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Apostolic Revolution
Apostolic Revolution
Apostolic Revolution
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Apostolic Revolution

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Establishing a Biblical Foundation for the Meaning and Purpose of Apostles in the Church Today
Release dateOct 18, 2016
Apostolic Revolution

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    Book preview

    Apostolic Revolution - James W Pope

    Apostolic Revolution


    Establishing a Biblical Foundation for the Meaning

    and Purpose of Apostles in the Church Today

    James W. Pope


    Apostolic Revolution

    Second Edition

    Copyright © 2016 by James W. Pope

    All rights reserved. This book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the express written permission of the publisher except for the use of brief quotations in a book review or scholarly journal.

    ISBN: 9781365443107

    ISBN (eBook): 9781365469718

    Cover Artwork: Drew Sandlin

    Designer: Vanessa McMahon


    I want to dedicate this book in memory

    of my mom, Carolyn June Pope.

    She was the one who told a 7-year-old boy

    that he would be an ambassador to the nations.






















    I want to thank my Dad for exemplifying the lifestyle of a Biblical apostle for as far back into childhood as I can remember. Because of you I have always seen the apostolic in operation; this book would not have been possible without you.

    I want to thank my longtime friend, Marco Peixoto, whom I consider to be the clearest example of apostolic ministry of anyone I personally know. Truly, the marks of Christ are clearly seen in your life, my friend.

    I want to thank my wife Marise for running this race with faithfulness and passion together with me. You are much greater in the eyes of the Lord and others than you are in your own.

    I want to thank our children Vanessa and Eric, together with our son-in-law Justin for serving the Lord and His church with genuine love. May our generation pass the baton to your generation and Oliver’s (my grandson) with the church functioning apostolically rather than founded upon the best ideas of man.


    "We are living in an era that political correctness and user-friendly mentalities dominate our culture and churches. Apostolic Revolution is an eye opening and a theologically sound book regarding the current and proper role of the apostle in the modern day church. Reverend Jim Pope has traveled the world and has seen the Holy Spirit manifest Himself in virtually every continent. Through spiritual revelation and international exposure, the perspective of this book makes it a must read for the believer who wants to have a true biblical understanding of the apostle’s role in this generation. So many people strive to use titles in order to create respect and influence. However, the apostolic ministry is not released to those who are simply looking for another way to bolster their public reputation. It is released to those who are willing to do the hard, groundbreaking work of laying proper foundation in the local church. I believe apostles are prophets to prophets, teachers of teachers, anointed to stir evangelists, and are spiritual fathers to pastors. It is not a ministry for the inexperienced or the weak in heart. This book brings great clarity to the true role of the apostle.

    I have personally known and worked with Reverend Jim Pope for over twenty years.  Not only is he a brilliant theologian, he is also a man who cares deeply about the local church he pastors along with the position the local church has in this current society. Pastor Jim Pope has stood by my side through multiple huge crusades in Brazil as he has translated virtually every message I have preached in that great nation. He has the heart of a servant coupled with the perspective and brilliance of an anointed, seasoned leader in the body of Christ. I pray you, the reader, will open your heart to a book that has needed to be written for a long time."

    Dr. Tim Bagwell, senior pastor, Word of Life Christian Center

    Pastor Jim Pope lays the foundation to a full relationship with God. If you’re a longtime or a new believer, I strongly suggest not skipping over this book. It’ll be beneficial not only to shore up your groundwork, but also to help those you lead or influence into a relationship with our Creator.

    John Bevere, author/minister, Messenger International

    "I deeply appreciate the extensive biblical foundations integrated throughout Apostolic Revolution, to help modern day followers of Jesus cultivate the vital importance of Apostles in the Body of Christ.  This book will both challenge and enlighten followers of Christ to value the five-fold ministry that Paul discusses throughout his epistles.  It is also very enlightening to digest Pastor Jim’s presentation of apostleship in relation to Jesus’ earthly ministry!  Thanks for working so hard to make this accessible to the body

    of Christ today!"

