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Damaged Goods
Damaged Goods
Damaged Goods
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Damaged Goods

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(Cover was censored by eBook distributors!) "DAMAGED GOODS" is about a man who graduates from high school & starts peeking out from within his closet doors having his 1st gay experience with someone unexpected. He goes to college & finds a straight friend for sex. After the 1st year of college, their friendship grows closer after an event that will change the course of their lives. Questions of friendship & love encircle the two men as they journey forward. Peril, adversity, hardship & misfortune constantly bombard them up to a breaking point. With an unusual & non-traditional love growing for each other, are the bonds strong enough to see them through? Even though things remain fairly the same sexually, during the spring semester of their third year at school another life altering event occurs for these two young men; this one with effects that may very well come between them. Will they bounce back? Can they survive this latest tragedy? Or will having become Damaged Goods be too much for anyone to survive?
Release dateFeb 12, 2016
Damaged Goods

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    Damaged Goods - M. H. Sebastian

    Damaged Goods


    A Novel by M. H. Sebastian

    © 2016 Sebastian Global Publishing LLC

    First Edition, United States of America

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

    This is an adult (18+) work of fiction.  The contents may be offensive to some readers as it contains explicit sexual content and adult situations.  Please do not read this book if you are offended by such content.  Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of author imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Cover art is a copyrighted product of Sebastian Global Publishing LLC

    ISBN 978-1-329-89890-5

    For other novels by M. H. Sebastian, please visit:  or


    Damaged Goods, chronicles a story about Jason, the horniest young man you’ll ever read about who started his last year in high school in 1986 which collided with his coming of age desires.  During high school, he lived up to the jock reputation by engaging in a sexual relationship with his girlfriend.  After graduation, he started peeking out from within his closet doors having his first man on man experience with someone quite unexpected.  This continued in secret through the summer until he went off to college.

    Once Jason went off to college, on a full-ride football scholarship, he instantly found a very low key and an unexpected small group of straight jocks who were willing to engage in certain taboo behaviors as long as he kept his mouth shut; except of course for when he was servicing those men.  This got out of hand in his first semester, but he found himself quickly falling for one of those first semester flings in a jock named Toby, who continually professed to be straight but with whom he could discreetly continue satisfying his homosexual desires on a daily basis.

    However, every break from school during the first year, when Jason would go back home, he would also reconnect with his ‘first time’ which always seemed to find their sexual energy growing more and more with each passing encounter.  As his first year of college continued, Jason kept engaging in that forbidden behavior with Toby at school who had an uncontrollable stronghold on his heart.  But Toby refused to label himself a cock sucking fag, maintained that he was straight and that Jason was just someone with whom he could discreetly fuck for the time being and that it surely wouldn’t continue long term.

    After the first year of college, Jason and Toby’s friendship grew much closer after an event that would forever change the course of both of their lives.  That first summer together brought with it a whole host of turmoil and difficult decisions as well as one hell of a homophobic tragedy from within Toby’s family.  But the two managed to return to school and forge ahead with their athletic prowess and academic careers in spite of everything else and they still remained best friends and fuck buddies or perhaps even more...

    Questions of family, friendship, love, and lust permanently encircled the two men as they journeyed further into their college years.  Peril, adversity, hardship and misfortune constantly bombard them up to a breaking point.  With an unusual and non-traditional love growing for each other, are the bonds strong enough to see them through?  Even though some things remain fairly the same, except for Toby’s new revelation, during the spring semester of Jason’s third year at school another life altering event occurred for the two young men; this one with permanent effects that may very well come between them.  Will they bounce back?  Can they survive their latest tragedy?  Or will having become ‘Damaged Goods’ be too much for any couple to survive?

    Disclosure:  Strap on your seatbelt and get ready to live in their world which is full of blowjobs, fucking, intimacy, raunch, three-ways and every other kind of sex imaginable on a constant, daily and ongoing basis so if that offends you, this book will be too hot for you to handle!  Put it down now and buy something more boring and much less engaging!  Or go ahead and pick it up, but don’t say I didn’t warn you.

