deny that. However, when I left she was very much alive and I did not leave the integration center until I was summoned by the Empress at eight.

    Preliminary DNA analysis of the seamen shows it to belong to Captain Lécuyer. Lieutenant Carbonneau said.  

    Your Excellency they are lying I did not kill her. Gagnon replied.

    Take him away. The Emperor shouted over Gagnon’s protest.

    Gagnon was dragged from the chamber denying that he had anything to do with Francesca’s murder.

    Gagnon sat in the cell for over three weeks before he was summoned. He was moved to one of the integration rooms where a small man sat at a table. The guards led him into the room and stood on each side of him.

    You can go. The man said. The guards shoved Gagnon into the chair opposite of the man. I have been asked to be a council in the upcoming trial for treason and murder.


    After seeing the evidence against you I personally don’t care to be here with you. However, persons high in the Emperor’s court think you are innocent and insist that I speak to you.

    Treason what have I done? I haven’t done anything. What am I being charged with?

    Yes that is what they all say. You are being charged with conspiring to assonate the Emperor and his family. The man replied and opened his tablet.

    You’re kidding.

    They have evidence of you discussing your part with a Jacque Coté.

    I don’t know anybody by that name.

    They have data showing you talking to him on the night of the murder.

    I don’t know of anybody by that name.

    If you want my help you will have to convince me that you are innocent.

    Gagnon spent the next ten hours going over that night and the years leading to his appointment to the Imperial Guard. Repeatedly the little man asking the same question in different manners, then the man stopped picked up the notes he had made on his tablet and stood up.

    All right monsieur Lécuyer, I will see you before the tribunal.

    Then you believe I’m inanest.

    No Monsieur Lécuyer, I believe you are guilty as hell. However, there is a ring of truth to what you have told me. It is up to the tribunal to decide if you are innocent or not.

    Three weeks later Gagnon was awakened by the guards. They handed him his dress uniform and told to change into it. Restraints were placed on his wrists then led to an awaiting vehicle. The vehicle transported him to the Ministry of Justice. The vehicle pulled into an underground parking area and stopped. The two guards stepped out opened his door and pulled him out. They walked him to the entrance then down a dimly lit corridor until they reached one of the courtrooms. The door was opened and he was moved to a table. The little man he had talked to a few weeks before sat at the opposite table next to Bédoier Lévêque. Bédoier Lévêque whispered into the little man’s ear and the little man waved him away. A few minutes later, another man hurried down the aisle and up to Gagnon’s table. He set his tablet on the table then sat down next to Gagnon.

    Who are you?

    I’m your council. The man said. I think you should plead guilty and tell them who else your accomplices were.

    I thought he was my council.

    Oh no he is the high prosecutor.

    He told me that he was my council.

    Not possible. Now Monsieur Lécuyer, I have talked to the high prosecutor and he assures me that he will ask that you are only incarcerated in a minimum security prison for not more than thirty years if you will divulge the rest of the people involved it the plot to assonate the Emperor and his family.

    I didn’t do anything.

    If you do not take this deal, when you are convicted you will be executed. The man said not paying any attention to Gagnon.

    A guard stepped into the courtroom and told all them to stand. Gagnon stood up alone with the man next to him. A few seconds later, a side door opened and court workers followed by the three judges of the tribunal entered the chamber. The three judges walked up to the dais and sat down. A few minutes later, the Emperor along with the Empress walked into the courtroom through another side door. The judges stood then bowed to the Emperor and Empress as they entered and waited until they were seated before they sat again. Gagnon and his council stayed standing.

    Is the accused Gérard Lécuyer present? The tribunal leader asked.

    Yes your honor. The man next to Gagnon replied.

    Gérard Lécuyer you are accused of high treason in plotting the murder of his Excellency the Emperor and Empress also to the murder of Francesca Labelle. How do you plead?

    Your Excellency’s my client wishes to through himself on the mercy of the tribunal…

    I plead not guilty your Excellency. Gagnon replied. Your Excellency I was led to believe that that man over there was my council and only found out that this man was when I entered this court.

    Your Excellency that is absurd everyone knows that Monsieur La Grange is the head prosecutor. It is just a ploy… Bédoier Lévêque said

    The leader of the tribunal rapped on the top of the dais and Bédoier Lévêque quit talking.

    Monsieur Lévêque, sit down. Monsieur La Grange is this true.

    Your Excellency, I sat in with the integration of Monsieur Lécuyer at the request of Bédoier Lévêque. If my being there led Monsieur Lécuyer to misunderstand, it was purely unintentional.

    The Judge nodded. Monsieur La Grange, call your first witness.

    Your Excellency’s, for our first witness we would like to call the sergeant of the guard on the night in question.

    The Sergeant of the guard walked into the courtroom through a side door. He walked up to a smaller dais and stood behind a rail.

