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The FOA Fighting of Allah the “Nation of Gods and Earths Defense for Knowing Self”: A Study and History of the Black Gods ‘120’ Styles of the Martial Arts, the Supreme Book In Self Defense
The FOA Fighting of Allah the “Nation of Gods and Earths Defense for Knowing Self”: A Study and History of the Black Gods ‘120’ Styles of the Martial Arts, the Supreme Book In Self Defense
The FOA Fighting of Allah the “Nation of Gods and Earths Defense for Knowing Self”: A Study and History of the Black Gods ‘120’ Styles of the Martial Arts, the Supreme Book In Self Defense
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The FOA Fighting of Allah the “Nation of Gods and Earths Defense for Knowing Self”: A Study and History of the Black Gods ‘120’ Styles of the Martial Arts, the Supreme Book In Self Defense

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The FOA the Fighting of Allah. the Nation of Gods and Earths "Defense for Knowing Self" is the first of its kind, a martial arts book mixed with the concepts of the 5% lessons of the 120 (Nation of Islam canon). From a religious point of view, it resembles the Buddhist Shaolin Monks of ancient China (who practiced Kung Fu while being versed in Buddhist principals). Mr. Allah explains the martial arts with the 120 lessons and has broken down each degree into a fighting form. His "Defense for Self" is the "knowledge of self" and thus martial arts becomes more than just physical movements, but the mental strategy's of awareness and how you conduct your-self wisely in combat. The Author believes the reader will enjoy the book and learn valuable teachings whether they trained in any forms of the martial arts or have any religious ways of life or not. Therefore the FOA is the Supreme book on mental and physical development and has been devised effectively for the advanced or novice practitioner.
Release dateApr 28, 2016
The FOA Fighting of Allah the “Nation of Gods and Earths Defense for Knowing Self”: A Study and History of the Black Gods ‘120’ Styles of the Martial Arts, the Supreme Book In Self Defense

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    The FOA Fighting of Allah the “Nation of Gods and Earths Defense for Knowing Self” - Soke Professor Khashon b Allah


    The FOA

    Fighting of Allah


    A Study and History of the Black Gods '120' Styles of the Martial Arts, the Supreme Book in Self Defense

    By Soke Professor Khashon b Allah

    Copyright © 2016 Khashon bey Allah.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted by any means---whether auditory, graphic, mechanical, or electronic---without written permission of both publisher and author, except in the case of brief excerpts used in critical articles and reviews. Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this work is illegal and is punishable by law.

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-4384-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4834-4383-6 (e)

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    CHAPTER 1 The Conspiracy-NOI Flag

    CHAPTER 2 My FOA Experience

    CHAPTER 3 The Practice Of 120

    CHAPTER 4 The Ten Style Step 1 to 10

    CHAPTER 5 KATA The Mind In The Motion

    CHAPTER 6 Lost Found Katas for the Original Man

    CHAPTER 7 The Controversy

    CHAPTER 8 The 52=7 Building Blocks Aka The Father's Twine

    CHAPTER 9 The Mother Ship 8/10

    CHAPTER 10 Lost and Found Kata # 9, The Supreme Pyramids

    CHAPTER 11 *Symposiums of the Black GOD's and Discussions at the FOA Temple*

    CHAPTER 12 The Lost-Found Kata # 10, The Underground Railroad

    CHAPTER 13 The (1/36) One to Thirty Six, English C' Lessons in Boxing

    CHAPTER 14 The 1/14 Lost and Found Martial Arts Lesson #1, The 14 Secret Blocks of Shabazz

    CHAPTER 15 The One to Forty Lost and Found Martial Art Lesson #2, The Art of Kicking