    Chapter One

    The summer of 1985 had come to an end.  I and all of my friends were starting our senior year in high school.  I’d known most of them all of my life having grown up in a small rural town in Iowa, just an hour or so outside of Des Moines.  I was but seventeen years old and by all outward accounts looked like I had it all; at least to everyone else.  I was first string quarterback, student council president, dated the head cheerleader, was incredibly good looking and oh… the body – my body – well let’s just say that I worked out a lot ever since my freshman year in high school and it showed.  I’d been referred to as the envy of every guy and the object of every girl’s dream.  With my taller than average stature, tiny waist, broad shoulders and rugby player-like thighs I’d heard others describe me as the perfect specimen of masculinity.  While that sounds like a bit of a cliché, I’m actually more of an introvert that you’d think as I tend to lean more to the shy side until I get to know somebody.  But when I’m on the football field wearing my helmet, it’s like I’ve donned a superhero mask and have been transformed into an absolute machine.  And under that helmet, you would find hair the color of the sand on one of south Florida’s beautiful beaches and with baby blues reminiscent of the piercing turquois-colored waters of the Caribbean.  Can you just picture me?  I looked like the all-American boy next door jock who would be prime to receive a full-ride scholarship to my choice of colleges having led our team to a perfect twelve out of twelve wins for our last season; not to mention taking the 3A state championship trophy by the end of the fall.  The video footage that my coaches had produced for college recruiters was nothing short of spectacular and looked like something that was professionally put together by a movie producer.

    I had the position, status, envy, well-to-do parents and the right girl.  Jennifer had amber locks that glowed with a depth of color that you’d find when looking through a glass of the finest brandy.  Her curly tendrils flowed over her shoulders like the graceful waters of a stream from a bygone era.  And if you pictured me as having quite the body, I couldn’t hold a candlestick to Jennifer’s perfect silhouette with her everyday regalia which could easily grace the cover of a high-end fashion magazine.  Think what you will about me and she was so much more.  Perhaps it was my own humility, but I felt as though I never deserved to have her arm hanging off of mine.  Now having said that, the sex was out of this world, though our parents never caught us.  We were smart and always used rubbers, that’s what we called ‘em back then, so that she wouldn’t get pregnant.  And every time we fucked it was so hot, she had a perfect body and felt really tight, though that probably had something to do with my being a solid eight inches and pretty thick too.  When we would go at it I gotta tell you the only bad thing about it and everything that I’ve mentioned so far is that when we had sex I would always fantasize, constantly, to keep the heat and passion going.  I would dream in my mind and go off to another place to keep myself hard and be able to cum.  I was always thinking about another high school jock named Beau.  Yep, I said it.  I was thinking about another dude.  I was the star jock on the outside and as queer as a three dollar bill on the inside.  My outward persona was just as straight as you’d expect from a high school football jock, but on the inside, I was being emotionally ripped in all directions.  I knew that I was gay, but had no way of dealing with the real me, the honest me, to come out to my family and friends.  But every time we had sex, I was always thinking of Beau.

    Beau was my buddy and my best friend.  He’s the kind of guy that walked down the hall at school with a confident strut without appearing stuck up or cocky.  Watching him interact with others was more than entertaining.  He was just downright genuine although he was driven to a fault.  When Beau set his eyes on something, he worked hard to get it without ever coming across as overbearing.  With him it wasn’t that winning was everything, it was more like he was driven by his want to win.  Everybody had seen his aggressiveness on the field so you got the feeling that you wouldn’t want to ever be on his bad side but would rather have him batting for you and Beau would always have a friends back on or off the field.

    Anyway, we always sleep over at each other’s house like kids who grew up together typically did; though I rarely got much sleep when I was in bed next to him.  He was also the all-American jock type and was always just one-half of a step behind me in all of his achievements.  If something had ever happened to me, he’d have been immediately catapulted into my limelight.  To me, he was perfect, more handsome, taller and stronger than me, had a nice body and a dick that I’d swear was as big as mine though all through high school I never saw it hard.

    The reason I never got much sleep when we’d stay over at each other’s house was because I kept a constant boner in my underwear every second I was awake and next to him in bed.  And all too often when I’d be lying there pretending to not be awake, he’d roll over in his sleep ending up halfway on top of me with his arm over my chest.  That would only make my pecker stiffen up even more.  Fuck, I think back to those days and wish I could have trusted our friendship and come out to him.  Who knows, he might have even let me suck him off every now and then.  And as many times as his mom and dad would let us drink beer and get drunk at his house, as long as we stayed in, I’d always fantasize about him crawling on top of me and fucking me and I mean fuck me hard.  Besides, we could always have blamed it on the alcohol.

    I’m guessing by this point that you are figuring out that I had it all and could continue to have it all if I would just keep up the façade, playing it straight until God knows when.  The only problem with that is that I was gay.  I didn’t choose to be; it’s just the way that God made me.  I did have a choice, though.  I could choose to continue living the lie or I could choose to come out, be open and honest with those that I love and choose to be forthright about what and who I was.  Did I make the right choice?  Oh, not so fast.  There’s a whole lot more to this complex question and my story.