    La Grange began asking question of him and had him tell what happened from the time the prisoner arrived until Gagnon was contacted. He explained that he left shortly after that to check on a security breach. He also states that he did not see Gagnon leave for he was relieved shortly after 2 in the morning.

    I have no further questions. La Grange said.

    We have no questions. The man next to Gagnon said.

    Next, one of the guards was summoned. He was asked to tell the court what he had seen.

    Around midnight a prisoner was brought in for questioning. He demanded to speak to Captain Lécuyer. We contacted Captain Lécuyer and when he walked into the integration center, he seemed to recognize the prisoner. He took the prisoner to one of the integration rooms alone and talked with the man until almost four thirty. When he left, he told the sergeant of the watch to release the prisoner. That it was a case of mistaken identity. After that he left the center.

    I have no more questions at this time.

    He is lying. Gagnon said jumping up.

    Outburst of that source will not be tolerated in this court. The judge said as he rapped on the dais.

    We beg the courts forgiveness. We have no questions. The man said.

    The next witness was the other guard and his story was almost word for word what the first guard said. Next La Grange introduced the data from the interrogation room showing the interrogation of the prisoner Jacque Coté by Gagnon. The data only showed the back of Gagnon’s head and the face of Jacque Coté sitting relaxed across from Gagnon. They could hear Gagnon’s voice as he spoke to the man and his replies. The data image showed that he was involved with the plot to assassinate the Emperor and his family. With him going over in detail, what his guards were to do when the time came. It showed Gagnon bragging about how he had been involved in the plot before he became a member of the Imperial Guards. He bragged how he had been involved with the deaths of the Emperor’s brothers and sisters then how he had fooled the Emperor and Empress to gain their trust so that he could get closer to them.

    The trial continued with more evidence appearing showing that he was one of the ringleaders of the plot to assonate the Emperor. About halfway through the testimony the Emperor stood up and held his hand out to the Empress then walked out of the chamber with her. From then on Gagnon would only see one of the Empress’s ladies in waiting sitting in the courtroom.

    By the end of the first day, most of the witness for the prosecution had testified. The tribunal was recessed and Gagnon was escorted back to his cell. At no time that day did his council ask any questions of the witness.

    Gagnon sat in his cell when one of the guards walked up to the cell door.

    You have a visitor. He said as one of the ladies in waiting walked up to the door.

    The lady stood there until the guard walked away then looked towards Gagnon.

    Gérard, my lady says to tell you she is doing all she can to help you. She says that she does not believe anything she heard today.

    Tell her thank you. Also tell her to look in my account and she will find a copy of my investigation. She will see that I had nothing to do with this. My password is Gagnon with a capital G one five three. Tell her to be careful I believe she and her daughter are in great danger.

    I will. The lady replied then walked away.

    Gagnon sat back down and gazed at the ceiling.

    The next day Gagnon found out that Jacque Coté had been re-apprehended and he agreed to testify against Gagnon for a more lenient sentence. He told the tribunal that Gagnon had talked to him and bragged to him how he would be the new Commander of the Imperial Guard after the assassination. He said that Gagnon would see that he was released as soon as he passed on what the guards were to do and received his instructions, none of which was on the data plaid back before. After his testimony, the man was taken back to his cell without disclosing who else was involved in the plot.

    The court was adjured for that day and Gagnon was taken back to his cell. During that night, Gagnon could hear a commotion a few cells away. He looked in that direction and could see several guards wrestling with one of the inmates. He did not think anything of it and lay back down to sleep. The next morning as he was being taking to the courtroom Gagnon looked into the empty cell that Jacque Coté had occupied and saw the bed rolled up. When he reached the courtroom, the first witness called was Jacque Coté. The court was informed that Jacque Coté had committed suicide the night before.

    DNA evidence was introduced that showed that Gagnon was not the only one with Francesca that night. A servant girl came forwards and said that she had seen Bédoier Lévêque entering Francesca room a little after midnight. She was not able to say when he left. She did say that she heard a commotion coming from Francesca quarters a short time later, but did not report it. Bédoier Lévêque denied it and wanted to see the proof from the corridor recorders. None was found showing him entering or leaving Francesca’s room only the maid walking past the door looking at it then running down the corridor.

    Gagnon leaned over to his council. Where is the first watch sergeant? He is the one who saw me leave at eight and is the one I turned the prisoner over to. Where is Lieutenant Carbonneau? I thought he was doing this investigation not Bédoier Lévêque.

    I inquired into where the third and first watch sergeants are. They cannot be located. As for Lieutenant Carbonneau, nobody has seen him for weeks. His council replied. I think you are being framed.

    What are you going to do about it? Gagnon asked a little too loud.

    The gavel brought both of their heads forwards.

    Do you have any witness for the defense?