    CHAPTER 16 The Lost and Found Martial art lesson #3, The 1/20 or Add-on weapons

    CHAPTER 17 Kamp Kason Karate

    CHAPTER 18 The Original 'Lost and Found' Martial arts Lesson #6,

    General Bibliography and Source of Notes


    Taking an overall look at the 120' of the FOA, when the book was first compiled in 1980 there was no Introduction and History written in the book; because the FOA brothers, was the FOA and they were its history, in the making. There was no need for an introduction to their-selves? At that time the book was made for 5% members only or the Nation of Gods and Earths. The teachings of this book are based on their Esoteric-lessons and teachings of the 5% and the FOA practice and study and some of the work and the dialogue may reflect other fields of outside interest, however they are only coincidental. It was only after many years and thorough consideration that the book would go public. The book therefore had to go under many revisions because non-affiliates of this study would have not understood its lingo-the mathematical language of the 5% and its teachings. The Author has translated and enhanced a host of its original work to the best of his ability and hopes that outsiders will find benefits from its reading as well as understand the movement of the 5% Nation of the Gods and Earths in general. The original 120 text of FOA was only composed of 12 simple meditations-10 breathing techniques and 26 basic exercises. With only drawings of the ten style steps or stance, 36 strikes and 14 blocks, 40 kicks and various weapons from the one to twenty actual and solar facts with no dialogue or history. Since then the book has been revised suitable for the average reader. I also like to point out when the 1-to-20 weapons where first designed the weapons were more than was needed, that could signify a '1-to-20' arsenal and they were way over their count? So the Black Gods building and reviewing on the subject came up with the use of Eleven kinds of weapons that were actually (Actual Facts), weapons pertaining to the elements of its use or specialty (However, only three of the main types of weapons were focused upon). (1) Such as sticks/pipes or impacted weapons; (2) Swords, knives or cutting instruments and 3rdly the projectiles or firearms, something that shot or flung from an object. The Nine solar weapons were weapons pertaining to devastation (and not real) and the FOA in reality could not even fathom on possessing that kind of technology on atomic and nuclear bombs. These, however became the subjects referring to the atomic structure of the mind and meta-physical techniques from the Mother Ship? Solar weapons of such are obsolete today for them as a nation; so they kept it simple and practical for their day and time, although the Father made a statement once, "A Nation without a military is weak. The Black Gods said, atomic weapons like that were used in the past to make mountains and stabilize the Earth. Today the Blackmans job and duty is to use mental bombs to stabilize his people; and that our aim is to save, build and not to destroy. Only true weapons of Truth were valuable; such as your wisdom and understanding. As for could stop an army or any man. And for weapons in general the Honorable Messenger Elijah Muhammad and the Father Allah both warned against carrying it, because they did not even protect or avail the devil that made them. No weapons formed against the original people shall prosper! So why should you carry them. The best weapon is your faith in Allah. The FOA practitioners expressed that weapons were principles that dealt with Guerilla warfare and your body, mind, hands and feet were un-attachable. Whereas a physical instrument can malfunction or can be dropped or even be taken away and thus fail you; but without the Mind" (Faith of Allah) no matter what weapons you have, it will be of no use. Weapons come and go, but the mind is forever! Paradoxically and nonetheless, the Black Gods are no man's fool, (Little is it known-the Father Allah had a Gun) and in these dark days you must even-up the odds, therefore it is not a bad idea to train in conventional weapons; which is the practice of the 1-to-20 or actual facts. Experience has shown that the practice of weapons can improve your skills and bodily techniques also sharpen your mind. Also in the book are many controversial stories for the reader's entertainment that builds character and identification for the FOA practitioner. Lectured from building on a concoction of assorted knowledge; whence it is not necessarily taken literally and is referred to as a Methodology and so has a Purpose to its true meaning (In the Dream Histories as every Legend has a foundation of Truth and thus all the mysteries unfold in their Symbolic attributes)? The Author appreciates your time taken to view this work and kindly thanks you.


