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Our Destiny Lies Together
Our Destiny Lies Together
Our Destiny Lies Together
Ebook451 pages7 hours

Our Destiny Lies Together

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Philip, Duke of Rochford cannot forget the exquisitely beautiful young woman he met at the court of King Charles.

With her dark auburn hair and her beautiful amber eyes he knew that he would not find another woman to compare with Charlotte. Her serene beauty had haunted him over the last years while he had been away on the King’s business.

When asked by his King what favour Philip would like granted he requests the King’s permission to marry the Lady Charlotte Wellesly. Charlotte however, rebels against marrying a man she doesn’t know, but is aware that the King’s orders must be obeyed.

Drawn together by the scandals and intrigue of the English court, Charlotte is drawn by the irresistible magnetism that exists between her and her new husband.

Charlotte at last has to admit that she have fallen in love with her devilishly handsome husband. She finally realises that Their Destiny Lies Together.
PublisherJan Bullen
Release dateAug 13, 2012
Our Destiny Lies Together

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    Book preview

    Our Destiny Lies Together - Jan Bullen


    Chapter One

    King Charles had set the fashion when he took to wearing a shoulder length curling wig, now as he looked around the huge elegant receiving chamber he noticed with a small amount of pleasure that all the courtiers present wore similar wigs, some where powdered in the French fashion but most were sleek and shiny, attesting to the wigmakers excellent art using human hair for each piece. Although the chamber was quiet, a hum of expectation floated over the elegantly dressed noblemen and women.

    There weren’t many ladies present but those in attendance where dressed in fine lace and brocade with jewels sparkling at throats and wrists.

    As the wide doors opened and the two soldiers of the court stepped aside, a flutter of anticipation rolled over the crowd as the tall handsome nobleman strode through the doors and walked confidently along the blue carpet towards the dais.

    Philip knelt before his King, he was popular at court, and a firm friend of the King and his brother, James. King Charles smiled down at Philip’s bowed head and bid him rise.

    Philip had dark masculine beauty. Tanned cheeks and a straight aquiline nose together with his sparkling blue eyes gave him a sensuality that was hard to ignore.

    Philip had asked the King’s permission to marry the Lady Charlotte Wellesly and as Charles recalled the lady, he remembered she had been but a child last time he had seen her at court with her father, but even then Lady Charlotte had shown signs of becoming a great beauty. Charles was always a very sensual man and prided himself on recognizing beauty, his numerous mistresses attested to this. Philip had proven himself loyal to the Crown so many times, and Charles reflected that he never asked for favors in return, not like some of the ministers of the court.

    ........and as Ambassador to the Crown, again you have given your unfailing service, the Lord Chancellor, Edward Hyde, was saying, and as a measure of his Majesty’s gratitude you will be given the titles and revenue of the Manor and surrounding lands of Bracksted.

    Your Majesty I am honored to serve my King and my Country, and most grateful for your generosity. Philip answered the King directly.

    We know Philip, we know. the King said holding up his hand to stop him, that is not our concern, our concern is that you are happy and that the Lady Charlotte will be happy with her new husband, we trust the lady will not object to living at Court.

    Sire, I am sure the Lady Charlotte is as devoted to your Majesty as I. said Philip, smiling.

    But you have not spoken with her? the King’s eyebrow lifted slightly in surprise. Charles seemed oblivious to the fact that he had kept Philip very busy since his return from Holland.

    No Sire, I have not spoken to Lady Charlotte at all. Philip said looking suitably shame faced, he couldn’t very well blame the King for his tardiness.

    ’God’s blood man, but you have spoken with her father, you have asked for her hand in marriage! said Charles in amazement.

    Philip gave Charles his most winning smile and said No Sire, but I will present myself forthwith.

    Charles addressed his Lord Chancellor who had stepped back a few paces during this exchange, Come Edward, I suppose we must call this audience to an end so that our young friend may remedy this situation as soon as possible.

    Indeed sire, said Edward smiling at Philip indulgently and adding in his thoughts "if you don’t find something else for the Duke to attend to."

    Charles stood up and slapped Philip heartily on the back before he and his Lord Chancellor left the chamber.