    Your Excellency the only witness that could show that Monsieur Lécuyer is telling the truth cannot be located. I have asked for the sergeant of the third watch and for the sergeant of the first watch to come forth as witness. However, they cannot be located.

    Your Excellency’s the two men he is speaking of are no longer attached to the Imperial Guard. The Sergeant of the third watch enlistment ran out shortly after the incident and his whereabouts is unknown. As for the Sergeant of the first watch, he was transferred to one of the outpost in the neutral zone. It will take several months before his return.

    Where is Lieutenant Carbonneau? Gagnon asked.

    Who is Lieutenant Carbonneau? The Judge asked.

    Lieutenant Carbonneau was doing the investigation. Gagnon replied.

    Your Excellency, the Emperor and I decided that Lieutenant Carbonneau was too close to Captain Lécuyer and it would serve justice better if he was relieved. I was appointed by the Emperor to oversee this investigation.

    Where is the Lieutenant now? The Judge asked.

    After he was relieved he applied for an emergency leave, a death in the family. He has not returned or responded to our communication.

    His death. Gagnon said softly.

    Do you have any other evidence concerning this matter?

    The council looked at Gagnon then back at the judges. No, your Excellency’s.

    This tribunal stands adjourned. The judge said and rapped on the table. The courtroom stood as the judges walked out.

    I think we may have a chance. The council said as he picked up his things.

    What, life in front of a firing squad? Gagnon replied.

    They haven’t proven that you were involved with any attempt. It is obvious that the data was tampered with. A blind man could see that. You have nothing to worry about.

    The guard led Gagnon down the corridor to the waiting vehicle. The vehicle did not return to the prison, instead it continued to the interrogation center. He was led to the same room he had talked to Jacque Coté and shackled to the chains suspended from the ceiling. Two men Gagnon recognized as the most brutal interrogators walked into the room.

    Well, well what do we have here? How the mighty have fallen.

    Are you ready to tell us what we want to know or are we going to have to beat it out of you. Please say you don’t know anything.

    I don’t know anything. Gagnon replied.

    Gagnon hung from the chains for several days as they beaten him. They kept asking who his accomplices were and since he did not know he was not able to give them any names. On the fourth day two guards appeared and released him. He was told to shower and to put on his dress uniform. It was all he could do to stand in the shower and wash off the dirt and blood. When he finished he was dragged down the corridor and could see some of his men watching him as he passed. One of them spit towards him and several other tripped him as he passed. They all called him a traitor. Gagnon was shoved into a vehicle and transported back to the Ministry of Justice. They half carried him down the corridor to the courtroom then shoved him into his seat. His council walked into the room and over to the table. He could see that Gagnon was in pain from the beating.

    What did you do? I was told you tried to escape.

    I was interrogated.

    What did you tell them?

    I didn’t tell them anything I haven’t done anything and I don’t know anything. Gagnon replied.

    The guard walked into the courtroom and told everyone to rise. Gagnon struggled to stand then had to hang onto the table to keep from falling down. A few seconds later, a side door opened and court workers followed by the three judges of the tribunal entered the chamber. The three judges walked up to the dais and sat down. The center judge rapped on the dais to bring the tribunal to order.

    The accused Gérard Lécuyer will stand. Gagnon once again stood and hung onto the table. Gérard Lécuyer we find you guilty of the account of murder. We also find you guilty of plotting to assonate the Emperor of Hallsworth. Your name will be stricken from the records of the Imperial Guard. You will be transported to Regalis 3 to await execution. The judge said slammed the gavel down then the three of them stood and walked out.

    I told you that you should have taken the plea deal. The council said as the guards grabbed Gagnon. He was dragged from the courtroom Gagnon glanced towards the viewer boxes and could see the lady in waiting sitting there, showing no emotion on her face. He watched her until he could no longer see her. They continued to where the vehicle was waiting then he was shoved into the back. The vehicle pulled out of the underground parking and moved across the city until it reached the interrogation center. He was dragged to the same room and suspended from the chains. The two men walked into the room.

    Look who is back. I take it they found you guilty. One of the interrogators said as he walked by. He pulled the rod from his belt and slammed it into Gagnon’s stomach sending Gagnon swinging. They started asking who his accomplices were and Gagnon told them that he did not know anything.

    Gagnon awoke and found that he was chained to a bulkhead in a small cell. He opened his swollen eyes and tried to focus on his surroundings. He could see several other cages stacked in the cargo hold with men and woman chained inside. He tried to move and his body sent him signals that it wasn’t a good idea.

    Look who finally woke up. The man next to him said.

    Where am I? Gagnon asked.

    Where the hell do you think?

    This isn’t any luxury liner to Tatlis six. A man said on the other side.