    Here is my deepest adoration of the many people that inspired, helped and believed in me and my dream to make it possible; all praise's due to Allah. This Book has been in the making since 1979; Thanks for Mildred (Nana) Slater Tarrant my grandmother who taught me to be strong, have hope and never give up. My uncle Don Tarrant my first instructor in self-defense (1965), my uncle Nurlin Tarrant, mentor-educator and community director; he took me to work with him at the community centers where I had my first opportunities to meet many of the Martial art Sensei's, who used the centers as their Dojo's. My Mother Shirley Ann L. Tarrant/Kelly, an inspired Christian writer; she supported my work on the historical level who reminded me of things I forgot or was too young to understand. Thanks to Jake and Misses Walker, my first Spiritual teacher, Mr. Paul Washington (Judo), Muhammad Watson (Karate), Sensei Master Mad Monk, FOA brother Howard Hakim (Jagee Hou) Price. High-Peace and thanks to my God Brother Rondu 52 who first enlighten me on the road to the Knowledge of Self and the 52 Blocks. And a Special Thanks to the Revered Grand Master Suh Chung Kang, who gave me the auspicious opportunity to train in his American Taekwondo Academy with his son's Chung sun, Ho'sun and Tae sun; they treated me as one of the family, which added to me adopting the name Kason (1973). Misses Kang gave me my first karate uniform. Allah blesses the Kang family. Unadulterated appreciation and Thanks to my Tin House Fire Department Sensei Kobudo Expert Thomas-ter LaPuppet, he so much emphasized to me the importance of teaching and spreading my martial Gospel and gesturing dubbed me, The New Kid on the Martial block. Peace and blessings of Allah be upon him. Much appreciation to my big brother in knowledge goes out to El Sun U Allah; he introduced and taught me, the Father Allah's unique Twine style (1977). Thanks to Mike Lee of Honda Martial Arts supplies and Ken of Kinji-San. Thanks to Grand Master Professor Bujunin, Sensei Robert Coyer and Sr. Coach Joseph Foderro; it was under their guidance (SUNY-Oneonta) the 120 styles were made manifest (1979). Thanks and Peace to all my FOA brothers and co-founders of the 120 styles, without them the styles would never have taken form (1980-89). Big Thanks to the kids of Kamp Kason Karate (1991 to present) and Black belt instructor Meechecole Davis, for her participation and her help with the book. Also Special acknowledgements to Omar M. Gadalla at PCFLY Computers inc. and to my son Donald Rockshon Kirkland for their foresight in helping with the technical advisory and the book photographs. A great appreciation from teacher to student and thanks to my students and brothers Sensei M. Craig Freeman and Sensei F. Terrell Johnson aka Khaliek for participating and helping with the books Photographs. Magnifying Thanks to the Dr. Grand Master Moses Powell, who shared his important insight into formulating a style or system, Blessing me with his sealed message Eye to Eye for those who know? Thanks to the entire Sanuces warrior family, special thanks to Grand Master Professor Shem, Grand Master Professor Bill McCloud and Grand Master Professor Anthony. Special Anointed Thanks to the E.P. Systems Grand Master Prince Katon Z. Benyehudah, Grand Master Michael Bouncy Baeley and Shihan Linda Ross for their kind guidance and support. Prestigious Thanks to the Black Ninja Grand Master Ronald Duncan, who showed me the respect and ingredients it takes to be a true Bushido warrior. Salutations and Thanks to Sifu Goldberg, Publisher of Action Martial Arts Magazine for his many wonderful opportunities he has afforded me in shaping my dream. Thanks to Shihan Mike Robinson for teaching me his Okinawan Crain style Hokutsura. Honorable and knowledgeable thanks to the Supreme Grand Master Professor Vee for explaining to me the importance of reading and researching the Martial Styles. Homage and Thanks to the Grand Wizard and Master-Teacher of Teachers, Jonathan Stewart. A Great special Thanks to my martial brothers Soke S. Papasan Canty and Soke Haisan Kaleak. Special Thanks to Iron Finger, Grand Master Elton Trower, Grand Master Professor David James, Grand Master Professor James Powers, Grand Master Rico Guy and Grand Master Shihan Mahaliel Bethea. Author to Author Thanks to Hanshi Stephen F. Kaufman, Author of The Martial Artist's Book of Five Rings, who further inspired me to become an Author and publish my works. A Handful of Thanks goes out to Grand Master Kushinda Lamaar Thorton, Grand Master Dr. Ernest Hyman, Grand Master Soke Abdal Bilal, Grand Shifu Crayton and Grand Master Sam McGee. Great respects and thanks to my true Budo Brothers Sensei Barrand, Sensei Bolo, Sensei Derrick Williams, Kyoshi Shihan Abdul Aziz, and Grand Master Woodberry. Also special Thanks and Blessings goes out to the Black dragon; Grand Master Ron Van Clief, for his kind attention and Honorable respect for my mission. And Thanks to all my many Martial brothers Ouss! I would like to give an Iconic and Great Thanks to a man that I never met, but who has led me on this path since I was a child. I must give him my most utmost gratitude's The Man, The Dragon, Master of Master's Mr. Bruce Lee, his style of no style and his philosophy and concepts opened the whole world to the real way of the martial arts, he made it alive and I can't thank him enough for giving me life in it. He was so admired and revered by the FOA brothers that they referred to him as their Messenger of martial arts. Thanks and may Allah's Blessing be upon him and his family. Venerated Thanks goes out with all my prayers of wisdom to the Prophets of old and the Messengers of new; the Honorable: Marcus Garvey, Noble Drew Ali, Master Fard, Elijah Muhammad, Malcolm X and the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. A grand hall of Thanks goes out to Temple #7, and the FOI, a special thanks for this historical wisdom given by Melchisedek Supreme Shabazz Allah, the High Priest.