    Philip had spent many years in exile with Charles and his brother James. Charles and James had been forced into exile, but Philip had gone with them to show his friendship and loyalty and offer his help. Charles had found himself and his small court often in need of funds and Philip’s father had supplied whatever he could to make their exile more comfortable.

    Philip’s father had died leaving Philip his only heir to the vast Rochford estates, which had been kept virtually intact during the exile of the young royal brothers and subsequently Cromwell’s rule in England. Philip had stayed with the King drawing on his own funds when needed. When Charles was restored to the throne he had confirmed without hesitation that Philip should be restored as Duke of Rochford, and they had remained friends since that time.

    Philip served the King whenever the crown needed its most trusted servant for delicate negotiations. Because of Philip’s easy manner and honest outlook he was welcomed in most courts which made the task of negotiating with hostile countries less arduous.

    Philip had been sent to Holland to try and negotiate peace from the interminable commercial war that was costing the King and his treasury a great deal of money, money the King could ill afford. It had not been an easy affair, and had taken some time to achieve an amicable settlement, but it had reduced the prospect of further war between the Dutch and English and King Charles was grateful for the respite, if only for a short time.

    As Philip left the King’s Chamber he thought back to the first time he had seen Lady Charlotte Wellesly. She had been attending a ball in London with her mother and father, and Philip had been struck by her exquisite beauty, she had taken his breath away. She had been wearing an emerald green velvet gown with a tight fitting bodice that accentuated her tiny waist, the neckline was modestly low for a young unmarried woman, but still showed her skin as creamy as porcelain. The gown was cut away at the front to reveal a skirt of the most exquisite Flanders lace. Her auburn hair had been caught back with emerald studded pins that glinted and sparkled in the light with each movement.

    Her beautiful amber eyes sparkled as she spoke and when she smiled she had the most dazzling even white teeth. In fact that smile had haunted him over the last year while he had been away on the King’s business.

    He vowed that he would get to know the Lady Charlotte better on his return, but he could not believe his good fortune when Charles had told him that he could ask for anything he wanted as a reward for his good services. Philip knew that he could have the Lady Charlotte’s hand just by asking the King’s permission, but in truth he needed no reward for helping his King, so he had lost no time when he asked for permission to approach Charlotte’s father, and the King was of course happy to give that permission.

    Ho, ....there you are, said James cheerfully as he ambled up to Philip, you seemed as though you were deep in thought, my friend. Philip had been sauntering along the great corridor of Whitehall Palace when James the King’s younger brother appeared before him. James and Philip had become good friends, Philip was nearer James’ age than that of his older brother and the two had often attended to the King’s business together. James knew that Philip was loyal to his brother; he had seen this proven many times during their exile. James and Philip had both served in the recent war against the Dutch. James was the Lord High Admiral in the King’s Navy, a post in which he excelled.

    I was, until you disturbed me. Philip accused grinning like a lunatic.

    Don’t tell me, James said putting his forefinger to his chin, his brow creasing as if in deep thought. Ah.......I have it..the sweet Lady Charlotte, he said with a wicked grin. Tell me, when do you go to see the Lady with your proposal.

    I have arranged to go to the country to speak with her father in a few days time.

    Well.... James spluttered, a look of surprise on his face, I thought that you would have been most eager to see the lady.

    Oh, I am, James, but I still have some unfinished business I must resolve for Charles, when that is done, I will go to see her.

    Well I did say that I would be only too happy to convey your proposal to the fair lady.....if you are too busy.... he finished with a wolfish grin.

    Philip laughed at his friends expression, My only concern there my friend, is that you will take the Lady for yourself....

    If you don’t hurry things along, I might just do that. James smiled as he sauntered away.

    Chapter Two

    P lease father, please, Charlotte pleaded. I don’t want to marry him. I don’t want to marry anyone. Don’t make me do this. She finished tearfully. For the first time in her life, Charlotte felt that her parents had let her down. She had not been consulted in this marriage, and it was truly the one thing she dreaded, she had led a fairly sheltered life cocooned in the love and warmth of her parents’ home, she could now see all that crumbling before her.

    Now, Charlotte, her father said gently, It has all been arranged, you know it has, your mother and I would never do anything to hurt you, we only want what is best for you. You must trust us, my dear. You are past the marrying age, you know. And this will be such a good match for you. Lord Wellesly was of a kindly disposition especially towards his beloved family. He spoilt Charlotte terribly and gave into her many whims, but he knew that on this matter he must remain firm for she would not get a better match in marriage.

