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Waiting for His Mail Order Bride: Four Historical Romances
Waiting for His Mail Order Bride: Four Historical Romances
Waiting for His Mail Order Bride: Four Historical Romances
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Waiting for His Mail Order Bride: Four Historical Romances

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Two Red Headed Sisters For The Colorado Brothers - Two women from Russia take the long journey to America and their soon to be husbands, not realizing that they could be stranded in Chicago because of legal disputes between the railways.

Three Sisters & the Journey West - A woman and her two sisters fall on hard times in England when their alcoholic father dies, so they all decide to go out west and seek mail order husbands.

Accidental Love - A woman from Nebraska makes a contract to marry a cowboy in California but along the way there’s an accident with the stagecoach she’s in, and she’s the only passenger.

Abby And William And The Little Man –A woman finds an injured man on the ground and recognizes him as a distant neighbor she hasn’t seen in many years.
Release dateAug 11, 2016
Waiting for His Mail Order Bride: Four Historical Romances

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    Waiting for His Mail Order Bride - Vanessa Carvo

    Waiting for His Mail Order Bride: Four Historical Romances

    Waiting For His Mail Order Bride: Four Historical Romances


    Vanessa Carvo

    Copyright 2016 Quietly Blessed & Loved Press

    Two Red Headed Sisters For The Colorado Brothers

    Synopsis: Two Red Headed Sisters For The Colorado Brothers - Two women from Russia take the long journey to America and their soon to be husbands, not realizing that they could be stranded in Chicago because of legal disputes between the railways. The brothers have heard about the potential trouble so they make their way to meet their wives, along with a third brother who is a troublemaker.

    Robert sat with his two brothers around their kitchen table. The three men had just made their way to the new territory in the west and bought themselves each a parcel of land. Although Robert was the youngest brother at twenty-five years old, he was also the most sensible of the men.

    It had been Robert’s idea for the brothers to buy the land, and now Robert had another idea. He wanted to order a bride. He didn’t expect this idea would go over very well with his brothers, but Robert thought it was a great plan. Possibly he had come up with this plan out of personal desire to have a wife, but he also thought Howard would like the idea to help them build their ranches.

    There were no women around at all. Well, there were a few he supposed, but none of which were the type of woman he would want to marry. The available women in the town were either widowed or working in the brothel. It was just too hard to keep a single woman single for very long when she got to town.

    With so many available men, the women very quickly got matched up with a fella and married them. A single man would have to wait at the nearest town just for the chance of a single woman coming through.

    I know we are just settling our homesteads, but I have an idea I want to tell you both about, Robert said, clearing his throat and preparing himself for the backlash from his brothers.

    Although he was the youngest brother, Robert stood taller than both Matthew and Howard. Robert was a big man at six feet four inches tall, and he had broad shoulders. His body was built full of muscles, and he worked outdoors harder than both his brothers combined.

    Robert liked being the one who worked hard, mostly because Robert liked being outdoors, but he worked so hard because he didn’t want his older brother Howard to have to do the work. Robert’s dark brown hair was wavy and thick; he let it grow out because he hated to go into town to get it cut.

    Howard really should have been a banker or businessman. He was sensible and frail looking with neatly kept blonde hair. Howard had a heart as big as any woman, and he was much more interested in the business aspect of their homesteads than he was in physically running them. Howard was small in stature but big in conviction. He stood at around five feet seven inches tall and was very thin. Both Robert and Matthew teased him about needing to eat more so he would not break right in half.

    What kind of idea? The eldest brother Howard responded.

    I met a man while I was in Boulder and he helps match people up with a wife. I think it would be a rather good thing to have a woman around to help with our new homesteads. Robert tried not to make eye contact with his brothers as he said this.

    Because Robert was the youngest brother he often felt like he was the last one to get to do things. When they came to Colorado, Robert was the last one to pick his land out; even though it had been his idea. Both Howard and Matthew always were the first to go at everything they did. Robert liked that he came up with the idea for a wife before his brothers had thought of it. He also thought it was a great idea and wanted his brothers to think it was a good option.

    Really. How desperate are you? I don’t have any trouble getting women. Matthew said with a look of disgust on his face. Matthew was the rebel of the family and did not hold much interest in owning land or running a ranch. He spent much of his time away from the new homestead he had bought and both Robert and Howard found it hard to ever know where Matthew was. But once per week he would always return to the house they had built together and discuss family issues with his brothers.

    Now Matthew let’s hear him out, Howard said.

    I looked at a book with details about the ladies. They seemed real nice. It would be better than waiting around for another woman to get stuck in this town.

    I don’t think it is a bad idea. I’m just not sure it’s a good idea. Howard looked puzzled at Robert and the two men laughed.

    I think it’s a stupid idea. Matthew added.

    It was hard for Howard to understand why Robert, out of all the brothers, would want to get married. Howard thought it should be him who got married first, considering he was the oldest.

    I would go with you to Boulder and look I guess. Howard said.

    Oh really? You two can both go off and marry some woman you have never met. I’ll stick to the ladies around here. Matthew was the rebel of the family, and he certainly wasn’t interested in getting married.

    Matthew had only agreed to buy a homestead because he wanted to come to Colorado with his brothers. He had no intention of making it into a business right now. At five feet ten inches, Mathew was the middle brother in every way. He had light brown hair and was average build. He loved to seduce women but had no intention of keeping one around as his wife. Matthew didn’t want to live by the rules that everyone else lived by. He had his own rules.

    Howard, so you will come with me and pick out a wife for yourself? Robert liked the thought of Howard also getting a wife at the same time. It would be good for the women also since the men were always working in the fields and trying to grow their cattle ranches. The women could keep each other company back at the house.

    I’m not agreeing to get a wife. But I’ll come with you. Howard did not think he could find a wife by looking through a catalog.