    Sarah Bowling, author, Heavenly Help/founder, Saving Moses/

    co-host, Today with Marilyn and Sarah

    As we are quickly approaching the return of our Lord Jesus Christ, Jesus is desiring His Church to awake and to fulfill the Great Commission and wage victorious spiritual warfare. Romans 13:11....And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now, our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. Ephesians the intent that now the manifold wisdom of God might be made known by the church to the principalities and powers in the heavenly places,. For this to be successfully achieved, by the Church, we must return to God's pattern of doing things. God has always given an order and pattern and these must be followed and submitted to for us to have true success. Hebrews 8:5...who serve the copy and shadow of the heavenly things, as Moses was divinely instructed when he was about to make the tabernacle. For He said, See that you make all things according to the pattern shown you on the mountain." This went for Noah building the ark, Moses building the tabernacle, Solomon building the temple, and Jesus building the Church.

    Pastor Jim Pope has been given divine revelation from the Holy Spirit to encourage and instruct The Church to return to God's pattern so we can carry out and accomplish our last days conquest in advancing Jesus' victory over the kingdom of darkness and gather in the great last days harvest. We must have an Apostolic Revolution!!! If we do not embrace God's pattern for the Church, we may found ourselves frustrated and falling short of His glorious desires. 1 Corinthians 12:28...And God has appointed these in the church: first apostles, second prophets, third teachers, after that miracles, then gifts of healings, helps, administrations, varieties of tongues. Pastor Jim gives prophetic insight to the pattern of achieving our purposes and fulfilling our destinies. Find out, the real meaning of Apostles and Prophets and the true purpose of their calling for the Church. There seems to be confusion in these days concerning these callings and confusion is not from the Lord. Pastor Jim brings clarity and truth that will put us back on the solid foundation that Jesus has given His Church so that we advance His purposes.

    I've known Pastor Jim to be a man of integrity, truth, and prophetic insight. This new book is desperately needed as a manual for these last days. If this revelation is applied, we will see a great harvest and phenomenal signs, wonders, and miracles. Churches will be Lighthouses piercing the darkness and the Body of Christ will turn cities and nations upside down!!  Get ready for a personal and corporate church Transformation and Spiritual Revolution."

    Al Brice, senior pastor, Covenant Love Church

    "Apostolic Revolution is a timely study on the true apostolic ministry that will advance the Gospel of the Kingdom in our day. Jim Pope has clarified many of the misconceptions held by the church in America and brought a great challenge for us to embrace true apostolic ministry in the context of the local church."

    Randy Neilson, senior pastor, Bramalea Christian Fellowship

    What a refreshing study on a very important subject. This examination of the Apostolic Revolution is very relevant for today since God is clarifying the preeminence of the office of an Apostle. Having seen up close and personal many of the situations described by Pastor Jim in this book, I can testify that this work will have an amazing impact on the body of Christ. There are no misrepresentations here.  This book is biblically balanced.

    Wade Pope, founding pastor, Grace Covenant Church


    We are living in exciting times! The world now stands on the verge of the greatest outpouring of the Spirit of God upon mankind that creation has ever known. It is also likely that increasing troubles and crises await our governments and economies. These are the times when those who know their God will arise and do exploits. These are the times when the Church will arise and shine with the Glory of God. In sad contrast to the situation in many other parts of the globe, the Church in America seems to be quite unprepared for this. It has become fashionable to criticize and judge the Church, even to the point of calling for its dismantling altogether. Those who engage in such behavior forget that the Church is what Jesus is building and is what He said that the gates of hell would not prevail against. (Matthew 16:18) This is not to say that change is not needed, in my opinion, we have reached a place where only foundational change will do. Cosmetic or method change can be useful but is insufficient by itself. A house can be built no better than its foundation. Foundational apostolic ministry functioning scripturally is vital to the church fulfilling its Scriptural promise. Foundational change is difficult and costly, something to be embarked upon only by those whose true interest is the long-term benefit of the Church rather than deriving short-term personal benefit from Her.

    There will surely come a time when all the floodgates of hell will be released upon the world to destroy as much of mankind as possible. When that happens, we will be very thankful for everything we have done to build the Church, and will wish we had done more! Even more, once in the midst of the storm, we will be glad to have followed the Word of the One who is the Rock, the only sure foundation in the storm! In such an environment, much shoddy work that looks good on the outside is exposed, albeit too late, to prevent great loss. In this book I will point out some weaknesses we have, as well as some mistakes that I believe we

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