    As a saying goes, Thank God for God. Therefore, I Alike to Thank all of my many God brothers: The Black Gods; Respected elders and Historians of our God and Earth Nation; Prince aka Jabbar Allah, ABG#7 Allah, Eye God Allah, Hasheem, Infinite al Jamel Allah, Um Allah, Infinite Kindu Allah, Pure Mathematics, Ar Rahiem, GyKee Mathematics, Old man Sha-Sha, Now Allah, Wabu Allah, Know God Allah, Allah B, Ladu Allah, Siheem Allah, Righteous Allah, Radar-Rayheem Allah, Ubeeka Allah, young Shabazz Allah, Zumar Allah, Bullet Proof-ShamGaudAllah, Cushon-Kendel Allah, Kindu Smith Allah, Asa from Zion Gates, Infinite, and Rahiem Allah God. Kyleem Allah, Janal Allah, Ameer Allah, Omar Allah, Mother/ Sister Dora 3X, Allah's most precious jewels' and Grand Master Hanshi Born Freedom Allah, Peace to my brothers and sisters for contributing from Knowledge to the added cipher what this Book needed to be complete. Last but never the least thanks to Allah for Old man Justice, Abu Shahid and our Father in Grace thee Eternal Honorable Clarence 13X Smith Forever known as the Father Allah whom without any of this could be possible. If I missed spelled or altogether did not acknowledge any person's name, please forgive me and pardon my loss of thoughts, but Allah has found you in his heart; for some of the greatest people upon this planet are never known for their accomplishments, but surly Allah has not forgotten them. Their blessings belong to Allah, All praise's is forever due, to Allah-Peace*7).


    TO THE FOA*7)

    This Book the FOA (Fighting of Allah), and the Nation of Gods and Earths Defense for Knowing Self, is based on a study and history of the Black Gods, 120 styles (or degrees) of Martial Arts, the supreme book in self-defense. This book was originally written in 1979 to introduce the training and the science of the Martial Arts (The Defense for Knowing Self), for 'The Nation of Gods-n-Earths." However, it was suggested, that such information should be shared and public viewing can be of historic interest. In 1979, as a young man the Author (Inspired) merged both; the supreme mathematics and the 120 Lessons into a Martial art fighting system. Mathematics or, properly speaking, The Supreme Mathematics unlike Arithmetic, it is a way of existing for the Black Gods. A system of numerology used to interpret the Theo-cosmology of things, their philosophy and the 120 lessons. It is the essence of all things, and the way the Black Gods perceive Life.

