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Detective Jones and the Shepherd's Cattle
Detective Jones and the Shepherd's Cattle
Detective Jones and the Shepherd's Cattle
Ebook186 pages2 hours

Detective Jones and the Shepherd's Cattle

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In the streets of Trinity City, darkness lurks at every corner. Crime runs rampant, corruption is just another walk in life, and those who choose to walk a path of righteousness become victims at the hands of predators in the darkest corners of the city. Some forms of darkness go undetected by the human eye, but not under Detective Jones’s. Since a child, Detective Jones has had a gift to see beyond the natural realm of this earth. Such a gift has made Detective Jones be seen as the best Detective in the world. There isn’t a case that he can’t solve and there isn’t a case that he refuses to solve. In this gritty mystery, Detective Jones races against time to bring down a very violent cult that’s running rampant throughout the city. But, this time, Detective Jones isn’t the only one who’s doing the hunting. Evil shadows lurk in the alleyways, but little do they know, Detective Jones is always one step ahead.
Release dateJul 12, 2018
Detective Jones and the Shepherd's Cattle

Sheldon Hollis

Hello, my name is Sheldon Hollis. I was born in Chicago, Illinois and raised in Omaha, Nebraska. September 1, 1993 is when an artists was born. I am an author, poet, and screen writer. My dream is to cement a legacy that will live on forever. But I know to cement a legacy you must first blueprint your legacy. In life nothing comes easy but you should want it to be that way. If there were no road blocks, what story would you have to tell? How would history remember you. Every day, when I wake up, I think about my legacy. I wonder, sometimes, how people will remember me. To create a legacy, you have to first create a blueprint. And when you're done creating your blueprint, you start sculpting out your legacy. This journey will be long but I know this journey will pay off. Legacy is hard to achieve but I know my legacy will be remembered.

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    Book preview

    Detective Jones and the Shepherd's Cattle - Sheldon Hollis


    Chapter 1


    ’ve been a detective for ten years, now, and I can tell you, based off up close personal, experience life isn’t as pretty as the movies make it seem. If anything, it is a lot worse than many would like to admit. For ten years, I’ve investigated the most heinous of crimes ever imagined and ever committed by people who look just like you and me. I’m talking about cases so heinous that they won’t even report to the news due to fear that the whole city would be in an uproar. I’m talking about crimes that leave you speechless, wondering if man is nothing more than an animal only bound by logic but still with a predator by instinct.

    The streets of Trinity City are a different animal compared to the streets of Empire City. Like Empire City, Trinity City is highly populated, glamorous, a city that never sleeps, a place of opportunity, and a place that preaches diversity like no other. But, like every big city, dark souls are roaming through the streets and alleyways like predators ready to sink their teeth into whatever prey they can get their claws on. Me, I was blessed with such a gift to see such predators. Images of lost men and women, who once walked the realms of this earth, stand over my shoulder and whisper in my ear. Some leading me towards either a path of truth or deception. Such a gift can be seen as a blessing but, sometimes, tapping into the unknown can leave you in a dark place by your lonesome with no way to escape but to fight with your darker self. 

    It was 12:00 in the morning and I was sitting in a busy nightclub working, undercover, under the name Corey Jackson, waiting to make a deal with a group who was responsible for trafficking underage girls throughout Trinity City for almost a decade. I had been working on the case for two years, and nothing made me sicker than having to shake hands with made men who didn’t give a damn about anyone but their own security and lavish lifestyle that came with their wicked deeds. I had seen the devil up close and let me tell you he doesn’t come wearing horns or swinging a whip-like they portray him in the good book. He looks like me and you, the only difference is he doesn’t have a conscious, and he receives pleasure in inflicting his evil over the lives of those who wish to be in God’s grace.

    I sat next to a guy I had been working with for two years. A small-time crook who was at the bottom of the food chain by the name of Jimmy Knife. Jimmy disgusted me due his criminal antics and lack of morality. To him pimping out young girls was like running cattle to a slaughterhouse. It was merely business, and nothing could change his perspective on it, not even a personal visit from Jesus Christ himself. There were many times when I wanted to take my gun and put a bullet in his head, but I remembered when my partner use to tell me that sometimes you have to walk side by side with darkness to find the belly of the beast.

