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Kolis, The Teacher of Evil
Kolis, The Teacher of Evil
Kolis, The Teacher of Evil
Ebook209 pages3 hours

Kolis, The Teacher of Evil

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He was entombed in the small damp cave. The opening had been sealed by the angry townspeople. Then he heard the hammering commence. He briefly wondered why they were hammering on the mountainside. He had no way of knowing the stonemason was chiseling and inscription above the cave-an inscription which read “Beware Kolis.” He prayed to his Father to release him from his entombment, but his Fathers didn’t answer until Kolis was frantic. Then his Fathers’ cold voice echoed in the chamber, “You have failed me Kolis. You allowed the young girl to live. You must never again forget my teachings. Over the next many years I will visit you many times. And you will remember all which I have taught you, for the time, when I will set you free again. Do not fail me again Kolis.”

Thus begins the story of Kolis and his destructive efforts teaching evil to his followers who were recruited from the maladjusted of society.
Release dateSep 30, 2011
Kolis, The Teacher of Evil

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    Kolis, The Teacher of Evil - James M. Glass

    Kolis, The Teacher of Evil

    Chapter 1: Dark Moment

    The soldiers' senses were inflamed from drinking alcohol.  They had started drinking wine in the early hours of the morning and now were fairly intoxicated.  They viewed the day as a special day of celebration, the crucifixion of a false prophet.  The majority of the soldiers joined the crowd laughing and jeering at the plight of the man who stood before them, bowed under the heavy weight of a cross.  When one of the soldiers stepped forward to place a crown of thorns upon the head of the condemned man, the crowd cheered him.  The thorns from the crown pressed deeply into the man’s skin, creating ringlets of blood upon his forehead; the blood seeped down his face, mixing with the dirt in his beard.

    A few of the more sober soldiers were surprised by the victim’s illuminating eyes as they filled with tears of sorrow when they gazed down upon the unruly crowd.  The deepness of his eyes contained a look of forgiveness for all who stood before him, even though they were making fun of him, calling out to him to save himself, if he truly was the son of God.The soldiers continued to mock him, cursing him with vile names and insults, but he didn't respond.

    No one present heard the slight groan escaping from his lips when a soldier stepped forward to drive a spear into his side, but the sound was loud enough to be heard deep in the bowels of the earth.

    There, inside the deep caverns, a gross mass heard all which had transpired and a smile resembling a grimace momentarily flashed upon its hideous face.  His serpentine tongue flickered out of the hideous mouth as he spoke aloud with the words reverberating through the many caverns.

    Now it begins.  Now I shall have my turn the shapeless mass uttered to the deep labyrinths.  It's time for me to send my emissary to convert the non-believers.    He will teach the people of the earth to revel in the pursuit of my glorious name.  Let the children of the world be instructed on the many ways of worshiping me as their one true God.

    The figure upon the crucifix cried out once more and then fell silent.

    It was time for the new teacher:


    Chapter 2: The Outcast

    They drove him before them like a wild animal.  He was frantic in his desire to escape, but every time he tried to move in a different direction the mob would close off the escape route, forcing him to move in the direction of the mountains.  They were herding him, chasing him forward on the narrow mountain trail, towards the moon lit black outline of the large mountain in the distance.  Behind him, he could hear the mournful howling of the dogs.  His fear of the sound created a cold chilling over the skin of his back.  He was deathly afraid of the dogs in the darkness.  His imagination raced with thoughts of the huge beasts drooling in anticipation of having him for their feast.  He was convinced the villagers would soon turn the dogs loose to tear his body apart.   He was puzzled as to why the dogs hadn't already been released and set upon him.  But, unknown to him, the pursuers had other plans for him, and were restraining the dogs with heavy ropes.  His fear of being attacked by the dogs in the darkness was part of the overall plan created by the villagers.  They wanted to create a great fear within him preventing him from taking time to think of his escape.  The villagers were successful, because every time he heard the whips cracking loudly in the thin night air, his fear intensified and this fear drove him faster towards the darkness of the mountains.  The mob pursued him relentlessly, constantly narrowing the distance between them.  In his haste, he stumbled and fell many times on the rocky trail as he frantically tried to escape.  Every time he fell, the sharp rocks would tear his clothes and his hands became bruised and lacerated.  His breath became labored and a sharp pain filled his chest as his lungs gasped for air.  In the damp mountain air, his clothing became wet from perspiration; the wetness chilled his body.  He knew he must stop and rest or he would collapse.  He paused for a few minutes to regain his breath, breathing in gasps of cold air.  He looked behind him.  Below him, on the thin mountain trail, he could see the mob’s torches casting an eerie light upon the earth.  From his position on the pathway the light resembled a shimmering snake weaving and bobbing its way up the trail.  He was shocked by the closeness of the light from the torches.  This intensified his fear and forced a renewed effort to escape.  Fools, he muttered in anger, as he staggered forward, you pursue me now, but if I survive this night, tomorrow I will destroy you.

