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Yearning for Home
Yearning for Home
Yearning for Home
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Yearning for Home

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Brought into Givon by circumstances beyond her control, Viki is struggling to find her place. She could go back to Everly, but Viki doesn't find her calling there. She doesn't know exactly where she fits in. Either way, Viki can't live in the underground city of Tremain. Going into the unprotected city of Haines, Viki goes into the normal routine of job and school. There she can find her true calling... (Viki Book 2)
Release dateFeb 3, 2013
Yearning for Home

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    Yearning for Home - Kimberly Vogel

    Yearning for Home

    Yearning for Home


    Copyright © 2013 by Kimberly Vogel.

    ISBN eBook 978-1-300-70397-6

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    I want to thank my family and friends for supporting me.

    Without you, I don’t know where I would be.


    In an underground city, two women spoke to each other. They were as different as night and day, even though they both appeared to be of similar ages.

    The younger woman in the pair asked, So it’s not true?

    No, replied the older woman.

    I’m not the priestess.


    What am I then?

    With a frown on her lips, the older woman leaned over and placed her hand on the eighteen year old youth’s hand. She nodded slightly as she replied,

    Hopefully the last sacrifice in a very long war.

    Frowning as well, the blonde woman looked across at the black haired woman. The other appeared only a year elder, but in reality she was hundreds of years old. She shook her head while she sighed, What am I going to do?

    I don’t know. The pale woman stood from the couch. She was stranger in sight than the others, due to her skin gray as the ashes in a long dead fire. Like her hair, her eyes were black as coal. With her frown turned into a weak smile, the young woman retreated as she commented, Live on...

    Blinking softly, Viki stood from her seat at the other end of the couch. Though times had changed with the death of her main pursuer, she doubted that the opposing faction would be tamed as easily. The other had much work to do. With a slight wave the blonde woman called out, Take care, Rune...

    And you as well, Varaviksne.

    Viki’s nose wrinkled up at the mention of her full name. A slight huff left her lips as she noted that the other had already disappeared down the maze of corridors within the mountain. She put her hands on the hips of her light green dress. It matched her eyes, though it wasn’t on purpose. Shaking her head, Viki walked out of the room down the hallway of the castle deep within the underground city of Tremain.

    Act 1

    Chapter 1

    Walking down the hallway Viki muttered, Great. I’m left alone with no clue again. I hope this isn’t an April fool’s Day joke.

    What joke?

    Viki looked at the one who spoke. Smiling faintly at the other blonde woman, she ran her fingers through her bob haircut. Nothing. I can’t believe they haven’t come after me.

    I’m a little surprised too. Lieu tilted her head to the side. Her pale blonde hair fell all the way down her back. Even though the two women were blondes with pale skin, that’s where the similarity ended. Lieu had the traditional pointed ears of the ancient Tsubasan people. The country had been called Givon for a few years. The mix of other countries’ people brought the pale violet into her eyes. But didn’t you say that you were rescued by that woman who was just here? Lieu asked as they walked down the hallway.

    She did, Viki admitted, But I don’t know what happened afterwards.

    We can ask. I’m sure the Council wouldn’t deny you. Lieu smiled down at the four inch shorter woman.

    Probably, Viki murmured. Wrinkling up her nose, she continued, But I’m not the priestess of legend. That other woman was. I was just a distraction. I have no status now.

    Nonsense, you have the same position as you had when you first came. Lieu put her hand on her friend’s shoulder. We’ll take care of you.

    But I’d rather support myself if I can. Viki frowned up at the five foot ten inch tall woman. I have to get back out there.

    You’ve never stopped thinking about that, have you?


    Lieu shook her head. Then we’ll try and get you out again.

    Thank you, Viki said, smile forming again.

    Where will you go?

    Viki’s smile fell again. I don’t know. I only know Cheney Town. I don’t know what any other cities are like.

    You know what Tremain is like.

    That’s different. I was brought here. With no place to go I had to learn about this place quickly.

    Lieu sighed. I know the Council didn’t mean for it to be so dire. Clasping her hands behind her back, she walked along with Viki. They were just trying to protect you.

    And themselves in the process.

    Yes, but that’s over now.

    Viki sighed, brushing her fingers through her hair again. So I’m going to have to convince them to let me go.

    Yes, Lieu replied.

    I wonder if I can.

    You can convince them if you state your case. Lieu led the way into the library. Just tell them like you told me.

    I’ll try, Viki sighed.

    You’ll be fine, Lieu smiled softly. Now let’s get back to work.

    All right, Viki replied. She traveled through the library. Before Viki had been called away, she had been organizing the library’s books and scrolls. She resumed her work, trying to keep her hands busy while she thought of what to do next. When that was done, she retired for the night.

    The next day seated in her room, Viki gazed from her bed into her closet. She had very little clothing. There was a pale blue windbreaker, white t-shirt, blue jeans, and the uniform she wore right now. She would need more than just that to present herself properly in the outside world.  In Tremain everyone wore uniforms, so Viki never needed anything else. She wouldn’t have been able to buy anything else, either. The purchasing system used an electronic card for only the necessities. Money wasn’t part of this world. Viki would have to get a job outside to get her clothing.

