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Listening as the Holy Spirit Speaks
Listening as the Holy Spirit Speaks
Listening as the Holy Spirit Speaks
Ebook248 pages3 hours

Listening as the Holy Spirit Speaks

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Enlightening, Conscience or Spirit, the Giver of Gifts, Eternity, Shown the Way
Release dateFeb 5, 2015
Listening as the Holy Spirit Speaks

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    Listening as the Holy Spirit Speaks - Les L. Peoples


    Copyright © 2015 Lester Peoples.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4834-2335-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-2336-4 (hc)

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    black.jpg I have used this symbol to indicate a Poem

    A Repeat Of History

    A Very Special Event

    About Authority

    Accountability And Justification

    black.jpg Am I Worthy?

    Are We Linked Up?

    Are You Still Wondering?

    Ask God If It’s Outdated

    black.jpg Authority


    Boring Discussions

    black.jpg Boss Or Lord

    black.jpg Controlling Aim


    black.jpg Decision And Opportunity

    Decision Reasoning

    Disciples Prayer Or The ‘Lords Prayer

    Disturbing Conversations

    black.jpg Do You Have The Time?

    black.jpg Don’t Believe The Lie

    Exactly Or Precisely

    Fact And Reason

    Fear Of The Lord

    black.jpg Gifted And Pressured

    Gospel Of Christ

    black.jpg Grace

    Grieving The Truth

    Hello Friends And Acquaintances!

    black.jpg Hero’s Indeed

    black.jpg Honoring Authority

    black.jpg I Am Who I Am

    Jesus Christ-Lord God & Prophecy


    Lies And Liars

    Love … Concept And Meaning

    Man And Woman, From God

    black.jpg Motivation

    black.jpg My Friend And More

    black.jpg My Sad Song

    Negative News

    black.jpg Our World Today

    black.jpg Perfect Faith

    Prayer From Gods Word


    President Obama And The Lords Prayer

    Reasoning Using Some Common Sense

    Separation Of Church And State

    black.jpg Stymied

    Talking To God

    The Book Of Psalms From The Bible

    black.jpg The Holy Names Of God

    The Holy Spirit In Discussion

    The Holy Spirit … Week Of Pentecost

    The Land Of Israel, Granted By Creator God

    The Lords Prayer - Or Is It?

    black.jpg The Name

    black.jpg The Truth

    black.jpg The Weather - Or Whether

    The Word Of God / Vs. Mans View And His Interpretation

    black.jpg Time For Examination

    black.jpg Today

    black.jpg Troubles

    What If …? An Amazing Thought!

    What’s A Testimony?

    Which God?

    black.jpg Which One Am I?

    Who Is Allah?

    black.jpg Who Is Our Father?

    black.jpg Why Easter?

    Why God Over All Else!

    Is God In The World Today?

    Word And Words

    black.jpg Words To Ponder

    black.jpg Your Light

    About The Author


    There is no way possible I could ever attempt to separate any one of the Triune God as They All are One, in Every aspect of their Sovereign, Awesome, Holy existence, but I would attempt to dedicate this book to the member of the Godhead that I feel has been closest in my earthly life, indwelling me, as promised. To know someone you have never seen, but to feel and hear them, assures the evidence of reality. Faith in the Word of God brings truth, life and light, to those that believe. We cannot see the wind, but we know it is there. I have never seen a guardian angel but I am aware they exist, as I am still alive, for proof. How can enough be said in just a few sentences? To know and believe is truly supernatural.

    To The Holy Spirit of God, I dedicate this book, which inspired, corrected, delivered the thoughts that I could never have had on my own, completely opposite of my vocation in mechanics. To the giver of all gifts that each of us receives at birth, and when each good gift is put to use; it is encouraged, strengthened, and blessed by the One who looks over us, never leaving or forsaking. The One who was promised to us as the Comforter, by Jesus Christ our Lord, who hears our prayers, ministers to our needs and directs us to Jesus, never to Himself, is this dedication made, in the hope I listened attentively when writing, To Gods Glory.

    -Lester Peoples



    In reading the Word of God we see and are told that we are made in the Image of God with his likeness in some attributes but on a very much smaller scale. Every Holy Name of God shares with us his character and personality of the Trinity, [All being of One Accord]. Could we then assume on our own, but not in any derogatory sense that our God has a sense of humor, in dealing with us? He Can make a donkey speak! Surely even He needs a time out occasionally’ but in His long suffering and forgiveness and patience with us we can see that He never springs surprises on us, but in His judgment always provides a warning, allowing us to repent. The written Word has stated what things are required to be worthy and accountable to God in obedience; all else is man inspired, and is sin.

