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Diamond In the Rough
Diamond In the Rough
Diamond In the Rough
Ebook68 pages51 minutes

Diamond In the Rough

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as darius summers goes through the hard time of losing both his brother and his father he must learn to go through life without his loved ones
Release dateSep 1, 2015
Diamond In the Rough

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    Book preview

    Diamond In the Rough - Gabrielle Selmon

    Diamond In the Rough

    Diamond in the rough

    Table of contents

    Chapter one- straight outta Oakland

    The introduction of Darius and Damarion

    Chapter two- Fresh out

    2.   Darius moves out

    Chapter three- square one

    3.   Back to square one

    Chapter four- trouble spot

    4.   Damarion’s death

    Chapter five- murder number two

    5.   The death of the father

    Chapter six- the great depression

    6.   Darius gets depressed

    Chapter seven- locked up

    7.   Prison  time

    Chapter eight- doctored up

    8.   Hospital stay

    Chapter nine- hustle and grind

    9.   Dope dealing

    Chapter ten- more trouble

    10.                      The return of  bullet

    Chapter eleven- out with a bang

    11.                      Out with a bang

    Diamond In The Rough

    Written by shabby Gunz

    Damarion- so what’s good my nigga you got my money or not?

    Darius- I’m sorry bro but I ain’t got it trust me I will give it to you.

    Damarion- you ain’t got it! Nigga you better find some way to get my money or I’m gonna do something I might regret.

    Narrator- wait let’s start from the beginning. It all began in the dirty streets of Oakland, California. Life was hard and the city was filled with crime and for a young mother named Rachel summers life wasn’t going good for her either.

    Arron- you know the deal now where my money at?

    Rachel- don’t worry I got it, you got what I need?

    Arron- yeah I got it.

    Later that night

    Damarion- ma, ma, ma!

    Rachel- what you yelling for boy you better shut up!

    Damarion- are you high again? Man! You gonna be one of them drug addicts who can’t do nothing for themselves, just sitting in yo own puke! What kind of mom are you anyway? Wish you would just rot and die!

    Rachel- boy don’t talk to me like that I’m yo ma, but you don’t care it’s always about you aint it. You aint ever gonna be nothing you gonna still be living in my house and as long as you live here you gonna be under my rules.

    Darius- would yall stop fighting some people still sleep in this house

    Rachel and Damarion- shut up!

    The next day

    Bullet- what’s buggin you?

    Damarion- you know mama acting like she a mental case always getting high on crack man I’m just stressed

    Bullet- here smoke this it will get you calm

    Damarion- really some weed bullet! What you want me be like my moms. You buggin nigga. Thought I could count on you now I see yo true colors.

    Bullet- you buggin nigga, I was just trying to help and what you mean you see my true colors I been real with you since day one but now I feel like you just taking yo heat out on me so you know what, I don’t even wanna see yo face again nigga and don’t let me catch you on my side of town again

    Damarion- who is you to tell me where to go and where to be nigga I’m gonna be where ever I wanna be not where you tell me to be nigga.

    Bullet- whatever you got one time to be on my side of town and you mine. Nigga what kind of friend is you to me any way now leave nigga.

    (Door slams)

    Rachel- boy what doing slammin my door you giving me a headache

    Damarion- man you think I care about yo headache right now I’m tired of you always getting high and acting like a child you’re supposed to be my mom I’m done, I’m tired of coming home to this every day.

    Rachel- what’s eating you, you come home with an attitude every day and what I do is my business not yours so stop worrying or get out.

    Damarion- fine I know when I aint wanted any way who wants to live with you anyway, what you gonna do when you aint got my check to buy yo speed.

    Damarion’s thoughts

    Seem like the whole world against me, and what I do to deserve it. What did I do wrong? Feel like I’m being punished in some type of way for something. I feel like a bum no money depending on a drug addict for a means of living. I need to depend on myself for what I need. I need to get my own money and I know just the way to do it. I’m just tired of needing other people to get where

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