    Keep the noise down. A guard yelled then slammed his stick on the side of some of the cages. He walked up to Gagnon’s cage and slammed the stick on it several times. An Imperial Guard, they are going to love you on Regalis three. He said then continued down the row of cages.

    Five weeks later the ship pulled into orbit around Regalis 3. The cages were unlocked one at a time and the prisoners were moved to a shuttle to be transported to the surface. Gagnon’s cage was opened and a poll with a wire loop on it was extended into the cage. Gagnon batted the loop away several times before one of the guards poked him with a pain rod. Gagnon’s body convulsed and as it did the wire loop was placed over his head and around his neck. He was dragged from the cage and his head was forced into the deck by the poll while two other guards placed restraints on his arms. The two guards lifted him up to his feet then started walking him towards the airlock with the other man following with the poll. Once inside they removed the wire loop and secured him to the bulkhead. There was no gravity in the cargo bay of the shuttle. Gagnon just floated along with the others. This process was repeated until all of the prisoners were transferred to the shuttle.

    Gagnon felt the jar as the shuttle came free from the ship. Then he was pushed back towards the back of the shuttle and held in place by the restrains. The shuttle dropped down to the surface. As it approached, Gagnon could feel the gravity increase. Then the aspect changed as the ship applied power to slow down. Gagnon along with the other prisoners were pressed into their restraints. Gagnon felt as if his ribs were going to break at any moment. He could here several others cry out from the pain and when he thought he couldn’t stand it any longer it stopped. He felt the shuttle touch the ground and the vibration from the drives stopped.

    The airlock opened and three men walked into the shuttle carrying restraining belts. They walked up to each man and placed the belt around their waist then with the efficiency of men doing this for years they removed the restraints, turned the man around, and quickly fastened the prisoner’s arms to the belt. Once that was completed, another man grabbed the prisoner and walked him out of the ship to an awaiting vehicle. The prisoner was strapped onto a bench within the vehicle and secured to a ring welded to the floor. Leg restraints were placed on the prisoner’s feet then connected to the ring on the floor.

    Gagnon sat on the bench and watched as several other prisoners were brought into the transport vehicle. Once all of the rings were full, the back hatch was closed and the cargo area plunged into darkness. They could feel the vehicle start to move. Then a hint of light shined in through a dirty transparent roof. Gagnon could see the others in the vehicle as they looked around. He could see the difference on each man’s face between the ones who had gone through this before and the ones who hadn’t. They sat there for over an hour as the vehicle made its way from the landing field to the prison. The vehicle slowed then stopped. A few seconds later, it began to back down a ramp. The light in the compartment dimmed until it was almost dark. Then the interior light came on and the rear hatch opened. The same guards that had secured them into the vehicle walked in and removed the leg restraints first then the seat restraints. They pulled the prisoner up and moved him out of the transport.

    Gagnon was lifted from his seat and walked out of the vehicle then down a corridor to two waiting guards in prison guard uniforms. One of the transport guards handed a prison guard a tablet. The guard looked at the image then at Gagnon. He placed his thumb on a reader then handed the tablet back to the guard. The other prison Guard grabbed Gagnon and slammed him into the wall. They removed the restraints from the belt and fastened other restraints then handed the belt to the transport guard. Once that was finished, Gagnon was shoved down the corridor. They stopped him once he reached a caged in room. A man dressed in a prisoner uniform stood on the other side.

    Prisoner number one nine three gulf hotel five eight two. The guard said.

    The prisoner walked over to a shelf and pulled a box from it. He walked back and shoved the box through the opening in the cage.

    Well grab it I’m not carrying your crap for you. The guard said.

    Gagnon held out his arms and the guard shoved the box onto them. Then he grabbed Gagnon’s arm and shoved him down the corridor. They continued down the drab gray colored corridor lit only by one glow panel every ten meters until they reached a closed hatch. The guard pressed a button and stood back from the hatch. The hatch swung in away from them and when it was almost open, the guard shoved Gagnon through. They continued down another dingy gray corridor until they reached another hatch. Once again, the guard placed his hand on a reader and stepped back. The next hatch opened and once again, the guard pushed Gagnon into another better lit corridor. Gagnon could see several doors leading off each side of the corridor. One of them opened and the man who had been taken out before him was shoved out nude. As soon as Gagnon reached the room, the guard shoved him into it.

    Place your box in the cubby hole. Then remove your clothes and put them in the box. A voice said. Gagnon looked all around and didn’t see where it came from. I will not repeat myself. If you do not comply you will be punished.

    You heard her put that box into that hole and get out of those clothes. Another guard said then hit Gagnon with a pain wand then pointed to a small opening that appeared in the wall.

    Gagnon body stiffened from the pain and before he could be hit again, he shoved the box into the hole. The hole closed and another one opened. Gagnon was about to undress when he was shoved up against the wall. One of the guards grabbed his hands and removed the restraints then stepped back towards the open door. Gagnon turned and looked at them and started to undress. He placed the clothes he had been wearing for six weeks, into the empty box. The door closed and the guards stepped out into the hallway.