    A woman, wearing skimpy clothing, walked up and sat on my lap. The woman was clearly intoxicated and not in her right frame of mind. The smell of expensive vodka with a taint of coke tainted her breath.

    She took the drink that I was holding, in my hand, and took a sip from it.

    Why don’t you take me back to your place and together we can get a little more personal. She said while looking at me with those exotic eyes.

    Sorry, beautiful, but maybe next time. I said nonchalantly.

    The woman got up from my lap and walked away with my drink in her hand as if she had paid for the drink. Jimmy took a glance at her ass as she walked away.

    You really need to lighten up and enjoy the moment more, my man. Ass like that and you don’t want to bite. Jimmy said with a slick grin on his face. 

    I came here for business, not for the scenery. I said pretending like I actually gave a damn about how Jimmy had felt.

    Jimmy picked up a drink that was sitting next to him and took a sip from it.

    Well, hold tight. The boss should be out in any minute. Jimmy said while looking out into the crowd.

    You sure this guy’s solid? I asked politely.

    Of course, the guy has the best young girls on this side of the coast. People come from all over to check out his inventory, and they never leave unhappy. Jimmy while rubbing his hands together.

    Jimmy turned his head and looked out into the crowd. While Jimmy wasn’t looking, I looked down at my watch and saw that it was 12:10 am. The meeting was supposed to be at 12:00 sharp so I started to feel a little suspicious. I knew, based off previous cases, that the first sign of being tipped off is when your primary suspect is running late to a meeting. But I kept my composure and pretended like I wasn’t worried about a thing. I learned a long time ago that you can’t always go off of suspicion. Sometimes you just have to go off your god given instinct and just hope that it sees you through.

    Francisco Gabriel, leader of the Blanco syndicate out of Spain, walked over to the table wearing a black tuxedo with two men standing behind him. Looking at the two men’s waistlines I could see that they were armed with handguns that were strapped to their hips.

    Jimmy stood up and greeted Francisco, How’s it going, boss?

    Everything is going well, my friend. Said Francisco who had a smile on his face.

    I stood up and reached out to shake Francisco’s hand.

    And you must be Corey? Francisco said with a smile on his face. 

    Yes, we talked on the phone last night. I replied.

    Francisco grabbed my hand and shook it. He looked into my eyes for a split second, but his serious stare did not make my heart skip a beat.

    Yes, yes, Jimmy tells me that you are looking for some inventory.

    Inventory and a potential partnership. All my other associates have decided to pull their business out of Bluestown due to constant conflict and other political factors.

    Don’t worry I can take care of you. Let’s go talk somewhere a little more private.

    Jimmy and I followed Francisco and his men to an office that was in the back of the nightclub. Each footstep felt like a millennium, and every smiling face in the crowd reminded me that I was completely out of my element. We walked into the office and together with me, Jimmy, and Francisco sat a desk while his men stood guard at the door behind us. The atmosphere was heavy, but that is to be expected in an environment where there is a sense of darkness. Francisco picked up a cigar that was in a cigar box and placed it in his mouth. He, then, lit the cigar with a lighter that he had sitting on the table and slowly puffed on the cigar. Jimmy reached over the table and picked up a cigar also.

    I thought they banned these joints in the state. Jimmy said while analyzing the cigar.

    You can get anything you want so long as you are willing to accept the risk. Francisco said with smoke blowing out of his nose.

    I hear that. Jimmy said with the cigar in his mouth.

    Francisco offered me a cigar. You smoke?

    I declined, Sorry, I’m not a smoker.

    Well, we have vodka, tequila, whiskey, anything you want. Francisco said with a cheerful energy.

    I just want to get down to business, Francisco. I’m losing money as we speak and as businessmen, we all know that nothing makes up for lost time.

    I like that. A man who is about business is a man who will make sure that you eat. That is what my father once told me. Francisco said while puffing on his cigar. 

    And I see your father was a wise man. I said with confidence.

