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CFNM Naked Domination
CFNM Naked Domination
CFNM Naked Domination
Ebook90 pages1 hour

CFNM Naked Domination

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The advertisement jumped out of the page at him, ‘Male Model Required for Interesting Nude Assignments’ it stated, and gave a phone number to call. He had always wanted to pose as a nude model but had never plucked up the courage to do it. Most adverts were for the local art colleges and every time he decided to give it a go he bottled out at the last minute, but there was something different about this one.
Picking up the receiver he dialled the number on the advert and waited for it to ring, his penis was erect with excitement and he instinctively began to stroke it as he heard the ringing tone at the other end.
Release dateMay 30, 2014
CFNM Naked Domination


I write about CFNM, BDSM and Exhibitionism as I wander down the path of life, meeting new friends and acquaintances along the way. Never a cross word, always a smile, Nothing Hidden and Nothing to Hide.

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    CFNM Naked Domination - Nudels

    CFNM Naked Domination

    CFNM Naked Domination

    First Edition

    Copyright © 2014 Nudels

    All rights reserved

    ISBN: 978-1-312-23541-0

    Chapter 1: Interview

    The advertisement jumped out of the page at him, ‘Male Model Required for Interesting Nude Assignments’ it stated, and gave a phone number to call. Peter had always wanted to pose as a nude model but had never plucked up the courage to do it. Most adverts were for the local art colleges and every time he decided to give it a go he bottled out at the last minute, but there was something different about this one and it was tempting him.

    At the age of 22 Peter was still a virgin, he enjoyed being naked but never had the courage to be naked in female company. He wasn’t exactly a nudist as such but whenever he was in his one bedroom flat in Dulwich he was always nude. He was more of an exhibitionist at heart and would often stand naked in front of the wardrobe mirror and masturbate; imagining himself with a group of clothed women or walking naked down a crowded street, but the reality was he couldn’t even answer the door naked to the pizza delivery girl. Not that he hadn’t tried; it was just that when the knock came on the door he would panic and quickly wrap a towel around his waist for cover. The towel barely hid his erection and the regular pizza girl would smile to herself as she realised exactly what he was trying to do. It was a pity really as she wished he would actually do it, he was an attractive young man and it would brighten up her dull life. She often imagined what was beneath the towel.

    Picking up the receiver he dialled the number on the advert and waited for it to ring, his penis was erect with excitement and he instinctively began to stroke it as he heard the ringing tone at the other end.

    Chantonelle Modelling Agency, said a gentle female voice on the other end of the line, How can I help you.

    Peter’s heart was thumping, and as he stroked his penis he spoke.

    Err I’m calling about the advertisement in the Evening Standard, he said nervously.

    I see and which one would that be? said the voice at the other end. Peter paused for a second as he plucked up courage to say the words.

    Well umm it’s for the adventurous nude model, I would like to apply, he said faltering nervously as he masturbated, he’d just made the first step.

    Oh yes, she said, Can you give me your details please.

    Peter gave all the required details and then he was told to hold the line while the woman spoke to the owner. A few minutes later another female voice came on the line.

    Hello, my name is Madame Louise I’m the owner of the agency, I understand you wish to apply for the nude modelling job, she said with a slight French accent.

    As Peter heard her say these words she sounded so sexy that he couldn’t hold himself back any longer and as he clenched his buttocks tight he felt his penis throb and stiffen harder as he began to spurt his thick creamy cum all over the telephone in front of him. He gave out a low moan as the voice at the other end was speaking.

    Hello, are you still there? Are you OK? she said.

    Yes I’m still here, said Peter still trembling slightly.

    Oh I thought perhaps there was something wrong, she said, smiling to herself.

    No I’m OK, he said as the final drips of semen dribbled from his penis.

    Look perhaps you can come in for an interview, tomorrow at 9am, Madame Louise said after a short while.

    She had an inkling about what had just happened, they often got wankers calling and they usually just hung up when they had finished. But this one seemed genuinely interested in the job and anyway he sounded so sweet, she could have some fun perhaps.

    Yes I can, said Peter enthusiastically, and after Madame Louise had explained where to go they hung up. Louise turned to Maria who had answered the call from Peter originally.

    Well it looks like we’ve got one for our little project, she said, with a grin.

    Was he playing with himself, asked Maria, making a wanking gesture with her hand.

    Don’t they all? said Madame Louise laughing, Yes, the dirty little bugger couldn’t even do it quietly. He’ll be here at 9am tomorrow. They both grinned in anticipation.

    At 8.55am the following morning Peter, dressed in his best suit arrived outside the offices of the Chantonelle Modelling Agency in Islington, at least that’s what the brass plaque beside the doorbell said. He pressed the bell and a few seconds later he spoke over an intercom to a female voice and explained why he was there, the door clicked open and he was told to go to the first floor. In the reception Maria smiled to herself.

    He’s on his way up, she shouted through to where Louise was getting ready for him in the next room. A few seconds later there was a knock on the door and Peter entered the office.

    He stood nervously in front of Maria, his heart was pounding as the reality of what he was about to do dawned upon him.

    I’m Peter, I’m here about the nude modelling job, he said nervously.

    He blushed as Maria gave him a friendly smile and told him to sit down, while she went to get Madame Louise. Peter took a seat and nervously looked around him; there were many pictures on the walls, presumably other models with the agency. All the pictures were of naked men posing alongside fully clothed women; this struck Peter as rather odd but at the same time excited him.

    Just as he was beginning to realise what the photographs were about, a tall elegant woman with long black hair, dressed in a flowing silk robe strode confidently into the room.

    You must be Peter, she said as she approached him and shook his hand firmly, rather too firmly, he thought.

    Let’s not waste any time, she said, Could you please go and get changed and then we can see how you’ll do, pointing to a door behind her which he assumed to be the changing room.

    Changed into what? he asked, feeling both excited and nervous.

    Well into nothing, I guess, said Madame Louise, You do need to be naked to be a nude model, don’t you, she said with slight sarcasm, Oh and take a shower first. Peter blushed and without replying entered the changing room.

    Inside the room he looked around, there was a chair, a hook on the wall to hang is clothes and an open shower cubicle without curtains, somewhat spartan he thought to himself. He removed his clothes and turned on the shower before stepping into the open cubicle.

    Next door in reception, Maria was smiling as she watched Peter on a small TV monitor on her desk. As he removed his clothes she admired his lean muscular body and firm buttocks and then just as he turned to enter the shower she caught a glimpse of his soft uncut penis, he was also completely shaven. She licked

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