    We have a comforter in the Holy Spirit, since Jesus returned to the Father. We should respond to following the Spirits call and seek him in time of trouble and be aware of His presence within us if we have accepted Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. The world holds to the teaching of, Let your conscience be your guide, but who is the Prince of this world in which we live presently? We are burdened at each opportunity of Gods adversary, (Satan), to spoil and destroy everything that is good and righteous that God has given mankind. He, [the Devil], seeks to turn as many as he can away from God, our creator, while he has time!

    Each individual has been given certain gifts by the Holy Spirit and we if allow, are guided through our lives ministered as how to use these gifts. All gifts are not the same as some are adapted to some things, that others are not, like spiritual. Our supposed talents are not our own as we might think, but are from God. When we cannot find in the Word of God an answer to a problem, we can seek the Spirit for an answer in prayer. Then, ‘do follow it to the glory of God’. We may be told an answer before we realize the problem, but it is important to be knowledgeable to know that there may be several ways that the Spirit communicates with us. Not always in an audible voice as in the Old Testament, but at times by a dream, or maybe interrupting a thought we have, or at times crowding out an evil thought that is not admirable. It is important to know that by faith believing in Jesus as our Lord, we are given the Holy Spirit to be our guide, paracleat and friend, if we ask forgiveness of any known sin in our life, this then opens the door that allows us to have access to the Holy Spirit of God, uniting with our human bodily spirit unto their glory. The Holy Spirit can be grieved, when we fail. God asks us to pray always seeking the will of God and to do everything we do, to the glory of God.

    Do not be one who rejects the voice of the Spirit by neglecting to listen, or worse yet,’ rejecting his call when He speaks.

    As you read the words of this book allow ‘Him’ to enter into your thoughts and to minister to you what he desires you to know. It just may change your life for the better.

    The bible is not just an ordinary book, it is a library. It is inspired meaning it is God breathed. Visit it often. Before you open it’s pages, ask for wisdom and knowledge to understanding for what you need for that day and ask that you be shown strength for your need to accomplishing Gods will which will be pleasing, in Gods sight.


    For the grace, meaning love and undeserved favor, of the creator GOD that provided the saving of ones soul from eternal death, after life, has appeared unto everyone created of mankind; teaching us, that we should turn away from all filth, sin, and pleasures the world has to offer, but should instead live sober and not drunken or slothfully, while we dedicate ourselves unto righteous and godly acts in the present days we are living.

    We then should be looking for that blessed hope and the promise to the glorious appearing of the Great God and our Savior, Jesus Christ, the only name given in heaven or earth, whereby, we must be saved,

    Who gave himself for us, including the pain and agony of crucifixion, the shame that should have been ours, yet, only He was able to remove All our sin, by his precious blood forever; rather than by previous animal sacrifice, which was only for limited times. Those trusting in him who dedicated his Sinless body, a redemption for all sinners able to become a peculiar or different people from all the world, we are then able to be ready and ambitious to do good things to the glory of God the Father, through his Son.

    We are to speak these things openly to everyone and challenge those firmly who think otherwise, using the power and authority given us through him, Jesus Christ, who has been given, All authority.

    Let no man despise with hate, nor hold any contempt against you, as you speak.

    These words of scripture are paraphrased for understanding that all might know the truth of the word in its context, to Gods glory.


    It has been brought to my attention the Father of Our Country, ‘George Washington’, could have died unnecessarily. Is Our economy dying in the same manner today? Washington was bled to death by his doctors, and as his symptoms worsened, the doctors just siphoned out another pint of blood! They being elite medical professionals of their time had their own assumptions not to be questioned by anyone! Rather than reconsidering the path they were taking, they persisted in drawing yet more blood until a fatality presented itself. Washington died! Likened to an administration who is reigning in power— answerable to nobody, even in mistakes which are enumerable!

    Today the doctors’ of our Republic being of both political party’s, are together, spending without remorse, nobody requiring them to Quit! Not solving the Problem—we see that ‘They’ Are the problem! To be so dense as to think you can spend yourself out of debt, is to place yourself in the mentality the government is trying to dummy down education today into believing-and have succeeded thus far. When politicians say to Vote something in so you can see what it contains is preposterous to require an answer but it happened!

