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Me, Myself and I - A Spiritual Journey
Me, Myself and I - A Spiritual Journey
Me, Myself and I - A Spiritual Journey
Ebook65 pages45 minutes

Me, Myself and I - A Spiritual Journey

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About this ebook

As a spiritual teacher, Gladys leads by example. In this inspirational tome, she tells of her own path as a spiritual seeker and how this has enabled her to be the teacher we know and love.
This book is a companion to Gladys’s autobiography ‘A Long and Winding Road - The Life and Travels of a Spiritual Wanderer’.
‘Gladys is an inspirational teacher and friend. I don’t know whether I would have got so far without her friendship and guidance.’ Simon Hall
Release dateSep 8, 2017
Me, Myself and I - A Spiritual Journey

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    Me, Myself and I - A Spiritual Journey - Gladys Dinnacombe

    Me, Myself and I - A Spiritual Journey

    By Gladys Dinnacombe

    Copyright © 2017 Gladys Dinnacombe

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the copyright owner Gladys Dinnacombe.

    ISBN: 978-0-244-93191-9

    Also by Gladys Dinnacombe

    Poetry and Prose

    Sacred Journey – Sacred Earth

    So You Want to be a Druid? - First steps on the path

    The World Around Me – A Modern Druid Philosophy

    So You Still Want to be a Druid – Further steps on the Path

    A Long and Winding Road – The Life and Travels of a Spiritual Wanderer

    Twiglets, Twigs and Branches – Growing a family tree

    A Staffordshire Workhouse – Living in the workhouse of Newcastle under Lyme

    Sent to Van Diemen’s Land – Staffordshire Chartists

    Women of Van Diemen’s Land – Staffordshire Convicts

    Words From the Heart


    I would like to take this opportunity to thank all those who have shared this journey, especially Simon Hall and Elizabeth Pinfold who have also made the writing of this book possible. I feel very privileged to be able to share this journey with you, its ups and downs and I know that without the input of all of you who have shared this journey, I would not be the person that I am now.

    I send you all many blessings for your own journey.


    I am starting this story of what I will call my 'spiritual journey' with words from a poem I wrote some years ago (published in 'Poetry and Prose').

    The Journey

    I started on my search in sixty nine on a long and winding road,

    The first stop occurred on a dark, dark day when I stepped in another world;

    A bright light called me from afar so I set out towards it with joy,

    But as I got nearer I heard a voice saying 'No, not now! Return to your world

    And look within to continue your search for the Grail'.

    So I turned around, went back to my world and thought about what I'd been told'.

    There's a lot of poetic license here as it was 1970 not 1969 but seventy doesn't fit the rhythm of the words. So what was this event? I was in hospital having an operation which was quite serious at that time when I left my body and headed into the light. However I came back and this experience was later confirmed by my then sister-in-law who was theatre nurse at the time and just said 'We nearly lost you that day'. The only things I remember are the feeling of joy as I headed towards the light and the feeling of being rejected as I was sent back. On later reflection I could see that this was a good thing for me and that I had a long spiritual journey ahead of me. This was my first experience of an out of body or near death experience.

    I had two young children at that time so did not set off searching for some time. However I did find that the way I looked at life was different. I was aware that life could be very short and that I needed to experience it in a different way but at that time I was busy with my family. I know that I looked towards nature more and made sure the children experienced nature too. We walked around the local pool looking at frogs and newts and other pond life. I was not a person who wanted many material things so that was not an issue. I managed well on a small amount of money and we were well fed and clothed with a roof of some kind over our heads. In those days electronic gadgets were not there to argue over.

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