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In the Light of Day
In the Light of Day
In the Light of Day
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In the Light of Day

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This story is a three fold effort. 1. An expansion of my Autobiographical first Novel , “Under The Palm Tree A Journey From Childhood To Retirement.” 2. Some Comments on the life on Main Street with a few poems. 3. A hard look at the gun violence in today’s Society and what factor’s may be complicit and how to deal with this destructive behavior which is an epidemic today. I draw all my conclusions from Erich Fromm's brilliant Analogy titled, “The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness” Published by Holt, Rinehart And Winston. His analogy is without a doubt a vital tool to be listened to so these needed adjustments with human destructive behavior are implemented forthwith. Reading once again the words from this great Mentor was like a bolt of lightening striking the very essence of the problems facing our nation today. I stand assured that if we follow Dr Fromm advice we will see a lessening of these wanton acts of violence. I pray for those results as it may be possible if we look at them in the Light of Day.
Release dateAug 26, 2018
In the Light of Day

Paulie the Ballie

Paulie the Ballie aka Bubba lives on the West coast of Florida since 1994 a few miles sNorth of Tampa . He has two Daughter’s and three Grand’s and wife of 50 years. He runs local tournaments each week for a global in nature field. Players from Britian, Canada, Japan, Snow Bird’s and local’s, etc. He enjoys this activity to the fullest. As he so often says, “It keep’s Moi out of the Pool Hall.”

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    In the Light of Day - Paulie the Ballie


    Copyright © 2018 Paulie the Ballie.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4834-8138-8 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-8137-1 (e)

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    My humble effort is dedicated to the Las Vegas, Texas, Shooting Victims and all those who came to their Aid. In addition all the mass shooting victims and the legacy of Dr. Erich Fromm whose brilliant analogy on Human Destructiveness gives hope in lessening these wanton acts of violence. I pray we look at them In the Light of Day

    What is the true Message from These Tragic Shooting?

    It is about the countless heroic actions by all that were willing to disregard their own personal safety to assist the wounded. These actions must be the focus. Showing to all we are united and dedicated to fight for our freedoms. Time after time peoples from all walks of life dig down deep into their souls to show tremendous courage while under fire. The message is loud and clear we only become more resilient when actions like this occur. It binds us together stronger and more aware of the sanityof life. Our nation will never be put asunder by these insane acts. So, Help Us God.


    This story is a threefold effort. 1. An expansion of my Autobiographical First Novel, Under the Palm Tree a Journey from Childhood to Retirement. 2. Some Comments on the life on Main Street with a few poems.

    3. A hard look at the gun violence today and what factor’s may be complicit and how to deal with this destructive behavior which is an epidemic today. I draw all my conclusions from Erich Fromm brilliant Analogy titled, The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness Published by Holt, Rinehart And Winston. His analogy is without a doubt a vital tool to be listened to so these needed adjustments with human destructive behavior are implemented forthwith. Finding this book was some Define Destiny at work again for this writer. I remember purchasing this book many years ago in 1980’s and for some reason it was still on the top shelf of my book stand. Getting out my ladder to reach the book as it was tucked away in the back, but the cover must have had some light hitting it as the reflection was so bright that I could not have missed it. A strong feeling of excitement ran through out my body giving me chills. Reading once again the words from this great Mentor was like a bolt of lightning striking the very essence of the problems facing our nation today. I stand assured that if we follow Dr. Fromm advice we will see a lessening of these wanton acts of violence. I pray for those results as it may be possible if we look at them in the Light of Day.

    P/S Bubba wants to add several big hugs to my Wife, Daughter and Publisher, and finally that ever watchful Guardian Angel that I am sure has been me with ever since 1 Benedict Place for their untiring assistance with this endeavor. Without that help we would still be hunkered down in the darkness not ready for flight Into the Light of Day.


    It has always been better to try to settle things in the light of day.

    Things like major decisions on life career’s. Need for medical treatment.

    What type of education is the best for you.

    How to improve inter personal relationships.

    What is the meaning of life?

    And the most important learning to find love.

    All these need to be dealt with our best perceptions on what path to take. In the following chapters of this new endeavor I hope to show some of the obstacles that we all encounter and how to maybe avoid those mistakes that we all make along the way. We must look at them clearly with in depth reason of thought for choosing our life’s Journey.

    There will be some heart aches at times and foolish mistakes will occur but somehow most of us get back on track. For humanity has survive many terrible events but one thing that is for sure the Human Spirit is indomitable and will endure. It is my fervent hope that this story will be of some help in that. In addition, and most important is a hard look at the possible factors that are in play with all the mass shooting that are happening today all too frequently on Main Street, U.S.A. With some suggestions for ways to lessen those horrid events.

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