    Presented in speech, as to speaking mathematics the Black Gods Programmed Lingo is learned in Syllable for Identification, and a dialect used with English as a Pidgin (or second language) somewhat produced like Creole. Note: the Supreme Mathematics can be translated into any language for that matter (The Supreme Mathematics, The Supreme Alphabets, The 12 Jewels of Islam, were compiled and are credited to the Nation of Gods and Earths founding Father, Clarence 13X Smith better known as the Father Allah).

    The 120 Lessons, NOI or Nation of Islam canon is a question and answer document based on World history, science and facts, used in cohesion with the Supreme Mathematics.

    The Black Gods are the Suns//sons or five Percent (ers) and adherents to the Teachings of the Father Allah, and are explained in this manner (The Black God's), so that the reader can identify clearly when reading the term the God or gods in general. Today the 5%ers are known as the Nation of Gods and Earths. These Black Gods or Peace Gods (a term used by non-affiliates to recognize people that identify themselves as God), based their martial arts on their Mathematical structure, so that the two (The '120 Lessons' with the Martial Arts) could join as one study and training. (Attaching a Black to the God denotes a relevance of specification; contrarily, there has never been a time in history, that you can find recorded that God was not black. In fact the Biblical God stated that he made man in his own image and the first man' (image) was black. In the book of revelations it characterizes God as having feet of Bronze, burned in a furnace-or Black. All the Gods in the past were Black. The Indo-Kush and Hindi Gods; their lord Krishna was so black they described him as Blue. Also the Asians, Greeks, Romans and Semitic gods, the Native North and South Americans and European Norway and Scandinavian gods originally were Black. And all the religious books testify to affirm it) The FOA Gods are (no different) just distinguished by their added training in the martial arts. Therefore, this is a book about their Black Martial Arts system, which, the FOA Gods have put together from their experience in training and fighting. The FOA' is based upon the science of the 5% teachings; the Supreme Mathematics and the 120 lessons.

    Although this book was originally written in the mathematical lingo of its 5% teachings, it has since then been revised for the public, so that the book can shed light for other martial artist's; which are par-say not familiar with the 5% teachings. Especially for the black warriors; that have trained devotedly for many years and never given proper recognition. The Black Martial Artists are a great contribution to their race and in the fighting World; they are champion competitors, master teachers, as well as Activist in their Communities.

    Today, many martial artist have reasons to believe that the fighting arts (Which became lost through the African Diasporas) at one time was fluent in Africa and that the Concept of many styles may have had their 'Very First' origins there. Such were the ways of the Nubian wrestler. And antiquity records the 10 Black Shang Warriors; which is credited as the very foundation of all the Chinese martial arts. Also bringing to your attention; the Black moors famous Swordplay which is a distant brother to the Japanese Samurai curve Blade. In addition, many other lost styles, which originated out of Khemet, The Kingdom of Praise (Aka. ancient Egypt).

    The Father Allah was quoted as saying, "With Mathematics (God) all things are Possible" (Book of Matthew ch.19, ver. 26) Thus, the FOA 120 styles of the Martial Arts, a Black God style and that which was Lost, is now Found. The Father Allah was said by those who knew Him, to be very skilled in the Martial Arts. He trained in what can be acknowledged as Tack yon (Taekkyeon), a Korean form of military self-defense during his time serving in the Korean War. He also trained and taught in the Black Muslim mosque, Temple number seven.