    Place your hands on the back wall. The voice said.

    Gagnon faced the wall and placed his hands on it. Then he was slammed up against the wall by the force of the water. The water moved up his back to his head then down again.

    Make sure you get behind his ears. One of the guards said.

    Turn around. The other guards yelled.

    Gagnon tried to turn and the water hit his shoulder spinning him around and slammed him into the wall. As the water moved down his body and reached his stomach, Gagnon dropped his hands to protect himself and the water slammed into them. He dropped to his knees from the pain and could hear the guards laugh as they continued to hose him from head to feet.

    As soon as the water stopped, two guards rushed in and shoved him into the wall. A belt was place around his waist and his arms attached to it. Then he was shoved out the door and down the corridor. He glanced down the corridor as he left the room and could see another prisoner being escorted towards him. He was shoved down the corridor until they reached another room. The door opened he was shoved into the room.

    Stand on the white line. A voice said.

    Gagnon was shoved up to the line on the floor. A window opened and a woman glanced at him.

    Stand still. Turn to your right. Now to your left. Take one step forwards. She said as she looked at the display. Gagnon took one giant step towards the opening. Stop him he is trying to attack me. She shouted.

    The guards grabbed Gagnon and moved him back a little.

    He isn’t doing anything. One of the guards said. Besides he is still in his restraints. He can’t move his arms.

    What is that mark on his left arm. She asked.

    It is the brand from the Imperial Guard. The other guard said.

    She made an entry then the window closed. A few second later, the window opened again. The woman placed a box on the counter then opened it. She began removing the items from the box and describing them making sure that Gagnon could see each item. When she finished she placed the items back into the box and closed the lid.

    If those items are yours place your hand on the reader in front of you. Gagnon saw the reader at over arm’s length away. He looked at the restraint still holding his arms to the side of his body. One of the guards walked up and unfastened his left hand. Gagnon leaned over and she jumped back grabbing the box and spilling the contents on the floor. Now see what he did, he tried to attack me again. She complained as she picked up each item and placed it back into the box. She put the lid on the box then placed a plastisteel band around the box and secured it. When she finished she looked at Gagnon. Well place your hand on the reader.

    Gagnon once again leaned forwards and placed his left hand on the reader. A red line moved over his hand and he felt a prick and pulled his hand away. He could see a small red spot on his palm with a spot of blood.

    You cut me.

    Nobody told you to talk. The guard said and hit him with the pain wand. Gagnon dropped to his knees from the pain. Get up and stand at attention. The guard said.

    Gagnon stood up as straight as he could and the guard grabbed his arm and fastened the restrain around it again.

    You are prisoner one nine three gulf hotel five eight two. Remember that. You will answer to that when you are addressed. Take him away.

    Let’s go. The guard said and grabbed his arm.

    Something should be done about that Imperial Crest on a traitor. The other guard said.

    They continued down the corridor until they reached another set of doors. The guard placed his hand on the reader and the door opened. They moved Gagnon into the next corridor. The walls were the dingy gray with light panels ever ten meters. They led him down the corridor until they reached another cage.

    Number? The man behind the cage asked.

    Tell him who you are? The guard said and hit Gagnon with the pain wand.

    Prisoner number one nine three gulf hotel five eight two. Gagnon replied through clinched teeth.

    The man reached over and pulled a pile of clothes and linen along with some blue slippers from a shelf. He set them on the counter.

    Get dressed. The guard said. Gagnon was shoved up against a wall and the restraints along with the belt were removed. The guards stepped back and one pointed towards the pile. Gagnon moved over to the window, picked up the clothes and began dressing. Hurry up we haven’t all day. One of the guards said then hit him with the wand. Gagnon arched his back then continued to dress. When he was finished, he was shoved against the wall and the belt was fastened around his waist. His arms were then fastened to the side of the belt. One of the guards grabbed the linen and shoved it between his arms and his body. They grabbed him and shoved him out into the corridor. Another guard stood out in the corridor.

    Prisoner number one nine three gulf hotel five eight two? The guard asked.

    Well answer him. One of the guards replied.

    He thinks he is special because he was in the Imperial Guard.

    I was a Captain in the… The pain wand slammed into his back sending him to the floor.

    Nobody told you to talk. The guard said and hit him again. The linen fell from his arms to the floor.

    Well, pick it up and get up. I haven’t got all day. The new guard said.

