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The Principles of True Healing
The Principles of True Healing
The Principles of True Healing
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The Principles of True Healing

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Divine Healing is vitally essential to life; and every sick person needs a physician, but we don’t have to get sick before taking precautions. A lot of people know so much about healing, but so little about living in health. This book will let you see through the eyes of God´s word the difference between healing and true healing.

Total liberty cannot be experienced in the midst of infirmities. Here you will be getting some unique scriptural tips on how to maintain an infirmity-free life. You will also realise that infirmity can affect other aspects of human existence, not just the body.

Through this book you will discover how other areas of life could equally be affected. Infirmities evidently show up spiritually, physically, economically, morally, etc. Regardless of how it comes; true healing remains expedient. Let me emphasise here that though the Bible refers to healing as the children´s bread, we need to position ourselves properly to receive it.
Release dateMar 17, 2015
The Principles of True Healing

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    The Principles of True Healing - Paul A. A. Lamina

    The Principles of True Healing



    Paul A. A. Lamina

    Copyright © 2015, A. A. Lamina

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored, or transmitted by any means—whether auditory, graphic, mechanical, or electronic—without written permission of both publisher and author. Unauthorized reproduction of any part of this work is illegal and is punishable by law.

    ISBN: 978-1-312-99772-1

    All Scriptures are from the King James Version of the Bible, except otherwise stated.


    Divine Healing is vitally essential to life; and every sick person needs a physician, but we don’t have to get sick before taking precautions. A lot of people know so much about healing, but so little about living in health. This book will let you see through the eyes of God´s word the difference between healing and true healing.

    Total liberty cannot be experienced in the midst of infirmities. Here you will be getting some unique scriptural tips on how to maintain an infirmity-free life. You will also realise that infirmity can affect other aspects of human existence, not just the body.

    You will discover how other areas of life could equally be affected. Infirmities evidently show up spiritually, physically, economically, morally, etc. Regardless of how it comes; true healing remains expedient. Let me emphasise here that though the Bible refers to healing as the children´s bread, we need to position ourselves properly to receive it.

    It is evident that most individuals, organisations, and communities have prayed for healing without experiencing it. Many have resolved that healing is not real; they refer to it as mere deterministic theory. To them, the reality of healing remains unfathomable; however, they are simply ignorant of the word of God.

    The knowledge of the truth is the only answer to this question...And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free. (Jn. 8:32) Be assured that as you read through the chapters, you will be digging up all the scriptural keys to all-round healing and health.


    What is healing?

    The word 'healing' has been grossly misunderstood, and it is quite evident that the majority of people has limited it to just healing of the human body. Well, that is not an incorrect definition, but an incomplete one. It is so important to realise that the word healing could equally be used in so many other areas of life relatively.

    The meaning of the word healing is to make or become sound again. It stands for restoration of health and soundness; it means total freedom from illness, discomfort or disease.

    The word HEALING comes from the Hebrew word MARPE which describes healing as synonymous with deliverance, remedy, soundness or wholeness. As a matter of fact, it is so imperative to recognise that healing can be experienced in many different areas of life. It could be physically, spiritually, socially, financially, emotionally, etc. These are areas where attention is required to generate a positive change that should culminate in complete health.  Moreover, that can only be accomplished by the intervention of a greater power than that of the negative.

    2Ch 7:14  If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

    All afflictions, including sickness and disease originated from a curse that was activated through disobedience. Meanwhile, the earth was given to man for habitation; consequently, the entire earth got polluted. We need to recognise that the only way out for anyone is through God´s liberation plan, which will be made clear right here.

    The issue of God’s involvement in the affliction of bodily infirmity has been a much debated and misunderstood one. Infirmities do not come from God; they come from Satan. So, it is utterly wrong to suggest that it is God’s will for anyone to be sick, that is an inadequate theology.

    Mat.8:17  That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaias the prophet, saying, Himself took our infirmities, and bare our sicknesses.

    James 1:17  Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

    Jer 29:11  For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

    The scriptures above help to make it clear that all good things come from God; nothing bad comes from Him because He is the Father of the heavenly lights, who does not change like shifting shadows.

    It means that God can never change His nature of light into manifesting darkness. That is what the Bible says in James.1:17. And, in Jeremiah 29:11 it is very clear what God´s plan for His children is, plan of prosperity, not infirmity.

    Hopefully, this has answered the questions in the minds of many Christians who think that God punishes mankind with infirmities. Well, the truth is that by the persuasion of the devil, man activated a curse that was dormant. God did not trigger off the curse of suffering and death; humans did. When God created Adam and Eve, Satan knew that he could not destroy them because God had given them dominion over the earth. However, he also knew that disobedience to God´s instruction will activate a curse of suffering and dying, so he persuaded them into disobedience.

    Now, in order for God to reverse the situation due to His love for mankind; He created a redemption program, giving His Son Jesus Christ. Take note, a curse was activated by an individual through disobedience, and in the same manner, the antidote was equally activated by a person through obedience. The price has been paid to set free, everyone from the shackles of sin. Nevertheless, on one distinct condition, which is, you must believe, accept and share the fellowship of that sacrifice to start working in your life.

    Most motivational speaking Christians still doubt the fact that there are very clear conditions attached to that provision; they merely refer to salvation as a gift without explaining how free it is. Yes, the Bible says so, but not without explaining the conditions thereof. It is truly a provision motivated by an unconditional love. Nevertheless, we must not get it all wrong by suggesting that there should be no personal effort to get it activated and appropriated to the life of an individual.

    Jn.3:16  For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    Isa 53:5  But he was wounded for

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