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My SEO World
My SEO World
My SEO World
Ebook66 pages32 minutes

My SEO World

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About this ebook

A step by step how-to-guide for maximizing your web site's Internet Presence. This is not another SEO book written for market professionals. You'll find four chapters providing my web site purchasing experience, the importance of search engines and web directories and a list of over 500 search engines and web directories to submit your web site, on your own for free.
Release dateJan 3, 2012
My SEO World

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    Book preview

    My SEO World - Mary Monteiro

    My SEO World

    My SEO World

    Improve your web site’s visibility for yourself. Submit your site to over 500 Search Engines and Web Directories, on your own.


    My SEO World

    Improve your web site’s visibility for yourself.

    Submit your site to over 500 search engines and web directories, on your own.

    By M.E. Monteiro

    Copyright © 2011 by MentionMePublishing Boston, Massachusetts

    All rights reserved

    ISBN 978-0-98334851-1

    No part of this e-book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photo-copying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without written permission from MentionMepublisher, except for the inclusion of brief quotation in a review.

    This e-book is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to subject matter covered.  It is sold with the understanding that the publisher is not engaged in rendering Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Legal or other professional advice.  If legal and SEO advice is required, the service of a competent professional person should be sought after.  Every effort has been made to provide accurate information at the time of publication.  Given the changing nature of the subject matter and the Internet, information provided in this e-book may become out of date.


    I decided to write this e-book in order to draw wide attention to the importance of Search Engines (SE) and Web Directories upon the purchase of a web site.  This e-book provides information about web directory self-submissions and gives step-by-step detailed instructions on how to submit your web site to major search engines and web directories such as, Google, Yahoo and the Open Directory Project (ODP), for creating an Internet presence for your web site.  As you continue to read this e-book I hope you will come away with an understanding of how SE and web directories work and how important they are to web site visibility success. 

    I seek to reach many diverse audiences.  First and foremost, I am speaking to those who aspire to build their own web site Internet presence, particularly to the owner of small companies capable of embracing the link-building campaign and creating value and customer relationships on a much wider plane.  I also want to reach those creative entrepreneurs who have already ventured out onto the Internet and who are looking for ways of experimenting with elements of a link-building campaign.  More broadly, I want to address the general public, especially those who have detected a glimmer of some very new possibilities in Internet web site building opportunities, and/or seeking stay-at-home on line jobs during a time of economic recession, but who are not yet sure what it  means for their businesses or personal lives. 

    I want to be clear about my intentions.  I want

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