    Charlotte, marriages are arranged all the time. Lady Wellesly, Charlotte’s mother had been sitting watching this exchange between her husband and young daughter with mixed feelings. It would be such a good match for her daughter, she was sure of that, Philip, Duke of Rochford, was very well respected in the King’s Court. And it would certainly do her family no harm to be associated with such a respected name.

    The one thing that did worry her was that a messenger had delivered the news to her husband that the match would be looked upon very favorably by the King. So far they had heard nothing from the Duke himself.

    Lady Wellesly stood up and put her sewing down on the stool beside her comfortable chair. Come along now dear, you have a fitting in half an hour, you go and get yourself ready and we will all talk again later.

    Charlotte looked at her mother with doleful eyes, just brimming with tears, but she nodded her head and walked slowly from the room.

    When Charlotte had closed the door behind her, Lady Wellesly turned to her husband as he said, I fear we are not going to have a smooth ride with this my dear.

    Since the request for his daughters hand in marriage to the Duke of Rochford had arrived by the King’s personal messenger three weeks ago he had felt a sense of foreboding.

    He now gazed around the elegant drawing room. This had been his family home since childhood and although the house had been decorated and repaired it still retained much of the original charm. The doors were opened onto a large stone gallery that was decorated with huge pots that held miniature orange trees. In the centre of the gallery were steps that went down to the ornate gardens, in winter the garden beds were covered in frost or snow, but in summer they overflowed with an abundance of beautiful flowers whose perfume wafted on the air and drifted through the open windows.

    He rose stiffly from his chair and with a word of farewell to his wife he walked through the doors followed by Rufus his favorite wolf hound, he made his way out onto the terrace and through the gardens towards the woods. Rufus eagerly trotted beside him anticipating the fun he was to have chasing rabbits as his master ambled along the wooded area that ran along one boundary of the vast estate.

    Lady Wellesly sat watching her husband leave the room with a slight smile of affection, she knew that her husband was hurting badly over this business, he loved his family dearly, especially his wayward daughter, Charlotte, she had always been his favorite.

    They had spent many years together as man and wife; theirs had been an arranged marriage, although they had met several times before they were wed. It had still been difficult to survive the first few weeks, but gradually, she mused, she had grown used to her husband’s gentle ways, and it was not long before she realized that she loved him deeply. The tender moments they spent in each others arms, the long walks around the estate with the hunting dogs always somewhere near, never leaving their master for longer than necessary. One of her favorite places on the estate was the orchard, so peaceful and calming.

    It was on a warm spring day she remembered, under a cherry tree heavy with blossom, that she had told Christopher that she was expecting their second child. He had been overwhelmed with tenderness and had kissed her gently. Eight months later she was delivered of a baby daughter, the most beautiful little girl she had ever seen. Charlotte had soft brown eyes, surrounded by long lashes that nestled against her creamy plump cheeks. Her angelic face was framed by a shock of auburn hair, soft and downy. When Christopher had seen his daughter he was immediately enamored of her, and had spoilt here ever since.

    "Mother, are you alright? Charlotte enquired as she entered the room.

    Yes dear, perfectly alright, Lady Wellesly said as she was startled out of her reverie, is it time for your fitting already? Goodness, let us not keep Mrs. Foster waiting for I am sure she has some lovely materials for us to see.

    In the parlor Charlotte stood on a low stool while Mrs. Foster and nanny pinned and tucked and stitched what seemed like endless yards of silks, satins and brocades.

    From her vantage point on the stool, Charlotte could see out of the window overlooking the downs and pastures, towards the woods where her father loved to hunt. Below her were the magnificent gardens that her mother was so proud of, especially her wonderful roses. Charlotte had often imagined being pursued and courted in the seclusion of these beautiful gardens.

    Thinking now of her husband to be Charlotte tried to conjure up what he might look like. She of course knew of the Duke of Rochford, but was sure that she had never met him. He sounded so old.

    Her thoughts drifted to all the men that her father had introduced her to on the very few occasions that she had been allowed to go to court. She had been too young to attend many of the soirees but she had been allowed to attend the theatre once or twice.