    However, over the years since the Father Allah went home to rest (Eternal afterlife), the young builders of this new Nation had to place all their strengths into its Nations growth and school maintenance. Therefore, some of his teachings (such as the Martial Arts) were only given or taught to a selected few, and the main teachings were focused on unity, and the building of a Nation. In addition, to the study of the 120 lessons, the Father 'Allah's purpose was to reach and save the poor black Youths in the streets, something local City programs, Law Enforcement/PAL and other community and religious groups and organizations could not successfully accomplish. The Father Allah has taught many subjects for unifying his resolution, such as the importance of staying in school and mastering all academics in education, working skills for employment, M.G.T. which are trainings for the young Lady's (Called /moons or Earths) and emphasized the martial arts training for self-defense. These were the subjects that were administered at their first Urban league street Academy. Located at 2122, 7th Ave, in Harlem New York. (1967- The name changed to the Allah street academy and now stands affirm the Allah school in Mecca.)It was during the mid-nineteen sixties and early years of the Five Percenters growth that some brothers taught the martial art classes and called it the FOA, or Fruit of Allah classes for self-defense, but discontinued because of inadequate space, time or personal reasons or as one Black God stated, The martial arts was not deeply expressed, for it would have given the new Nation a bad image and the appearance of a militant group, which the Father Allah did not want us to become. Therefore, training in the art was limited and not readily available to everyone.

    In 1980 a group of brothers (FOA Gods), came together just for this cause, "The making of a Black God Martial system" (They can call their Own), uniting both the Supreme Mathematics and the 120 lessons with the Martial arts. Many younger brothers wanted to learn the knowledge of Themselves, as well as having an interest in Self-defense. Furthermore, these Black Gods or brothers of the same interest took it to another level and taught the martial arts through the '120' lessons. Thus making it easier and possible for them to study and learn their lessons; by building and quoting their degrees while training in the FOA at the same time. One could also practice on his own (at home), with the assistance of the lessons, and the 120 book study. The practitioners continued to call their training cipher FOA, representing the Fighting of Allah.

    Also presented for the first time, is their family style of defense significant to their God body Character, a form of fighting called the Twine style of boxing which is said to become made Notorious on the streets of NYC, under the infamous name; 52 blocks/hands (Or jail house boxing etc.) and is one of the true native fighting arts of this country America.

    After documenting its study and training for many years, it was suggested to the Author of the first writing (1979), to renew the original text of FOA 120 boxing. Moreover, write a detailed manual with drawing instructions, dialogue and illustrations (A picture is worth a thousand words) of wisdom and understanding.

    "Therefore this is no ordinary Martial art or Karate book on Self Defense

    'But' the Supreme Book in the Defense for Knowing-Self.

    Note: Their principle of, Each One Teach One, is administered by Building (A way the Black Gods and Earths come together to help discuss life and change and put it into action), practicing together or studying alone. The Father Allah stated, When you'll come together, you will see me. This is how they were able to master their Supreme Mathematics and 120 lessons. So the same idea was conveyed with the Martial arts, the practice and the techniques that are, and can be learned training from Books//literature...etc by Coming Together. Through the drawings, (pictures) one can better himself one move at a time, just like the lessons are studied and it becomes possible to learn even from a book through time, dedication, sincere practice and understanding.

    During the development of the oriental martial arts (Gung Fu/Karate) some of the most proficient parts of training were done with pen and with paper, (which is mightier than the sword) through study and meditation and not only a physical workout. All the great masters of the past (Musashi Mayamoto, Author of the Book of five rings, Masatasu Oyama, the karate bull fighter and others) studied, read books and Strengthen their minds as well, so as to not be, too brutish in their fighting arts.

    For this reason, understand when a teacher taught a student or disciple, he gave them one lesson for the day Today's Mathematics and then he left the pupil; sometimes not returning for days or months, this gave the student the opportunity to absorb and take in the techniques. When the teacher returned, the student was tested; upon accomplishment he was given the next lesson, such was later the Emphasis for learning a 'Kata' (A Kata is a whole series of techniques). Thus, this is how techniques were passed on and developed from generation to generation, to this day and now there are many styles from both karate and kung fu, Etc.