    Gagnon grabbed the linen as best he could and stood up. The guard grabbed his arm and shoved him down the corridor. They stopped when they reached a plastisteel door. The door opened without the guard touching it. He shoved Gagnon through the opening then down a long corridor. Gagnon could see closed plastisteel doors with only a small opening in each door lining both sides of the corridor. He glanced up and could see five other levels above him with walkways lined with the same plastisteel doors. When they reached the other end the guard shoved him up some spiral stairs. They continued up the stairs until they reached the next level. The guard moved him down the right side walkway until they were at the other end. Gagnon could see another spiral stairs leading up and down at the end of the walkway. The guard stopped Gagnon in front of one of the plastisteel doors.

    Open B thirty-five. The guard shouted.

    The door opened and Gagnon was shoved into the cell up against the sidewall. His hands were freed and placed behind his head as the belt was removed. Once the guard finished he stepped out of the cell and the door closed with a resounding crash.

    Gagnon stood in the middle of the two-meter by three-meter room and looked around. Bunk beds that looked as if they were part of the plasticreat were along one wall. A toilet that doubled as a sink was at the end of the cell. A single small glow panel was embedded in the ceiling that was not lit. The only light filtered through the opening in the door. Gagnon walked over to the sink toilet and pushed a button on the wall. A stream of water dribbled out of a hole in the wall. He bent down and tried to quench his thirst. The water tasted bitter and he spit it out. He looked at the beds that were about a meter apart. There was no mattress on either one of them. He sat on the side of the lower bunk then reached over to where he had dropped the linen. He found one sheet a thin worn blanket and one medium size towel. He wadded the sheet up and wrapped the towel around it then laid down pulling the worn blanket over him.

    The lights came on and the door opened. Gagnon sat up and hit his head on the upper bunk. He looked around then heard a guard shouting for the prisoner to stand ready. A guard walked up to the entrance of his cell and stood there slapping his pain wand in his hand.

    What do you think you are some sort of privileged charter? Get out and stand ready. The guard yelled then took one-step into the cell. Gagnon stood up fast and the guard slammed the wand down onto his shoulder sending him to the deck. Get up and get out there. The guard yelled.

    Gagnon started to get up and the guard hit him again sending him toward the door. Gagnon staggered to his feet once he was outside and tried to stand. Gagnon glanced down the walkway and could see other prisoners standing outside of their cells. Several others were chased out of their cells by the guards and tried to stand in front their cells. Gagnon could hear others yelling out their numbers then it stopped.

    What is the matter up there? A guard yelled.

    Answer up like you have a pair before I shove them down your throat. The guard yelled with the wand at the ready.

    Prisoner number one nine three gulf hotel five eight two. Gagnon tried to yell with his voice cracking.

    I told you to yell it out.

    Prisoner number one nine three gulf hotel five eight two. Gagnon yelled. The man at the next cell yelled out his number and it continued down the row until all five levels had responded.

    Left and right face. The guard below yelled.

    Gagnon glanced to see which way everyone else was turning then quickly turned in that direction. He could see a guard yelling at one of the other new prisoner about not knowing his left from his right. He struck the prisoner with the wand first on his left side then his right side. The man dropped to the deck and the guard yelled at him more.

    Link up. The guard below yelled.

    Gagnon could see the others moving forward then placing both hands on the shoulders of the one before them. He quickly moved to the man in the next cell and placed both hands on his shoulders. They shuffled along the walkway until they reached the far spiral stairs. They stopped until the other side had descended then as the last man stepped onto the stairs the first man on his side placed his hands on that man’s shoulders and followed him down the steps. As soon as Gagnon stepped onto the steps, he felt hands touching his shoulder and tried to look to see whom it was.

    Keep your head down, your eyes on where you are going and your mouth shut. A guard yelled.

    Gagnon looked down at the steps and continued to follow the man ahead of him. They continued up along the corridor until they reached the door. It opened and they continued down the corridor then turned right at an intersection. Gagnon could smell food wafting down the corridor as they approached the galley. They stopped in the corridor then slowly move into the galley. Each man grabbed a plastisteel tray and a Spork then moved towards the serving line. Food was dropped onto the tray as they move along. Gagnon looked at the slop on his tray and could not make out what it was. At the end of the serving line, he could see men grabbing two slices of bread and shoving them into their shirt. He grabbed two slices and looked around as he placed them on his tray. The man in front of him grabbed a cup then filled it with a dark liquid. Gagnon grabbed one and filled it. He smelt it and wasn’t sure what it was. He followed the man ahead to a table and started to sit. Another man pushed him out of the way and sat down. Others kept pushing him until the table was full. Gagnon walked away to an empty table and started to sit. Another prisoner walked up to him and glared at him. Gagnon set his try down and the man shoved it down the table. Gagnon looked at the man as he set his try down on the table. Another man grabbed Gagnon’s arm and pulled him away.

    Not there. The man said softly with a heavy Spanish accent. He continued across the galley towards some other tables.