    Ouch.... Charlotte yelped as she jumped down from the stool in a froth of cream and white lace.

    Oh, I am sorry my pet, I did not mean to nick you like that. Nanny said, as she dabbed at Charlotte’s arm where a small ball of blood was staining the white satin of her sleeve.

    Oh, nanny, what am I to do? Charlotte said dramatically. She was still on the floor and as Mrs. Foster looked on with tears in her eyes nanny gathered Charlotte into her soft plump arms and rocked her gently as she had done so many times when Charlotte was a little girl. All will be well my precious, you will see. Nanny said softly.

    I think that will be all for today Mrs. Foster, Nanny whispered to the seamstress who gathered up her belongings and made her own way downstairs closely followed by her two assistants.

    As the weeks passed and the marriage preparations were finalized, Charlotte became more and more withdrawn. She gave no opinions and offered no help; she ate very little and spoke even less.

    Two weeks before the wedding, Charlotte’s brother Robert arrived with his wife Elizabeth and for the first time in a long while Charlotte brightened.

    She and Robert had always been close, there being only four years between them. At one time it seemed as though the two were inseparable. It was easy to see that they were brother and sister, both being fairly tall, with dark auburn hair and soft brown eyes.

    Robert had always been her best friend and protector, and they had ridden across the downs together each day. Sometimes they would go into the village where they were a popular couple. They were both well liked and respected by the villagers. They were always kind and caring; helping in any way they could to make the villagers lives a little easier.

    Times had been hard for the farmers and villagers during Cromwell’s reign. Homes, farms and indeed lives had been lost if it was even suspected that anyone had royalist inclinations or practiced Catholicism. Much damage had been done in the fifteen years of puritan rule, and so as soon as Lord Wellesly had been able to get his lands back he wasted no time in rebuilding his own estates and helping the people in the villages nearby.

    As Charlotte watched Robert and Elizabeth sitting before the fire in the great hall, she felt again that surge of utter despair. They looked so happy and in love, she felt a slight pang of jealousy, but more than anything else she felt rage. She was bitter at having to give her life away, just because she was the daughter, it was so unfair.

    Later she tried to explain some of her feelings to Robert as they walked down to the great lake. But Charlie, Robert said; he was the only one she allowed to call her by the nickname, it might not be that bad, I have heard that the Duke of Rochford is an affable fellow.

    Oh, Robert, stop it, Charlotte snapped, You probably haven’t heard anything at all, have you? she accused.

    Oh, come on Charlie, it will be all right you know. He put his arm around her shoulder as they sat and watched the swans floating effortlessly back and forth across the lake.

    Just remember, mother and father’s marriage was arranged and they love each other dearly, it’s so plain to see.

    That’s different, Charlotte said sullenly.

    Why is it so different, they had only seen each other once or twice before they wed, they started from nothing, two strangers. This is such a fabulous match for you Charlotte and I know you will be happy.

    I am sure you and the Duke will get along very well. he persisted, And soon enough you will grow fond of him, perhaps love him. he finished hopefully.

    But I don’t love the Duke of Rochford and, Robert, I never will! Her chin set stubbornly, Charlotte jumped up from her seat and started walking briskly back to the house.

    The day dawned bright and sunny, the birds sang cheerily in the large oak tree outside Charlotte’s window, but she neither saw the sun, nor heard the birds’ song. She was in the depths of despair. Charlotte and her family had travelled to Essex to her future husband’s estates for the marriage. She had tried everything, even pleading sickness the day before, but nothing had worked, time did not stand still as she had so fervently prayed.

    Charlotte’s maid, Mary and nanny had come into her bedroom earlier to wake her but she was already awake and thinking about the day ahead. Had it really only been three months since that dreadful day the messenger had arrived with the missive from the King. Three months and she still had not laid eyes on her future husband.

    She had enjoyed life at court for a short time, but she had been very young and all those stuffy old gentlemen made her feel happy to go home to Wellesly where her beloved horse, Remus, was always eager to see her and take her fleeing over the fresh open fields on his sturdy back.

    Nanny bustled around her bedchamber, arranging and re-arranging her wardrobe and clothes, and Charlotte’s thoughts turned to her new home. Would she be expected to live at Court with the Duke? Or would they leave the court and take up residence on the Rochford estates.