    Likewise the Supreme Mathematics and 120 is given and taught in this same manner. Once you become familiar with the basic principles and fundamentals of the Martial arts, the training becomes second nature through understanding. It is like speaking the language, the Mathematics or ABCs of the martial arts. The Black Gods and Earths language is called the Supreme Mathematics. Mathematics is the tool which Solves all problems and in addition, shows and proves the nature of everything, whether it exists in the positive or in the negative.

    The FOA brothers stated, It was through the ignorance of not knowing other people's Languages and Cultures that led to a misunderstanding of the martial arts. And as for the Far East is concerned, it is a place of mystery and is much misunderstood. However, in searching through the Culture of the Far East, you will find there are many things that the People hold sacred, and thus, keep secret. By the way, there is no mystery to the Martial Arts; it is like any other endeavored Discipline (basketball, baseball, and football) it demands from you physically, mentally and spiritually, moreover, on the professional level as well. One must train hard to be the best, which can only be achieved through a sincere practice, study and more training.

    The FOA teaches that Every man is his own style and that a teacher is only used as a guide to help point you in the right direction (A Defensive Knowledge of Self) for your training and journey. The Hierarchy of the FOA 120 lesson is in harmony with its own wisdom, plus lessons and building in ciphers, so there are added books (lessons), seminars (Ciphers) and classes given in the FOA to enhance a person's training and 120 Book knowledge. One of the main reasons for this 120 training manual is to help you gain a greater understanding of your own style, whether it is karate, boxing or judo, or any related forms of fighting. The 120, is intended to break down your style, simplify it and present it for what it really is, Piece by Peace. Then build it back to your level of achievement. The 120, is administered as a blue print to see a particular move or technique to be studied separately, this way the techniques could reap the full benefit of the styles Power.

    Chapter one; focuses on the knowledge of their defense, which is God, and the History of the FOA, what does it mean, and how it came about? Chapter two focuses on the Author's experience with the FOA. Chapter three is based on discussions through symposiums which the FOA Gods related to various principles and exercises of the martial arts that were essential to their training. Chapter four is the basic practice of the 120 styles Stance, which is the Student Enrollments 'Ten Style Step' (or 1-to-10). Special emphasis is made into a Kata. The Katas or forms are called the Mind in Motion and is based on the history of the Blackman which are also lost-n-found lessons? Which continue through Chapter twelve? Chapter thirteen through sixteen is a brief introduction to the rest of the 120 styles. These styles are featured with a few illustrations, and these topics will be reviewed later in detail, in another Volume or book.

    The 120 system is a synthesis based on:

    • The Student Enrollment (Ten Style Steps) 1-to-10,

    • The English 'C' lesson (in Boxing) 1-to-36,

    • The Lost-n-Found (secret 14 Blocks of Shabazz) 1-to-14 and

    • The Lost-n-Found, (art to kicking) 1-to-40.

    • In addition, the 1-to-20 Add on (weapons).

    When you add this up, you have a complete system of 120 styles, simple Mathematics.

    Last is a brief introduction on the Author and the Kamp Kason Karate School, which he developed from the FOA training manual. Also included is a special didactic lesson based on the origin of all and how it relates to the martial arts. So in good Knowledge and Wisdom (faith) read, study and train intelligently with a group (Dojo/School) or on your own until you are ready for Allah's next lesson.










    The Conspiracy


    The Nation of Islam

    What is the FOA?

    The FOA as defined is the Fruit of Allah (As a fruit does not fall far from its tree; the tree is known by the fruit that it bares. Matthew Ch. 12.V 33). This acronym, or term (FOA) originated with the Father Allah and the Warrior Black Gods, called the Suns of Almighty God, Allah (Aka Blood brothers/Preexisting-Five percent). The FOA is the martial arts training; they received to assist them in securing and protecting their communities and new youth nation. History recalls its growth began in 1963, however, the martial arts training was not actually called the FOA. Nevertheless, the FOA emerged and captured the hearts and conduct of Youths that first initiated the training and idea. Therefore, in order to correctly understand why certain Black Gods call it the FOA, we must

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