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Outlet Air
Outlet Air
Outlet Air
Ebook58 pages42 minutes

Outlet Air

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About this ebook

Hi! My name is Grotho, but you can call me "G." I'm new to my school, and I've made a buddy, but he keeps on disappearing! I mean, REALLY disappearing! And that day a banjo gets delivered by a person and I don't know who!? Then there's my's doing my work! Sounds great, right? But it's all bit too weird!

Join me in solving the mysteries of OUTLET AIR...
Release dateApr 23, 2016
Outlet Air

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    Book preview

    Outlet Air - Ryan Hostetter

    Outlet Air

    Table of Contents

    Chapter One: Absent Desk Buddy

    Chapter Two: Surprise!

    Chapter Three: Strange Present

    Chapter Four: Noise Hero

    Chapter Five: Fairy Wind

    Chapter Six: Emergency!

    Chapter Seven: Magic

    Chapter Eight: Secret Revealed..Or Not

    Chapter Nine: Play Date Shock

    Chapter Ten: Discovery

    Chapter Eleven: Sudden Shock

    Chapter Twelve: The  Attack!

    Chapter Thirteen: The Escape

    Chapter Fourteen: The Missing

    Chapter Fifteen: In Court

    Chapter Sixteen: Fake Magic

    I would like to thank my dad for helping me write and get this book printed, my sister for drawing the cover, Mrs. Lowe for editing and encouraging me, my teacher, Miss Perdue, for setting up a great opportunity to show my love for magic and writing. Special thanks also to Chase G, a student who gave me inspiration. In closing, thanks to those who gave me suggestions or encouraged me to write even more!

    Chapter One: Absent Desk Buddy

    It was a nice cool January day in Calendar Elementary School, and the new year had just started for me. My name is Grotho (gr-O-th), but I like G for short. I think that Grotho sounds silly. I have dark black hair with brownish eyes. My skin is a light brown.

    Room 134, sixth grade, I muttered. I could barely even find my own classroom, so I felt a little embarrassed. When I entered the door of my classroom, everyone stared at me.

    The teacher said, Welcome! and looked at me like she wanted something. Then, finally, she asked for my name.

    I said,G.


    Yes, G.

    OK, Class, meet your new student, G. (When she said that a few people giggled.) You can sit next to Isaac, she said. Isaac smiled and waved his hand in the air so

    I could find my seat. The teacher handed out a sheet with everyone's name on it in case we wanted to get the class any Valentine's Day cards. I quickly read the names in my head to know who was in my class.

    Isaac                      Maya W.

    Carly                      George

    Maya E.                 Trenton

    Garret                     Anna

    Francine                 Cove

    Sofie                       Kara

    I looked at the list. To me, I thought my name should be on it even though I just came in, so I put my name on with the others.

    Isaac                      Maya W.

    Carly                     George

    Maya E.                 Trenton

    Garret                    Anna

    Francine                 Cove

    Sofie                       Kara


    I thought maybe school would be easier now that I knew everyone's names. I thought wrong! When the teacher handed me my locker combination, I believed that it was away from all the other classes! (At least that's what I thought...I didn't know where anything was!)

    I heard the bell ring. Ring! Ring! Uh Oh! I said to myself. That's the five-minute warning bell, and I don't know where to go! I went to the door and looked outside my classroom to see if I could find a map or something that could lead me to my first class. Isaac walked up behind me and asked, Why are you just looking around? I told him my problem, though I didn't really think he could help. He told me to pull out my schedule.

    Why? I asked Isaac.

    Just do it NOW! We don't have much time!

    He told me to show it to him. He quickly compared his schedule to mine like a flash of lightning.   He looked at me with his mouth open, and exclaimed, "We go to the exact same classes, but I go to band and you go to technology. I might go to art class, but it

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