    Gagnon grabbed his tray and followed the man to the table. The man motioned for Gagnon to sit. Gagnon set his tray down then the cup of brown liquid. He stepped over the bench and sat down.

    I’m Alejandro De Sandoval De La Cruz. The man said.

    Six other men walked over to the table and looked at Gagnon sitting there. They slowly sat down around him and looked at Alejandro. Alejandro nodded and they began to eat. Gagnon looked at the others then at Alejandro.

    I’m Gérard Lécuyer.

    You were in the Imperial Guard I understand.

    I was a Captain in the Guard until I was framed by Bédoier Lévêque.

    For what?

    They said I killed my girlfriend and plotted to assonate the Emperor.

    We cannot hold that against you. The man replied.

    I didn’t do anything.

    Then you are innocent like the rest of us.

    Aren’t we all? A man said further down the table and the rest laughed.

    Yes I was framed by that bastard Bédoier Lévêque. Gagnon picked up a Spork full of the food and smelt it. He turned away and set the Spork down. What is this shit?

    They do not feed condemned prisoners filet mignon. We call it mystery meat stew. You will get used to it. If you are here that long. The man replied and shoved a Spork full into his mouth.

    Gagnon took a mouthful of the liquid then spit it out.

    This is not that bad. Wait a few days then it gets bad. They use the same grounds for several days before they add more to the pot. Another man said.

    Gagnon looked around and could see others putting bread into their shirts. Why the bread in the shirts?

    You are not allowed to take food back to your cell. However, you are only fed one meal a day. You take the bread back so you have something to eat later.

    A guard walked out and the room became quiet.

    Prisoner, number one nine three gulf hotel five eight two. The man yelled out and looked around. Prisoner, number one nine three gulf hotel five eight two. The man said louder.

    I believe that they are calling you. Alejandro said.

    Gagnon grabbed the bread and shoved it into his shit then stood up.

    I’m one nine three gulf hotel five eight two. Gagnon replied.

    Answer out when you are called. A guard said walked over to him then hit him with the wand. Gagnon dropped to the floor. Get up and answer when you are spoken to.

    Gagnon stood up and looked at the other guard. One nine three gulf hotel five eight two. Gagnon said.

    This way. The other guard said and pointed towards the door still filled with men. Gagnon started to pick up his tray. Leave it those others will take care of it. Gagnon walked towards the door and when he looked back, he could see the other men at his table scraping the food off his tray onto theirs. Move along, make a hole. The guard shouted. The man in the hallway pressed back against the wall to allow Gagnon and the guard to pass as soon as they passed, they once again formed into a line with their hands on the shoulders of the man in front.

    Gagnon moved down several corridors until they reached an elevator. The guard looked around then pressed a button. The door opened and he shoved Gagnon into the elevator and up against the back wall. Two other guards stepped in and one of them pressed a button. The doors closed and the elevator descended. It stopped with a jerk and the doors opened. The guard shoved Gagnon out of the elevator then down another corridor. Cells doors lined each side of the corridor. Gagnon could hear muffled cries along with an occasional scream. They continued to the end of the corridor and through an open door. Inside Gagnon could see the two guards who had commented about his brand on his arm. He could see a glowing box with a rod sticking out of it.

    Remove his shirt. One of the guards said. They pulled Gagnon’s shirt off and the bread fell to the floor.

    What is this? The guard asked and picked up the bread. Removing food from the galley is a punishable by ten days in the hole. The guard said holding the bread in Gagnon’s face. He walked around Gagnon and looked at laser brand on his arm of the Imperial Crest along with the motto for the Imperial Guard. Gladius ad Augusti Mors ET Fidelitatis. He said. Traitor to the Emperor it should read. Hold him down. The men grabbed Gagnon and pulled his arm out. Another walked over to the glowing box and pulled out a red-hot iron. They held it in front of Gagnon’s face close enough that he could feel the heat from it. Gagnon tried to move back, but the guards held his head in place. This is what happens to those who betray the Emperor. The man said. He stepped away from Gagnon and placed the hot iron across the Imperial Crest. Gagnon gritted his teeth as he pressed it deeper into his skin.

    Burn him deep. One of the guards said.

    Gagnon screamed out from the pain. He could hear the guards laughing as the guard moved the hot iron across the crest and he screamed out more. The guard pulled the iron off and looked at the cooled metal. He shoved it back into the glowing box just as another guard walked up to the door.

    What is going on in here? He asked.

    We found a prisoner smuggling bread out of the galley. One of the men said.

    Then toss him in a cell and for ten days. The man said and stood there.

    The guards dragged Gagnon out of the room and down the corridor. One of them moved ahead and opened one of the cell doors. The two men dragging Gagnon into the two meter by two-meter cell dropped him and walked out. Another man tossed his shirt in on top of him then the door slammed shut and Gagnon was plunged into darkness.