    So my senior year went about as you would expect it to go for the jock who had it all.  I graduated with honors being my class’ valedictorian.  Yep… I, the most disingenuous person in my class, the one who was living a life of deceit every single day was the very person who would have to give the speech as the singled out role model in my class.  I had to get up on that stage and add to the deception.  I had to speak of everything that was a mirrored opposite to who I was and spew more subterfuge in order to promulgate the perfect life all the further.  So I had yet another choice to make and would only hope that I could find the courage to make the right one.

    I think I must have spent two or three hours every night for a week trying to come up with the perfect speech but an honest one and not have to out myself but that task seemed far too daunting until I came up with this:

    "I would like to thank the staff and faculty, as well as my classmates, friends, and families for the opportunity to speak to you here today which marks a very important milestone in all of our lives.  You see today we embark upon a new journey into untested waters.  After today, most of us will leave home, more or less permanently, by ourselves for the very first time.  Most of us will go to college and start really growing up, all on our own.  Up until now, we’ve all been children who have been coddled by our parents bringing us to this day.  And now it is up to each and every one of us to start really learning how to be who we are going to be.  We will make mistakes along the way, but make no mistake about this; those experiences are what will teach us and make us better at who we are trying to become.  If we never make any mistakes, we truly will never learn.  It’s a rough world out there and we will have to start learning how to forge ahead our own way.  Thankfully the master plan was designed this way so that we will still have our parents to fall back on, but that will only be for a while.  After many of us graduate from college, we will start yet another new chapter in our lives and it will be an even harder one.  You see, life presents us with these stepping stones which are designed to start off not too tough, but get progressively more so as we mature.  I think that all of us are eighteen years old and legal adults but we don’t really know anything.  The last four years has not been to literally learn and memorize the words on every page of our textbooks.  The last four years have been a tool that has taught us something much more than that.  It has taught us how to be disciplined and ready for college.  And I believe that college, while we will gain knowledge to prepare us for a career, will more importantly prepare us to be ready for that next chapter in our lives – the job, that chosen career where we will have to learn yet again and how to take orders from our superiors.  What this all boils down to is this.  We are not ready.  We think we are prepared.  We think we have all the answers because we think we are so smart.  But we don’t know a thing.  We do not know how to treat others with respect and dignity that every living being is entitled to by the grace of God.  Let me give you an example...  What if I were to tell everyone here today that I am gay?  What would you think?  How differently would you immediately want to treat me?  I would still be the same friend and the same person that most of you have grown up with.  So, think about that.  Think about how you would react and treat me if I were to tell all of you that, right here on this stage today.  I pray that each and everyone one of you would be kind and treat me with compassion.  Many of you likely would, but I’ve also witnessed firsthand the bullying that some other students have had to endure simply because several of you thought, whether true or not, that someone else was gay or just different in some way.  We are not as grand as we think we are if we can’t even reach out our hands to those less fortunate and help them in their time of need.  I pray that everyone here today, myself included, can move forward, not by the grace of God but with the Grace of God.  My thanks go out to everyone here today.  Good luck in this thing we call life, just be sure that you are living it the best way that you can.  And congratulations class of 1986."

    At that moment, everyone jumped up to their feet and started clapping, whistling and cheering; faculty included.  I stood there for just a moment basking in something called glory.  No, I didn’t find the strength within me to ‘come out’ but I did find the resolve to crack that closet door open with a public service announcement that will likely soften any reaction to those that I would eventually choose to come out to.

    That was our day and I think just about everybody was allowed to go off and do whatever he or she wanted.  It was kind of a tradition in our small town that on graduation day, everybody had plans and parents tended to go along with the flow.  As for my group of friends, mostly jocks with a few preppies, there were about a dozen of us planning on going over to Beau’s house and kickin’ back with a few beers.  Beau’s mom and dad were always so kind to go off to another part of the house to be invisible but always had everyone check their car keys at the door.  That way when people decided to head on home, his dad would drive them home in their car while his mom followed to bring his dad back home before doing it again.

    It was around one o’clock in the morning when they took the last friend home and then it was just Beau and I left together.  I had already planned to stay overnight so we literally stumbled back to his bedroom and shut the door as usual.  We got undressed down to our underwear and crawled into bed.  We were both lying on our backs just talking, well whispering actually, for a short while as we finished our last couple of beers.  Beau had his bathroom light on with the door mostly closed so the bedroom was dark but with just a touch of light cascading in so that we could see.

