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Real Life, Little Time
Real Life, Little Time
Real Life, Little Time
Ebook137 pages39 minutes

Real Life, Little Time

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About this ebook

A collection of poems that dipect the life and times of Estrell Young.
Release dateApr 12, 2011
Real Life, Little Time

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    Real Life, Little Time - Estrell Young III



    Chapter I- Ninja in the Box

    Alright, this chapter encompasses a time in my life where I felt restricted and confined to a rudimentary state of mind. I think some of these works lacked depth and I was not truly satisfied with a couple of them but enjoy anyway.




    Poetry is the life’s story in many different forms

    Poetry is the love your parents made so that you were born

    Or… maybe not

    Poetry is the feelings thugs hold deep inside

    Poetry is the feelings thugs let die


    Poetry is the crunkest way to express profound thought

    Poetry is the truth reporters have sought

    The inside story that they probably bought


    Poetry is the reason you might catch a bullet

    Only because you told, a life was ruined


    Poetry is really just a simple thing

    It’s kind of like jewelry- that diamond ring

    Poetry is that bell you’d hear if you stayed in school

    Poetry is that lifeguard that saves you from the pool

    Poetry can make the smartest dude a fool

    But poetry won’t make the lamest ninja cool

     Poetry is me

    Just E


    As time goes by

    As time goes by

    Memories fade and dreams die

    While angels cry

    Their tears become stars in the night’s sky

    As time goes by

    People stop in the street

    Where store owners sweep away the debris

    From our fallen towers

    And small rodents creep to hide

    In deep corners of shadows

    Under hollow paintings of Van Gogh

    As time goes by

    We grow older


    Into time with the promises we’ve made

    As they pass day by day

    Reality becomes a mind state

    Filled with debts unpaid to awaiting angels

    Angles some 90 degrees

    Too hot in hell

    Time becomes eternity



    I remember daily tragedies

    That caused massive catastrophes

     To my inner-cylinder


    I am forced to fight with death

     The morning after birth

    Think we not cursed

     Just ask them boys in Africa


    On the appearance of the white man

    Began the first man’s Babylon



    Picture This

    Picture me

    5 feet even

    200 pounds all meat

     On the block

    Red Tops and Spider Bags

    Calling all crack heads

     To 106 and Pike Nursery

    Right by Little Caesar’s Pizza Shop

    Off Redan and South Deshon

    Cop a squat and take your pick

    You can only choose one

    Hitz or Cita’s World

    Either way BET has to accept the fact

    That most black people aren’t rich

    Picture This



    Is it Over?

    My mind is a million decades away

    But my soul is right here, right now

    Simply, my feet choose the steps of a slow walk

    But my footprints never imprint the ground

    Engraved like a body outlined in chalk

    As deep as a rhetorical thought with no answer

    Like, is it over?

    Think not

    Yet look closer

    Still no answer

    Scientifically, atom isn’t everything he seems to be

    Bound and gagged by subatomic particles

    These neutrons have

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