    The little door opened at the bottom of the cell door a pan and two slices of bread were shoved into the room then the door closed. Gagnon felt his way over to the pan then saw a spot of light streaming in from the corner of the hatch land on his hand. He followed it up then moved so that he could see where the light was coming from. He moved his burnt arm into the light and tried to look at it. However, the spot was too small to see anything. He felt his way over to the pan and grabbed it with his right hand. He shoved the bread into his mouth then tried to drink some of the putrid water. He spit it out and looked at the pan. He took another drink and forced himself to swallow it. He scooted back until he reached the back wall and locate his shirt. He dipped the shirt into the water then carefully applied it to the burn. His arm felt as if it was coming off as he carefully washed the burn. He stopped when he couldn’t stand the pain anymore and leaned back against the wall. He finished the bread and drank down what he could of the water.

    The minutes seemed like hours as the days slowly passed. Each day the small door at the bottom would open and a pan was shoved under the door with bread and putrid water. Each day he would crawl over to the pan, soak his shirt, and try to wash the wound. On the tenth day, the door opened and Gagnon covered his eyes with his hand to block out the bright light.

    Prisoner, one nine three gulf hotel five eight two outside. A guard said.

    Gagnon struggled to stand and two guards grabbed his arms and dragged him out. Gagnon gritted his teeth as they stood him up. Another guard grabbed his wet shirt and tossed it to him. They led him down the corridor to the elevator then to his cell. One of the guards yelled out his cell number and the door opened. They shoved Gagnon into the cell and it slammed shut behind him.

    The next morning the cell door opened and Gagnon stumbled out of the cell without his shirt.

    Why aren’t you dressed? The guard yelled.

    Gagnon turned and staggered back into the cell to locate his shirt. The guard hit him with the pain wand sending him to the floor. Gagnon found shit under the bunk and crawled out of the cell door. The guard put his boot to Gagnon butt and pushed him out. He skidded out onto the walkway. He stood up and pulled his shirt on. He could hear the lower deck yelling out their numbers and when it came to his turn, he shouted it out the loudest he could. The next man shouted out his number and it continued down the row. Then the guard below told them to face left and right and to link up. Gagnon tuned to his right and followed the man in front. When he caught up with the man, he placed his right hand on the man’s shoulder. His left hung limp at his side. The guard walked up and struck him in his left arm and Gagnon screamed out in pain. The guard grabbed his left arm and tossed it onto the man’s shoulder in front of him. They continued down the steps and through the corridors to the galley. Gagnon grabbed a tray and a Spork then followed the man in front. They walked along the serving line until the bread. He grabbed two pieces and shoved them into his shirt. Then he found a place by himself to sit. He wolfed down the food and drank the bitter coffee. Alejandro walked over and sat across from him. The others soon sat down around him.

    It tastes a lot better after a stay down in the hole doesn’t it. Alejandro said.

    Gagnon just looked at him and continued to shovel the food into his mouth.

    A guard walked into the room and room became quiet.

    Prisoner, one nine three gulf hotel five eight two. The man shouted. Gagnon stood up and faced the guard.

    Prisoner one nine three gulf hotel five eight two. Gagnon replied.

    This way. The guard said.

    Gagnon left an empty tray on the table and walked towards the entrance. The guard followed behind and shouted for the men to make a hole as they continued down the corridor. The prisoners pressed back against the wall as they passed then formed up in the line once they were by. The guard stopped Gagnon in front of a door down one of the side corridors. He knocked then opened the door and shoved Gagnon inside. A man in a white coat stood in the middle of the room.

    Take off your shirt. The man said.

    Gagnon pulled the shirt off and the bread dropped to the floor. The man in the white coat looked at the bread then at the guard. The guard grabbed Gagnon and spun him around.

    You know the penalty for smuggling food out of the galley.

    Let me see that arm. The man in the white coat said. How did you get burned? The man asked.

    It was an accident. There was a ray of light in the cell and I lay in front of it too long. Gagnon replied hoping that would appease the guard.

    Self-inflected. That is ten days. The man said. He spread a liquid on the burn and the pain subsided. Take him away.

    The guard grabbed Gagnon by the same arm then led him out of the room. He shoved him down the corridor to the elevator then pushed the button for the lower level. Once the door opened, he hit Gagnon on the back with the pain wand then beat him all the way to the open door. He hit him one last time knocking him into the cell.

    That is for lying to the doctor. The guard said. Another guard shut the door and Gagnon could hear them talking outside. Twenty days this time. Ten days for smuggling food and another ten days from the doctor for a self-inflected wound. The guard said. Gagnon could hear both of the guards laughing.

    Gagnon found the back of the cell and slipped to the ground. Once again, the little hatch would open and a pan of putrid water and two slices of bread were shoved into the cell. This continued for nineteen days then the door opened and Gagnon

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