    To get a job, Viki needed to leave Tremain. She wouldn’t be allowed to without an escort. Viki didn’t want to be constantly followed. She couldn’t just secretly slip away though. There were always eyes on her. She was still an important symbol in many people’s eyes.

    Sighing deeply, Viki stood from her bed. She walked across the floor to her door. Exiting it, she circled through the hallways to the store. There was one she could talk to about this. It was hard to catch him nowadays, but Viki knew his work shift would be right now. Into the mishmash selection she went, searching the aisles for her friend.

    Roy pushed a stack of pencils onto a low shelf. Sighing faintly, the redhead picked up another packet from the basket next to him. Crouched down, his six foot frame didn’t look as tall as it was.

    Is this what I need?

    Looking up at the little girl who spoke, a smile moved over Roy’s tan face. What are you looking for?


    Chuckling, Roy held up a packet of pencils. His green eyes danced merrily. Yes, these are normal pencils. They should be fine.

    Thank you, the little girl smiled brightly at him.

    You’re welcome, Roy said, waving as she ran down the aisle to her mother. He turned his attention back to the task at hand. In his uniform he wore a green tunic and black slacks. Around his waist was a brown belt. The bone shaped buckle was gold, matching his stud earrings.

    Turning around the corner, Viki noticed the older man she looked for. There you are.

    Looking for me? Roy cocked his eyebrow. That’s not good.

    Why not?

    It means you want something, Roy sighed. He stood, dusting off his slacks.

    Viki walked over to him. She tilted her head to the side. When did you stop wanting to help anyone and everyone who asked?

    I didn’t say I wouldn’t, Roy replied with a wry smile.

    Viki tucked her hair back behind her ear. But you don’t have to, if you don’t want to.

    I want to. Roy chuckled. You’re my friend, even if we’re not lovers.

    Viki shook her head. Don’t talk about that. She folded her arms tightly across her chest. It sounds like it’s too much trouble, so I’m just going to go.

    Fine, Roy said. Picking up the basket, he carried it with him down the aisle. I have to get back to work.

    Fine, Viki replied, turning and walking out of the store. It didn’t go as well as she had hoped. Viki wasn’t without other friends, though they wouldn’t be as knowledgeable as Roy was about the outside world.

    Exiting the building, Viki traveled away from the underground castle into the depths of the city of Tremain. Everyone here lived and worked in a way that was without full access to technology. That was to increase independence. Viki missed certain things at times, but with so much work to do she didn’t have the time to dwell.

    At one edge of the underground city, another friend of Viki’s lived in his own home. It was just a little hole in the side of the mountain, but it was enough for his work. Solan kept watch over the waterways that entered the underground city. He had lost some work due to it being warm spring weather, but as long as the water flowed he would never be out of a job.

    Climbing up from the path, Viki traveled on a staircase up to Solan’s door. It rested about a dozen feet inside of the mountain. There was just a little bit of an incline to it to keep out any wayward splashes of water. Viki pulled her long skirt up to keep it from getting wet.

    Solan wasn’t outside today. The water levels were just high enough to keep flowing into the city. Within his quarters, the white haired man moved from one end to the other. On his hands and knees he cleaned the floors. Though he was two years younger than Roy at nineteen, he was barely an inch shorter. With his work he only wore the knee-length pale blue tunic secured by a silver waistband.

    When she reached the door Viki knocked. She waited nervously for Solan to answer. She didn’t know what she would say, but she would come up with something.

    At the sound, Solan stood. Tossing the rag into a bucket, he walked to the door. Peeking out of the spy hole in his wooden door, Solan called out, Who is it?

    Me, Viki.

    Viki? Solan opened the door. What are you doing here?

    Can’t I visit you? Viki smiled weakly up at him.

    Shaking his head, Solan gestured into the room. Of course you can. I just didn’t expect it.

    I suppose I could have sent a messenger...

    Bah, Solan waved his hand as Viki entered. A surprise is better.

    Viki’s smile turned sweet. Thanks. She glanced around, inspecting the interior. I see things haven’t changed.

    No, Solan replied, closing the door behind her.

    The little room was more like a lounge than an apartment, even if it was the same size. Just inside of the door was two couches side-by-side along the wall. Another couch was against the adjoining wall. A low table was set between the sets in the corner. A makeshift sort of kitchen was along the wall opposite the twin couches.

    So... Viki glanced around. What’s next for you?

    Solan shrugged. I stay here. I’m going to be tested on my skills. Then when I pass I’ll be assigned to one of these stations permanently.

    So you’re not thinking about going outside? The war is over...

    Shaking his head, Solan gestured to one of the couches. No, I belong here. He gazed at her with his silver eyes. The heavy black lining under them made his eyes seem even paler. Are you thinking about leaving?

    I want to, Viki admitted as she sat beside him.

    Is that why you’re here? Solan rested his hands on his knees. Saying goodbye?