    Come now my dearling, time to get up and face the day, it is a glorious day, and I am sure you are going to look radiant. Charlotte sobered immediately, I don’t want to look radiant, nanny. Charlotte spat and Nanny looked at Mary and raised her eyebrows to the heavens with a great sigh which meant, "Here we go again!"

    Charlotte was dressed with much reverence and admiration by nanny and Mary along with several maids in attendance. Lady Wellesly had sat through most of the dressing watching her daughter with an alternating sense of pride and fear for Charlotte. She knew this day should have been the happiest in her daughters life, but looking at Charlotte’s beautiful, drawn face, she just wanted to hold her and tell her how much she was loved. Charlotte submitted to the dressing and preparations in silence, she neither saw nor heard what was going on around her.

    If she had looked in her mirror she would have seen that she was a most beautiful bride. Her long full gown was of the finest white satin, slashed down the sides to reveal the most beautiful cloth of silver lace, caught and studded in a rouched effect with hundreds of hand sewn seed pearls, the bodice fitted her slender form to perfectly reveal a very trim waist and a neckline that was modestly low, showing her neck and the tops of her round firm breasts as clear and smooth as porcelain. The bodice was also hand sewn with hundreds of seed pearls. The short sleeves were caught at the elbow in a froth of white lace.

    Charlotte’s hair was swept up with long curls caught at the back by a pearl and diamond clasp that her mother had given her. She wore a crown of seed pearls, and had wisps of hair artfully framing her lovely face.

    Time to go to your father, my lamb. Nanny said gently. Nanny was finding it very hard to speak and Mary was actually crying openly.

    Nanny could not believe that her charge for the past seventeen years was to leave her. Although Charlotte had not needed a nanny for some years, it was generally agreed that nanny must stay with the family, and she had become a good companion to all in the household.

    Lady Wellesly was trying to support her daughter by not showing too much emotion, but when Charlotte turned around to face her mother, she saw a single tear glide silently down her mother’s beautiful, fragile cheek. At that moment, Charlotte felt the full force of her mother’s love. That one single tear drop meant more to Charlotte than a thousand words.

    I will be alright, mother, Charlotte said quietly.

    If you ever need me....... Lady Wellesly said with a half sob caught in her throat.

    I know, I love you so much mother. With that Charlotte hugged her mother and made for the door.

    As Charlotte walked slowly down the wide staircase, the only sound she could hear was her own heart thudding in her breast. Charlotte seemed to be battling an unknown enemy. All the time she was being dressed and petted she was trying to make some sense of what was happening. It was hard for her to imagine that in a short time she would see the man she must spend the rest of her life with. She was to leave her home and family, give up her freedom and live with someone she had never seen before, a complete stranger.

    Lord Wellesly looked up as he picked out the sound of rustling silks. What he saw kept him standing completely still and hardly breathing. He could not believe that this magnificent creature, gliding slowly down the stairs towards him was his little girl. His precious daughter. As she came closer to him he could see how much like her mother she was. Such a beautiful woman had given him this beautiful child. Afraid to move in case the vision disappeared, Charlotte was almost at the bottom of the stairs before her father reached out and took her hand. His throat tight with emotion, all he said was, My little girl.

    Afraid she would not be able to speak, she just smiled tenderly at the so familiar figure in front of her. She could feel his arms around her when as a child she was frightened and needed comfort, she could hear his soft gentle voice encouraging her when she fell from her pony and was afraid to get back on. She loved her father dearly and wished that she could have felt better about this marriage, if only for his sake, she knew how he felt for her, she also felt some comfort in knowing with absolute certainly that her father would never harm her or wish her harm in any way.

    Lord Wellesly escorted his daughter into the spacious but comfortable sitting room.

    You look lovely, my dear. Lord Wellesly said his voice still tight with emotion.

         Thank you father, she whispered.

         You do know that I love you don’t you?

         Yes, father, I do, and I love you very much.

