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Sudden Twist
Sudden Twist
Sudden Twist
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Sudden Twist

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A simple love triangle with a twist. Who will she choose a rich and spoilt guy or the dark and mysterious guy.
Release dateJul 1, 2018
Sudden Twist

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    Sudden Twist - Flame Dragon

    Sudden Twist





    Copyright © 2018 by FlameDragon

    This novel is entirely a work of fiction. The names, characters and incidents portrayed in it are a work of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons—living or dead—events or localities is entirely coincidental.

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

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    This digital edition was published in 2018.



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    Address: Dragons nest

    volcanic island, pacific ocean.



    First of all I would like to thank lulu for giving me a platform to self publish my book, it took me two years to lazily finish this book and lulu was still there two years later so thank you for not ending up like Lehman Brothers. Secondly since I have no one else to thank, I would like to thank myself for helping me finish this book it was all self motivation. Thirdly I would like to thank my conservative parents for being blissfully unaware of my favourite pastime I am sure they still have no idea about this book or else they would have scolded me for using vulgar vocabulary. And last but not the least I would like to thank you Mr reader whoever you are for bothering to read this book. As for those of you who wonder why I used that strange pen name its simply to get noticed and remain immune to death threats at the same time. After all a copper coin is more likely to be noticed in a sea of beautiful diamonds not because its prettier than the diamonds themselves but simply because its different.

    And now please bear with some of my shameless self promotion. This is my first book written as an experiment to test my writing skills which means your feedback is very vital for me. You can reach me through my official website(internet address) or my Facebook page (address). So don’t hold back your punches criticize my work as you see fit just don’t make it personal, your reviews and feedbacks can help me improve my next book. And also please do buy my book legally otherwise I will feel like an employee who hasn’t got his pay for three years.

    Embarrassment Ultimate

    It was 9:30 …she was late for her first day at college. She forgot to set the alarm, her roommate had already set off earlier. She managed to put on a jeans and T shirt hurriedly never bothered what colour, first day of college felt a bit weird and she was nervous. She wore her student ID it read Natasha Rodriguez, 1st year Bachelor of Electronics, she combed her hair a bit took her bag and ran off to catch a bus.

    It was 10:00 am in the morning by the time she reached, she then spent nearly fifteen minutes in the ladies room doing her hair again. The lecturer was going on and on, it was the first day and he was already on full swing the girls were listening and the boys were dosing, the class had two doors on either side left and right. She was at door weighing her options should she skip class or go right in she had no idea what kind of a lecturer he was, he could scream at her for being late and if the rumour she heard of Prof Ratan was true she would be in trouble because had a reputation of being nasty and short tempered!

    Late are you? said a stranger standing next to her, a handsome looking guy no doubt he was bulky and he wore a hoodie he looked well build but most of it was hidden behind his clothes. He had plenty of beard on his face it seemed he had not shaven for weeks. He had this lazy look on his eyes like a guy who would fall asleep at any moment.

    I am an expert on this kind of stuff— said the guy yawning.

    What? she asked.

    Never mind just do me a favour and stand near the entrance he requested.

    Okay, but I hope you know what your doing she said before doing as he instructed.

    Just chill! he said before blowing a loud whistle and then pushing her inside the class as the professor came to have a look.

    The force was so great that she fell right into the arms of the professor. Meanwhile the guy creeped in from the other door right behind the professor.

    Was that you?!! roared the professor. The students broke into a huge laughter some even whistled but it was not just for her on the other side she saw him waving and mocking as he went in swaggering proudly…. while the professor dragged her by the ear To my office…. now!! he yelled.

    The rest of the class was cancelled of course and Natasha was left in tears by the time he was done, her roommate Sakshi came to her as soon as the class was done.

    Oh my…it’s all my fault! Sakshi said feeling sorry for her. I should have woken you up before going, she wrapped her hands around Natasha hugging her softly…..that tender hug made Natasha cry even more!

    Apart from being her roommate Natasha and Sakshi were also best friends since they were kids. They stuck to each other like glue no matter where they were.

    When I see him again I will slap him till his cheeks turn red…. he…. he used me and embarrassed me in front of everyone! she screamed in anger.