    When the trail entered the mountain range he heard voices ahead of him.  He realized he was now trapped between the two groups which pursued him.  At first his mind didn't register a way of escaping, but then his eyes saw a partially hidden path leading away from the main trail.  He knew he had to escape, and with a desperate last effort, he moved away from the main trail, stumbling as he tried to run.  He put aside his pain and labored breathing as he tried to put more distance between him and his pursuers.  Perhaps, he thought, they will not notice the path leading off from the main trail and then he would be free once more to seek his vengeance.

    The path meandered through the mountain range until it reached a small clearing surrounded on all sides by mountains. In the dim moonlight he could see a cave.  It was at this point he realized he had been tricked by the villagers.  This was where they had planned to drive him.  He could now hear them moving swiftly behind him.  They had closed the distance which separated them.   He was left with no choice except to move forward towards the opening of the cave.  He hesitated at the cave’s entrance; he didn't know whether he should enter the cave or turn and face the townspeople.  Suddenly, the angry mob was behind him, their whips cracked across his back and the vicious dogs snapped at his legs.  He quickly made his decision.  He could not fight the mob in his weakened condition.  He was left with no other alternative.  He entered the small, damp cave.  Darkness immediately surrounded him.

    When the townspeople didn't pursue him into the cave, he breathed a sigh of relief, but he could hear their curses from the entrance of the cave.  The torch lights illuminated the opening, giving the townspeople an unreal appearance as they moved back and forth gathering large rocks.  He could hear the exertion of the townspeople as they began stacking the large rocks in the opening of the cave.

    Slowly the wall grew until the night was completely hidden from him and the last large rock sealed the entrance of the cave.  The angry voices were now reduced to a soft muttering beyond the rocks.  Then the hammering commenced.  He briefly wondered why they were hammering on the mountainside.  He had no way of knowing the stone mason was chiseling an inscription above the cave - an inscription which read BEWARE KOLIS.  He sank to the ground as exhaustion overcame him.  His weakness had intensified to the point where he was almost helpless.  He realized if he was to escape this tomb, he must have help.  In desperation he turned to his one last hope.

    He prayed, Father, why have you forsaken me?  Why have you allowed my enemies to set upon me?  Help me, my Father.  Help me to destroy those who doubt your greatness. 

    There was no answer.  There was only silence in the damp cold.  He began sobbing from his weakness and his frustration.   Hours passed, he had been rendered helpless through his weakness.  Finally, he prayed again. 

    Oh, Father, I am your obedient son.  Please hear my prayer.  Lift up your hand and strengthen my power to enable me to continue the work you have brought me upon this earth to glorify your name. Let your power set me free in order that I can continue serving you.

    His Father's voice reverberated throughout the damp, chilly cave.  You have failed me Kolis.  You allowed the young girl to live.  You showed weakness and stupidity.  Didn't she betray you?  Didn't the townspeople turn against you and entomb you?  I gave you unparalleled power and you failed to use it to destroy my enemies.  You must be punished for your weakness.  You must never again forget my teachings.  During the next period of years, your body will wither and shrink, becoming mummified, but your consciousness will continue to exist.  You will have many years to relearn the teachings of your Father. Once I am satisfied you will remember my teachings, I may allow you to exist again.  Do not fail me again or your punishment will be even more severe.  

    Chapter 3: The Entombment

    He lay dormant; the moisture had evaporated from his body.  His skin was withered, resembling the appearance of old mahogany.  His consciousness remained in existence, enabling him to be aware of the passage of time, but he also realized this was part of his punishment.  He had failed his Father and now he was entombed until his Father forgave him.

    Days turned into months, and months into years, until centuries had passed.  He was aware of the passing of the seasons and the changes occurring in the world   He was instantly aware of each time his father came to visit him.  Intense warmth would fill the cave and he would feel terrible anger directed at him by his Father for his failure.  It was during these periods his Father would command his consciousness to review all which had occurred in the past.