    Robert and Howard decided to go together to pick out Robert’s wife. Robert was hopeful he could convince Howard also to pick a woman, but Howard wasn’t sure it was something he was very interested in. As much as he wanted a wife, it concerned him that he would not get to meet the woman before she showed up in town and wanted to get married.

    Hello, Robert. Have you decided you want to pick one of my lovely ladies out from the book? The owner of Women by Design said as Robert and Howard entered his establishment.

    Yes, sir, it is good to see you again, Robert said as he pushed his brother Howard into the sitting area with him. This is my oldest brother Howard; I was wondering if you had any women that might be good for him?

    Robert was determined to keep pushing Howard into committing to one of these women. It would just be horrible for his wife if she had no one around to talk to during the day. Robert had not originally thought about this. But now he was worried she would be lonely without someone to keep her company during the day while he was busy working on the land.

    Oh, we have many fine women, Howard. Is there a particular type of woman that catches your fancy? The owner said as he reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a large book with the profiles of women.

    Oh, I don’t know. I’m old. I doubt you have any women that would be interested in a man such as me. Howard started flipping through the pages of the book as the owner leaned back to think about what women he had available.

    My brother is very kind and giving, he would give a poor man his last dollar, Robert said as he wrapped his arm around his brother’s shoulder. Do you have any women who like a man like that?

    Actually, I do have a woman I think you might like. The owner said as he started moving papers around on his desk and then walked to the back of his shop.

    The owner continued looking through stacks and stacks of papers leaving the two men to look through the book. Robert was eager to find just the right woman for him. He wanted someone who liked to spend time outdoors and who had a lot of energy. Robert also thought a good sense of humor was a trait he was looking for.

    Where does it say what they look like? Robert said as he looked through the listings.

    Some of the women will put their description in their introductions. Otherwise, I might have it on their biography sheet in my files.

    Robert wondered how likely it was that the shop owner would ever be able to find the biography sheet that matched a particular woman, especially in the mess of papers he was making.

    Look at this one Howard. She’s a redhead and you love red hair, Robert said, as he started to read the profile of a woman.

    ‘Hello Sir, I am twenty years old and live in Russia with my sister. I am looking for a hard working man who can match my determination. I spent time outdoors and ride horse when possible. I have abilities in all household duties and want to have children. My long red hair will make me stand out from the other women around.’

    Yeah that sounds like a good lady, but for you, not me. She is too young. Howard was not hopeful that any of the women would be something he was looking for. He had spent the last ten years looking for a wife; no one ever interested him enough.

    I’ve found her! The owner exclaimed as he came back to his desk with a paper in his hand.

    The owner grabbed the book away from the two men and started flipping through it to find her page.

    Miss Anna’s husband died and she is a widow. I remember meeting her on my travels and thought she was one of the brightest women I had known. The owner seemed a bit smitten by this Anna woman and that intrigued both Howard and Robert.

    How old is she? Robert said, wondering if she might be a good match for him if Howard was not interested.

    She is twenty-eight years old.

    Robert and Howard flipped to Anna’s page in the book and read her profile.

    ‘Life is not always fair, but it is still wonderful. I enjoy helping others and giving of myself to my church and community. I hope to give of myself to a new home with my husband soon. I enjoy household duties and caring for the people I love.’

    Seems like a nice woman, Howard said, as he read the profile again. What does she look like?

    Well, her biography says she is thin with red hair. The owner read directly from the page in his hand. But I know Miss Anna. She is an elegant beauty for sure.

    That’s weird. Just like the woman’s profile I was reading. Robert flipped to the previous profile in the book.

    Oh yes. Ilsa. That is the young sister of Anna. What a perfect match this would be. The owner was very excited as he realized he could be setting up two brothers with two sisters. It was nothing he had ever done before, and he thought it would be a novel event.

    So you have met Anna? Howard asked.

    Oh yes. She is very lovely. Sweet and kind. Soft pale skin. Radiant red hair. She held an intelligent conversation and was very interesting and very easy on the eyes. She had a sadness though, from losing her husband. I believe he was murdered. The owner smiled as he thought back to meeting Anna.

    What about Ilsa, what does she look like? Robert said, hardly able to contain himself.

    Oh Ilsa, she is a spitfire. Her long red hair flowed wildly, and she had a voluptuous figure. She will surely keep your desires in full force. The owner winked at Robert.

    Oh yeah? Robert smiled. He had not been worried too much about the woman’s looks, but the thought of a beautiful wife really did sound perfect to him.

    Oh yes. She will keep your nights very busy. I’m sure you two will have babies very quickly.

    I’m ready. Let’s do this. How do we get started? How long does it take? When will they be here? Robert began pulling money out of his pocket.

    They? Wait a minute? I did not say I wanted to take a wife. Howard refused to continue on with the idea that he would order a bride out of a catalog.

    Oh, come on. Yours sounds like a perfect match for you. Robert was convinced this pair was meant to be, and he was going to get Howard to agree to the matchup. What else do you want? He is handing you a pretty, kind and caring woman who will make an excellent wife.

    Howard sat back in his chair and contemplated this decision. It seemed like such a big thing to decide impulsively, but Howard had been thinking about finding a wife now that they had settled and started to build their ranch. He was a cowboy, but a businessman at heart and Howard knew that a wife made for good business.

    With a wife around, Howard would have the daily household choirs to split, and he could concentrate his time on the cattle and other land issues. It would make it twice as fast to build up the business aspect of his land.

    What the heck. I’m not getting any younger. Howard finally agreed to Robert’s plan and signed the papers to bring his new wife to Colorado from Russia.

    When Anna opened the telegram from her friend the matchmaker, she could hardly stand she was so excited. Both Anna and Ilsa had been chosen to come to America

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