    He—umph! her friend placed her hand on Natasha’s mouth and silenced her.

    Shhh!! This is the science department damn it! Let’s go somewhere else I wanna know what happened, and so the two of them left together.

    That Awkward Moment

    They were in the college football stadium, Sakshi was happily watching all the guys playing football, but Natasha was busy brooding.

    Well at least there is something good in this campus, back in high school the boys were not even half as good looking, said Sakshi all dreamy.

    Hmm, replied Natasha lost in her thoughts.

    Maybe we can hit on someone, added Sakshi.

    I got my own problems, said Natasha barely audible.

    Oh that, Sakshi was serious now.

    If dad finds out I am a mashed potato, mumbled Natasha.

    Naa! He’s probably too busy for petty stuff like this, Sakshi was being cheerful.

    You know how my dad is… strict as an army general! Natasha made a sad expression to emphasize it.

    Just then a soccer ball came near Sakshi’s feet she immediately grabbed the ball and stood up excitedly.

    My prayers have been heard! said Sakshi holding the ball tightly to her chest. Please be that handsome guy in red….yes its him! He is coming! Sakshi looked at Natasha and smiled.

    A slim guy in a red shirt came up to them, he stretched his hand out and smiled. But Sakshi just stood there smiling back at him.

    Miss! The ball please? requested the guy.

    Oh sorry! Have we met before? I’ve seen you before somewhere— Sakshi said still smiling.

    Really? That’s a guy’s line, so lame……think of something better, thought Natasha she was in a bad mood anyway.

    I’m not sure, maybe I saw you in class? Speaking of class….do you know the girl that got busted in the morning? asked the guy.

    No…. not really, Sakshi answered looking sideways at Natasha.

    Great, just great! As if that embarrassment wasn’t enough, now I have to say hello to one of my classmates.…. I just hope he doesn’t recognise me, thought Natasha trying to hide her face by looking the other way.

    I felt sorry for her though she didn’t deserve it, besides the professor overreacted, said the guy.

    Lair! Thought Natasha, I saw you laughing and I don’t need your sympathy you fool!

    Ya… that was harsh, said Sakshi By the way you are? she was tired of waiting for him to introduce himself.

    Sachin …. Sachin Shetty, said the guy.

    Oh wow! Like Sachin Tendulkar? Hehe! But looking at Sachin’s blank expression she quickly put up a serious face again.

    Lame again, thought Natasha your jokes are terrible. she pitied her friend.

    And who’s your lovely friend? inquired Sachin curiously.

    Great, another lover boy! Go bother someone else! thought Natasha annoyingly, still she turned and forced a smile.

    Oh! This is my friend Natasha, said Sakshi.

    Sakshi you idiot! thought Natasha she knew what he wanted, after all it was not the first time her presence turned heads like her aunt once said, Your too pretty to be ignored.

    Hi Natasha, nice to meet you! said the guy and put forth his arm to shake her hand.

    Get lost loser! is what she thought, but said Hi! and gave a wide smile but didn’t shake his hand.

    The other guys began calling him, so Sachin said Gotta go, have a nice day, bye! and left.

    Phew! That was close, she thought, At least he didn’t recognise me.

    That afternoon the two girls were having lunch at the college canteen. Natasha was busy on her smartphone, Sakshi had not yet finished her lunch.

    Just then Sakshi nudged Natasha with her elbow and she turned her face slightly to her left indicating someone standing there and said, Your mortal enemy is here.

    More like my eternal enemy, wait here! said Natasha as she jabbed her phone forcefully in her bag.

    But Sakshi grabbed her by the arm and said, Please don’t do anything stupid it could be embarrassing for both of us.

    Natasha smiled and said, Don’t worry Sakshi I am as cool as a cucumber, and with that she freed herself of Sakshi grasp and went on towards the guy.

    The guy took a seat near an empty table and began eating all alone by himself, he was visibly bored and began playing with a piece of chicken with his fork it seems his appetite for food was missing today.

    Having trouble eating that? Guess tricking me has hurt your conscience, Natasha said to his ear as she leaned close to him.

    The guy turned, he was visibly shocked Damn! he muttered.