    His first memory was of standing before his Father.  His Father told him he had been created to bring a new message to the people who live on the surface of the earth.  As his chosen son, he would bring his Father's message to mankind.  When he asked his Father, Do you have another name besides Father? his Father smiled and replied, "Man has tried to curse me with false names throughout eternity.  Wherever there is sickness, pestilence or evil on the land, a name for me is invoked from fear.  Some have even called me a fallen angel.  Others have named me Satan.  However, I shall be known to you as Father; and to all others I shall be known as Father.  I am the one True God.  My power is absolute and represents the only power over the earth.   During the history of mankind, many men have chosen to believe in a fictitious God.  This fictitious God supposedly answers all prayers and forgives all sins.  Through false teachings, people were taught their god represents what man considers the good upon the earth.   My power represents the truth, and the truth is what mankind should honor and give their allegiance.  I answer the call of the true instincts of man.  There is no good or evil because there is only the animal instinct to survive.   Man continues to pray to a false God and to teach their children to fear me.  Man has corrupted truth and I have become the symbol of all things evil.

    It is easier for man to fantasize over dreams and hopes, instead of facing the realities of truth.  Mans’ false prayers can never achieve success, and their false teachings will only corrupt the children of the earth.  Those who are willing to worship and follow me will be rewarded with riches and power; but I require the faithful to swear allegiance to me because I will tolerate no other Deity.  Man must cast out their false God and follow my teachings.

    You, my son, have been created by me with some of my strength.  You are like the rays of the sun.  Your strength will be at its greatest when the sun is at its zenith; and your weakness will be the lowest when the sun is at its lowest ebb.  No man will think of you as evil, because man has always visualized evil as an unknown force hiding in shadows of the darkness of the night.  When you go upon the surface of the earth to be my missionary, you will teach my truth of their existence.

    Man's corruption by lies and false images will be corrected by you.  You will explain how good and evil have been reversed by my enemies.  I created the Earth and the animals upon the Earth.  Through a long process of evolution, I created Man from the animal life.   My enemies corrupted man's ability to think and reason from the early creation of man.  False prophets twisted the natural order of Man out of context to benefit the weak and the unfortunate.  Men were taught to develop compassion; the strong were chastised and made to feel guilty in order that they might protect the weak.  The rich were shamed into giving riches away to the lazy, poor, and those who were clever.  Man gradually lost his true animal instincts.  Women became an instrument for my enemies to civilize man and to teach the elements of weakness.   The occurrences I speak about and many more, my son, corrupted truth.  It’s the nature of man to destroy his enemies and to enjoy his pleasures.  It’s only natural for the strong to survive and the weak to perish.  Early in the beginning, man understood the necessities required for his survival.         

    When scholars recorded the early history of man upon the earth, they failed to completely erase the truth of mankind.  When you read the Old Testament of the Bible, remember you are reading a history where it's permitted to take an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.  This truth was made ineffectual by a new philosophy encouraging man to turn the other cheek when wronged.

    When the man child of Joseph and Mary was given birth, my enemies seized this opportunity to try to eradicate my teachings.  My enemies were joined by the sick, the weak, and the rebellious.  Many false prophets came forward and in their teachings they preached the false Christianity which usurped my greater truth.  Man no longer worshiped me; instead they worshiped the false God."

    Once when his Father visited him, he remembered his ascent to the surface of the earth.  He remembered his Father cautioning him to be careful of all of his actions, and to show no mercy to his enemies.  His ascent was slow.  He seemed to be drifting upward.  Treading his way through the many layers of the earth, he remembered the warmth of his home, as the coldness of the soil invaded his body.  Finally, he was on the surface of the earth and the rays of the sun strengthened him and drove the cold from his body.  He followed his Father's directions and began walking the many miles toward the village. 

    He saw the peddler heading in the opposite direction when he was but a few miles from the village.  The peddler stopped and stared at him as he approached.

    Man, are you crazy, walking the road with no clothes?

    The lies sprang quickly to his lips, I was attacked and robbed by some ruffians.  They hit me over the head, dazing me. I don’t remember who I am or where I was heading.  They stole my possessions and took my clothes.  Will you help me?

    The peddler looked at the tall, trim body, the black hair and black piercing eyes, and replied, You don’t remember your name or where you live?

    No, I only remember I was on a long journey.

    I’m not sure I can help you, I have only pots and pans in my pack.  I don't have any clothes for sale.

    Are you from the village?

    "No, I only come

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