    A moment or two later, since we only had a sheet over us, I could see that Beau had a hard-on so I commented asking, Beau, what’s up with that?  With what? he asked.  I pointed to his bulge under the sheets right where his crotch was and said, That.  You have a fucking hard-on.  Oh sorry man, beer just makes me horny and does that to me.  Plus I was thinking about what you said in your speech today, you know, the ‘what if you were gay part’.  Yeah, what about it?  Well, it’s just that I was thinking that if you really were gay, it’d be kinda hot if you blew me and that made me pop a woody.  Seriously?  If I were for real gay, you’d want me to suck your dick just like that?  Hell yeah.  I’m young and horny all the time.  Besides, no one else would ever know.  I mean I wouldn’t go around telling anyone that I let a dude suck my dick.  Yeah, me either.  I mean if I were a fag and gave you a blowjob, I’d be the last person to tell anyone else.  Then Beau pulled the sheets back and exposed his raging hard dick and said, Go ahead then.  Go and ahead and what?  Suck on it.  I’m man enough if you’re queer enough.  Well since you brought that up, I could say the same thing, that I’m man enough to blow you if you’re queer enough to let me.  Dude, you’d be the one with a dick in your mouth, not me.  Besides, I’ve never judged you for anything in the past and wouldn’t judge you if you are gay and just so you know, I’ve always kind of thought that you were.  Here’s your chance if you want to go for it.  Seeing him hard for the first time I can tell you that he was just as big as me and almost as thick.

    No sooner did he say that then I sat up in bed and bent over towards his huge pecker.  I leaned down onto my right elbow as I grabbed his thick shaft with my left hand and started off just giving him a little bit of a hand job.  Beau whispered, Go on.  Go down on me.  He grabbed the back of my head with his right hand and started to encourage me in that direction so I succumbed to the pressure that he was putting on me and slowly got closer to his dick and in only a couple of seconds, he’d managed to put his already leaking dick in my mouth.

    I continued stroking him while giving him head at the same time.  Being young, dumb and full of cum, he didn’t last long at all when all of a sudden without any warning, I had a mouthful of his thick and gooey cum.  It was the first time that I had a guy’s spunk in my mouth.  I had no idea what to expect or how it would taste, but it wasn’t at all disgusting.  In fact, I thought it tasted a little sweet but mostly was just a warm, creamy feeling in my mouth.  It felt really slippery as I held it in, tasting it and not knowing if I should swallow it or hop up and spit it out into the toilet.  At that very moment, Beau whispered, Did you swallow it?  With my mouth still closed and full of cum, I mumbled a ‘nu-uh’ to him.  He then said, Go ahead and swallow it.  I want you to swallow my cum.  As I was starting to get up to spit it out, he grabbed my arm and pulled me back down on my back next to him on the bed.  Again he said, Swallow it.  You milked my dick now you have to swallow it.  I still held it in my mouth so that I couldn’t respond or talk.  Then Beau quickly crawled on top of me, grabbed my arms and pinned me down saying more forcefully.  I told you to swallow it.  You took it and now you have to keep it.  Go ahead, swallow.  Do it.  Now.  So I gulped and it slipped down my throat and into my stomach and at that very moment, I felt some sort of connection with Beau that I’d never experienced before now having a part of him inside of me.

    Beau still had a hard-on and was still on top of me after I swallowed his silky cream when he inched up and stuck his dick back in my mouth and asked, Did you like that?  I pulled his dick out for a moment and sheepishly said ‘yes’ like I was ashamed of what I’d just done.  Beau said, Man that was hot.  I wish we’d done this years ago.  You want some more?  Then he put his dick back in my mouth and started to sort of fuck my face.  He grabbed the back of my head with both hands and really went at me as he buried my face in his short hairs for about another two minutes before he unloaded again only this time he came directly in my throat before pulling it out and lying back down beside me whispering, Fuck, we could have been doing this all year long.

    I laid there not saying a word.  I like what had just happened and was glad that I finally got to taste his cum, but was in fear for what tomorrow might bring after we’d wake up totally sober.  The next thing I knew, Beau was asleep and with all the beer that I drank, I couldn’t help but to have fallen asleep shortly thereafter.

