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Shaping Worship - 70 Devotions for Worship Leaders and Teams (eBook)
Shaping Worship - 70 Devotions for Worship Leaders and Teams (eBook)
Shaping Worship - 70 Devotions for Worship Leaders and Teams (eBook)
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Shaping Worship - 70 Devotions for Worship Leaders and Teams (eBook)

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About this ebook

You are a worship leader. Whether you're holding a microphone, playing a keyboard, strumming a guitar, or running a sound system, the example you set can either lead people toward worship or away from it.

The question isn't whether you will lead people; it's where you will lead them.

Shaping worship works two ways. We shape it. It shapes us. This book includes 70 devotions for worship leaders, worship bands, choirs, and worshippers. It will teach you ten shapes of worship, the descriptions of the kind of worshipper and worship leader that our Lord desires for you to be.

This book is written to be used along with the band or choir when you meet each week for practice. Teams that read and study these materials together, such as choirs or bands, can take turns to read, answer questions, and pray each week. It's an ideal companion for your weekly worship practice.
Release dateJun 14, 2012
Shaping Worship - 70 Devotions for Worship Leaders and Teams (eBook)

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    Book preview

    Shaping Worship - 70 Devotions for Worship Leaders and Teams (eBook) - Steve Baney, M. Div.

    Shaping Worship - 70 Devotions for Worship Leaders and Teams (eBook)

    Published in Bowling Green, Ohio, USA

    In 2012

    By Steve Baney, M. Div.

    © 2012 Steve Baney

    All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any forms or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, walkie-talkie, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the publisher.

    Printed in the United States of America


    ISBN 978-1-300-00999-3

    Undesignated Scripture and Scripture designated NIV is quoted from

    Holy Bible, New International Version.

    Wheaton: Tyndale House, 1988.

    Scripture designated NLT is quoted from

    Holy Bible, New Living Translation.

    Wheaton: Tyndale House, 1997.

    Scripture designated MSG is quoted from

    The Message © 1995 Eugene H. Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.

    Where To Buy This Book

    For more information about buying copies of this book and others like it, please visit

    Introduction – How To Use This Book

    You are a worship leader. Every time we gather for worship, whether you’re holding a microphone, playing a keyboard, strumming a guitar, or running a sound system, you are leading others in worship. The example you set can either lead people toward worship or away from it.

    The question isn’t whether you will lead people; it’s where you will lead them.

    Worship shapes us. It strips away the illusions of this temporary world and focuses our attention back on the eternal. It draws us near to our God where we become aware of our sin, receive God's mercy, and experience cleansing and freedom. Worship influences our thought patterns, speech, attitudes, and behaviors. Our lives are shaped by worship.

    As worship leaders, we shape worship. We identify songs with lyrics that support the Scripture, that express words that connect with the hearts of God’s people. We find biblical texts that support the sermon. We lead others to pray. And we incorporate all kinds of art as an expression of love for our God. Worship leaders shape worship.

    Shaping worship works two ways. We shape it. It shapes us.

    If we are to respond to this opportunity to shape the worship of others, we must be shaped by our God.

    There are ten shapes that describe a worship leader - ten words that identify the character God desires in one who leads worship. These shapes include humility, transparency, order, accountability, abiding, example, skill, excellence, team, and submission. Understanding these qualities will help make you a better leader and a better worshipper.

    This book is written for worship band leaders and worship choir leaders, to be used along with the band or choir when you meet each week for practice. These worship devotions challenge you to let our God shape you into the kind of leader he desires most. The book you’re reading now includes 70 short devotions that you can use as a team or individually. Teams that read and study these materials together, such as choirs or bands, can take turns to read, answer questions, and pray each week. It’s an ideal companion for your weekly worship practice.

    Spiritual growth happens in a variety of settings – one-on-one, in small groups, and in larger congregations. Your worship band or worship choir is a small group, a context where spiritual formation should happen. Considering the tremendous influence that your team has upon the congregation, be sure to use this small group as an opportunity to promote spiritual growth.

    Lord, let this book be a blessing to those who read it. Use your powerful word in their lives and ministries. Unfold your teaching through the Holy Spirit. Apply these truths to their hearts, that they might be the kind of worship leaders you desire for them to be. Make us yours.

    1. The Shape of Humility

    Humility – Part 1

    John 1 describes Jesus in this way:

    He was in the world, and though the world was made through him, the world did not recognize him. He came to that which was his own, but his own did not receive him. Yet to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God - children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God (10-13).

    Plain and simple, we don’t recognize Jesus. We like to exclude ourselves from the statement that says the world did not recognize him. We say to ourselves, I recognize him. If he were here today, I would know him. But the truth is, without the Holy Spirit, none of us know what God is like. Without Scripture, we know very little about God. It took powerful revelation for us to even begin to understand him.

    When we recognize Jesus for all who he is, then we are ready to worship. We trust in him, knowing he made it possible for us to be a part of God’s family. This father-son / father-daughter relationship we have with God has nothing to do with our accomplishments. We are children born not of… human decision… but born of God.

    This is a humbling idea, especially when it comes to leading worship. God chooses us to be a part of his family, not vice versa. God chooses to include us in his work, not vice versa. We are privileged to be in this ministry, not entitled.

    We don’t worship when it is convenient. We don’t perform to make ourselves look good. We come in response to God’s initiative.

    Lord, we respond to you in worship. You revealed your grace, kindness, and your very self to us. Help us to recognize and receive you into our lives. Take away from us any sense of entitlement. Replace it with humility. Make us yours.

    Humility – Part 2

    Acts 8 tells the story of a man named Simon who tried to trade what he had to offer in order to become a part of a powerful ministry. Listen to his story…

    "When Simon saw that the Spirit was given at the laying on of the apostles' hands, he offered them money and said, ‘Give me also this ability so that everyone on whom I lay my hands may receive the Holy Spirit.’

    Peter answered: ‘May your money perish with you, because you thought you could buy the gift of God with money! You have no part or share in this ministry, because your heart is not right before God. Repent of this wickedness and pray to the Lord. Perhaps he will forgive you for having such a thought in your heart’ (18-22).

    Peter understood that nothing we have can earn us a place in ministry. Just as Simon’s wealth could not buy him such a position, neither can our musical skills, our talent, our popularity, or anything else we have to offer. Peter said Simon would have no part in the ministry because his heart was not right before God. A worshipping heart is what opens the doors of opportunity in this ministry. Our resources and skills are important. But it is our hearts that God seeks.

    Lord, it does not matter how long we have been established in a congregation. Nor does it matter how well-known, well-connected, or well-skilled we are. If our hearts are not right before you, we have no right to be apart of your ministry. Keep us humble. Make us yours.

    Humility – Part 3

    We have been talking about the attitude of worship. John told us how the world did not recognize Christ, yet he chose us and made it possible for us to be children of God. As God’s sons and daughters, recognizing Christ

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