    I hear you Dominicans are into some freaky shit. Never knew you guys had a taste for young pussy. Francisco said while dropping ashes from the cigar into an ashtray that was on his desk. 

    Every man has his weakness no matter how unconventional it may be. In my eyes, I’m providing a service that some men want. It’s a capitalistic system someone has to benefit from it, right? I said with a grin on my face.

    With that kind of thinking you’re going to make me a wealthy man. Francisco said confidentially.

    A group of underage girls wearing provocative clothing and makeup walked into the room. The girls lined up against the wall in an orderly fashion with some shaking and very nervous. Francisco got up from his seat and walked up to one of the young girls. Francisco grabbed the young girl by the mouth and squeezed it until he could see the inside of her mouth.

    Which one do you like, Mr. Jackson? Francisco said while looking into the young girl’s mouth.

    I got up from my seat and walked up to the girls. I walked up, and down the line and in every one of the girls’ eyes I could see fear and a cry for help. After carefully analyzing all the girls, I stopped in front of a teenage girl who was wearing a purple dress. I put my hand on her cheek, and she quickly flinched.

    You like what you see, my friend? Francisco asked.

    Yes, I do. I said while looking deeply into the young girl’s eyes who was greatly frightened.

    I’ll take this one. I said with confidence. 

    Good choice. You can take her in the back for a taste if you want. If you don’t like her, you can get another girl half off. Francisco said with a sinister grin on his face and a cold undertone. 

    Sounds like a deal. I said with a smile on my face.

    All of a sudden a group of police officers kicked in the door and stormed into the room with their handguns and assault rifles drawn and aimed towards Jimmy, Francisco, and the two bodyguards.

    Get on the ground. The police officers shouted.

    The fuck is this shit! Jimmy yelled.

    A police officer walked over to Jimmy and threw him to the ground. My partner Gerald walked up to Francisco and snatched the cigar out his mouth and threw it on the ground.

    You’re going to prison for a very long time, my friend. Gerald said with a smile on his face.

    Francisco smiled and Gerald punched him in the stomach.

    Let’s see how you smile when in a 6 by 8 cell. Gerald said while pulling out his cuffs.

    Gerald turned him around and pushed him against the wall and cuffed him.

    I hear they hate sex traffickers upstate. Gerald whispered in Francisco’s ear. 

    A police officer walked and grabbed Francisco by his wrist. The police officers escorted Francisco, Jimmy, and the rest of his men, out of the room. Gerald walked over to me and placed his hand on my shoulder.

    And to think I thought you’ve seen it all. Gerald said.

    "Nothing compares to this horror, my friend. These guys make the others look like saints. I said

    What you say we go get a drink on me. We just busted the biggest human traffickers in the whole Midwest. I think such an accomplishment needs a form of celebration of some sort.

    How about we save that for after court. Well, I guess I could use a glass of Scotch. I said with a tired look on my face.

    Chapter 2


    hey say when you feel out of place, in this world, the best thing to do is take a trip down the street and talk to your pastor at your neighborhood church. I don’t know if it help or not since I am a man who tends to solve everything on his own without any spiritual guidance. But, I am a realistic man who knows that there are some men out there who need an answer from someone who is seen as being higher than even them themselves. Wayne walked in the church and got on one knee and made the cross on his chest and said a silent prayer. Wayne walked up to a booth that had a pastor sitting in it and sat next to it. Wayne pulled back the curtain so no one could hear his confession or see his face.

    Bless me, Father, for I have sin. It has been 6 months and twelve days since my last confession. Wayne Said.

    The Lord hears your confession, son. The priest said in the neighboring booth.

    "Approximately two months ago, after work, I was approached by a woman on the street corner who was wearing a black dress and black high heel shoes. Based off how tight her clothes were I knew she had to have been a prostitute. This wasn’t the first time I had seen this woman. I had actually been watching this woman for quite some time. I knew her every move, the men she picked up, the cigarettes she smoked, and how much she charged for every sex act, she had to commit. To be honest, I despised her. She resembled everything that was spoken of in the book of Proverbs chapter 9 verses 14-18.

    Wayne began to recite the

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