    I know, sweetheart. If I could have made this any easier for you, you know I would have. Believe me when I say, that you will be happy, I know you will. The Duke is a very lucky man to be getting such a beautiful wife. He reverently handed her a black velvet box which she held gently in her open palms. When she opened the lid she gave a gasp of surprise, sitting on a bed of black satin was the most exquisite string of pearls and diamonds that Charlotte had ever seen. Each pearl was a perfect match to its neighbor and in the centre of the choker was a single diamond tear drop.

    Please Charlotte, wear these today, and always remember that your mother and I love you.

    Oh father, thank you, I will treasure them always. Charlotte said with a slight catch in her voice as she rushed into her father’s open arms.

    Chapter Three

    T hey have what......... the King screamed, he had been pacing back and forth but now came to stand before his ministers who sat around the huge table, their heads bent to their master’s wrath.

    They sailed into Chatham, your Majesty, and well.....we were..... unprepared. The Earl of Wessex stammered in a shaky voice that barely carried along to huge table.

    I don’t believe could this happen? We have the best Navy in the world! Charles thundered, his fist coming down onto the table with such a thump that it made wine goblets and ministers jump in surprise. Charles tirade continued for some time, his ministers were speechless with fright.

    No one would have expected such a terrible blow, your Majesty,

    Sir Francis ventured.

    Have I not endured enough, Charles exploded as he resumed his pacing, these confounded Dutch, first the great plague, then the great fire, now this. Several of the ministers looked at each other in surprise, it seemed that the King was raving, was he actually blaming the Dutch for the Plague of 1665 and the Great Fire of 1666? Of the twelve ministers around the table no one wanted to tell the King that the matters were not actually connected.

    The King slumped down in his chair at the head of the long table and said in a weary tone, Fetch my brother, the Lord High Admiral, and get out of my sight, all of you. Without looking up Charles raised a slim well manicured hand and waved absently in dismissal.

    The Ministers were so relieved to escape relatively unscathed that they all rose as one and practically fought each other to get through the door, no one wanting to be the last in the room, alone with the King.

    By the time James was ushered into the Kings chamber, he had heard several different versions of the story, he wasn’t sure any of them were true. Philip had been with him when he received the King’s summons and as James entered the state room, Philip smiled encouragingly, but stepped back to wait outside the massive doors to the King’s audience chamber. Philip had been through those elegant doors many times, and he knew that through another set of identical doors on the far side of the audience chamber, the King could enter his own vast chambers.

    It’s about time, where have you been? the King snapped as James made an elegant bow.

    I have been assisting Lord Rochford your Majesty who is preparing for his marriage to the fair Lady Charlotte. James’ heart sank when he looked at his brother’s ashen face, perhaps the stories were true.

    Oh yes, Charles murmured absently, then with a deep sigh said. I had forgotten.

    Well, brother, what is this matter that has brought me to your presence in all haste. James said not totally convinced that he really wanted to know.

    Charles, who was sitting in front of the great open fireplace, looked up at his young brother, his large clear eyes and long black curly hair gave him a rakish appearance, "They have stolen my flagship, ‘The Royal Charles’." His voice was almost childish with his astonishment.

    James finally believed it, it was a catastrophe, but the look on his brother’s face was such that he could not help himself. He actually burst out laughing. Charles jarred by his brothers behavior jumped up from his seat and said in a lofty tone God’s teeth, James, its damned embarrassing, right from under our noses, James laughed even harder, It’s not amusing James, the King stomped back and forth, in front of the huge empty fireplace.

    Trying to gain his composure, but failing miserably, James could only manage a breathless. How?

    They sailed up the Medway, right into Chatham and towed it away. This brought another uncontrollable shout of laughter from James. Watching his brother enjoying himself so much, Charles could not help but smile. He shook his head but before long he too was gasping with laughter. Both brothers laughed and laughed, they tried to talk but neither could manage it.

    The ministers standing outside the huge doors to the chamber thought that both brothers had taken leave of their senses. But not one of the brave men standing there would venture into the chamber to find out what was amiss.

    Finally, James took a deep breath and gasped, Well then we must go....... and get it back brother....... We must steal it back. It had taken some time for Charles and James to compose themselves, but as Charles had pointed out this was no laughing matter.

    The brothers had always been close. There was no animosity between them at all, James, always the soldier, may not have liked everything that Charles had done, especially during Charles twelve year exile in Jersey and Holland, but James had always stood by his brother, older by three years, and there was no doubt that he would do so again this time.

