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A Playful Time, 4 Lesbian Erotica Stories Collection
A Playful Time, 4 Lesbian Erotica Stories Collection
A Playful Time, 4 Lesbian Erotica Stories Collection
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A Playful Time, 4 Lesbian Erotica Stories Collection

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A Collection of 4 Lesbian Erotic Stories.

Stories Included:

1. The Sexy Babysitter
2. The Hot Stranger
3. Night Out with Sister’s Best Friend
4. Sexy Samantha, Mother’s Best Friend

For Mature Audiences Only (18+)

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Release dateApr 11, 2016
A Playful Time, 4 Lesbian Erotica Stories Collection

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    A Playful Time, 4 Lesbian Erotica Stories Collection - Tina Long


    A Playful Time, 4 Lesbian Erotica Stories Collection

    ISBN #: 978-1-365-04006-1

    By Tina Long

    Copyright@2016 by Tina Long

    This book is a work of fiction and any resemblance to persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.

    This Erotic Short Stories Collection is loaded with, hot, graphic sex! It is intended only for adults over the age of 18 and all characters are represented as 18 or over.

    The Sexy Babysitter 

    Chapter 1: The Obsession Story

    Maryanne sat at the kitchen countertop and wondered just what the heck happened to her. At the moment, the only thing that made sense in her life was the fact that she had a little baby to take care of. She thought that after splitting from her husband a few months ago, all her life was going to crumble down. 

    But from the look of things, it clearly had seemed as though Maryanne had underestimated her abilities. First and foremost, she was able to excel at her job and also managed to get a couple of promotions. And at the same time, she managed to be such a great mother to her daughter. And needless to say, many people were wondering just how she managed to pull that off. At that moment, she couldn’t even understand just how incredible she managed to do that.

    For a moment, Maryanne let it all go to her head. She was the supermom and nothing could change that. But after a couple of months, all of the pressure was clearly starting to get to her. From the look of things, she was clearly struggling to be a supermom at the expense of her general health. 

    She started becoming way too fatigued and it didn’t take long for her best friend, Mercy, to come and intervene. At first, Maryanne thought she was a little sick and that after going to see a doctor, she was going to get the right medication so she could go back to being the supermom who deserved the supermom away or something of that sort. But that didn’t happen.

    Even the doctor confirmed what her best friends were telling her for a very long time – she was working too darn hard. But even so, Maryanne pretended not to listen to her. She was just hard-headed – there was no way around it and her friends knew that very well. And that said, they also knew that if they were to change her, they had to use force.

    Maryanne, we are parents as well. We know the kind of pressure that you face especially being a single mother. We need to get you some help. Oh, by the way, we aren’t asking.  

    Come on guys, I’m fine. It’s just a fever and the doctor has already prescribed some medicine for me. I’ll be just fine.

    Martha, her best friend, didn’t utter a damn word for a moment. Instead, she just made a point of sipping on her hot coffee during the tea break and blankly stared at Maryanne’s face. The four women had been friends for the longest time and they always knew each other’s gestures quite well. 

    Okay Martha, I see you have something you want to get off your chest. Can you get on with it, please? Maryanne said with a smile on her face. 

    But Martha didn’t look like she was in the mood to make jokes. Her friend was in need and she had to tell her just how serious it was to have fatigue and not to care especially when she was a mom.

    Look, I’ll make sure that you’re doing all your work and excelling like you have always done.  That’s why I made a point of getting you hooked up with a babysitter. She’s good.  That’s why I’ve had her for quite some time. And since you seem to be in need of her more than me, I’ll gladly let you borrow her for a while as you get your affairs in order.

    Come on girl, you know I’m okay.  In as much as I appreciate that you all are looking out for me, I think I can do just fine on my own.

    We know, but so far, you are really doing such a bad job watering down that supermom title that we gave you, Samantha told Maryanne without mincing words.

    And now it was Maryanne’s turn to think about what her friends had said. As she looked into their eyes, she realized that there was no way she was ever going to say no to her friends. She figured that even though she was working too darn hard to keep them out of her business, the girls were right about her and there was no way they were going to look the other way and see their best friend self-destruct. If they did that, then they wouldn’t be true friends at all. 

    A couple of days of thinking did the trick for her. And in the end, she decided that it would be a good idea for her to give her friends a chance to help her out. Yes, it might have been an incredibly stupid idea for her to just sit there and do nothing as her life was falling apart. So as soon as she had made up her mind, the next thing she did was give Samantha a call.

    The necessary arrangements were made and Samantha texted her the number that she was supposed to call. 

    Last but not least, be nice to her. Rosy is my personal favorite and if you do anything to upset her, then you’ll have me to deal with.

    Jesus Christ Sam, what do you think I am? The devil?

    I don’t know Maryanne, I don’t know, Samantha

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