    Then about seven o’clock in the morning, Beau woke up with a rock-hard morning erection.  He remembered last night all too well and figured that with what happened that he could use me to get off again.  He grabbed some lotion from his nightstand and put a generous amount in the crack of my ass while I was on my side and still asleep.  Then he got really close to me and put his hard dick right at my back door and gave a little bit of a shove which woke me up as I yelped a little.  He quickly put his hand over my mouth and said ‘Shhh’.  Then he put both arms around me and pulled us close together while still on our sides.  He pushed his huge dick a couple of inches into me when I whispered, Fuck; that hurts.  Beau whispered back, Try to relax and I’ll go slow and easy.  He slowed way down while he kept his raging boner as hard as can be during which time he worked on me patiently for a couple of minutes.  Before I knew it, he was all but about the last two inches into me.  Then he started thrusting back and forth quicker and quicker until he began to explode inside of me which was when he pushed all the way in, giving me those last two inches; it hurt but in a good way.  It’s hard to explain but it was just that, a pleasurable pain if that makes sense.  At any rate, when he pushed really hard into me while bear hugging around me so that I couldn’t get away - not that I wanted to – he came with such force that I could actually feel him filling up my ass with more of his steaming hot spunk.

    Beau seemed like he was totally spent by the sound of his breathlessness.  We both continued to lie there with him still hugging me and his proud self still inside of me for a few more minutes.  Just as I thought that he was about to pull on out, he rolled us both on over; me onto my belly with him on top of me.  He worked his knees down in between my legs and spread them apart just enough for his legs to be between mine while he started to very slowly continue going at me.  He started pulling almost the entire length out of me and then slowly plunging back in all the way.  He kept this up with what I’d call tease fucking for a few minutes just to keep himself rock hard and when he was fully recharged, he covered my mouth with his hand and started going at me with an almost unrecognizable aggression that I’d never seen in my best friend.  Beau kept thrusting about for a few minutes longer than it took him to blow his first load until he grabbed my arms, slowed way down as he pulled back and then would slam as hard as he could back into me while getting off a second time and planting more of his seed as deep as he could inside my tight virgin ass.

    Now that my cherry had been popped and I was completely filled with his voluminous thick cream he collapsed on top of me and I liked it.  Just having my best friend that I’d always fantasized about lying on top of me while still inside of me felt so erotic that I didn’t know what to think or literally how I should feel.  But I guess feelings weren’t something that I should have even begun to explore since Beau was actually straight.  I mean I’m sure he’d do this as often as I’d let him, but he’d never put a dick in his mouth and you’ll never catch anything close to going into his ‘exit only’ back side.  I guessed if that was to happen more over the summer, I would have to chalk it up to being friends with benefits, you know, fuck buddies.

    After Beau got off of me and stood up he looked down at me standing next to the bed and said, I guess I don’t need to tell you that nobody can know about this.  I simply replied, Duh.  Beau then strutted his glorious nakedness into his adjoining bathroom and hopped in the shower.  For a split second, I considered joining him but quickly assessed that it was probably not a good idea.  I waited until he was out of the shower before I followed in behind him.

    We were both up and dressed in short order before emerging from Beau’s boom-boom room.  We sat down at their kitchen table and found his mom just about ready to plate up some breakfast when she said, I’m so glad you all are up.  I was about to come wake you boys for breakfast.  She brought over a couple of plates with scrambled eggs, hash browns, crispy bacon and fresh homemade buttermilk biscuits.  We managed to scarf that down in no time at all before going outside and getting into Beau’s truck.  We ran over to the mall where we more or less just killed time walking around.

    As we strolled around the mall, checking out store after store, I asked, So Beau what are you gonna be doing this summer before you start college in the fall?  Well you know that I always work for my dad during the summers, but this year Dad said that he wanted me to just relax and enjoy my last summer before starting college.  What about you?  I don’t know.  I usually work as well, but thought that I’d just do the same thing and goof off this summer because it’s probably the last chance I will ever have to do that.  Awesome, then we can spend our last few months free and just do whatever.  We both started sporting a shit-eatin’ grin as I replied, Yeah, just whatever; sounds good to me.

    After a few hours of running around through store after store, we left the mall and drove around for a while until we came upon this favorite onion burger joint of mine.  They had the best-fried onion burgers in town as they actually cooked the onions until they were tender smashing them into the beef.  We went on in and ordered a couple of those burgers, fries and a two chocolate shakes.  We took our time with lunch and more or less shot the breeze until Beau crouched over the table towards me and whispered, "Hey Jason, about last night and this morning; are you okay with

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