    The Issue today is to Halt Christianity in anything pertaining to Jesus in education, society, government and even now, our military. Realizing that God has given basic instructions as to His view on economics, atheists and unbelievers denying the One True God will divert all attention to other cults and so-called religions even to Satan himself to destroy America. Our Christian nation was founded upon the faith backed doctrines of God fearing men dedicated to equality in life, religion and the pursuit of happiness in liberty. A free market system as an example in Prov. 31 in the bible shows that by producing [a vineyard] a woman can profit when others buy your produce or product. Then you can enlarge or then invest in other things, creating more markets, hire more workers, and can then lend her hand to the needy and poor. The government builds on consumption but it is a short term illusion, limited to what ‘production’ gives and offers.

    If the economy fails, government must take steps to do several things: {a} taxing those who are producing then the elite take from the rich and give it to their servants making many slaves to a master. {b} inflate the money, printing more money without a value to back it up such as gold. This hurts the poor, reducing money value and is equal to what God refers to as dishonest scales in Prov. 11. and or {c} enslaving itself by borrowing from other countries. Deut.15:6 states that you can lend to others but not borrow. They will then reign over you. You shall owe no man a debt but pay it early and not enslave yourselves as individuals and a nation as well, in like manner. Keynesian assumptions are far from fact and rhetoric and reading from earlier prepared speeches on electronic monitors aren’t a guarantee that truth is spoken rather than continued lies. To survive a financial crash in the dollar as John Wesley said, Gain all you can, Save all you can, and Give all you can. Several sources of income supply must be created while spending Less than what you Make! Just opposite of what the government is doing! Learn about and practice budget and regard your storehouse as your means of survival. Church should associate with State.

    If Washington [and our nation] is to be resuscitated or has Any chance of recovering from the blind guides and blood thirsty doctors of treason, we must return to Gods wisdom, before we also, like George Washington, are bled to death. Doctors with limited knowledge thought they were doing right by bleeding to rid the body of germs, but ‘there is a way that seemeth right to man, but the end thereof is the way of death.’ So says Gods Word, the bible.

    Spending ones way into prosperity is not Gods words, but mans. God says to owe no man.


    To my family members I sent an email several days ago that was very well written and it’ was a good read in simple plain truth. It had to do with an event to take place, experts in eschatology most all claim is to happen soon as all indications of what is forecast, prescribed in the original inspired written Word of things leading up to this event leave very little to happen before it takes place. What a person cares to do with this information is strictly up to that individual but whether or not believing one thing does not change or prolong a fact, but based on the Source of information and reliability of whom to trust should be a prerequisite. I have lived a full life encountering many things of which I have regrets, being given knowledge of right and wrong. I have asked forgiveness so often for willfully going against what I knew at the time was wrong. Sin is disobedience against God! Plain and simple! What I have learned and have been taught is only ‘God’ can forgive sin! Life is in the blood and in Gods plan only blood can cover or atone for our sin. At first animals were sacrificed to cover’ sin for a limited time in the year and had to be sacrificed over and again as sin was committed. A time came when miraculously Jesus left heavens glory with the Father to come to earth to be born of a virgin with the sole purpose to give himself as a sacrifice for the sin for mankind to completely ‘take away’ our sins-once and forever! By the acceptance of this free gift we can become part of the kingdom of God to come, by simply choosing or by our rejecting this free gift as some do. We have only the two choices—accepting, or rejecting Jesus Christ as Lord of our lives! One day, every person will stand before Jesus who the Father has given the power to judge men. Every knee will bow confessing Jesus as Lord, and all things will become known! But obedience, not force, will already have determined your destiny as it is so decided by your lifestyle in your personal walk and relationship with Jesus, the only name in heaven or earth given, whereby you must be saved. ‘Saved or lost’—heaven or hell is the only choice we have. *At the close of my dads funeral two gentlemen I didn’t know walked up to me introducing themselves saying they worked with Leonard, my dad, and wondered if I was aware that they had been taking dad to bible study meetings and that he had made a profession of faith! We all knew the lifestyle of drinking, gambling and his style of having fun even to the point of a good fight, but this was a real surprise and I had to allow this to soak in. I was feeling bad that I hadn’t the chance to say a proper goodbye to my dad but was comforted by hearing a great decision that he had made and that we would see each other again in the future as promised by our creator. Remembering; I was the only one in the room with my mother when she passed away at Bethany hospital and I was holding her hand during her last breaths but I never had a chance to say anything about the Lord

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