    Damn right! I finally found you, you cheat! roared Natasha. She crossed her arms and stood straight glaring at him. An apology please? I am trying hard to be nice here, she continued.

    Err…. I didn’t exactly trick you, said the boy adjusting his chair as if preparing to run.

    Oh yeah? So, you were helping me then?! she asked seething in anger. You got in at my expense and what did you do after getting in? Sleep maybe? I was being roasted like a chicken out there! Natasha roared angrily.

    Wait did you get…..spanked? I mean the real spanking? asked the guy barely controlling his laughter, the students nearby began giggling.

    She banged the table with her fist and the guy almost jumped out of his seat.

    Sakshi was peeping from far, I’ll just pretend I didn’t notice, wait maybe I will just hide somewhere, she thought. She didn’t want to interfere, she could clearly see where this was headed.

    Lady! Let’s take this somewhere private everyone is looking, said the guy with gritted teeth.

    Private? No let’s make it public! and with that she took the ketchup bottle from the table and poured its contents on his shirt.

    There! Now we are even! and with that she left the hall.

    Someone in the crowd yelled Dude, you just got spanked by a girl!! and they all broke into laughter.

    Natasha was in the science department, the head of the department professor Philip was furious!

    Since the last fifteen years that I taught in this college I have never seen anything like this! he began, St Xavier college has a reputation for excellence, decency, commitment and you ruined it all in one blow, and the worst part is you even threatened him! he banged the desk and pointed his finger at her, Just because he is soft you went and bullied him!

    Natasha could barely hold her anger Why that jerk! she fumed How dare he!

    The professor calmed down and said, You need to learn how to adjust, he adjusted his tie.

    This is your last warning, I don’t want to see you causing any more trouble…... it will be bad for my reputation if my students go around bullying others, he said and gestured her out.

    Wow! you only care about your reputation, she thought outraged.

    As she was going to the lab she met Sachin on the way, it seemed he was waiting for her.

    Guess we meet again! I was on my way in when I saw you coming this way, he said smiling.

    You were waiting for me, she thought, but said guess it was a coincidence, and she gave him a nice smile, he was clearly pleased to hear that.

    After you miss, and he gestured her to go in.

    He has nice manners hmm, she was amused.

    Sakshi was at the far end of the room, she was not happy seeing the two together and gave a grumpy look, Natasha noticed that.

    Sakshi! we just met on the way in, she said placing her arm on her shoulder.

    He was waiting for you when I came in, Sakshi said grumpily.

    Well…. you know I don’t like him, said Natasha.

    But he likes you….…just in case you don’t know he is the sole heir of a hotel chain, in other words…. he is very rich, and they say he even won the inter-state singing competition last year, she looked at Natasha and said He is mine! Stay away from him!!

    Okay, okay he is all yours just calm down, Natasha stepped back a bit.

    Soon Sachin came and sat next to Natasha, which made her feel guilty.

    What’s that guy’s name, she pointed to the guy sitting 3 chairs next to Sachin.

    Oh that guy, he doesn’t talk that much mostly sleeps all day, he scratched his head and continued, but everyone knows his name he became famous from day one, you know after that incident, Natasha shut her eyes and tried hard to forget her embarrassing episode.

    Good thing it was a huge class, she thought. Nobody saw her face because the professor was taller than her.

    His name is Mathew by the way, Sachin added.

    He sleeps all day wonder what he does at night, Sachin suddenly remembered something, forget what I said just now, he added.

    Mathew! Natasha thought, I hate your name already.

    Okay people professor Bhaskar’s voice boomed, Start your laptops, and connect them to the server.

    He stopped suddenly then peeps into his laptop screen and reads Natasha….is a sl— he stopped midway realising what he just read, but the message appeared in all the laptop screens everyone could read it.

    Sakshi’s gave a squeak and looked at Natasha.

    Who did this!!! he yelled Answer me now!!! there was silence.

    Natasha suddenly realised something Its him! she thought to herself Of course it has to be him.

    Sir! Mathew did it, she stood up and pointed at him.

    Mathew gave a blank look Me?!! he asked pointing at himself.

    Yes! You! Natasha yelled half crying, her eyes were getting

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