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Are We Saved By Faith or Works or Both?
Are We Saved By Faith or Works or Both?
Are We Saved By Faith or Works or Both?
Ebook48 pages35 minutes

Are We Saved By Faith or Works or Both?

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Salvation is by the grace of God, through faith. Paul said that so no one will argue it. But there questions has to be what is 'faith'? Is it just a mental agreement with facts, or does it include obedience? Most Protestants will say it is 'head knowledge' and excludes all works. But is that what Jesus thought? Is that what the Bible says? Paul quotes the Old Testament in regards to Abraham's faith, but is the definition of faith in the Hebrew language and culture the same as it is in the New Testament Greek language and culture? These and may other questions will be answered in this book, and answers may change your understanding of salvation and God.
Release dateSep 4, 2017
Are We Saved By Faith or Works or Both?

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    Are We Saved By Faith or Works or Both? - Donald Werner

    Are We Saved By Faith or Works or Both?

    Are We Saved By Faith or Works or Both?

    Donald Werner


    © 2017 Donald Werner. All rights reserved.

    ISBN #: 978-1-387-21049-7


    The Premise for this Book; It is my understanding that the Bible is God’s word, and its authority supersede all other authority, including religious instruction, doctrines, creeds and teachings.  All ‘truth seekers’ must be willing to honestly compare what your church teachings to the teachings of Bible.  If you are not willing to do that, perhaps this book is not for you.


    Over the centuries the original Christian faith changed, and the Christian faith we practice is no longer the same faith that Jesus taught and practiced – though it originally was. 

    Jesus was a Bible believing Jew.  Jesus referred to the Scriptures as the Word of God and would not tolerate any Jewish tradition or oral law that leavened the pure word. Yet today the teachings of the churches have strayed far from what Jesus taught and preached.  In some cases the orthodox or commonly accepted Christian faith negates God’s word and in other cases it changes God’s word.

    Through this series of books, I will share with you truths that have been set aside in favor of church creeds, doctrines and traditions.

    In this book I will examine the Scriptures to see what it alone says about what we must do to be saved.  I will draw on many scriptures from the New and Old Testaments.  By the time you are done with this book, the answer you are seeking will be obvious.

    I pray that God will be your Teacher and your Guide as you study the material in this book.  I pray that you will not just informed, but that you and your relationship with God will be transformed by what you read. 

    Blessings as you study.

    Donald Werner,


    What is Faith?

    QUIZ- Answer the multiple choice question.

    Faith is;

    Hearing God’s Word

    Believing God’s Word

    Doing God’s Word

    None of the above

    a and b.

    a, b and c.

    How do you answer this question?  If salvation is by grace through faith, you better know what true faith is, because it is that channel for receiving saving grace. Faith is what enables God to look upon you with favor and grant you mercy and other blessings.  You can’t afford to get this wrong.

    Faith is key to our relationship with God; perhaps the most important concept to grasp from this chapter is to understand what true faith is and how it works in our lives.

    There are two definitions of the word ‘Faith’ used in the Bible reading.  The ancient Hebrew culture and the ancient Greek cultures were very different and they each defined ‘faith’ differently. Basically, the Hebrew language is much more concrete and action orientated, while the Greek is much more abstract and mental. This difference in understanding

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