    I can’t just leave, Viki said, shaking her head. But if I could I would.

    What’s stopping you?

    Where would I go? How would I support myself? Viki shook her head. I don’t know.

    Well, if you want to live in one of the cities I’m sure the Council could arrange that.

    I’m sure they could, but I don’t want to be in another cage.

    Solan chuckled faintly. I understand, but they have our best interests in mind. Maybe now if things have changed you can go back to your old life. Well, as close to it as you can get.

    Viki smiled at him. I guess you’re right. She placed his hand on hers. You’re pretty smart when you actually talk.

    I guess I conserve my words then speak when it’s the most important to, Solan chuckled. 

    Right, Viki chuckled. Thanks for listening.

    Anytime, Solan replied, nodding. So, does that mean you’re leaving?

    I should, Viki replied. Her smile faded. I’ll write up a letter for Bakari.

    I’ll support you however I can.

    Thank you Solan.

    Nodding, the pale man stood. I have pen and paper if you want to do it now.

    No, I should go and do it in my room. Viki stood. I’ll talk to you later.

    Okay, it was nice talking with you again. Solan walked to the door. After opening it, he stepped outside.

    Yeah, Viki nodded. I’ll talk to you again soon. With a wave, she wandered back through the underground city to the buried castle. In her room, Viki wrote out a heartfelt plea for freedom. Then she delivered it to the message box for the Council. All she could do now was to wait for her reply.

    Within the interim, news traveled fast. Of any group, the communications network had the most obvious technology. Tamal was one of the volunteer workers. He was the same age as Lieu at twenty years old. The black haired man had a knack for anything mechanical or electronic. He usually just did those as hobbies, though. When the news reached him, Tamal went in search of Viki in the library.

    Standing on her tiptoes, Viki pushed one scroll up into the hole where it rested. Though she had worked in another library, it was run completely different than this one was. Sighing deeply, she leaned over and picked up another scroll from the cart next to her. One of the big differences was that in the outside world there were only books and periodicals. Standing on her tiptoes again, Viki tried to push it into a much higher storage spot.

    Clasping over her hand, another pale hand took the scroll. Tamal set it down. His brown eyes turned up, one showing behind the part in his black hair. He was only two inches taller than Viki’s five foot seven inch frame, but it gave him enough of a lift to reach the hole.

    Thanks, Viki said.

    Welcome, Tamal replied. Bobbing his head, he gazed down at her. How’ve you been?

    Fine, Viki replied, picking up another scroll. She held it in both hands. What are you doing here?

    Shrugging, Tamal replied, I heard you’re leaving.

    Trying to, Viki said.

    Where are you going?

    I don’t know. Viki pushed the scroll into another storage space. I just don’t feel at home here.

    Not at all? Even after all we’ve been through? Frowning, Tamal folded his arms across his chest. He wore a light green tunic hitched with a brown leather belt. He wore pale tan slacks.

    Viki smiled faintly at him. I do like all of you, really I do. I can’t forget growing up in the city, though. I need to be outside.

    I can understand that. Tamal sighed faintly. We’ll miss you.

    You can always come visit me, though. Viki placed her hand on his shoulder. We’ll still all be friends.

    Oh, good, Tamal gave a shy smile. I don’t want to lose you.

    The only way you’ll lose me is if you don’t want to have anything to do with me when I go. Viki shook her head. She dropped her hand onto the cart. She pushed it through the library’s halls.

    Following her, Tamal shrugged. I wouldn’t do that, but I can’t say that by being gone we’ll have the same ability to contact each other.

    I know, Viki said softly. But I really don’t think I can stay.

    Do you need help?

    I probably will, but I don’t know if they’ll accept it until after the Council gets back to me.

    I see...Mother won’t tell me about that.

    I know. I wouldn’t expect Maribelle or Ferdinand to do that.

    Have you talked to Roy lately?

    Yes, and he knows about it.

    Tamal nodded. His father might tell him.

    Viki lifted her eyebrow. You think so?

    I think Ferdinand might. Tamal shrugged. He followed Viki out of the library. They have an outside home.

    I know, but I’d rather be in the city than out on a barren mountain. Shaking her head, Viki dusted off her hands. Um, do you want to get something to drink?

    That sounds good, Tamal said, nodding. Are you done with work?

    Pretty much, Viki replied. She led the way out of the library.

    The two walked side by side through the halls. It wasn’t far until the doorway for the dining room opened up. Entering inside, they got into line. All of the food was kept locked up. The selections for the day were put out in a buffet style line along the wall in the cafeteria. Standing on one side were the cooks and servers. On the other side, the people swiped their card to take off the payment for their meal.

    Tamal stepped ahead of Viki. He swiped his card and got each of them a bottle of juice. Then he followed her to their table.

    Thanks, Viki said, taking the bottle from him.

    Nodding, Tamal took off the top of his. Do you have an idea which city you want to go to?

    No, I don’t know much about Givon. I think of all the cities Mintha I’d be most familiar with, since its right across the border from Cheney Town.

    That’s far from here.

    Not that far. Viki shook her head.

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