    Gentlemen, Charles looked around the solemn faces of his minister’s who had all been ushered back into the huge room, his gaze finally settled on Philip where his features softened very slightly before he addressed the assembled men.

    The Dutch have disgraced and embarrassed us horribly, Charles began, "they have sailed into Chatham and taken the pride of the English fleet, its flagship, ‘The Royal Charles’, he paused stealing a glance at his brother and seeing that he had quite sobered by now, Charles continued, we must send an emissary to the Dutch to try to retrieve the vessel …. we must at all costs avoid war."

    Everyone in the room knew that England could not afford another costly war, it was imperative that it be avoided. All the ministers around the table had somber faces, but none felt so despondent as the Duke of Rochford when the King turned to him, Philip, my friend he said pointedly, we need your help.

    Chapter Four

    For many centuries Philip’s family had lived at Waterford and Philip was very proud of the house and grounds. He was certain that Charlotte would fall in love with the estate as he had, and this was his reason for bringing Lord Wellesly and his family and friends to Essex. He had hoped that his lack of contact with his future bride and her family would be eased if not forgotten, once they saw his beautiful home.

    Charlotte could hear the guests arriving, the clatter of horses hooves and the crunch of the carriage wheels on the gravel outside the window had been nonstop for an hour or so already. Charlotte was waiting in the sitting room for her father who had been summoned to attend a messenger from the King.

    As bad as she felt, Charlotte had to marvel at the beautiful gardens which had been transformed into a massive outdoor reception area. The large open doors to the sitting room opened onto a wide terrace, and from her vantage point she could see the footmen all dressed in livery of blue with silver trim, the Rochford colors, and the maids dressed in new black dresses with crisp linen aprons and caps.

    They were all engaged in their own tasks of preparing tables and arranging flowers, vast vessels of beautiful flowers, contrasting against the lush green of the rolling lawns, the marquee in the centre of the main lawn housed a small orchestra, and Charlotte actually smiled to herself as she watched a footman chase a peacock out of the marquee, both the peacock and footman dressed in blue, the only contrast was the footman’s bright red face as he chased the bird which darted just in and out of the footman’s reach.

    Charlotte turned to face the door as she heard it open quietly.

    Are you ready my dear? Lord Wellesly said.

    If there are no reasons to delay this thing, then I am ready father, Charlotte said bravely.

    "Reasons to delay," her father thought. He was unsure of what he should do. Should he tell Charlotte that the Duke had been delayed, or should he wait until after the wedding. He knew Charlotte was having a hard time accepting her new marriage and not wanting to distress her any further he decided to wait with the news from Court.

    The King’s messenger had insisted that the Duke wished for the wedding to go ahead and not be delayed, and that the Duke would be home in Essex at the earliest possible time. Lord Wellesly did not know why Philip had been called away at such short notice, but he knew it must have been an important matter. He was well aware that Philip was one of the King’s envoys and knew that the King’s business would take precedence over everything even the Duke’s own wedding.

    Lord Wellesly took Charlotte’s hand and led her into the hall of the great house. Charlotte was a little startled to find almost the entire household waiting to see her go to her wedding.

    John, the steward of the household approached Charlotte and reverently stood before her, Lady Charlotte, he said clearly, myself along with all the staff of this household, wish you much happiness. Charlotte was quite touched at this display of affection from a staff that she was sure she had treated quite badly during the two days of her stay.

    Thank you all very much said Charlotte rather shyly.

    Taking her by the elbow, Lord Wellesly led Charlotte to the waiting carriage. She was helped up the two small steps, and seated with much ado, Mary, the lady’s maid had some difficulty in settling Charlotte’s vast skirts around her, and then it seemed that perhaps Lord Wellesly must ride up with the coachman but after much fussing both Charlotte and her father were seated in the magnificent open carriage, and as the team of six pure white horses carefully carried its charge to the Church and to her wedding the staff of Waterford gave a small cheer from the steps of the great house.

    Charlotte could not believe this was really happening, she had dreaded this day and prayed fervently that it would never arrive, but here she was sitting next to her father going to meet her husband for the first time.

    The journey to the chapel took but five minutes, and along the way the villagers had gathered in groups along the road to wish the new mistress of Waterford well for her

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